IRC log for #utos on 20090106

00:06.28Heartsbaneundertakingyou: ping
00:30.11*** part/#utos cardinal (n=cardinal@nat/novell/x-ff21e09a04a050e9)
01:48.02undertakingyouHeartsbane: pong
01:48.08undertakingyoupong pong pong
02:02.29decriptorundertakingyou: hi
02:03.33undertakingyouhey there, how you doing?
02:04.03decriptornot bad
02:04.08decriptorjust hanging out at work
02:05.29undertakingyoustill at work?
02:05.34undertakingyoudid you take my job?
02:06.10decriptorcrap weather
02:06.19decriptorwaiting for emily to make her way down here
02:07.43Heartsbaneundertakingyou: still there?
02:08.08undertakingyoudecriptor: ahh, well, be careful
02:08.14undertakingyouIt doesn't look good up here.
02:09.01Heartsbaneso I have recreated hardy to intrepid using the PPA for banshee on another box
02:09.18Heartsbanesame results I blame libmtp
02:09.26penoI blame heartsbane
02:09.37undertakingyouI'm with peno here.
02:09.42Heartsbanewell, that might be true
02:09.54Heartsbanebut any opinion I offer will be tainted
02:10.10undertakingyouWhen you say same results I assume you mean no album art transferred at all right?
02:10.12Heartsbanebecause I am obviously biased
02:10.21Heartsbaneno it transfers
02:11.05Heartsbanebut I can do playlists and it doesn't crash everytime you look at it
02:11.33*** join/#utos undertakingyou (
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02:12.32undertakingyouOk, well, what version of libmtp are you using now?
02:13.41Heartsbaneon 2 machines I am using
02:13.44HeartsbaneSource: libmtp
02:14.17undertakingyouok, so here is my question: is this a bug with libmtp or is it that libmtp changed some commands and it is a bug with banshee?
02:14.23Heartsbanebut you hafta install hardy then install banshee from the PPA then upgrade to intrepid
02:14.32Heartsbane^^^ ain't that wonky
02:14.53undertakingyouaccording to libmtp's website it is supposed to have perfect flawless support for all our devices.
02:15.18Heartsbaneof course in the process of the hardy -> intrepid upgrade the PPA repo get disabled
02:15.51undertakingyouis enjoying some hot chicken enchilada soup. If anyone wants any come on over.
02:16.10penois enjoying wine
02:16.32undertakingyoupoints out that peno didn't invite people over.
02:16.34HeartsbaneWell as far as I can see the only different variation I can see is libmtp, but I am not scouring the code
02:17.05Heartsbaneand I don't want to drive in this, but thanks for the offer
02:17.23undertakingyouright, the way we can test is to get another media player that will use libmtp8 and see if it transfers art. If it does the problem is banshee, if not the problem is libmtp
02:17.23Heartsbanepeno remember wine is not a emulator
02:17.35penoHeartsbane: uh, wrong wine.
02:17.42penopinot evil.
02:17.51HeartsbaneNO U have the wrong wine!!!
02:17.58penoIT'S EVIL
02:18.22HeartsbaneOh so your evil is artificial
02:18.30HeartsbaneI prefer something more natural
02:18.33undertakingyouwow, I think we need a panel of judges to score this one out properly
02:18.47penoyah.. well, it's what I have here
02:19.00penoso.. suck your natural
02:19.30Heartsbaneum ya I don't want to respond to that
02:19.34undertakingyou'. . . as peno delivers a solid punch . . . '
02:20.44Heartsbaneundertakingyou: If I install intrepid, then banshee-1 and it explodes ... it is your fault
02:21.15Heartsbaneand your soup too.
02:21.29undertakingyouHeartsbane: my guess is this: libmtp changed something in their implementation. So devices that have been used with the older libmtp won't talk with the new libmtp.
02:22.29Heartsbanemost likely and the new banshee hasn't updated to take care of the new implementation
02:22.41Heartsbanejust guessing
02:22.54undertakingyouyep, me to
02:23.48Heartsbaneand since libmtp8 versions 0.3.X and higher wasn't around in hardy
02:24.40Heartsbanestill blames libmtp
02:25.23HeartsbaneI say we blame tristanbob
02:25.36Heartsbanejust to see if he is paying attention
02:25.44penoI say we blame claudius
02:26.38Heartsbaneyou mean the Bob Newhart look a like
02:37.16*** join/#utos undertakingyou (
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02:37.34undertakingyousweet, it worked
02:47.36undertakingyouI have been playing with some irssi stuff that I learned at the ubuntu-utah meeting
02:48.31undertakingyouI got it to give my password to freenode so I don't have to manually identify.
02:48.40undertakingyouI also added another channel that I sit in a lot.
02:49.14undertakingyouLittle stuff that everyone else has been doing for a while.
02:49.15undertakingyouI need to figure out how to be identified on
02:49.23undertakingyouMaybe I have to join the gnome project.
02:50.11Heartsbanemaybe /msg Nickserv register creepy_undertaker ??
02:50.20Heartsbanejust a thought
02:50.26undertakingyouyeah, tried that.
02:50.40undertakingyouIt give back' no channel by that name'
03:00.40Heartsbaneno nick/channel by that name
03:11.52Heartsbanewe will see where that takes us
03:17.09*** join/#utos tristanbob_ (n=tristanb@ubuntu/member/tristanbob)
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20:03.36undertakingyouWow, what a busy day here in #utos!
20:03.59undertakingyou~seen kkubasik
20:04.03infobotkkubasik <i=451b15fd@gateway/web/ajax/> was last seen on IRC in channel #utos, 162d 4h 37m 45s ago, saying: 'its just you need to see people use it before you really grasp the benifit'.
20:05.06undertakingyouhow you feeling peno? How is healing going?
20:05.37penoslow, but good
20:05.44penoable to drive a little bit now
20:06.40undertakingyouThat has got to be nice. How good is your mobility around the house?
20:07.04fizzhe runs around the house. jumps down the stairs too
20:07.07penofairly well.  stairs still pose a slight challenge, but that's to be expected
20:13.22undertakingyouRunning and jumping? I want to know the pain meds.
20:14.09fizzthey are these new ones. i think they are called goof balls
20:14.42undertakingyouhmm . . . we may never know.
20:14.48undertakingyouHow are you doing fizz?
20:14.56undertakingyouWeren't you looking for a job? Did you find one?
20:15.13penono running and jumping for me
20:15.32fizzi'm doing some contract stuff. still looking for a "real" job though.
20:18.05undertakingyourough brake. Where were you working before?
20:19.14fizza company called ezwatch doing web stuff. then before that for a good while i was at a company called MRN running their QA show.
20:19.32undertakingyouwhat type of web stuff?
20:20.54fizzhtml/css and apache admin stuff.
20:21.07fizzboring job.
20:21.16undertakingyouso if I have CSS questions I can call you though.
20:21.32fizz<-- ninja
20:21.48undertakingyouI need a MySQL expert to pick their brain. Know any?
20:21.57undertakingyouOh, you are a ninja my friend ;)
20:22.35fizzi know  fe. i'm trying to think if any of them use irc.
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23:12.39*** part/#utos mindjuju (n=mindjuju@
23:34.26*** join/#utos Jayce^ (n=jayce@

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