IRC log for #utos on 20081112

00:07.52*** join/#utos pashdown (
00:20.00*** part/#utos decriptor1 (n=sshaw@
01:49.33*** join/#utos Heartsbane (n=hearts@unaffiliated/heartsbane)
04:29.58*** join/#utos mindjuju (n=mindjuju@
04:37.15*** join/#utos Supaplex_ (n=supaplex@
05:31.42*** join/#utos Supaplex_ (n=supaplex@
05:41.23*** join/#utos Supaplex_ (n=supaplex@
06:55.00*** join/#utos undertak1ngyou (
14:06.10*** join/#utos IRSeekBot2 (n=IRSeekLo@irseek/log-bot/IRSeekBot)
14:37.55*** join/#utos AlmostThere (
14:38.25*** part/#utos AlmostThere (
14:59.10*** join/#utos Heartsbane (n=hearts@unaffiliated/heartsbane)
15:00.21*** join/#utos thaddeusq (n=thaddeus@
15:19.10*** join/#utos Supap|ex (n=supaplex@
15:33.05*** join/#utos redbeard2 (
15:42.59*** join/#utos cardinal (n=cardinal@nat/novell/x-dc6ad60c32236352)
16:02.50*** join/#utos ghendricks (n=ghendric@nat/novell/x-e569c822c5f1188c)
16:27.52*** join/#utos itimber (
17:25.37Heartsbanepashdown: ping
18:30.53decriptorpashdown: my hero :P
18:31.23pashdownoh, the real heroes are the people who make me look good
18:31.51decriptorpashdown: talking to bgerber and he said that you had opensuse added to the mirror list
18:32.29*** join/#utos bgerber (
18:32.33decriptorI stopped looking for it on the mirror a long time ago
18:32.39decriptorand then bgerber mentioned it
18:32.44decriptorpromoting xmission :)
18:33.20bgerberyes xmission is the best/greatest ISP
18:47.06macnewboldyeah, I'm sporting my XMISSION 93 shirt today, to show my support
18:47.36decriptorI don't have a t-shirt :(
18:48.22herlopashdown: we need XM Tshirts!! :)
18:48.53pashdownlet me check if we've got any left
18:49.11decriptorI'd wear it :)
18:49.14herloprepares to hop into his car!
18:49.21decriptoris a walking billboard :)
18:49.21herloand drive to XM
18:49.29*** join/#utos itimber (
18:49.52bgerberI would as well.
18:59.14herloguess not :(
19:48.19*** join/#utos peno (
19:53.10Heartsbaneoh good
21:04.30herlofozzmoo: ping
21:05.51fozzmooherlo: pong
21:06.10herlofozzmoo: pm
21:35.04*** join/#utos thaddeusq (n=thaddeus@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
21:45.57*** join/#utos ghendricks (n=ghendric@nat/novell/x-e569c822c5f1188c)
21:45.58*** join/#utos redbeard2 (
21:45.58*** join/#utos mindjuju (n=mindjuju@
21:45.58*** join/#utos tristanbob (n=tristanb@ubuntu/member/tristanbob)
21:45.58*** join/#utos mp (
21:45.58*** join/#utos tensai (
21:47.22*** join/#utos ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
21:47.22*** mode/#utos [+o ChanServ] by
21:47.56*** join/#utos herlo (n=clints@
21:47.56*** join/#utos cardinal (n=cardinal@nat/novell/x-dc6ad60c32236352)
21:47.56*** join/#utos nearn (
21:47.57*** mode/#utos [+o herlo] by
22:25.45*** join/#utos thaddeusq (n=thaddeus@
22:26.47*** join/#utos thaddeusq (n=thaddeus@
22:34.05fizzrequires new job.
22:34.11fizzanyone know of anything open?
22:37.04HeartsbaneDidn't you just get a job
22:41.20fizzyeah and today i was made an example of
22:41.33fizz"sacrificial lamb" was the term the boss used.
22:55.35HeartsbaneYou should have went out swinging
22:55.59Heartsbaneor killing spree afterall these are tough times
22:56.09Heartsbaneyou could have been famous
23:10.34herlofizz: sorry to hear that man...
23:11.01herlolooks like a FIFO algorithm to me.  I hate it when companies do that
23:25.01undertak1ngyoufizz: why were you the example, and an example of what?
23:26.04*** mode/#utos [+o undertakingyou] by ChanServ
23:33.38mindjujufizz, everything i know about is posted on uphpu, but send your resume over and if i hear of anything ill let you know
23:34.02mindjujualso put in what area you want to work in, ie, Sandy, SLC, Orem, etc
23:35.38mindjujui hate to suggest we build another but i wonder if we should do that for OSS resumes
23:36.04mindjujucould be a good community builder with v little overhead
23:36.42herlomindjuju: it'd be nice.
23:36.52tensaifor a while there the plug list was getting quite a few job postings
23:36.54herlooh, btw, I got an email from a guy who mentioned your name
23:37.04mindjujumy name?
23:37.05herlotensai: it's still around
23:37.10herlomindjuju: yeah, hold on
23:37.26tensaiherlo: yes, I'm subscribed. :) I just meant we seemed to get a bunch recently.
23:37.27mindjujuoh no!  they've found me!  must be that guy from america's most wanted
23:37.41mindjujuhides behind a fernplant
23:37.47herlomindjuju: I think he got it from here:
23:38.37herlobut I don't think he understood that we don't pay very well :)
23:38.47mindjujuah, you mean a volunteer
23:41.00mindjujuherlo PM

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