IRC log for #utos on 20100311

00:01.48*** part/#utos look (~look@unaffiliated/look)
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00:48.20fugue88herlo: pong
01:02.38fugue88off to dinner
01:22.54fugue88back for a little while
02:08.38looki had some stir-fry tonight
02:15.27herlofugue88: ping again...
02:15.52herlore: Westminster emails
02:16.22fugue88herlo: Yo.
02:16.31fugue88What do you think of them?
02:17.30fugue88Sidenote: The Utah Senate passed HB150 (subpeonaless ISP searches).  It's ready for the Gov. to sign.
02:17.35herlofugue88: hi
02:17.50herlofugue88: I sure hope he vetos it
02:18.50herlofugue88: I think it sounds pretty promising, but I'm curious about costs...
02:19.08herlofugue88: I'd love to setup a meeting and see the venues...
02:19.50fugue88I could give you a tour of Westminster.  It's just 2 blocks from my place.
02:20.06fugue88Or we could have the Westminster people give us a tour...
02:20.10herlono, I want a tour of the rooms and such so we know *exactly* what we'd be getting...
02:23.58fugue88Well, the 8 rooms, it sounds, are pretty wide open.
02:24.10fugue88The best rooms would be in the business school.
02:24.26fugue88Unless the new science building is finished by then, but I don't know what it will be like.
02:24.30fugue88Let me get a map.
02:24.31herlowe probably won't use 8 rooms.  Have you seen the scheudle I drafted in the dropbox?
02:24.51herlodo they have a show floor or somewhere where people can put up booths?
02:25.16fugue88Yesish.  Let me read where they said...
02:26.14fugue88Tanner Atrium.  Okay, one minute...
02:28.07herlogot pics?
02:28.12herloor we can do a tour and get pics
02:30.35fugue88Where's a good image pastebin?
02:31.10fugue88Okay.  I'm new at this...
02:32.35fugue88Decided against posterous.
02:33.06fugue88So here's the thing.  The nice class rooms are quite removed from the atrium and auditorium.
02:33.26fugue88If we could get the new science bldg, things would be much better.
02:33.51fugue88Oops.  The two dots north of the science bldg are the two offices in Foster.
02:34.17fugue88I has hoping for the gym for the open floor.
02:34.44fugue88The atrium I *think* is about the same size as what we had at SLCC, though, but it's in a different shape which may or may not be less usable.
02:35.11fugue88The auditorium is nice, with good acoustics.
02:35.29fugue88But I don't recall having platforms in there to record on camera.
02:35.44fugue88There's a sound booth at the back.  I don't know if that would work.
02:37.46herlobut I'm really interested in seeing it...
02:37.59herloI've already got a bid from SLCC for the MFEC too...
02:39.31fugue88What are their bids like?
02:40.08herloabout 8k before discount using 5 main rooms.  I've not asked about the smaller offices yet, but I suspect there will be room
02:40.35penowhat is parking like at westminster these days?
02:41.23herlopeno: the weekend they are suggesting there is no school, so we'd pretty much have the entire parking lots
02:41.47penothat's probably good, from what I remember their lots were smallish.
02:41.48fugue88And there's plenty of it with the students mostly gone.
02:41.51herlofugue88: oh, and that includes the show floor too...
02:41.57fugue88They've added a lot recently.
02:42.07fugue88Pics of the atrium and auditorium:
02:42.16herlobeats fugue88
02:42.25herloconcurs with peno on this one
02:42.31herloit's a rarity, I know
02:42.44penosatan is skating to work tomorrow
02:44.13penowifi would be another key element at westminster
02:44.22herlofugue88: those could work
02:45.02herlopeno: I wonder if SLCC is going to budge on their rules with wifi this time... kind of doubt it :(
02:45.11penoI doubt it
02:45.25penowhat we can do, is ask them up front to plan for more AP's
02:46.08herloyeah, and to turn off the *attacking* APs
02:46.24penothe biggest problem is that nearly everyone under the sun is using both a laptop & smartphone
02:46.28penooverloading their network
02:46.40herlopeno: is being at work awesome?
02:46.49penoturning that feature off might require VP approval
02:46.53herlopeno: for sure...
02:47.05penoyeah, our phone vendor is upgrading our phone switch tonight
02:47.07herloVP of the school?
02:47.15herlopeno: awesome!
02:47.17penoor IT department
02:47.29herloyeah, school is smaller than college
02:47.30penoit's not awesome, it's breaking on the upgrade
02:47.51penogood thing I'm not doing it!
02:47.54penoshifts the blame
02:49.42herlofugue88: cool stuff though
02:49.51herloI'm looking forward to meeting with them...
02:50.07fugue88If you want to set up a tour, I'll try to be there too.
02:50.23fugue88What would you want?  midday on a weekday?
02:52.00fugue88I could do that time if it's next week.
02:53.11herlosure, that sounds fine.  Probably after Tuesday
02:55.01herloheads to the video store to rent a movie
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17:00.58*** join/#utos Bubba_Washington (~Bubba_Was@2001:1948:414:10:223:32ff:fe9b:cce8)
17:02.27herlomindjuju: ping: re UtahPython tonight
17:06.05*** join/#utos kajigga (
17:12.10herlooh, and good morning
17:19.13*** join/#utos peno (
17:19.23Jayce^looks like carmony should get these guys to utos:
17:20.26Bubba_WashingtonHey everyone
17:24.42herloBubba_Washington: hi
17:24.57Bubba_WashingtonWhat's going on?
17:26.44herlowe're working on securing a venue for UTOSC, you?
17:27.09herloBubba_Washington: did you wanna help us this year with getting things done?  We're starting to define our Volunteer Member program and should have some details out soon...
17:27.34Bubba_WashingtonNot much, just trying to piece together some computers.
17:27.48Bubba_WashingtonSure I'd like to help.
17:31.14herlocool, I'll get you in the loop asap.  We have a lot of tasks that need to be done, simple stuff that can be done in 1-2 hours time.  We just need to detail keep an eye out :)
17:31.40Bubba_WashingtonOk, sounds good
17:32.13Bubba_WashingtonHave you ever thought of doing a UTOS podcast or something?
17:32.30herloBubba_Washington: I have
17:32.39herloBubba_Washington: but I never can think of what to talk about...
17:32.46Bubba_WashingtonI've been thinking it might be a good way to highlight some of the great things that are going on in the UT Tech scene.
17:32.50herlobut maybe I should just start doing that before/after LUG meetings
17:33.42Bubba_WashingtonIs it hard to put one together?
17:34.11herloa podcast?
17:34.14herloor the people?
17:34.24herloI think it's just a bit of work. BRB
17:34.30Bubba_WashingtonThe peple.
17:59.41influxThe peple?
17:59.49herlothe peple, yeah
18:00.04herloinflux: Bubba_Washington probably had fun speling that :)
18:00.09Bubba_WashingtonYou know the ones that aren't human.
18:01.58Bubba_Washingtonherlo:  So is getting the right people together to do a podcast the real problem?
18:02.51herlowell, just a consistency issue probably
18:05.33Bubba_WashingtonMaybe if you did a monthly one it wouldn't be as hard.
18:06.05herloBubba_Washington: maybe
18:06.24Bubba_WashingtonWell, let's try it out.
18:06.27herloBubba_Washington: I am thinking that since BetaLoft is closing at the end of the month and I need to find a new location for our Daytime LUG, that might be when to do it...
18:06.47herloBubba_Washington: we could do it for 15 minutes before each Daytime Meeting, thoughts?
18:06.56Bubba_WashingtonWhat's going on with BetaLoft?
18:07.06herloclosing their doors at the end of the month, all I know
18:07.24herloemailed Drew and asked what's going on, haven't heard back
18:07.27Bubba_WashingtonHow long were they open for?
18:07.37herlonearly a year iirc
18:07.41herloat least 8 months
18:08.05herloyeah...not sure what's up
18:08.34Bubba_WashingtonI thought they had an interesting concept, but I didn't think they would make that much money doing it.
18:08.58Bubba_WashingtonKind of hard to justify going somewhere to work, if you can still work out of your house.
18:09.32herloI disagree
18:09.45herlothere are many distractions at working out of your home, even if you live alone
18:10.01herloplus, nobody to chat with over the water cooler, throw ideas around, etc...
18:10.16Bubba_WashingtonYeah, that's ture.
18:10.16influxIt's nice to have a space specifically for work.
18:10.28influxWhere your mindset within that space is specifically geared for work and work only.
18:10.30herlothe real question is, what is it worth?
18:10.39influxIt's difficult to have a work mindset at home.
18:10.49herlo$350 - $550 were his prices for a secure spot at BetaLoft...
18:10.55herlowhich isn't too bad...
18:11.03Bubba_WashingtonIs that per month?
18:12.41Bubba_WashingtonAny ideas for a new location?
18:13.24herlonot yet
18:13.29herlobut I have some irons in the fire
18:13.38herlosomething will help us land on our feet
18:54.06*** join/#utos tensai (
21:14.25*** join/#utos look (~look@unaffiliated/look)
22:32.43herlowhiteinge: ping
22:33.43whiteingeherlo: hi
22:34.44herlowhiteinge: would Tuesday work for lunch?
22:35.44whiteingeherlo: yes
22:36.19herlowhiteinge: k, I'll get shane there.
22:36.25blendmaster1024whiteinge, still on for tonight?
22:36.55whiteingeblendmaster1024: yup
22:37.01whiteingeherlo: awesome :)
22:37.06herlowhiteinge: I'm coing tonight to the UtahPython mtg too :)
22:37.26whiteingeherlo: great
22:38.03herlowhiteinge: yeah, I'm excited to chat with you more...
22:38.04blendmaster1024see you guys then :)
22:38.22whiteingeherlo: yeah, i didn't get enough of you yesterday
22:38.53whiteinge...i don't wanna sound gay or nothin'
22:39.03herlohaha, we all know you are
22:41.16whiteingewhat movie is that quote from? (that's a hard one to google from work)
22:41.18*** join/#utos carmony (
22:41.22blendmaster1024lol that's what i was thinking
22:41.29blendmaster1024(but was afraid to say x)
22:43.36*** join/#utos cro (
22:45.53herlowhiteinge: uh....
22:46.25penowhiteinge: don't worry, I won't tell your network guy
23:13.06*** join/#utos cro (
23:31.30Gatewhiteinge: pm
23:32.02Gatehilarious movie. not terribly popular in Utah....
23:34.57*** part/#utos nibb13 (~nibb13@
23:44.10herloalright, I'm out!

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