IRC log for #utos on 20090902

00:57.37*** join/#utos Mark_ATK (n=Mark_ATK@
00:59.20Mark_ATKHello herlo
01:02.56*** join/#utos justincarmony (n=justinca@
01:06.30utahcon~lart undertakingyou for not riding his bike
01:06.30infobotexecutes killall -HUP undertakingyou for not riding his bike
01:07.11herloMark_ATK: hi
01:07.50*** join/#utos cro (n=cro@
01:08.10justincarmonywe're all fired..
01:08.34Mark_ATKherlo:  I am here in Chicago for the red Hat Summit.
01:08.35utahconoff topic in the irc
01:09.01Mark_ATKherlo:  inode told me to get ahold of you.
01:12.09herloMark_ATK: cool
01:12.16herloMark_ATK: I hear you live around here
01:12.42*** join/#utos Jayce^ (n=Jayce^@
01:12.48Mark_ATKherlo: live in Layton work in Magna.
01:13.07herloI live in Murray and work in West Valley
01:14.06Mark_ATKI am thinking about becoming a Fedora Ambassador.
01:14.31herloyeah? cool!
01:14.37herlowould love to have some more Fedorans here...
01:14.55Mark_ATKI am just not sure what I can contribute.  Maybe just spread the Fedora word
01:15.36herlowell, you gotta learn, so it's good to get involved so you can understand how we work...
01:19.36Mark_ATKMaybe I will go for it.
01:20.09herloI can help mentor you if you like
01:20.45Mark_ATKWell I appreciate it.
01:22.06herloMark_ATK: so I'm currently in a meeting, I'll have to get back with you when you get back from the Summit.  Have a good time and tell me all about it.  I'm jealous
01:22.18Mark_ATKTalk at you later.
01:22.44herlociao :)
01:33.09*** join/#utos redbeard2 (n=jphall@
01:37.12justincarmony~lart utahcon
01:37.12infobotduct-tapes utahcon to the floor and drools on him
01:37.35Jayce^nah, he's over there drooling on himself
01:48.51HeartsbaneYa Jam them into a slot
01:50.32utahconit's not that I am not interested, all the presos I wanted are already in :D
01:50.46utahconand I whooped barry into how this would flow D
01:52.04HeartsbaneClose the HO!
01:52.41herloyep :)
02:02.47justincarmonyIf I really wanted to look like I'm not paying attention I could start playing WoW
02:03.48Jayce^start playing?
02:04.06justincarmonylol, its on my laptop
02:04.36Jayce^yeah, I'm just saying "Start now" instead of *been* playing
02:12.47HeartsbaneStart Now
02:14.34HeartsbaneI will beleive it when I see it
02:21.24justincarmonystop coding utahcon ! :P
02:31.18utahconyou can't make me!
02:32.54utahconthe ubuntu logo makes me think of condoms... odd
02:36.21Jayce^I think something just broke in my brain
02:36.39Jayce^I'm glad he's sitting next to herlo
02:38.03Heartsbanethis is what I think when I see the Ubuntu logo
02:38.28Heartsbaneutahcon: what do you think of that
02:39.55utahconHeartsbane: LOVE IT!
02:40.08utahconneeds bigger... tracts of land!
02:40.47justincarmonyI think we should make run buddypress
02:40.56utahconthat would be cool
02:40.58utahconand easy to do
02:42.05justincarmonyand most of us know wordpress
02:42.25utahconword... what?
02:44.44herlojustincarmony: yes, that's the plan actually
02:52.30gatewarstreksomeone ping me?
02:58.07gatewarstrekdecides that he *should* log irssi, then grep the logs
03:23.53*** join/#utos Gate (n=gate@unaffiliated/gate)
05:13.06Gatelibrivox rocks.
05:37.24*** join/#utos Gate (n=gate@unaffiliated/gate)
05:46.26*** join/#utos justincarmony (
05:57.07justincarmonyyou're still up herlo ? :P
05:57.47herlojustincarmony: of course :)
05:57.56herlojustincarmony: check out #utos-dev :)
05:57.58justincarmonylol, you're up late :P
05:58.00herlowe's been coding
05:58.11herlojustincarmony: nah, I'm up until at least midnight every night
05:59.28*** join/#utos Gate (n=gate@unaffiliated/gate)
06:01.37herlohi gatewarstrek

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