IRC log for #utos on 20110311

00:29.42*** join/#utos d33d (
00:30.30herlod33d: hi
00:30.39herlo <-- shalkie check out thsi page :)
00:30.41d33dherlo, hi
00:30.45herlod33d: so
00:31.04herloif you put [[Category:Automation]] that won't work on the main page, right?
00:31.21d33dnot sure.
00:31.42herlowell, think about that for a second
00:31.46d33dwell - no it shouldn't because i would be applying the category "automation" to that.
00:32.01herloso, there's a little trick with mediawiki
00:32.19d33dit was a guess
00:32.34herlolet's try it
00:32.52herlolet's d33d try
00:33.31d33dit works - but it has the word "category.
00:34.10d33d[[:Category:Automation|Automation]] is what i was looking for.
00:34.20herloyes, sory
00:34.47d33dSo this is saying take me to the Category:Automation and use this word "Automation" as the link name...
00:35.08d33dor something like that.
00:35.16d33dSo do I do that for all of these pages on here?
00:35.56d33dok - and because automation is under Fundamentals - i can add it to the Fundamentals Category as well correct?
00:36.19herloAlso, you may wish to format the pages without the See also
00:36.19herlo[edit] References
00:36.30herloExternal Links
00:36.32d33dso I'm creating a category for each "sub-page" but also giving it it's (what I'll call "parent category")
00:36.50herlowell, those are category pages
00:37.03herloand on the category pages are the pages that live within that category
00:37.33herloso, for Automation, you could fundamentally have Puppet, Cobbler, Func and a slew of other pages that can easily be accessed
00:37.50d33dright - I guess I'm talking about this:
00:37.58d33dit doesn't include Automation.
00:38.12herloit shouldn't since Fundamentals isn't automatino
00:38.17herlothese are categories
00:38.19herlonot tags
00:38.25herlobut a page could be in both categories
00:38.36d33dand should i think. so I add [[Category:Fundamentals]] to the automation page?
00:38.41herloif it logically makes sense to do so...
00:38.50d33deff idk
00:39.05herlookay, no.  Don't add the fundamentals category to the automation page
00:39.12herloautomation is *not* a fundamental
00:39.13harleypigoh, cool ... sysadminpedia is going in my bookmarks
00:39.23herloharleypig: hehe
00:39.31herloglad you like it.  Help us make it better too :)
00:39.37d33dharleypig, it can't be on there unless you contrib.
00:39.42d33dharleypig, j/k
00:40.00herloisn't leading, but d33d is right!
00:40.04harleypigI don't know enough to contrib ... I'll just leech for awhile
00:40.05herloharleypig: you must help!
00:40.12herloharleypig: yes you do
00:40.17d33dits just barely starting so any help i can get would be awesome.
00:40.18herloal that crap you do in here
00:40.26herlojust post what you learn
00:40.34harleypigbut, I ask in here because I don't know!
00:40.55herloharleypig: sure, but once you have been helped, you should contribute it to sysadminpedia :)
00:41.05herlobecause then you know
00:41.15herlolike the git crap we were doing teh other day
00:41.20harleypigohh ... there's that whole 'giving back to the community' crap ...
00:41.33herlokicks harleypig in the nuts
00:41.51harleypigok ok ok ... the git stuff is up on github under gitperms
00:41.51herlod33d: so
00:42.06herlothink of it this way
00:42.17herlocategories contain pages
00:42.32d33di broke them.
00:42.42herlogenerally speaking categories don't contain categories
00:42.57herlod33d: we can fix it
00:43.10d33dno i didn't i just need them to have the corresponding categories applied to them?
00:43.39d33ddid you copy and paste the syntax from "automation" to "Category:automation"?
00:43.49harleypigHere's a good example:
00:43.58harleypigIt has both pages and subcategories
00:44.11herlowhat is them?
00:44.51d33dherlo, on the main page - I now have "lost" pages because I made them into categories...
00:45.00d33done sec.
00:45.33harleypigbummer ... the api isn't enabled
00:45.41herlod33d: they aren't lost
00:46.02herloyou need to go to the 'special pages' link on the left
00:46.09herloand click 'all pages'
00:46.11herlothey are there
00:47.17d33ddang i think this host may suck
00:47.47herlostoopid opendns
00:47.55herlochanged his resolver to point to google!
00:47.57herlomuch better
00:48.02d33di might as well move it to a better one before it gets too big and time consuming to move stuff?
00:48.07herlod33d: what's wrong with the host?
00:48.18herlosuggest to d33d for good pricing and stuff
00:48.44herlod33d: so
00:49.20d33dherlo, page won't load now.
00:49.32herlodo you want the pages to be Category:Fundamentals:BlahBlah or Category:BlahBlah
00:49.36herlod33d: loaded for me a minute ago
00:49.47herlojust nwo too
00:49.54d33dstupid internet.
00:50.31harleypigThere is some controversey in naming a building after a well known and famous mayor of Fort Wayne Indianna
00:50.42harleypigfamous locally anyway
00:50.58d33dI lived in Indiana. You just don't mess with Ft. Wayne.
00:51.02herlod33d: you are doing it wrong btw
00:51.20harleypigd33d: so you know which mayor they're talking about?
00:51.25d33dherlo, omg what do i need to do then? im sucking it up
00:51.37herlod33d: k, here's the problem
00:51.42d33dharleypig, unfortunately no - he must not have been "that" popular
00:51.59harleypigHe served from the 1930s to the 1950s
00:52.05herloyou are createing [[category:fundamentals]] and [[category:backups]] in the page that is actually the category page
00:52.28herloyou *only* put category tags in pages
00:52.38herloat least fornow
00:52.39d33dright... so its not like a tree structure? Parent, Child, Child, etc.?
00:52.51herloit could be with sub-categories, but that gets confusing
00:53.29harleypigoooo ... The Register's headline is much funnier:
00:54.29herlod33d: so, just make each of the links on the front page point to the [[:Category:CategoryName]]
00:54.53herlothen, for each page that gets created, just add [[Category:CategoryName]] as appropriate at the *bottom*
00:54.56d33dok (let it be known that those headings were done by someone else)
00:55.04herlowhat headings?
00:55.06d33dso lets talk about fundamentals.
00:55.12herlothe section headings on the main page?
00:55.20d33d== Fundamentals ==
00:55.25herlosure, I don't think fundamentals is the category
00:55.42herlowell, at least it's not [[:Category:Fundamentals:Automation]]
00:55.49herloit could be its own category, however
00:56.08herlofor each of those sections, it's just the category name, nothing more
00:56.11herlocool, d33d ?
00:56.58d33di think i understand
00:57.20herlok, go do it and I'll proof it in a second
00:58.35harleypigso how come the api isn't enabled?
00:58.43herlowhat api?
00:58.49harleypigthe wikipedia api
00:59.26d33dharleypig, on sysadminpedia?
00:59.53d33dim not hosting...but im a superadmin, not sure i have access to turn it on? how would one do that?
01:01.13harleypigI don't remember of the top of my head ... it's something like EnableAPI someweher in the configuration settings page
01:02.27harleypigah ... nm have to be logged in to see it
01:02.31harleypigit's enabled
01:02.40herloharleypig is SMRT
01:02.55harleypigM-O-O-N that spells smart!
01:03.59harleypigSome Mentally Retarded Twit!
01:04.09harleypigSilly Man Really Tickles
01:04.34harleypigSlap Me Really Tangy
01:04.52harleypigSlice Me Real Thin
01:05.06harleypigSlick Rain Me Tinkle
01:05.16d33dbrb - afk
01:05.21harleypiggahh ... I can't stop
01:05.41harleypigoh ... that last one is wrong
01:05.50harleypigSlick Me Rain Tinkle
01:05.59herlod33d: checking your work :)
01:06.09herlod33d: you fail! :)
01:06.17herlowhy not?
01:06.23herloReality is *very* tasty!
01:06.29harleypigStart making Reality Twisty
01:06.50harleypigSlide Monkey Rally Tongue
01:07.04harleypigSlip Me Runny Tongue
01:07.12herloSlick Mud Really Torques!
01:07.32harleypigSlippery Miss Really Tangoes
01:07.48harleypigSloppy Meat Rancid Toes
01:08.22harleypigSkinny Mutt Runs Tangled
01:08.52harleypigSkype Mutt R Top
01:09.44harleypigI think I'm done ...
01:10.41harleypigwait ... one more ...
01:10.47harleypigSync Me Ribald Taint
01:14.04herloSloppy Manly Redhead Tongue
01:14.29harleypigeww ... the 'Manly' ruined that image ...
01:14.44herloyou are welcom
01:15.27d33dherlo, no fair - it wasn't my fault! I'm so confused.
01:17.02d33dherlo, its all mucked up now.
01:20.45herlod33d: you should come over to B&B and we can work on it :)
01:21.29d33di should...however - this very moment the wifey has my car -but she should be back sometime soon
01:31.38herlod33d: well, if I am still here
01:34.47herlod33d: if not, the best thing to probably do is look at other wikis and hwo they do their categorization and page organization
01:34.56herloknows he'll be leaving semi-soon
01:35.20d33dherlo, can you check fundamentals (Automation to Monitoring) am i doing it right?
01:35.28herlod33d: it looks like those are good
01:35.40d33dok i think I'm following it now.
01:35.50herlodo you have pages that would be categorized underneath any of those categories??
01:37.37herloif so, we should add them too
01:40.20herlod33d: ^^
01:41.14herlod33d: also, on this page there is a link to the 'Automation' page, but it should really point to the 'Category:Automation' page
01:43.17d33dherlo, fixed :D
01:54.46herlod33d: feeling better about it now?
01:54.54herloyou have a lot of work ahead, btw
01:54.58herlogood stuff, though
01:54.58d33dherlo, yes moving right along...
01:55.17d33dyeah - no idea why i started this...well maybe I'll learn something along the way (already have!)
01:55.33harleypigd33d: is sysadminpedia your baby?
01:55.40d33dharleypig, si.
01:56.37d33dharleypig, was reading and realized there's no such wiki for sysadmins...a little immaculate conception and viola! sysadminpedia...?
01:58.30herlod33d: nice
01:59.02goozbachd33d: I heard about it from
01:59.22d33dgoozbach, yeah, i was happy that guy posted it. Woot woot.
01:59.33d33dshowed up on planet sysadmin yes?
02:00.23goozbachd33d: yesh
02:00.30goozbachthat's actually where I saw it
02:00.39harleypigyesh? been drikning?
02:00.40goozbachI un-subed from standalone when he joined the planet
02:00.48goozbachharleypig: it is 9pm on a thursday
02:01.03goozbachdecides to brave the drumb sircle and drive home
02:01.31harleypiggood luck
02:01.34harleypigdrive fast
02:01.54harleypigif you go fast enough the cops will decide you're nt worth going after ...
02:02.47d33dhow does one become Channel op of a channel?
02:03.16d33dI want to create #sysadmins on IRC and be an ChanOp ... how do i do this?
02:03.26harleypigI believe it's chanserv
02:04.26harleypigYou can register a channel there
02:05.39d33dsysadmins is already registered to freenode-staff.
02:06.46harleypigwhat's wrong with #sysadminpedia?
02:06.51harleypigother than the length
02:20.39d33dharleypig, any such url for wiki configuration?
02:22.14harleypigIt's beena  long time since I maintained a mediawiki ... is there something under that links to a configuration page?
02:23.00d33dharleypig, not that i can tell / see
02:23.59harleypigbut that's from the command line ... do you have access to the actual files?
02:24.59harleypigwho's your host?
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03:42.04*** join/#utos d33d (
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06:40.28herloshalkie: it works!
06:41.28herlobut I'm using socat, which is rad!
14:09.27sinuheRad: now there's a word I haven't heard in years.
14:14.03*** join/#utos redbeard2 (
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15:14.34shalkieherlo: Glad it works. That is some massive redirecting.
15:15.31shalkieHooray for DNS hacks:
15:15.43shalkiedig +short txt <keyword>
15:21.43*** join/#utos macnewbold (~Adium@
15:26.00herlosinuhe: you are welcome :)
15:26.04herlosinuhe: rad!
15:26.26shalkieherlo: Well thats just swell!
15:26.55*** join/#utos cro (
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15:32.22sinuheshalkie: Swell is a different era.  Even I'm not that old. ;p
15:33.07herlosinuhe: shalkie likes to act older than his age
15:33.13herlostill wonders why :)
15:36.00shalkieTo compensate for my idiotic youthful behaviour? Just can't seem to peg it right. ;-)
15:42.15shalkieOr it could always be that I really AM that old but hide it very well...
16:55.07*** join/#utos cro (
18:38.07*** join/#utos ldav15 (~Adium@
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21:19.12shalkieIf my netbook was just a wee bit more powerfull I would probably use it for almost everything.
21:19.25shalkieAs it stands twitter can cause me pains.
21:23.26shalkieherlo: Your 13 incher is about right. Maybe a bit big...
21:23.32shalkieCertainly a bit more pricey.
21:24.57*** join/#utos DexterTheDragon (~admin@oalug/member/blackchaos)
21:42.45*** join/#utos redbeard2 (
23:06.18herloshalkie: 12.1, but who's counting?
23:06.21herlo:) me!
23:08.17*** join/#utos DexterTheDragon (~admin@oalug/member/blackchaos)
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23:21.31shalkieI was always told it wasn't the size that mattered, but how you used it. Thats why I went with a 15 instead of a 17. ;-)
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