IRC log for #utos on 20080907

00:01.35*** join/#utos DexterTh1Dragon (
02:01.25herlois tired, but only 15 minutes until I head to dinner :)
02:02.43*** join/#utos redbeard2 (
02:32.34*** join/#utos redbeard2 (
03:39.56*** join/#utos zzzirk_ (
03:52.34*** join/#utos romanovic (
04:35.12*** topic/#utos by undertakingyou -> UTOSC 2008 has ended | You can still fill out presentation surveys at | Big Thanks to all that helped
05:43.36*** join/#utos AlmostThere (n=Woody@
05:43.59*** part/#utos AlmostThere (n=Woody@
14:42.18*** join/#utos tristanbob (n=tristanb@ubuntu/member/tristanbob)
15:04.58herlogood morning UTOS!
16:39.06whiteingegood morning, airport herlo!
17:26.41*** join/#utos thomallen (
17:48.50*** join/#utos thomallen (
18:38.30herlowhiteinge: you are a son of a bitch :)
18:39.35whiteingepfft! you woke *me* up. that makes you the son of a bitch.
18:45.44herlolol no
18:46.11herlou get to stay. sob!
18:48.47romanovicherlo, where you off to?
19:31.42herloromanovic: I'm in SLC now, heading to NYC at 4:40pm
19:31.51herlovia Newark (crappy) airport
19:59.59*** join/#utos thomallen (
20:47.00herloundertakingyou: binary 128 to you !!
20:47.08herlolol, oops
20:47.22herloI was reading the scrollback...
21:14.33undertakingyouherlo: ????
21:14.39undertakingyouis very confused
21:16.28herloundertakingyou: I was reading up above, and thought I was at the bottom
21:16.32herlodon't worry about it
21:20.34undertakingyouI just wonder what I said.
21:20.50herlo15:42 <@undertakingyou> herlo: we all feel really bad for you.  Poor Herlo.
21:20.51undertakingyouThat would make you want to binary 128 me.
21:20.56undertakingyouoh, that :)
21:21.02undertakingyouthat was yesterday.
21:21.07herlolike I said
21:21.08undertakingyouAnd you were an at the time.
21:21.21herloundertakingyou: like I said, was scrolled up
21:22.23undertakingyouno worries.
21:22.30undertakingyouYou are in salt lake now?
21:22.49herlomy flight leaves at 4:40
21:23.34herloundertakingyou: wanna come hang out?
21:23.48undertakingyouI have a dinner for my wifes birthday coming up
21:23.51herloyou'll need a plane ticket, but those are pretty easy to fake I hear
21:23.53undertakingyouSorry man :\
21:24.28herlonw, I can't really justify you coming down to the airport without a ticket :(
21:24.43undertakingyouwish I could though.  I would love to go to NYC.
21:24.47undertakingyouthat would be a blast.
21:26.02herloyou should take the wife and kids soon (say 3 years) :)
21:40.46TeneJust print a fake boarding pass.
21:40.53TeneYou can get into the airport just fine.
21:44.24herloI agree
21:44.30herlobut I wouldn't recommend it
21:44.36herloTene: you off somewhere this week?
21:48.40Teneherlo: no
21:48.46TeneI'm in the office this week.
21:49.42herloTene: ooh, have fun
21:49.49herloheads to his plane
21:51.24*** join/#utos thomallen (
21:54.36herlo <-- pretty good
21:54.42herloenjoy while I'm gone
22:13.37undertakingyouherlo: either that is a long vid or you are going to be gone for a long time.
22:15.01*** join/#utos redbeard2 (

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