IRC log for #utos on 20090406

04:23.59*** join/#utos Gate (n=gate@unaffiliated/gate)
05:29.33Gateanyone recommend a rss feed reader?
05:30.05GateI want something fullscreen ticker-style for about 20-30 feeds.
05:37.01herlogoogle reader
05:45.46fizzGate: what OS/GUI?
05:47.11fizzeven though i don't use KDE i really like akgregator.
05:50.01herloyou could use liferea
05:50.35fizzfor winders feedreader is nice.
05:52.01fizzis akgregator not around anymore?
05:53.49fizzlooks like KNode is the new thing.
05:54.46fizzalso liferea is pretty good.
05:55.02fizzwhat are you doing up herlo?
06:05.35Gateon Ubuntu gnome ATM, but kde libraries don't scare me.
06:06.51Gateherlo: I am actually looking for something FOSS so I can..... tweak it. :)
06:07.53Gatewow, 117 MB to get akregator :P KDE libraries....
06:09.00fizzGate: it looks to me like that is no longer maintained look at KNode
06:11.09herloGate: liferea is FOSS
06:11.31Gateherlo: yeah, I was responding to google reader, which I presume is cloud
06:12.07herloGate: sweet!!
06:12.40herlocloud is good stuff
06:14.28Gateyes, but I have some particular requirements and I don't really want to start from scratch
06:21.16Gateinteresting, KNode might already have what I need. (go figure, no ideas are original :( )
06:24.38herlosome are, just not completely original :)
06:28.35Gatewell, I wanted to do scored by regexp matching and article flagging, etc etc. KNode does it all
06:29.27herlojust finished building himself an awesome pc
06:30.41herlocore2quad 2.3GHz 4GB ram, 1TB RAID 0
06:32.51fizzRAID 0? loser. i thought you had a soul.
06:39.05herlofizz: RAID 1 is what I meant to type
06:39.28herlofizz: besides, it's only for a while, then I'm going to RAID 6
06:39.43herlowhen I buy 4 more 1TB Drives
06:41.40fizztaid 6 ++
06:41.46fizzraid 6
06:43.08fizzi have some drives to build a raid on, but i need to finish getting my networking gear first. priorities man.
06:45.07herloyeah, sorry.  I am a bit tired today.  Just finished the bulk of wiring my house with cat5
06:45.44herloinfobot: you suck at sed replaces
06:49.57Gatesigh, so apparently KNode only does newsgroups, not RSS
06:54.56herloGate: watch about 1pm tomorrow for an exciting announcement :)
06:55.47herlofizz: you too!
06:55.49Gatecould you BE more vauge?
06:56.00herloGate: read the topic, it's in relation to that :)
06:56.18herloinfobot: sure, work for Gate but not me!
06:57.36herloGate: was that last comment less vague?
07:03.37herloGate: a sneak preview?
07:12.20*** topic/#utos by herlo -> Utah Open Source - | UTOSC 2009 Announcement before 1:30pm today -
10:39.30*** join/#utos bgerber (
13:15.28*** join/#utos utahcon (
13:58.59*** join/#utos thaddeusq (n=thaddeus@
14:23.04undertakingyouGood morning everyone
14:26.36*** join/#utos cardinal (n=cardinal@
14:27.16fozzmooundertakingyou: Good morning utu.
14:28.39undertakingyou:) thanks fozzmoo. Morning going good?
14:29.02fozzmooSo far, yeah. I didn't get much sleep last night, but I made good on it and got some work done.
14:29.32fozzmooThis kind of cracks me up.
14:29.36fozzmoo"What is text?"
14:30.05fozzmooLinux runs on text. Text comes in a lot of flavors. What we’ll cover this month is plain text: a stream of characters that you can output directly to a terminal window using a utility like cat(1).
14:30.20fozzmooNow THAT is basics.
14:30.44undertakingyoubut it uses the catchphrase of text
14:30.56undertakingyouTHe only thing that would be better is if it was Linux Runs on TXT
14:32.25fozzmooSome people would think that has something to do with SMS messages from your mobile device. :)
14:32.56undertakingyouYep. But they did use a .txt file for the example.
14:33.09fozzmoo"Plain text"? Is that when someone sends you a message on your phone that doesn't have a smiley?
15:17.12*** join/#utos ghendricks (n=ghendric@nat/novell/x-cf86fa92ff1dcedb)
15:23.37*** join/#utos redbeard2 (n=jphall@
15:27.13*** join/#utos neybar (n=jalance@
16:19.32*** join/#utos Jayce^ (n=Jayce^
17:34.15*** join/#utos infobot (
17:34.15*** topic/#utos is Utah Open Source - | UTOSC 2009 Announcement before 1:30pm today -
18:04.24*** join/#utos Heartsbane (n=hearts@unaffiliated/heartsbane)
18:45.02herlopoints to the topic :)
18:56.18herloundertakingyou: ping
18:56.21herlofozzmoo: ping
18:57.35herloJayce^: ping
18:57.37herlomindjuju: ping
18:57.40herlomemilyra1: ping
18:57.42herlodecriptor: ping
18:57.54Jayce^sup? just getting ready to release it?
18:58.03mindjujulooks around the room with his good eye
18:58.06herloyep, just making sure you guys are aware of the topic
18:58.10herlothat is all
18:58.40herloso if people ask questions...
18:58.53Jayce^can't wait to find out the date and location..
18:58.55Jayce^errr. :)
19:03.01herlojust sent a reminder email...
19:03.04herloto the core team
19:05.59herlocrap, I have a typo !!!
19:11.29Jayce^email just landed in box
19:12.03Jayce^waiting for the blog to show up
19:12.38herloJayce^: it comes out in 6 minutes, I wanted to give it up here first
19:12.52Jayce^just getting ready to RT/etc
19:12.56goozbachYay, I'm part of an exclussive!
19:13.01herlolol, yep
19:13.14*** join/#utos Gate (n=gate@unaffiliated/gate)
19:13.22herlowe're getting close to finishing our design for the UTOSC 2009 site too, so that'll be sweet!
19:15.40*** topic/#utos by herlo -> Utah Open Source - | UTOSC 2009 Venue and Dates Announcement -
19:26.35fizzherlo: nice :)
19:32.37Jayce^6 minutes eh?
19:32.45herloshould be up
19:32.58herlohmm, strange
19:33.26herlolooks like the timezone on this is off
19:33.50herloI guess I should fix that
19:37.20herloso it looks like the tz was wrong on the wp install.  I thought it was on the machine
19:37.23herloshould be up now
19:57.09*** join/#utos infobot (
19:57.09*** topic/#utos is Utah Open Source - | UTOSC 2009 Venue and Dates Announcement -
20:15.07*** join/#utos Gareth (
20:15.57herloGareth: hey
20:16.02herlogood to see you
20:17.09Garethherlo: hey :) Just saw your tweet regarding the dates for UTOS.
20:18.10herlo:) sweet
20:18.13herloshare it far and wide
20:18.30herloGareth: you reminded me that I need to ping Lei again about scalereg
20:18.37GarethYes.  Pleaes do.
20:18.42Jayce^herlo: so apparently you knew Ben Roper at UVSC?
20:18.46Garethwe're seriously lagging on releasing that..
20:18.56herloI've been talking with other Conferences and it seems there's a lot of interest in combining
20:19.02herloJayce^: name sounds somewhat familiar
20:19.11Garethherlo: ..and I'll pop a message off to our planning list about UTOS and the dates, venue announcement.
20:19.19herloGareth: I'll keep pinging lei too :)
20:19.24herloGareth: awesome!!
20:19.38goozbachok so I'm going to request the entire week of the conference
20:19.39herlothanks for any help we can get. Would love to see you guys out in Utah this October too
20:19.51goozbachI'll be ready and willing to help get setup
20:20.02herlogoozbach: sweet! we always need help :)
20:20.22goozbachand (knock on wood) I'll have a couple of presenations as well.
20:23.20herlo:) we hope so too!
20:28.07goozbachso here's an idea for my presentation and all presentations really.  A QRcode of the link to download the presentation handout
20:28.48goozbachinstead of the massive scramble of people trying to write down the url where your notes are, it's *SNAP* with a smartphone camera, and poof you have the url
20:30.54herlogoozbach: uh, we have links on every presentation from 2008 if they provided the slides
20:31.03herlogoozbach: is there something better about qrcode?
20:31.58goozbachwell, it's just ANOTHER way to transmit the data
20:32.21herlohmm, got a link?
20:32.28goozbachI'm building a presentation management tool right now.
20:32.57herloif everyone in here could send a tweet or (or whatever social network you're on) out about the topic, that'd be great!
20:33.04goozbachalready did
20:33.27*** topic/#utos by herlo -> Utah Open Source - | UTOSC 2009 Venue and Dates Announcement -
20:33.47goozbachherlo: I don't have a link to my new tool or QR code but I'm trying to extend my presentation folder system to be much better than it is
20:34.06goozbachthis is the entry page to my system:
20:34.25*** topic/#utos by herlo -> Utah Open Source - | UTOSC 2009 Venue and Dates Announcement - &&
20:34.33herlogoozbach: looking now
20:34.42goozbachand the page where everything is stored is here:
20:34.56goozbachthe first page is dynamicly created via SSI
20:35.08goozbachby this page:
20:35.21herlouh, that second link you gave says I want this bzr branch
20:35.40herlothat's interesting
20:36.27goozbachyou can branch all of my presentations
20:36.34herlothat's cool
20:36.53goozbachI'm re-building that directory structure right now
20:36.56herloneeds to go back to his puppet learning...
20:37.12goozbachto be way easy to create a new presentation in an easy to share format
20:37.35herlohow do you create them? S5?
20:37.48herlodidn't check them out
20:38.22goozbachwell those are mostly a hodgepodge of openoffice present format
20:38.35goozbachsome OOo writer stuff
20:38.51goozbachbut the new format will be multi-markdown as the source documents
20:38.58goozbachand S5 as the slide format
20:39.22undertakingyouherlo: ping
20:39.30herloundertakingyou: pong
20:41.40herlotons of people are now following utos on and twitter, it's awesome!
20:42.23undertakingyouI pinged you as a pong to your earlier ping.
20:42.30undertakingyouSorry for the confusion.
20:43.17herloundertakingyou: oh, nw
20:43.31herlojust wanted to make you aware that we were announcing dates and venue on our blog and around the world
20:43.46herlofigured you kinda knew
20:44.46undertakingyouI figured it out.
20:44.52undertakingyouI am glad we did it.
20:51.17*** join/#utos Heartsbane (n=hearts@unaffiliated/heartsbane)
21:03.07Heartsbanewell that sucked
21:08.57Heartsbaneno huggybear's UPS shut everything down around 7:30 to 8:00 this morning and I am trying to figure out why
21:09.36Heartsbaneand when I zipped home to get my wallet at lunch, I brought it back up and not all the services restored
21:17.57Heartsbanereally harshed my mellow, and now ntp seems to be giving me the finger
21:18.55Heartsbanewelcome to monday right
21:20.40undertakingyousad face. That does suck.
21:22.42Heartsbanewhy does my server hate me!!!
21:22.42Heartsbane15:20 <eightyeight> because you didn't feed it last night
21:22.45Heartsbane15:22 <Heartsbane> HAHAHA
21:23.05HeartsbaneThat was funny
21:23.46fozzmooSpoiled brat server.
21:24.50Heartsbaneno kidding ...
21:42.18herloHeartsbane: sorry to hear that man
21:50.04Heartsbaneeh... its fixed
21:50.10Heartsbaneaggravating mostly
21:51.34Heartsbaneoh cool, when did Gareth get here?
21:55.22herloHeartsbane: he's been here since about 1:45 or so when I posted the dates for UTOSC 2009
22:01.04Garethherlo: your software is named "conman"? :) thats awesome!
22:11.03herloGareth: yep :)
22:11.40fozzmooinspires all who come to do business with it.
22:11.45herloGareth: we wanted to name it just 'conman', but google code looks at sourceforge projects and there was already called conman for a content manager
22:41.49*** join/#utos Jayce^_ (n=Jayce^
22:45.49*** join/#utos Patrick (n=patrick@
22:47.11undertakingyouhi PatrickC
22:49.12PatrickCI am Patrick, I live in West Jordan.
22:49.27undertakingyouHi Patrick, how is West Jordan today?
22:50.14PatrickCSunny and not very cold, feels like Spring.
22:50.41undertakingyouVery cool. It has been a nice day.
22:51.44PatrickCI am a computer science major at SLCC.
22:52.45PatrickCI support open source software.
22:53.05undertakingyouThat is good, because it is a requirement to be here ;)
22:55.02undertakingyouHow did you first hear about UTOS PatrickC ?
22:57.03PatrickCThere is a banner for last years conference in the Science and Industry building at SLCC Redwood
22:57.18undertakingyouherlo: did we not take that away?
22:57.36undertakingyouPatrickC: we had our conference there last year.
22:58.01herloundertakingyou: nope, they wanted one
22:58.59undertakingyouwell, that is ok then :)
22:59.15PatrickCI saw Mozy on the banner. A friend of mine, Mark Suman works there.
23:00.23undertakingyouYeah, they were a sponsor. Have you heard about this years conference?
23:00.51PatrickCI like Mozy, because they support off site backup for Mac OSX.
23:01.46herloPatrickC: I keep bugging them for a Linux tool and then I can use their service
23:01.55herlothey keep promising it :)
23:02.24PatrickCI just got an e-mail about it from my department head.
23:03.06herloPatrickC: David Moss?
23:04.04herlohe was our host last year and was very helpful
23:05.52PatrickCI support the growth and expansion of open source projects on Max OS X. They need more people behind open source on that platform.
23:07.11PatrickCFor example, I A&M u
23:08.22PatrickCI am trying to learn to use the GIMP in X11.
23:09.56PatrickCI also use Ubuntu in Suns VirtualBox
23:10.21undertakingyouPatrickC: do you use Banshee?
23:11.03PatrickCI guess not. Tell me about it.
23:13.27undertakingyouIt is a music player.
23:13.33undertakingyouWay better than iTunes.
23:13.49PatrickCI see.
23:13.50undertakingyouThey just made a Mac OSX port about 3 months ago.
23:15.24PatrickCI use MacPorts to get Mac binaries of Unix command line utilities.
23:17.15PatrickCI used it to build the Gecko rendering engine for the Camino web browser, an open source project.
23:19.24PatrickCThe IRC client I am using now (Colloguy), is an open source project.
23:20.14undertakingyouI used MacPorts when I used Mac OSX. I found that half the time it couldn't download the stuff and would error out. Do you get that a lot?
23:21.09PatrickCI have not had that problem yet.
23:21.35undertakingyouI tried to install gnome-terminal and it would just timeout on the download.
23:21.45undertakingyouI had it with some others but I can't remember the names.
23:22.49PatrickCI A&M h
23:24.44PatrickCI am happy with my situation. I hope to get an excellent education, teach myself a lot, and practice as often as possible
23:27.16PatrickCI hope to do programming work I enjoy. I prefer enjoyment over 10% more income, I like and want be part of the developer community.
23:30.55PatrickCIs there a fee for the conference?
23:31.18HeartsbaneAre you still a SLCC CS student?
23:31.24undertakingyouThere will be. The fee schedule and things will be posted when registration opens.
23:31.58PatrickCYes, I am a student
23:32.54Heartsbaneif you show a current student ID then it should be free
23:32.54undertakingyouThere is a deep discount for SLCC CS students. Last year it was free for early bird but $10 if you procrastinated.
23:33.42PatrickCAre there any panel discussions?
23:33.59herlothinks it will be similar to LUGs this year, still a pretty good dicsount :)
23:36.16PatrickCWill there be panels?
23:38.00undertakingyoupanels? Like wall panels?
23:38.37herlolol, no like discussion panels silly :)
23:38.43herlois sure that undertakingyou knows that
23:39.34PatrickCIf there will not be anyone of more prominance representing Mac open source, I volunteer to be on any panels that are appropriate.
23:40.22*** join/#utos Gate (n=gate@unaffiliated/gate)
23:41.11HeartsbanePatrickC: call for papers haven't even been announced, but Jayce was looking into a panel
23:42.50undertakingyouPatrickC: it may also be a good thing for you to submit once the call for papers does come out.
23:44.16PatrickCI am new as a programmer and new to conferences, Never the less, I am in it
23:45.38PatrickCI Am in it whole heartedly. I am not afraid of speaking in public.
23:47.21PatrickCI am passionate about programming and time and experience have already begun to teach me in this past year
23:49.54PatrickCI need to go, thanks for your time.
23:49.59undertakingyouHave a good one PatrickC
23:50.04undertakingyouWe'll chat with you later.

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