IRC log for #utos on 20081106

00:00.33*** join/#utos zzzirk (
02:06.38*** join/#utos redbeard2 (
02:50.46*** join/#utos linuxalien (n=linuxali@oalug/member/linuxalien)
03:13.15eggyknapherlo / other Fedora people: Apparently Fedora 10 doesn't include ExtUtils::Embed with it's base Perl install anymore, and the PostgreSQL people are interested to know why, because it's required for PL/Perl. Anyone know whom I could talk to?
03:13.39eggyknap...whom I could talk to to pose the question, that is.
03:16.35herloeggyknap: possibly
03:16.58herloeggyknap: but I need some other info
03:17.46herlofor instance, wrt PL/Perl, what other applications might there be that are close to PL/Perl?  Also, I am technically a packager in Fedora now, so I could package it with a little help from you
03:21.24mindjujulooks like eggyknap fell asleep
03:21.43herlomindjuju: something like that
03:21.52herlomindjuju: excited for the party!?
03:22.50Heartsbanemindjuju: tell him NO ... I want to see what happens
03:23.38herloHeartsbane: I know you are excited!
03:24.06herlo~coffee Heartsbane
03:24.06infobotACTION steals some of mindjuju's special coffee and gives it to Heartsbane on a silver platter.
03:24.25herloand now, you'll be up for a while
03:24.54HeartsbaneWhy is it "special coffee"
03:25.05mindjujusorry, had to queue up another song
03:25.26mindjujufatboy slim :: weapon of choice
03:25.30herloHeartsbane: hehe, you can find out *after* you drink it
03:25.33mindjujuk, what's this about the party?
03:25.38mindjujui didn't know it was settled
03:25.52herlomindjuju: did you not just get an email?
03:26.24mindjujulemme check
03:28.24eggyknapherlo: sorry, I'm back :)
03:28.34eggyknapThough falling asleep would be nice.
03:28.40herlo:) haha
03:28.48mindjujuyeah, no doubt, have been awake since 5a
03:29.01mindjujud00d tiburon looks awesome
03:29.04herlomindjuju: sleep!
03:29.12eggyknapI've no idea what else might use the package. For that matter, I don't know how it was determined that it was hte package at fault. But the guy that claims it knows his stuff.
03:29.13herlomindjuju: great!
03:29.20herloeggyknap: no, that was not the question
03:29.47eggyknapI figured my interpretation of the question might have been off somewhat :)
03:30.16herloeggyknap: what i was asking was, are there other Perl apps that are similar in form to PL/Perl?
03:30.29herlosomething that I can find in the fedora repos maybe so I can find out who the maintainer is?
03:31.39eggyknapWell, PL/Perl is just an application with an embedded Perl interpreter... so it would be something else that embeds Perl, I guess. And I can't think of any right now.
03:31.54eggyknapI could find the PL/Perl package maintainer, but presumably you could to, and presumably that's not what you want.
03:32.38herlowell, maybe
03:33.08HeartsbaneCan you be more vague
03:33.17herloyes, would you like me to
03:33.29herloHeartsbane: uh
03:33.40eggyknap.oO("[waving hands] This is not the maintainer you're looking for")
03:33.53Heartsbanenow this the IRC I remember
03:34.00eggyknapheh :)
03:34.01Heartsbanes/this/this is/
03:34.23eggyknapSomething about Star Wars references and waving hands with mystical mind-bending voices struck me as "being vague"
03:35.14herloeggyknap: I can check the packagin system for ya
03:35.51eggyknaplol :)
03:36.00mindjujuHeartsbane - that is FREAKIN awesome
03:38.01Heartsbanewatch your FREAKIN mouth before you offend my FREAKIN ears and herlo kicks us out the FREAKIN channel
03:38.20mindjujudag nabit!
03:38.25herlonag dabit!
03:38.34mindjujuhides behind a fern plant so he won't be seen
03:38.46eggyknapherlo: Yeah, I'm really not sure where I'm headed with this -- someone on a mailing list just said, "Perhaps someone with Fedora connections can find out why they'd do such a thing", where "such a thing" == "suddenly quit distributing that Perl module"
03:38.54herlomindjuju: I think they might have a fernplant at Tiburon
03:39.07herloeggyknap: hang on plz
03:39.28Heartsbaneblames macnewbold.
03:42.03mindjujuwhen is it not macnewbold 's fault?
03:42.15mindjujui blames him for th economy
03:55.37eggyknaphas to call it a night
03:55.58eggyknapherlo: thx, and if you find anything interesting, I should still be logged in to pretend to listen :)
03:56.04eggyknapG'night all.
03:56.30herloeggyknap: oh, sorry
03:56.41herlogot caught up in a build process...
03:57.08eggyknapwoke up at 3 AM today, and it's starting to hurt, so it's an early bedtime day.
03:57.11eggyknapherlo: no worries.
03:57.50herloyeah, okay I'll see what I can find out tonight
04:15.46herloeggyknap: it seems there hasn't ever been a PL/Perl package, but you can check more for yourself with fedora's pkgdb
05:09.07*** join/#utos mindjuju (n=mindjuju@
05:10.32fozzmooherlo: ping
05:17.21herlofozzmoo: pong
11:00.58*** join/#utos undertak1ngyou (
13:15.11eggyknapreturns to thank herlo
14:00.00*** join/#utos redbeard2 (
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16:07.44*** join/#utos cro (
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17:11.18*** join/#utos mindjuju (n=mindjuju@
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18:45.35herlo~seen jjolly
18:45.39infobotjjolly <n=jjolly@nat/novell/x-234310a763855b52> was last seen on IRC in channel #utos, 113d 4h 13m 20s ago, saying: 'Something about a craft fair in Midway called Swiss Days.  It is traditionally the day she makes the pilgramage up the canyon and I become a babysitter.'.
19:03.24goozbachlove swiss days
19:03.42goozbachI've got the rubber band gun I purchased last swiss days sitting on my desk
19:03.51goozbachnow if I only had a cat I could shooot
19:46.16*** join/#utos harleypig (
19:51.52*** join/#utos mindjuju (n=mindjuju@
20:03.20*** join/#utos itimber (
20:12.44*** join/#utos thaddeusq (n=thaddeus@
21:28.37*** join/#utos sontek (i=180af7c1@gateway/web/ajax/
21:28.43sontekpeno^away: ping
21:29.22sontekhmmm.. maybe I need to say it louder
21:29.30sontekpeno^away: PING!
21:48.46herlosontek: you live!!
21:48.58sontekoh hi!
21:49.24sontekI'm on vacation right now!  Its exciting, i'm sitting at home drinking beers and eating doritoes with wyatt :P
21:51.08sontekHows the open source world?
21:51.58herlosontek: it's doing well.
21:52.12herlowondered if you might ever return into the world of open source :)
21:52.39sontekI snagged up banshee, tomboy, and monodevelop source today
21:52.46sontekbanshee and tomboy run in windows now
21:52.53sontekso i'm going to hack on those and improve the experience
21:58.29sontekBut probably wont run Linux anymore
21:58.42sontekI have a windows mobile phone, a zune, and running windows 7 on the lappy :P
22:05.11*** join/#utos Heartsbane (n=hearts@unaffiliated/heartsbane)
22:09.01sontekHeartsbane: wheres that fag peno at
22:09.02sontekI mean
22:09.14sontekthat nice fellow with cisco connections
22:09.20sontekI need the cisco anyconnect software
22:09.25sontekthat will run on vista 64
22:10.45Heartsbanesontek: PM
22:22.09herlosontek: why not linux anymore?
22:22.30herlois Vista that great?
22:23.27sontekNot so much the OS but the community
22:23.35sontekway to much politics going on in the linux world
22:23.57sontekBut out of everything I loved in Linux, there is only one thing I miss, banshee !
22:24.07sontekwindows has the most terrible media players on earth
22:29.56herlosontek: go to the global community, it's better there, but I hear ya
22:30.46herloI talk with people regularly about the complaining that goes on in local communities and I hear it's the same everywhere.
22:31.16herlobut you are right, banshee rules and abock and his team is awesome.  They did hack week at UTOSC this year.
22:33.38sontekYeah I was going to meet up with them but had to go cold turkey!
22:33.44sontekthey would've got me back into *nix
22:33.54herloand you would love it :)(
22:34.10sontekI think the complaining/pandering/elitism in the community is the only thing that keeps Linux from getting really mainstream
22:36.34herloI agree, somewhat
22:37.15herlobut some of the elitism is what brought Linux to it's stature.  I'm not a big fan of complaining and not doing anything.  This is why I love the global community
22:37.24herlothey might not like something, but they just fix it...
22:39.45herlosontek: well, I'm glad you are back, we should go for a beer sometime
22:41.26sontekOnce I switch  jobs and get all situated i'll probably setup a linux VPC again
22:41.41sonteklets do it, i'm available whenever :p   hitting up martine tonight
23:00.29herlowell, I now have a gf so we're going to a play.  Maybe this weekend or something
23:17.02sontekI don't have a gf anymore =)
23:17.59herloI know
23:18.10herlowhere did she go?
23:18.33sontekWe moved her into my office for now
23:18.43sontekshes moving out in December when she graudates
23:58.21*** join/#utos harleypig ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
23:58.21*** join/#utos cardinal (n=cardinal@nat/novell/x-a13523736760905c) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]

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