IRC log for #utos on 20100102

01:36.38*** join/#utos acc__ (
03:02.25*** join/#utos supernovia (
03:42.18ilanherlo: hey, do you guys have the utosc session audio online ?
03:42.59herloilan: haha, no.  I've been too busy to produce it and put it up
03:43.02herlobut we should get on that
03:43.04herloHeartsbane: ping
03:44.26ilanherlo: we had a few people submit sessions they gave at UTOSC. figured id ask since i just saw your post about stormy's session
03:46.58herloilan: ahh, well I can try to get them up quickly if you wanna give me a list
04:19.33Heartsbaneherlo: ya I will push it to streams on Wednesday
04:20.12herloawesome! thanks
04:20.17herlognight Heartsbane
04:32.11sontekhmm... well I jus did something I didn't know was a "feature"
04:32.21sontekmy colors are now inverted on my screen
04:32.27sontekneed to figure out what shortcut key I hit
04:33.34Heartsbanesuper-n or super-m
04:33.44Heartsbanethis time I am really going to sleep
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04:35.21sontekcompiz is getting turned off because of that by itself
04:52.41Gatesontek: well, just turn that feature off......
04:53.02sontekI must boycott compiz for being retarded
04:53.10sontekthats a terrible default feature
04:53.15Gate:) I reccomend compizconfig
05:07.52herlosontek: just use GNOME 3
05:33.22fozzmooherlo: It would be cool if I could embed YouTube into a utos blog post
05:33.31fozzmooI don't know what you have to do to get WordPress to do that.
05:33.56supernoviait's easy :)
05:34.47supernoviapasting the embed code works fine too
05:35.11fozzmooI tried that, but it didn't work. I figured maybe it was a feature that was disabled because I've seen it work on other blogs.
05:35.48fozzmooMaybe something's wrong with the install because I can't embed images anymore. When I upload an image, it shows up as a broken icon.
05:35.53supernoviamaybe make sure you've got hte html tag clicked?
05:36.03supernoviaoh. hm
05:36.07fozzmooThey show up in the gallery, but when I click on "INsert into post" it doesn't work.
05:36.29supernoviammm I've seen that with certain versions and busted plugins
05:36.33fozzmooSo, I've been uploading them to one of my servers and adding them via URL.
05:37.20herlofozzmoo: supernovia can do it right now if she like s:)
05:37.37herloalbeit, I haven't gotten the media stuff to work right with wp-mu atm
05:38.17herlofozzmoo: if you look at other posts I have done with images recently, you can see what you need to alter...
05:41.29supernoviahey herlo, I don't know whether I've got access to this one..
05:41.39herlosupernovia: you should
05:41.44herlolet me doublecheck
05:41.54fozzmooherlo: Do you know what version of WP-MU is installed on
05:42.53herlo2.8.6 iirc
05:43.19herlofozzmoo: it's the latest as of about 2 weeks ago
05:43.34fozzmooK. That should be useful to supernovia
05:44.01herlosupernovia: I upgraded when we were at blue lemon, remember?
05:44.29supernoviayah that's right. somehow I was thinking blog. was on a different instance
05:45.31herloYou are using WordPress MU 2.8.6.
05:47.30supernoviaso I can't remember, were images fine when we were at blue lemon?
05:47.55herlowe didn't really play with the blog, just the main instance
05:48.11supernoviabut even that's messed up
05:49.09herloyeah, I am not sure why
05:49.37fozzmoois tempted to blame PHP but restrains himself.
05:55.30supernoviais putting on her thinking cap
05:57.50supernoviahey herlo
06:03.27fozzmooArgh. Dave McAllister didn't upload slides either!
06:03.36fozzmooWhat is up with these keynoters?!
06:04.37sontekchecks out conman
06:04.47sontekfozzmoo: I'm gonna fix this! I'm going to write "spam keynoters" feature
06:05.09sontekEvery hour after their talk that doesn't have uploaded slides it'll send a new e-mail
06:05.17sontekmaybe we can add in some google voice magic to call them
06:05.40fozzmoosontek: I think you're on to something huge.
06:10.58herlosontek: heh, a better feature might be to add an admin piece to remind speakers who haven't done certain steps...
06:11.14supernoviayeah so I was thinking you were having a weird js issue that made the insert option messed up...
06:11.27supernoviabut yeah seeing it now its screwy urls. hum
06:11.50herloI can write a rewrite rule to fix it, but haven't taken the time yet
06:12.17supernoviayeah it almost seems like it would rewrite the urls by default...
06:12.28supernoviaI'm going to do a quick mu install on another server just to see what it does by default there
06:14.43fozzmooherlo: If you've got an e-mail address for Mr. McAllister, I'll nag him personally.
06:15.11herlofozzmoo: ask mindjuju
07:34.18supernoviaTired me.
07:35.18herloheh, that's what happens when you don't have children to wear you out.  You stay up late and get tired
07:52.22supernoviathat is the trut
07:52.24supernoviatruth even
07:52.41herlois out for the night
07:52.52supernoviais too
08:27.40sontekmy isp is having major DNS issues right now
10:06.33Supaplexsweet gravy and biscuits. pppd automatically restarted the pppoe session on my openwrt just a minute ago. \o/ woot \o/ woot \o/
16:49.56herlogood morning all
17:32.54*** join/#utos justincarmony (
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18:50.35herlosupernovia: so, let me know if I need to change anything in the apache config
18:50.37supernoviais back and ready to whip wpmu into shape. rar!
18:50.41supernoviaOK. :)
19:09.25herlosupernovia: any luck??
19:10.23supernoviaWell when I did it with the directory structure I got a redirect loop so I had to go back
19:10.35supernoviaand I'm just poking around trying to figure this out at this point. :-/
19:10.51supernoviaalso checking more in the forums and what not
19:12.26herlothat could be a rewrite issue
19:12.35herlo <-- fast!
19:14.32supernoviawell I tried deleting the .htaccess to see if it needed to re-create that, it was no go.. but I'm guessing a few of the fields in wp_config were still set up for subdomains
19:14.40herlosupernovia: let me go comment out all of the rules in the config
19:14.46herlosupernovia: I don't use .htaccess files
19:15.08supernoviaWell, I guess knowing what's different from a standard setup would help
19:15.36supernovia(from a standard wpmu setup I mean) -- are there any differences?
19:15.58herlono difference from a standard wpmu setup really
19:16.14herlobut for apache, I do things slightly different because it works better
19:16.51herlosupernovia: k, try now...
19:17.27supernoviawith setting it up for folders? k.
19:17.38supernoviadirectories even. sheesh.
19:20.12supernoviamm, same loop
19:22.37herloweird, lemme look.
19:22.42herlowhat url are you trying?
19:22.49supernoviatry getting into the admin
19:23.20supernoviait's the built in redirect I am sre
19:23.47herlohang on
19:24.17herlois the admin passwd the same as the one you previously gave me?
19:27.16herlosupernovia: says password isn't working
19:27.40herlooh, it's the normal one...
19:27.41supernoviaOK, I hadn't logged in with it -- I"d just used my own. Try using whatever you normally use. it might not be editing the db
19:30.20supernoviaGot it?
19:30.23herloso, whatever you changed in the db is not letting it go throuhg
19:30.46supernoviaI haven't changed anything in the db yet unless it did it through recreation of the wp-config
19:31.04herloseems like we're goind down a rabbit hole to fix something that could be fixed some other way...
19:31.18herlodunno, the folders thing doesn't make a change in the db?
19:31.46supernoviait shouldn't
19:32.12supernoviabut yeah.. this was only supposed to be a troubleshooting step adn it's making more trouble in itself
19:32.32supernoviasetting it back now
19:33.44supernoviaand you can put back whatever you had to change to troubleshoot the crazy redirect
19:36.12*** join/#utos cro (
19:36.20herlokk, hang on
19:36.31herloyeah, it's all back
19:37.35supernovianow looking in the db at the pictures I've added
19:37.39herlolooks like it's working now...
19:37.56herlonot that part, just things are back to the way they were
19:49.38supernoviaso the weird thing is, apparently it's a common issue... IN IIS.
19:50.00herlohow do they solve it?
19:53.41supernoviathere are some long threads in there. here's this: - I think I'd checked something like that last night
19:54.27herloyeah, still digging, but I might have found something usefule
19:54.52supernoviawe've got mod_rewrite right?
19:55.39herlothat's how permalinks work with the date and post name :)
19:55.40supernoviaI'd assumed so..
19:55.53herlobut it looks like there might be some more I need to add
19:56.57herlospecifically, line 15
19:57.38supernoviammm, yeah that's been in .htaccess all along right but I guess if you don't use .htaccess
19:57.56herloyeah, hang on
20:01.04herloyeah, that's not it
20:02.07supernoviahow hard would it be to make the htaccess work for a minute to see if it helps?
20:02.21herloit doesn't matter in that way
20:02.36herloyou see, the htaccess file is no different than putting the configs directly into apache
20:04.25supernoviahave to make this post public for a sec, sorry herlo
20:07.52herloyeah, already did that
20:07.55herlodon't worry
20:08.00herloI'm trying ot make media show up
20:08.03supernovia - this should work
20:09.13herloyeah, I'm trhying a similar one, but it's not working
20:09.27herlohang on, let me look at the permalinks stuff
20:11.12supernoviaand yet this one works:
20:11.30supernoviabut I'd also edited its path in the db manually
20:11.55herlothat doesn't work fo rme
20:12.06supernoviaoh it doesn't?
20:12.19supernoviayou don't see the weird pompom guys? because that /was/ working a few minutes ago
20:12.29herlonope, I get 404 not found
20:12.30supernoviacan you undo whatever edits you had just done? :-D
20:13.05herloyeah, still not working
20:13.39supernoviawe've got to step back a bit.. these urls were OK earlier
20:14.05herloyah, something's changed
20:16.07herloI can comment out redirects...
20:16.11herlorewrites, rather
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20:16.25supernovialet's do that
20:16.42herlokk, I'll go change that and the permalinks stuff
20:17.37supernoviaherlo can you see yet?
20:17.53herlowait just a sec
20:18.23herlocan you?
20:18.35supernoviayes I can. Can anyone else?
20:19.14herloweird, I cannot see it
20:19.21herlodid you clear your cache??  I'm gonna do that too
20:20.31herlosupernovia: i see it now :)
20:20.37herlostupid cache
20:22.32supernoviahey herlo can you join #wpmu
20:22.41supernoviabut get this!
20:22.49supernovia does not work - shouldn't it?
20:23.23herlochecks his end
20:23.27herloand then joins #wpmu
20:23.32supernoviaalso can you try this:  - I don't have misc settings or an admin url
20:39.21supernoviawe do need to get to where the images are displaying like they were
20:42.17supernoviabasically we need to undo whatever rewrites are going on at this point.
20:42.36supernoviaI could troubleshoot more on my own if .htaccess would pick up
20:42.42herlothey should be working now...
20:42.47herlothe old links, that is
20:43.12herlowerqs dor me
20:43.44supernoviaI get a 404. weird.
20:44.16herloclear cache?
20:44.26supernoviaare your other image links working? just restarted ff
20:44.34herlolet me try
20:44.51herloyeah, it seems fine

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