IRC log for #utos on 20091110

00:16.46*** join/#utos jpc (n=jw@unaffiliated/javawizard2539)
01:02.21*** join/#utos cro1 (
01:02.48*** part/#utos cro1 (
01:23.40herlomindjuju: ping when you see this
02:11.48herloSupaplex: hey
02:18.11*** join/#utos justincarmony (
02:39.57*** join/#utos cro (
02:40.28*** part/#utos cro (
02:49.45*** join/#utos cro1 (n=cro@
02:50.16*** join/#utos cro2 (n=cro@
02:52.37*** join/#utos jpc1 (
03:01.21herloSupaplex: how's things?
03:01.30herlowanted to follow-up with you on 'video' :)
03:03.17*** join/#utos ianweller (n=ianwelle@fedora/ianweller)
03:17.35*** part/#utos josephnexus (
03:24.19*** join/#utos nearn ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:24.23*** join/#utos unum (
03:28.25*** join/#utos peno (
03:28.29*** join/#utos eightyeight (n=88@oalug/member/pdpc.supporter.monthlybronze.eightyeight) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:32.18*** join/#utos jpc (n=jw@unaffiliated/javawizard2539)
03:47.57*** join/#utos IRSeekBot2 (n=IRSeekLo@irseek/log-bot/IRSeekBot)
03:52.35*** join/#utos redbeard2 (
04:29.16herlojustincarmony: hey
04:33.20*** join/#utos justincarmony (
04:36.42justincarmonyhey herlo
04:37.54herlojustincarmony: saw that your birthday is coming up :)
04:38.01justincarmonylol, yeah, on weds
04:38.03herloalso has one on Sunday
04:38.16herlois gonna be old
04:38.30herlojustincarmony: did you see my request for a meeting re: utos design?
04:41.01herlo^^  something interesting to read
04:41.53justincarmonyyeah, let me reply
04:41.59herlok, cool
04:43.17herlothank you
04:46.28justincarmonyhow hold are you gonna be herlo ? :P
04:47.00herlomindjuju: *not* thursday
04:47.05herlojustincarmony: I'll be 37
05:00.14Nafaiold man!
05:12.54herloNafai: yup
05:13.03herloget off my lawn!
05:13.11whiteinge37?! wth, herlo? I thought you were hip! You misled me.
05:14.28herloI's old!
05:14.48Nafaiwe need to go buy herlo a cane
05:16.25herloNafai: you know what I would do with a cane, so I'd watch it buster!
05:20.30*** join/#utos jpc (n=jw@unaffiliated/javawizard2539)
05:25.44herlohey sontek
05:26.20sontekherlo: hello!
05:27.23herlohow's it going/
05:27.43sontekPretty good, was a stressful day, our offices got robbed
05:28.05herlooh noes
05:28.10herlohow robbed?
05:28.15herlolike computers missing or what?
05:28.30sontek6 laptops, a couple monitors
05:29.19herlothat's no good
05:29.46sontekyeah and they have no evidence of who did it, the only cameras are in the lobby and they took the stairwell from the parking garage to get in
05:30.30sontekso we were dealing with that all day
05:30.36herlowell f*** all
05:31.18penoinside job!
05:32.11sontekthats what we are thinking
05:32.54sontekbecause they actually went through the whole development office and didn't touch any of our boxes, went straight to where the laptops were
05:33.55Nafaiyeah, sounds very suspicious
05:41.01sontekherlo: how was your day?
05:41.09sontekNafai: hows the job hunt looking?
05:41.57Nafaisontek: eh, okay.  nothing really promising so far.  kind of struck out on a few things
05:42.38sontekNafai: you looking for an engineering position or sysadminning?
05:43.54Nafaieither, though I would prefer engineering.  I don't have enough deep experience to be a qualified sr sys admin
05:44.08NafaiSo I could make more as an engineer I imagine
05:44.41herlosontek: was alright, watched someone eat an Eleven at Wing Coop
05:44.44herlolots of fun...
05:45.40herlois currently working on understanding some wordpress-mu stuffs
05:46.24sontekherlo: did they finish 11 11's?
05:46.41herlono, just 21
05:46.43herlojust 1
05:47.00herloI've seen one guy attempt the Eleven challenge.
05:47.18herloHe got through 6 before he couldn't breathe and his throat closed up so he couldn't swallow very well
05:47.25sontekherlo: I've done 4 before, but saw someone actually saw a guy do it once
05:47.29sontekhe looked like he was going to die
05:47.41herloI bet
05:47.45herlothe waiver is just crazy
05:47.46sontekhe finished them in like 6 minutes but they made him wait the full 11 minutes before he could drink anything
05:48.17herloI'd probably wait 3 minutes before even starting
05:54.47Gatesontek: ouch, similar thing happened to our office. after hours with the doors locked and the alarm armed, a laptop and a PDA vanished (from different desks, PDA was in a drawer)
05:55.44GateNafai: My company is hiring, but its in St. George :)
06:11.32Supaplexsup herlo
06:11.36herloSupaplex: hi
06:11.46herloSupaplex: did you see my q about video??
06:11.48Supaplexmy head hz
06:11.52SupaplexI didn't
06:12.08herloany sort of timeframe we could expect videos??
06:12.35Supaplexthe content was captured on their boxes. I don't actually have a copy
06:13.16herlookay, I thought you did, no worries then
06:13.26herloI'll bug the crap out of fozzmoo more then...
06:13.34Supaplexcan you email all of us, just so I'm in the loop? I'll mention something if I know.
06:14.34SupaplexThere is one last video I think I dumped to their drive. I might have a tape of it still. but other than that, zilch.
06:16.53Supaplexsound good?
06:31.14herloand yes, I'll follow-up and include you
06:35.47*** join/#utos justincarmony (
07:49.01justincarmonyWhen I was on a swim team, we put icy hot in one of our team mates swimsuits
07:49.05justincarmonyoh he was in pain :P
07:52.12sontekhaha, I miss those days
07:52.20sontekcan't pull good pranks like that in the office :P
10:38.59*** join/#utos justincarmony (
14:38.29*** join/#utos tristanbob_ (n=tristanb@ubuntu/member/tristanbob)
14:38.48*** join/#utos josephnexus (
14:47.58*** part/#utos josephnexus (
15:11.39*** join/#utos cardinal (n=cardinal@nat/novell/x-eqmfrcpnxraifwur)
15:32.52herlogoo morning
15:36.27*** join/#utos Jayce^ (n=Jayce^
15:36.34goozbachgoo morning to you too
15:42.34goozbachstupid hilight for "goo"
15:42.39goozbachmade me look at this channel
15:42.54herlolol :)
16:08.31*** join/#utos ghendricks (n=ghendric@nat/novell/x-lnzzqillrgzrqcuy)
16:33.45*** join/#utos neybar (n=jalance@
16:57.25Gategoozbach: imagine being highlighted on every line when people are talking about processor design and logic gates... sigh.
17:26.40Jayce^Heartsbane: you see;txt
17:31.14*** join/#utos IRSeekBot2 (n=IRSeekLo@irseek/log-bot/IRSeekBot) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
17:37.58mindjuju~apb herlo
17:37.58infobotACTION calls baby Lyssa to rough up herlo
17:38.14mindjujuresponding from last night ping, sorry didn't xee it earlier
17:38.36mindjujuwas doing some research to write an english paper and wasn't checking my chat
17:38.59herlomindjuju: pong
17:39.11herlomindjuju: it was settled in the email
17:39.47DexterTheDragonmindjuju: have you been cleared by the CDC for the meeting thursday?
17:40.18mindjujuole' c everett coop call me his own dang self and said i was good
17:40.45mindjujui wonder what the name of the surgen general is these days, i know its a lady, but don't know her name
17:40.50herlomindjuju: did you get the swine flu too?
17:41.16mindjujunot as bad as corban or tiff, but school said they didn't want me back till monday and work said the same thing
17:41.16herlomindjuju: Dr. Regina M. Benjamin is the Surgeon General.
17:41.38herlomindjuju: this monday? or next monday?
17:41.39mindjujuthx, i was just starting to look it up
17:54.26*** join/#utos IRSeekBot2 (n=IRSeekLo@irseek/log-bot/IRSeekBot) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:01.49*** join/#utos jalance_ (n=jalance@
18:14.18*** join/#utos josephnexus (
18:17.26*** join/#utos blendmaster1024 (i=cd7c8b05@gateway/web/freenode/x-gearofqjgbfedtdc)
18:55.58*** join/#utos justincarmony (
19:38.06*** join/#utos eightyeight (n=88@oalug/member/pdpc.supporter.monthlybronze.eightyeight)
20:03.44*** join/#utos Jayce^ (n=Jayce^
20:26.43HeartsbaneJayce^: we will see what the EFF says about that in the next couple days
20:27.11Jayce^     must browse the options there..
20:47.28stderrJayce^: that cbsnews blog post is hilarious.
20:50.50stderr(especially the comments)
21:11.17*** join/#utos fozzmoo (n=fozz@
21:12.10fozzmooFirst video from UTOSC 2009:
21:31.38eggyknapfozzmoo: I promised to forward this when it showd up:
21:34.39fozzmooeggyknap: Cool.
21:40.59herlofozzmoo: we need to blog this, I suppose :)
21:41.07fozzmooherlo: Probably.
21:44.46herlofozzmoo: we need to send him a release form before we really distribute it though :)
21:45.13fozzmooherlo: Okay. I'll let you handle that. :)
21:45.29fozzmooherlo: Might want to have Jayce^ sign one too.
21:45.40herlohaha, yeah
22:00.59*** join/#utos Vog (
22:01.12Heartsbanewill it be available in AVI, and Ogg/Theora? Anytime in the future?
22:04.12fozzmooHeartsbane: *sighs*
22:04.44Heartsbaneit doesn't need to be *NOW*
22:04.47fozzmooYeah. I can do that. :)
22:05.12fozzmooThe version I uploaded to YouTube is h.264/aac
22:05.24fozzmooI'll great a Theora version.
22:06.08HeartsbaneCan I/should I start to share it?
22:06.53fozzmooSounds like we need a signed release with a blood sample.
22:07.19HeartsbaneDrug testing?
22:11.41*** join/#utos ghendricks (n=ghendric@
22:17.30*** join/#utos tristanbob_ (n=tristanb@ubuntu/member/tristanbob)
22:17.58sontekBackground checks for all speakers next year!
22:22.32*** join/#utos Vog (
22:30.01*** join/#utos jpc (n=jw@unaffiliated/javawizard2539)
22:41.59herloHeartsbane: I'll get it over to Daren this week
22:55.42josephnexuswants to be an sql pro
22:56.40josephnexusremembers all of the paperwork to be a substitute teacher...
22:56.50josephnexusthe video looks awesome
22:57.35josephnexusexcellent quality
22:58.47herlojosephnexus: you are in the video!
22:59.36josephnexusi know, my bald head makes the camera do an auto white balance adjustment...
22:59.50fozzmoojosephnexus: Thx.
23:00.17josephnexusthat was a good presentation too
23:00.30josephnexusi've discussed it quite a bit with my clients in regards to web design
23:00.33josephnexusand motivating people
23:02.32josephnexuswhatever happened to the kenny video?
23:06.53josephnexuswhat was the name?
23:07.08josephnexusabout the rapper guy?
23:08.00josephnexusthat's not all that good at rapping?
23:26.09herloit got killed before UTOSC happened for various reasons
23:42.17herlojosephnexus: ping
23:47.20josephnexusherlo: pong
23:47.36josephnexuswhat was the name of the show?
23:47.42josephnexusi'm interested in looking it up, does it still exist?
23:47.47herlojosephnexus: hey, would a Saturday phone call work for you this weekend?  Or would I need to do it 8-5?
23:48.42josephnexusa phone call should work, but I can't promise that I'd be available, I can sure try though
23:48.53josephnexusthis project is making us all work overtime
23:50.48herloyeah, I don't know that it will be more than an hour though...
23:52.49justincarmonyhey herlo
23:52.57herlojustincarmony: I can hear you just fine
23:53.05herloworking on it
23:53.17*** join/#utos mastergunns (
23:55.40*** part/#utos mastergunns (
23:57.52josephnexuswas thinking he should put carpet down in the room where we store our servers and racks and such.
23:57.58josephnexuswas joking.
23:58.29herloHeartsbane: what's your schedule like on Saturday?
23:58.50*** join/#utos mastergunns (
23:58.52herloHeartsbane: after work, of course :)
23:59.13*** part/#utos mastergunns (

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