IRC log for #utos on 20081125

00:45.57*** part/#utos cardinal (n=cardinal@nat/novell/x-f934b222358d93a7)
01:13.16*** join/#utos IRSeekBot2 (n=IRSeekLo@irseek/log-bot/IRSeekBot)
03:23.53*** join/#utos Gate (n=gate@unaffiliated/gate)
06:59.38*** join/#utos undertakingyou (
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11:19.17*** join/#utos macnewbold (n=mac@
14:32.22*** join/#utos redbeard2 (
14:54.15*** join/#utos cardinal (n=cardinal@nat/novell/x-3d3721b69f13b5bd)
15:02.26*** join/#utos thaddeusq (n=thaddeus@
15:42.03*** join/#utos ghendricks (n=ghendric@nat/novell/x-0e7fe4dfbaa1334d)
16:09.22*** join/#utos TheDruidXpawX (
16:09.26*** part/#utos TheDruidXpawX (
17:09.13*** join/#utos TheDruidXpawX (
17:09.48TheDruidXpawXpoor is just buried today
17:10.07herlohas them :)
17:10.16TheDruidXpawXyeah you'll be the man if you stop by with them
17:14.06TheDruidXpawXheh I love it, their bandwidth chart shows around 0.5 G bps/second until about 9am est at which point it quickly ramps up to 1.5+
17:14.14TheDruidXpawXAny idea what might have triggered that? :D
17:14.40TheDruidXpawXmy that's a lot of internet traffic
17:15.55penomaybe they're having a sale on kernel images.
17:18.38TheDruidXpawXI'm sure the data center that donates their traffic just loves fedora release time of the year.
17:28.19decriptorherlo: ping
17:36.45herlodecriptor: pong
17:37.01decriptornm  I was just going to ask if you knew of a good fedora mirror
17:37.28decriptorthis one seems to be really good (2.4MB) -
17:45.31TheDruidXpawXdecriptor: Thanks for that mirror info.
17:48.23decriptorTheDruidXpawX: yup
17:48.35decriptorstill pulling at a steady 2.4 2.5 MB
17:53.42decriptorherlo: that's fine, but you be sure to tell me when they add 10
17:54.00TheDruidXpawXthey've got 10, but only the i386 isos it looks like
17:54.09TheDruidXpawXretract that
17:54.14TheDruidXpawXthey aint got nuffin
17:54.51decriptorTheDruidXpawX: are you on xmission? dsl/utopia?
17:55.39TheDruidXpawXxm dsl at home, although not from where I'm currently at
17:56.04decriptorI was going to say that I could push the iso out to my server at home (I'm on a 50/50 mbit connection)
18:00.02TheDruidXpawXI'm ready to kick qwest's ass. They dropped off a flier that said 20mb fiber was available at my house, which is neither fiber, nor is it available through XMission.
18:00.18penoit's fiber to the node!@!@
18:00.28TheDruidXpawXit's already fiber to the node
18:00.31penonever you mind you still have the same crappy copper to your house.
18:01.01TheDruidXpawXyeah, but I can easily walk to the dslam from my house
18:01.14penoall their "fiber" is is ADSL2
18:01.16TheDruidXpawXthe crappy copper probably travels 100ft
18:01.44penoand rumor has it, when they light it up, it causes problems for those on ADSL
18:01.52TheDruidXpawXoh goodie
18:02.16penowhich rumor has it, qwest's fix is to move you to "fiber"!
18:03.08penothey were pretty actively running new lines by my house, but stopped entirely.
18:04.03penough. installing acrobat over vpn is painful.
18:26.25fozzmooherlo: ping
18:43.57tristanbob_wow - that is sad
18:44.06tristanbob_I better google things before going to them
18:44.17tristanbob_at least the hotdog is bun length
18:44.29tristanbob_maybe that is puppy linux...
18:46.37tristanbob_I love torrenting from the University network
18:55.37TheDruidXpawXtristanbob: yeah I've visited that site today too
19:31.10*** part/#utos TheDruidXpawX (
20:06.22decriptortristanbob_: you should be able to hit a mirror on the UEN network and get upwards 6MB
22:06.56herlofozzmoo: pong
22:07.09herlotristanbob_: it's not, it's :)
23:09.25*** join/#utos sontek (i=a6468c49@gateway/web/ajax/
23:09.40sontekpeno: do you have cisco anyconnect software that can be used on vista64?
23:23.39decriptorsees a ghost
23:25.16decriptorsontek: what's new
23:25.42sontekdecriptor: Not much, other than I've formed an addiction to coffee ;p
23:26.06sontekanything new with you? =)
23:26.10decriptorall refills over here are $.09 so I'm forming an addiction to soda :)
23:26.21decriptorwe are releasing our stuff today
23:26.26decriptorI think
23:27.39decriptoronce we have released, I'm going to spend some serious time on hudson
23:27.53decriptorawesome project... great continuous build environment
23:28.09sontekFor .net?
23:28.24sontekis it better than cruise control, draco, and msbuild?
23:28.29decriptorthere is a plugin for msbuild
23:28.39sontekI've lost interest it says java in its name :P
23:28.48decriptorI like it a lot more than cruise control (though I like
23:28.56sontekwe use at work
23:29.11sontekbut all does for us is launch msbuild scripts :P
23:29.23sontekwe could really just use cron jobs for them
23:30.01decriptorhudson has some really cool notification stuff
23:30.08decriptorI'll have to show it to you sometime
23:30.49sontekyeah, I'd love to see it
23:30.49decriptorI have our (broken still not finished setup) twittering :)
23:30.58sontekwe don't even use to its full potential, but we should
23:31.01sontekwe are slackers though
23:31.02decriptorthere is a firefox plugin too :) ... irc, email, etc
23:31.16decriptorhudson is a 1000x easier to configure
23:31.22sontekwe just got bought by one of our clients though
23:31.26sontekso we are adding a bunch of devs next year
23:33.23sontekyeah, it sucks, Joe and I have to learn to be professional now
23:33.26sontekand manage people
23:34.04decriptorsounds like a blast :P
23:34.29sontekI'm the best manager ever, I showed up for work at 11 today
23:34.50sontekI just got an xbox 360, its kind of draws me in ;P
23:42.10sontekhow is a11y coming along?
23:42.10sontekyou guys have anything cool to show?
23:45.37sonteki'm going to head home
23:46.00decriptorsontek: yeah, but doesn't make sense to mess with it on windows
23:46.13sontekbut windows is the bestest ever
23:46.27decriptorwe are implementing something that is on windows on linux
23:46.49decriptorso it already exsisted on windows, though you could the windows version to automate your testing
23:47.37*** join/#utos redbeard2 (
23:53.16penosontek: no 64bit support yet
23:53.20penoonly 32bit
23:53.36sontekpeno: none at all?
23:53.45penonope :(
23:54.31sontekpeno: I found some people on the forums saying anyconnect is supported on vista64
23:54.35sontekjust not the old vpnclient
23:55.10penolast I knew there wasn't 64 bit support, double checking
23:55.20sontekpeno: on the FAQ "Tip: The Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client is now available for the Windows Operating Systems, which includes Vista 32 and 64-bit."
23:56.17penoit may be beta still
23:56.21penoall I see is a beta client
23:56.22*** join/#utos TheDruidXpawX (
23:56.26*** part/#utos TheDruidXpawX (
23:56.27sonteki'm ok with beta!
23:56.38sontekI just want to be able to work from home :P
23:58.40penohardware vpn!
23:58.54penothat's how I do it
23:59.21sonteklol, we have an extra pix I could setup to do a static tunnel
23:59.26sontekbut none of my co-workers can!
23:59.33sontekcan you get the anyconnect sofware?
23:59.39sontekwe don't have an active subscription so we can't login
23:59.59penoslerping it now

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