IRC log for #utos on 20081229

01:20.15*** join/#utos romanovic_ (
01:30.40*** join/#utos romanovic__ (
05:55.18herlofozzmoo: ping
13:51.37*** join/#utos eggyknap (
13:53.56*** join/#utos eggyknap (
14:57.41*** join/#utos thaddeusq (n=thaddeus@
15:21.40*** join/#utos eggyknap (
15:27.49*** join/#utos eggyknap (
15:45.36*** join/#utos maquis (
15:55.32*** join/#utos pelaofeliz (n=PelaoFel@
16:09.45*** join/#utos ghendricks (n=ghendric@nat/novell/x-2e741f97f36c3d7a)
16:38.31*** join/#utos zzzirk (
16:39.18*** join/#utos zzzirk_away (
16:48.18*** join/#utos redbeard2 (n=jphall@
16:53.42*** join/#utos itimber (
17:10.55*** join/#utos Jayce^ (
17:16.29undertakingyoupeno: I can't afford a wintendo.
17:17.13*** topic/#utos by undertakingyou -> Utah Open Source - | Happy New Year! | Your resolution: spread knowledge of open source.
17:29.55herlothinks undertakingyou is having fun!
17:33.00penothat isn't my resolution.
17:33.52herlopeno: well, it should be :)
17:33.58herloor at least one of them !!
17:34.14penowhy? most everyone I know uses linux in one form or another
17:34.54peno*if* I were to make resolutions, it would be to sample more beer in 2009. :)
17:35.35penoand those that don't use linux are such ms fanboi's, they'll never see reason.
17:35.53Guest34825netware 4.11 4lyfe
17:36.41penodon't forget your vampire taps
18:22.33*** join/#utos itimber (
18:40.51*** join/#utos herlo-lap (n=clints@
19:08.52herlo-laphello maquis
19:09.01maquisare they adorable, vegetarian and play baseball?
19:09.04maquisherlo-lap: hello
19:09.13herlo-laphow's seattle?
19:09.25maquisherlo-lap: melting quite nicely these days
19:09.43maquisrain melts snow faster than sun, it appears
19:09.47herlo-lapyeah?  It's starting to do that here a little.
19:10.34herlo-laphave a nice christmas maquis?
19:11.13maquisyeah. it was a nice christmas
19:11.25maquiskinda crazy, but that's expected for us :)
19:11.53maquisamazon goes crazy every year at christmas time
19:21.59*** join/#utos eggyknap_ (
19:24.20*** join/#utos eggyknap1 (
19:25.13herlo-lapmaquis: it's nice to see you online again, that's for sure
19:29.28maquisherlo-lap: it's nice to be back
19:29.48herlo-lapyou should stick around for a while, it gets fun in here :)
19:29.57maquisherlo-lap: i wasn't ssh-ing into my server for a while, which made it difficult to follow what's happening
19:30.52maquisfor a while, work was eating me pretty good, and when i wasn't doing that, i was usually avoiding the computers...
20:07.21*** join/#utos mastergunns (
20:07.43herlo-lapmaquis: currently, my ssh access is down on
20:13.16maquisherlo-lap: ?
20:13.36herlo-lapyeah, on pidgin
20:15.47*** join/#utos herlo (n=clints@
20:15.47*** mode/#utos [+o herlo] by ChanServ
20:21.33*** part/#utos herlo-lap (n=clints@
20:24.23maquisherlo: interesting...
20:24.35maquisi can't use irc directly from work...
20:44.18herlois the system administrator at his new job
20:45.14undertakingyouGives all kinds of freedom huh :)
20:46.02herlo:) sure does.  Seemingly less freedom from the last job, but I think they're happy I get anything done :)
20:46.45undertakingyoukeeps his sarcastic comments to himself
20:46.59eggyknapworks from home. So there. :)
20:47.33herloundertakingyou: I dare ya
20:53.26undertakingyouhere goes.
20:53.49undertakingyouYour new job is happy your getting anything done, I would have thought they were surprised
20:53.52undertakingyouI am .
21:03.10herlo~lart undertakingyou
21:03.10infobotbeats undertakingyou over the head with a microkernel
21:03.42herloundertakingyou: I'm sure that christmas present you *were* going to get from me (late as it was) might not appear now...
21:07.41*** join/#utos eggyknap_ (
21:12.42*** join/#utos eggyknap (
21:50.08*** join/#utos maquis ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
21:50.09*** join/#utos mastergunns ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
21:50.09*** join/#utos zzzirk ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
21:50.10*** join/#utos thaddeusq (n=thaddeus@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
21:50.10*** join/#utos pashdown ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
21:50.10*** join/#utos neybar ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
21:50.10*** join/#utos goozbach (n=goozbach@
21:50.10*** join/#utos Kr0w ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
21:50.10*** join/#utos DexterTheDragon (n=admin@oalug/member/blackchaos)
21:50.10*** join/#utos decriptor ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
22:06.13*** join/#utos eggyknap (
22:07.36*** join/#utos eggyknap_ (
23:07.02*** part/#utos mastergunns (
23:25.00*** join/#utos Jayce^ (
23:51.26*** join/#utos eggyknap_ (

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.