IRC log for #utos on 20091001

00:25.40*** join/#utos bgerber (
00:28.53*** join/#utos tristanbob_ (n=tristanb@ubuntu/member/tristanbob)
00:42.48*** join/#utos bgerber (
00:44.44*** join/#utos fugue88_ (
00:50.29herlooh, that was a really bad spelling error on that email :(
00:51.58herloThis email is directed at you because you are the contact person for your sponsorship or both at UTOSC 2009. <-- anyone enjoying my typo?
00:52.17ReilithionWhat or both?  wha, huh?
00:53.25herlothat's what it should be :)
00:55.14herloit actually got changed to 'exhibitor table' just now
01:01.18herloHeartsbane: hey!
01:01.38herloReilithion: what is yer real name btw
01:01.51herlojust kicking it on my couch thinking I should eat something
01:02.39herlogoes to look for your email
01:03.19herloReilithion: I see the email just so you know.  I think Jayce^ is finalizing schedules now...
01:03.36ReilithionGood good.  I just wanted to be sure it got where it needed to be.
01:03.39ReilithionThanks, herlo.
01:04.03herlosure did
01:38.21*** join/#utos redbeard2 (
01:55.55*** join/#utos Gate (n=gate@unaffiliated/gate)
02:04.00undertakingyoumindjuju: pong
02:05.43herloundertakingyou: ping
02:08.12undertakingyouherlo: pong
02:08.40herloundertakingyou: news of the day is that SLCC only has mics for auditorium and rm 203
02:09.13herloalso, cro and I are meeting to discuss the program tomorrow and I am getting two or three more pc's lined up too
02:10.39herloalso, it's 8:10pm
02:10.46undertakingyouyes it is.
02:11.28herloI emailed the sponsors and exhibitors again reminding them to register their people :)
02:12.25herloundertakingyou: oh, I know what I was going to actually talk with you about
02:12.41herlothose other things were there to remind me, it seems
02:13.32herloso today, I offered the Ubuntu folks a banner for their booth (and LUG).  I plan to do that same thing for any/all LUGs (up to some imaginary budget amount that we make up) at the conference as well.
02:13.40herloundertakingyou: that's what it was.
02:14.18undertakingyouYou said that before.
02:14.19herloyou okay with that?
02:14.20undertakingyouAt my house.
02:14.28herloI know, but now it's become reality
02:15.35herloundertakingyou: any thoughts on the banner thing?
02:15.43undertakingyouI think it is great.
02:15.50undertakingyouA good way to build the community.
02:15.58herloany suggestions, rather?
02:18.35undertakingyouno, it sounds like you are all over this one like yellow on a twinky.
02:18.54herlobut yes.
02:18.58*** part/#utos Reilithion (
02:19.24herloI think there are some things that need to get wikified from my brain, but I don't have the energy to do that.
02:19.33herloKind of wish that there was a brain to wiki transfer script
02:21.58goozbachjacye wherever you are (derek left his irc up, wife stole the keys) STOP convincing him to MOVE to Utah - ain't gonna happen ;)
02:23.43goozbachoh boy
02:23.52goozbachgotta start locking my desktop at home now...
02:24.11goozbachgood thing Jayce isn't online.
02:26.23herloI don't know what the problem with Utah is...but you gotta let it go
02:26.32herlogoozbach: ^^
02:27.48goozbachman I really have got to start locking my desktop
02:28.00goozbachI was brushing my teeth and she did it again
02:30.32*** join/#utos bmac2 (
02:31.08undertakingyougoozbach: have it lock on screensaver.
02:31.11undertakingyouThat is what I do.
02:38.45*** join/#utos justincarmony (
02:39.30justincarmonyherlo: ping
03:12.18herlojustincarmony: pong
03:23.41*** part/#utos tonedevf (
04:08.33*** join/#utos cro (
04:59.42*** part/#utos josephnexus (
05:03.38*** join/#utos justincarmony (
05:21.31justincarmonyI can't remember
05:21.45herlooh, okay
05:21.59herloI guess you'll remember later on
08:04.32*** join/#utos tristanbob_ (n=tristanb@ubuntu/member/tristanbob)
12:21.30*** join/#utos bmac2 (n=bmac2@
12:44.46bmac2good morning vietnam
12:54.38*** join/#utos justincarmony (
12:54.55bmac2morning justincarmony
13:29.23*** join/#utos herlo (n=clints@fedora/herlo)
13:29.23*** join/#utos bmac2 (n=bmac2@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
13:29.23*** join/#utos bgerber (
13:29.23*** join/#utos CSJewell (
13:29.23*** join/#utos peno (
13:29.23*** join/#utos eightyeight (n=88@oalug/member/pdpc.supporter.monthlybronze.eightyeight)
13:29.23*** join/#utos macnewbold (
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13:29.24*** join/#utos Supaplex (n=supaplex@
13:29.24*** join/#utos goozbach (n=goozbach@
13:29.24infobotpoors goo gone on goozbach's steak to make it fat free
13:29.24*** join/#utos mindjuju (
13:29.24*** join/#utos jjolly (n=jjolly@nat/suse/x-qqfmioanpsbgmqea) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
13:29.24*** mode/#utos [+o herlo] by
13:32.42utahconwhat time is the meeting tonight, 8?
13:39.19*** join/#utos jeromatron_ (
14:19.57*** join/#utos thaddeusq (n=thaddeus@
14:21.46bmac2I win
14:24.16tensai1 dollar bob!
14:31.09herloWhat's a '1 dollar bob'? :-P
14:34.38utahconthe cheapest BJ ever!
14:35.27*** join/#utos Jayce^ (n=Jayce^
14:40.06bmac2I want to find the strip club he gets the $1 blowjobs at
14:40.16bmac2cheapest I have ever seen was $50
14:41.37bmac2I bet even the little skank that waited on us at Hooters would cost more than a dollar
14:43.31*** join/#utos tonedevf (
14:46.20*** join/#utos cro (
14:50.46utahconI would hope so
14:50.46*** join/#utos toofer (n=toofer@
14:56.22tensaiherlo: I've been watching too much The Price Is Right lately
14:57.42*** join/#utos redbeard2 (n=jphall@
15:00.36*** join/#utos cardinal (n=cardinal@nat/novell/x-dicjorwyuxhhuanf)
15:00.58*** part/#utos tonedevf (
15:02.02*** join/#utos ghendricks (n=ghendric@
15:12.09bmac2email sent for the roundtable people
15:12.10bmac2i copied it to the utos core team list also
15:25.46utahconbmac2 moderating the round table discuss... interesting
15:26.03bmac2I actually am a decent moderator
15:26.11bmac2just not a good particpant  :-)
15:26.21bmac2I argue with too much passion when I got a dog in the hunt
15:27.19bmac2if any of you know of any other distros that have local users/supporters, let me know
15:27.27bmac2those are all the ones herlo and I could think of locally
15:28.27*** join/#utos josephnexus (
15:41.11macnewboldbmac2: that's going to be a fun round table...
15:41.11crobring your armor. :-)
15:41.11bmac2so I take it you are in?
15:41.14macnewboldyeah, just replied
15:41.41bmac2hopefully we can get some info out
15:41.48bmac2that contrasts what each is good at
15:41.54bmac2or philosophies
15:42.54bmac2ok paul fields hates these discussions
15:43.01bmac2he has seen them get into the religious war
15:43.07bmac2which I will try to prevent
15:44.10macnewboldyeah, there's no need to get religious about it
15:44.13macnewboldthey're all just tools
15:44.21macnewboldmany of them very good at the same things
15:44.34macnewboldand all of them (except BSD) are linux, so there should be a lot of common ground
15:45.18*** join/#utos neybar (n=jalance@
15:47.24*** join/#utos cro (
15:49.38herlobmac2: pong
15:50.15bmac2herlo pong
15:50.34herlobmac2: you pinged me
15:50.44herlobut I read it
15:50.47bmac2I sent out th3e email
15:55.41herlobmac2: what about the lug email?
15:55.52bmac2on my plate next
15:55.56bmac2that is what I am doing now
15:56.01bmac2going through my list
15:56.04bmac2my boss is out today
15:56.08bmac2so I got peace and quiet
15:56.12bmac2unlike the last 3 days
15:56.18bmac2so I am catching up on the important stuff
15:56.21bmac2NOT the crap here
15:56.28herlobmac2: you rule
15:57.08bmac2ok macnewbold herlo just sent out an email adressing Paul Frields' concerns
15:57.16bmac2read it and see if you guys can add to it
15:57.26bmac2Paul was afraid of a religious war
15:57.31bmac2like has happened in the past
15:57.40macnewboldi'll take a look
15:58.24bmac2macnewbold, you make a good point
15:58.27bmac2we got fedora
15:58.31bmac2but NOT centos or redhat
15:58.42bmac2and even though they are all bastard step children of each other
15:58.45bmac2they are still different
15:58.50bmac2clint:  redhat people?
15:58.58bmac2herlo:  centos people?
16:01.25herlobmac2: just replied
16:02.00bmac2that works
16:02.02herlobmac2: macnewbold: I will say that community distributions should be the focus though
16:02.18herloand I agree with paul
16:02.24bmac2definitely the free distros should be the focus
16:03.08macnewboldyeah, i agree with what paul said, these do often become what he's afraid of, but your plan and discussion points I think will keep it very constructive
16:03.33bmac2I will not put up with a my penis is bigger than yours discussion
16:03.39herlothat we should focus on how to contribute to the free and open source stream rather than fighting amongst ourselves.  Choice is good, but there are some good directions *every* distribution can go which will hlep the overall community
16:03.41bmac2that is what paul is afraid of
16:03.45Jayce^if you want the RH/Cent, maybe get goozbach, or sjansen (if you just notify him before of what *type* of discussion it is)
16:03.55macnewboldif paul is willing to speak about centos as a more server-oriented distro and fedora as a more user/desktop oriented, that would be great
16:04.07herlowe could probably grab someone from centos, that might be good.
16:04.40herlothinks sjansen might not be the best choice, nothing personal
16:04.51macnewboldhe's too well versed at flame wars, imho
16:05.13Jayce^as long as he's told which type of conversation it is, he can and will avoid it...  he just enjoys the others more
16:05.13herloand I like the guy
16:05.54bmac2well hopefully my email will help everyone see this will NOT be a flame war
16:06.04macnewboldmaybe to make sure it stays constructive, but in a positive way, you could bring a giant buzzer or a squirt gun or something, or encourage the audience to be the judge of when someone's getting into the "mine's bigger than yours"
16:06.21bmac2how about a bag of tomatos?"
16:06.25Jayce^offers a paintball gun
16:06.37bmac2I should have seen the paintball thing coming
16:06.43macnewboldif you've ever seen the improv comedy groups, like laughing stock, that let the audience request penalties when someone gets offensive
16:06.51Jayce^sjansen has learned a healthy fear of them
16:07.07macnewboldyeah, i'd hesitate a little with paintball - it's hard to talk about freebsd wearing a mask
16:07.13macnewboldunless it's got devil horns of course
16:07.19cromacnewbold: that's a great idea!
16:07.21bmac2I think me moderating is enough
16:07.25Jayce^I know some with those
16:07.27bmac2and my subtle personality
16:07.35macnewboldmaybe we can let bmac2 wear his red leather Beastie outfit, to show his support
16:07.36bmac2and my demure way of speaking
16:07.51bmac2I can wear shorts and show my damon tattoo on my leg
16:08.09bmac2I have the little red f*cker on my right calf
16:08.20Jayce^we'll just have harleypig in a trenchcoat... he'll flash everytime somebody crosses the line
16:08.25herlobmac2: what about a more forum approach?
16:08.31bmac2from the box that version 4.9 came in
16:08.53bmac2define forum approach?
16:08.53herlosomething where you as the moderator drive the direction and get some of the questions from the audience
16:08.56macnewboldforum vs panel vs round table
16:09.00herlolike a town hall
16:09.02herlokind of
16:09.06bmac2that is what I was doing
16:09.12bmac2going to push the direction
16:09.17bmac2and ask for questions
16:09.24herlojust thought it was a set of questions you had in your mind
16:09.36bmac2first everyone takes a couple of minutes to cover the stuff I had on that list
16:09.38macnewboldmaybe throughout the day we can ask people to submit their questions for the panel
16:09.38bmac2taking turns
16:09.42macnewboldi liked the list a lot
16:09.45herlodidn't realize the audience will be involved.  We should probably put that on the website
16:09.48bmac2then we open i up for question from the crowd
16:09.57bmac2I WANT their questions
16:10.00bmac2that is the point of this
16:10.03macnewboldgetting questions in advance would be nice, but on the spot is great too
16:10.09bmac2we can do both
16:10.15bmac2ask for panel questions
16:10.22bmac2and survey the crowd
16:10.29bmac2for both specific distro questions
16:10.32*** join/#utos stickster (n=nnnpaul@fedora/stickster)
16:10.34bmac2and general ones for everyone
16:10.45bmac2that way the audience gets their questions answered
16:10.54bmac2there is paul
16:10.56bmac2be quiet
16:10.57bmac2he is here
16:11.29bmac2macnewbold, herlo, does that make sense in my approach?
16:11.53bmac2and I guess roundtable isn't a good term for it
16:12.00bmac2maybe forum would have been better
16:12.13bmac2we are the knights that go.......................
16:12.17herloit's up to you, I'm just asking questions :)
16:12.34bmac2but does my approach make sense?
16:12.43bmac2to keep it out of a penis size contest?
16:12.50bmac2and to get the audience involved?
16:13.00bmac2and I love you idea of asking for questions
16:13.07bmac2you could put it on the site now
16:13.10herlogo do it
16:13.17bmac2some place they can submit quesitons
16:13.30herloand I'll send out a blog post and an email about it today...
16:13.39herloafter this discussion concludes and such
16:19.28penoherlo: do you have those machines with you for the try-it-lab/reg kiosk?
16:19.58jjollywanders in and sees bmac2 talking about the distro forum.
16:20.09VogMOrning guys I got a question about ignite.... it's a seperate event... but does it require seperate tickets
16:20.11jjollybmac2: Hey, I saw your message.
16:20.13bmac2trying to hget it all together
16:20.23herlopeno: so I just got word that the guy who has them mega-failed today
16:20.28herlowe wants to bring them by tomorrow
16:20.40jjollyI'm not certain I'll be able to make it, as I have a get-together in Logan on Thursday the 8th at 6:30pm
16:20.45penoherlo: ok, tomorrow works as well.
16:21.23jjollyI would really like to participate, though.  I'm trying to rearrange my schedule in order to accomodate your forum
16:21.39bmac2if you can't make it
16:21.49herlopeno: yeah, I'll get you info when I have it
16:21.53bmac2see if you can find someone else jjolly
16:21.56bmac2to fill in
16:22.03bmac2you were just who herlo suggested as a good person
16:22.13jjollydecriptor would probably be a good substitute.
16:22.18bmac2so herlo used your name in vain
16:22.27penoherlo: tomorrow probably works better for me anyways, have a dr. appt this afternoon.
16:22.28bmac2I can always draft him
16:22.42bmac2but if you can make it that would be awesome
16:22.45herlopeno: kk, I might try to get tom to just bring them to you.  he's closer to you anyway
16:22.49herloworks at AST
16:22.53jjollyIn vain I'm not conerned about, it's when it's used with gusto and explitives that I tend to worry.
16:23.13penoherlo: either way
16:23.15jjollyHow long do you expect it to last?
16:23.23penoI'm fairly flexible.
16:24.09jjollyBTW: Is there something going on this evening?
16:24.10bmac2jjolly, it is one hour
16:24.25bmac2just the core team meeting
16:24.35bmac2us schmucks planning this shindig
16:24.55bmac2jjolly, more precisely, probably not more than 50 minutes
16:25.06bmac2so by 5:15 we should be out and gone
16:25.11bmac2at the latest
16:25.34crooh, hey, jjolly, you are presenting on GWT, right?
16:25.57jjollycro: That's the theory.
16:26.09bmac2more than theory
16:26.13bmac2I put it on the schedule
16:26.15bmac2it is in STONE
16:26.24croI have a giveaway for you.  Pragmatic Programmer gave us a copy of the GWT e-book.
16:26.26bmac2thinks theory's ass
16:27.25croI thought you'd want to have a raffle or a drawing, or something in your pres.
16:27.32jjollycro: I'd love to.
16:27.32bmac2jjolly, that will be good, we are trying to spread out swag to presentations, etc
16:27.32*** join/#utos macnewbold (
16:27.48bmac2so the people who are intersted in GWT get the GWT book
16:27.57jjollySounds reasonable.  I'll plan on it.
16:27.57crok, so however you want to do it—I'd recommend printing a certificate or something to give to the winner.  Can you PM me an email?  Whoever wins needs to connect with me so I can get the info to the PragProg folks.
16:29.17*** join/#utos herlo (n=clints@fedora/herlo) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:29.17*** mode/#utos [+o herlo] by ChanServ
16:29.35jjollycro: I'll put something together.  What way would you want them to contact you?  Perhaps there is something I could put on the giveaway device (cert, whatever)
16:29.45crojust say
16:30.08crocontact ""
16:30.23jjollycro: got it.
16:30.29tristanbobherlo, I am trying to register, but the coupon code field only allows 5 characters
16:30.38herlotristanbob: no, that's the promocode
16:30.38croor they can dig me up @the conference too, I'll be there the whole time.
16:30.45herlothe coupon code is at the *end* of the process
16:30.50herloplease read your email :)
16:31.18tristanbobno way!
16:40.59croherlo: still on for lunch?
16:42.10herlocro: yup
16:42.16herlois excitemed
16:42.27crocool, I'm leaving in about 20 minutes
16:42.48herlokk, ping me when you are close.  SMS works if you don't wanna open your 'puter
16:42.57crowill do
16:46.27VogShould volunteers come armed with nerf guns?
16:46.59herloVog: especially on saturday
16:47.15VogReadies his arsenal
16:47.33herloVog: how many do you have?
16:47.43VogNow I have to finish modding my sniper rifle with an AR-15 spring.
16:47.55herlomindjuju: ping
16:48.16VogI have2 full autos the sniper rifle and a double barrelled shotgun.
16:48.38herlowell, maybe we could have nerf wars out in the quad too
16:48.42herlowould be fun for family day
16:49.03eggyknapwonders what the range is on a nerf sniper rifle
16:49.11Jayce^depends on the model :)
16:49.13VogI have not got the gatling gun yet.... but I prefer the handheld clip fed full auto anyways...
16:49.28Jayce^my sons said 30', but fell short, before I got a crack at it..
16:49.41VogLongshot- cs-6
16:50.49VogRight now mine is unmodded but that's going to change.
16:51.26Jayce^back at UNTD we had enough battles, but the guns were getting weak, so we got really good at throwing them..
16:52.02Jayce^could sidearm a whistler or velcro tip across the office, in that window between the plenum and the cube tops..
16:52.08*** join/#utos Gate (n=gate@unaffiliated/gate)
16:52.18VogWe usually just shoot guests in the office after we issue them a little 1 shot nerf pistol.
16:52.42*** join/#utos jtsnow (n=chatzill@VDSL-151-118-128-100.DNVR.QWEST.NET)
16:52.51VogThat way thay aren't armed
16:53.24VogI got a question about ignite.... it's a separate event... but does it require separate tickets?
16:55.58goozbachJayce^: copper barrel? re-enforeced spring?
16:57.21VogApparently with the instructions I have by changing the the spring out alone you can sting someone at 40"
16:57.28Vogsorry 40 ' I mean
16:58.49Jayce^spring is the biggest one
16:59.52herloyou guys gotta get on google waves
16:59.57herloit's AWESOME!
17:00.01crogot an invite?
17:00.04herloand open source
17:00.11bmac2wtf is google waves?
17:00.13herloyes, send you one in a minute, but it takes a while
17:00.17bmac2I have seen all the twitters on it
17:01.01bmac2another collaboration platform
17:01.20bmac2it HAS to be better than microsofts
17:01.56herlocro: invited
17:02.01herlobmac2: much better
17:02.25herlobmac2: watch the video:
17:02.36herloyou don't have to watch it all
17:03.16bmac2my  boss has an obessession with microsoft sharepoint
17:03.22bmac2and GOD I hate that stupid crap
17:05.31jjollyherlo: I'd love to see Google Wave, but I'm uninvited :(
17:05.47bmac2you need to sniffle a little
17:05.50bmac2scuff you toe
17:05.57bmac2along with dropping the hint
17:06.15jjollyI even forgot the tear :'(
17:06.38eggyknapdoesn't see the attraction to Google Wave, but perhaps I just haven't paid it enough attention
17:06.59bmac2it annoys herlo that I am just NOT a google fan period
17:07.10bmac2their search engine yes
17:07.13herlojjolly: now I gotta invite you
17:07.16bmac2the company and their other stuff no
17:07.35jjollySure, they're Big Brother, but they're *our* Big Brother.  ;-)
17:07.44bmac2that is my point
17:07.50bmac2and everyone blows me off when I say it
17:07.55bmac2they ARE trying to be big brother
17:07.58bmac2and the next microcrap
17:08.44herlojjolly: you are now invited
17:08.48herloit takes a bit of time
17:09.12jjollyherlo: You bring joy to my little lemming heart.  Thx.  ;-)
17:09.38herlohas 4 invites left, now people will have to beg and pay :)
17:09.47bmac2lemmings == Chips Challenge
17:09.55bmac2the best piece of software microsoft ever wrote
17:10.02jjollybmac2: That was a fun game.
17:10.12bmac2I love that game
17:10.20bmac2defeated all 144 levels multiple times
17:10.34bmac2not that I am a puzzle nerd or anything
17:11.10Vogherlo: Is it that special?
17:14.48herloVog: it's pretty rad
17:15.25Vog..... how 1980's of you.....
17:16.17VogWow... Can I have my mchammer pants and chipandpepper tiedye back now...
17:16.27*** join/#utos justincarmony (
17:16.37bmac2and your mullet hairdo
17:20.06VogErr.... I think mullets were a little after Rad Radical and any other Californian TMNT surfspeak
17:20.37bmac2no, mullets were late 70s early 80s
17:20.41bmac2big hair band days
17:22.47jjollyDude, like - those days were sooo gnarly.  I, like - sooo was into the Van Halen with David Lee Roth.  It was awsome, dude.
17:23.59jjollyQuick question: is there going to be little kids activites during the UTOSC Family Day?
17:24.00bmac2van halen was never the same without david lee roth
17:24.04bmac2jjolly, yep
17:24.07bmac2that is the plan
17:24.14bmac2bzflag game on puters
17:24.47bmac2compass based scavenger hunt I think he called it
17:24.52jjollyHow 'bout little kids that necessarily don't grasp the awsomeness of bzFlags?
17:24.54bmac2herlo is setting up that stuff
17:25.04bmac2ask herlo
17:25.08bmac2that is his thing
17:25.09jjollyWill do.
17:25.22bmac2I am too busy chasing the adults who are speaking
17:25.25bmac2and the damn lug
17:34.13*** join/#utos carmony (n=justin@
17:35.07herlojjolly: we have a gps treasurehunt for the youngn's
17:35.25herloI'm working on getting a few more things set up too
17:36.34bmac2I suggested hot gluing the kids to walls and see which one gets down first
17:37.50VogI suggest the run away from the big scary man with a cattle prod event.
17:38.02Voglove kids
17:38.11herloI see
17:38.48herloJayce^: ping
17:38.50VogWell I was initiated into the joy of parenting with an 11 year old boy and 13 and 15 year old girls...
17:38.59bmac2that would be good
17:39.08bmac2what kid can avoid the tazer the longest
17:39.11VogI felt liek the kid being chased with a cattle prod
17:39.19herloJayce^: pm
17:39.36Jayce^don't have one from you
17:40.09herlosorry, was slow
18:28.52tristanbobherlo, coupon is expired
18:29.14tristanboband  you just sent it...
18:29.22tristanbob17 hours ago
18:29.25bmac2you took too long
18:29.29bmac2it was a limited time offer
18:29.31bmac2VERY limited
18:30.34tristanbobcan I get a new one?
18:30.46bmac2herlo has to give them I think
18:30.50bmac2I am not sure how to get one
18:30.58bmac2and he is at lunchy
18:31.01bmac2feeding his face
18:46.14macnewboldbmac2: just saw that timriker can't be at the roundtable... last I heard XMission was still pretty heavy in their use of Debian, they might know a replacement. The rest of the former debian people I knew I think have all moved to ubuntu.
18:47.07*** join/#utos Reilithion (
18:47.26bmac2I will try to find someone there
19:14.10*** join/#utos pelaofeliz (n=PelaoFel@
19:21.40*** join/#utos CarmonyPhone (n=carmonyp@
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19:30.49*** join/#utos bmaciphon (n=irchon@
19:31.13bmaciphonok got iPhone irc now
19:32.32*** join/#utos bmaciphon (n=irchon@
19:32.57bmaciphontimes out pretty fast
19:48.39*** join/#utos CarmonyPhone (n=carmonyp@
20:40.19herlotristanbob: no way
20:40.27herlochecks tristabob's coupon
20:42.38mindjuju~apb herlo
20:42.39infobotACTION summons Beth to spray mace at herlo
20:42.51mindjujuwill be at desk guaranteed for next 15 minutes!
20:42.53herlomindjuju: pong
20:43.03mindjujuyo, you pinged me earlier
20:43.15herlobanners and signs
20:43.22herloI need them today
20:43.22*** join/#utos AlmostThere (n=Woody@
20:43.29herlobefore Zurchers closes
20:43.39*** part/#utos AlmostThere (n=Woody@
20:55.50*** join/#utos cro (
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21:08.30tristanbobherlo, did you get me a new one?
21:08.42*** join/#utos justincarmony (
21:08.55herlotristanbob: I pm'ed you a question
21:09.00herlodid you not get it
21:10.37herlotristanbob: ??
21:10.42herlotristanbob: hello?
21:10.50herlohi tristanbob, where did you go?
21:10.50tristanbobI'm checking my email...
21:10.56herlooh, :)
21:11.01tristanbobherlo, settle down man!
21:12.09croherlo's a little punchy.  He just polished off a plate of cheese fries.
21:13.47herlocro: you helped
21:14.00croyou ate all the cheese. :-D
21:14.09cro(not really, just teasing)
21:14.53herlotristanbob: read your pm
21:17.31ilanjust finished a site launch at work. hoping work will calm down a little now
21:18.59herloyay for anyone is interested....
21:30.32ilans/is/who is/
21:31.18herloprefers the classic version :)
21:32.38herloilan: only because I am not a fan of flash.  I am guessing you didn't write the code though, so...
21:34.56ilanherlo: heh, not the flash code... :)
21:35.50ilanand ya i'd agree with you on the flash... but thats mostly there for all our videos
21:36.24herloyeah, looks pretty good otherwise
21:40.32tristanbobilan, I love edmunds
21:40.38tristanbobnice site
21:42.26*** join/#utos cro1 (
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22:01.50ilantristanbob: thanks.
22:21.26herlocro1: ping
22:22.42cro1herlo: pong
22:23.43herlocro1: I forgot the list of things that I was going to do, would you send me a list of things I said I'd do?
22:23.46cro1can't seem to ghost my nick
22:23.53cro1yes, almost done
22:24.04herloI don't see cro there
22:24.12herlojust use /nick
22:24.20cro1says already in use
22:24.33herlobastard nick!
22:24.34cro1and / msg nickserv ghost cro password
22:24.41josephnexusmust be in use elsewhere in freenode
22:24.44cro1says it's been ghosted but I don't get it back
22:24.54herloyou registered it right?
22:24.59cro1its *my* nick.  Mine, my precious.
22:25.00herlowell, I guess you had to have
22:25.40Vogjust re-register
22:29.06herloheh, can't do that
22:43.48mindjujuwhat time is meeting tonight?
22:43.57cro18 PM
23:06.09cro1undertakingyou: ping
23:12.04herlois heading home now
23:13.30josephnexusfarewall herlo
23:13.40herlo:) ciao

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