IRC log for #utos on 20080710

00:09.14*** join/#utos decripto1 (
00:10.05*** join/#utos Jayce^ (
00:10.06*** join/#utos tristanbob_ (n=tristanr@ubuntu/member/tristanbob)
00:10.13*** join/#utos mindjuju (n=mindjuju@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:33.17herloGate: nice
00:33.42Gateits shiny
00:33.55Gatethe perfect way to make this horrendously shitty day better
00:35.42herlohow is it horrendously shitty?
00:36.03Gate+ something has been screwing up my sleep
00:36.14Gateso I have felt like crap and had to deal with crap all day
00:36.38herlosorry to hear it man
00:36.48Gatemeh. Its all better now :) shiny toy
00:37.57Heartsbanewhy did you get the Cowon over Creative Zen?
00:38.26GateI asked for suggestions of OGG/Linux supporting players, of the suggestin
00:38.36Gatesuggestions, the Cowon looked best
00:38.49Heartsbaneoh cool
00:45.31*** join/#utos DexterTh1Dragon (
00:45.54*** join/#utos redbeard2 (
00:46.53herloHeartsbane: pm
00:47.13herlowants the Cowon IAUDIO 7! Linux to the max!
00:55.37*** join/#utos AlmostThere (n=Woody@
01:00.31*** part/#utos AlmostThere (n=Woody@
01:04.08herlofozzmoo: ping
02:41.11herloundertakingyou: hi
02:43.44*** mode/#utos [-o herlo] by ChanServ
03:32.07*** join/#utos throck (
04:26.19*** part/#utos mindjuju (n=mindjuju@
05:09.09herlow00t! only 43 more packages and my kvm domain will be installed :)
05:26.45herlo3 packages left
05:27.02herlogeez on usb, this takes a while
05:35.01memilyraeherlo: any idea when the meeting is going to be on Saturday? I really need to know so I can set up babysitting
05:35.22memilyraeherlo: oops...just saw your email
05:36.28memilyraeherlo: k. I'm a dork. Scratch my last comments :)
05:36.34herlomemilyrae: no worries
05:36.50herlomemilyrae: does that work for you?
05:38.33memilyraeherlo: I can make it to the first meeting only
05:39.37herlomemilyrae: as I suspected
05:39.53herloand that's fine, I think the way I structured it makes it fair
05:40.22memilyraeherlo: works for me. I'm not even sure what all I will have to say with the bofs, lightning talks, etc.
05:40.36herlomemilyrae: we're looking for suggestions mostly
05:40.43herlothings we didn't do last year, stuff like that
05:41.53memilyraeherlo: gotcha. Oh, and from your IM ealier, I should be able to make it over there just fine.
05:42.25memilyraeherlo: I'll need to know what time you want it though (or do they do it like 6 - midnight? or something like that?)
05:45.46herlono, just a couple hours on a sat afternoon, probably early afternoon would be best
05:46.06herloyou will probably need to pay for it, so make sure to bring your UTOS cc
05:46.56herlomemilyrae: ^^ o_^
05:49.49herloJayce^: hey, I contacted Mozilla this year, they're going to send us a ton o' swag again  :)
05:55.44undertakingyouyeah, huge swag is awesome!!!
05:56.24herlohuge swag no, but a ton o' swag :)
05:56.29herloundertakingyou: how's things?
06:06.50*** join/#utos throck (
11:33.30*** join/#utos Gat1 (
12:08.16*** join/#utos undertakingyou (
12:08.16*** join/#utos Gat1 (
12:08.16*** join/#utos tristanbob_ (n=tristanr@ubuntu/member/tristanbob)
12:08.16*** join/#utos jbellis (n=jbellis@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
12:08.16*** join/#utos whiteinge (n=whiteing@oalug/member/whiteinge) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
12:08.16*** join/#utos jjolly (n=jjolly@nat/novell/x-234310a763855b52) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
12:08.16*** mode/#utos [+o undertakingyou] by
13:10.14*** join/#utos mindjuju (n=mindjuju@
13:18.11*** join/#utos Yorokobi (n=Yorokobi@unaffiliated/yorokobi)
13:57.04*** join/#utos thaddeusq (n=thaddeus@
14:09.38trixturSo voting is over for speakers for the UTOSC?
14:37.57herlotrixtur: ends today
14:40.33sontektrixtur: gogoogogogogog
14:40.55sonteki'm off to my Novell interview, later today i'll be a changed man! hopefully :P
14:41.46herloand in 6 months, you'll be furlowed
14:43.57sontek6 months of love!
14:44.02sontekmono + suse = <3
14:54.02trixturherlo so we should still be able to vote?
14:55.00trixturherlo: Novell lays off as part of it's employment process
14:55.07herlotrixtur: right
14:55.16trixturit's like a manditory 2 week vacation after which they hire you back
14:55.17herlotrixtur: did you submit a presentation?
14:55.27trixturherlo: Yeah
14:55.30trixtursure did
14:55.41herlotrixtur: except they don't pay you, and they hire you back at less pay
14:55.55herlotrixtur: so log in, and click speakers, start voting man!
14:56.08trixturthats how my uncle got his raises for 20 years
14:56.18herlostill crazy!
14:56.27trixturherlo: I logged in but it wouldn't let me vote
14:56.44herlotrixtur: then you didn't submit a presentation, what was it titled?
14:57.33herloif you logged in a week ago, your presentation would've shown up.
14:57.53herloor two weeks ago maybe, but they used to be there until we disabled them...
14:57.55trixturBen Payne - The Future of Artificial Intelligence in Open Source
14:58.08trixturit's in there
14:58.35herlofoudn it
14:58.47*** join/#utos ghendricks (n=ghendric@nat/novell/x-8d1f279fd00b2102)
14:59.01trixturI wanted to vote for one of Sontek's
14:59.04herloso you can't vote?  Did you click on your presentation?  can you see it?
14:59.18herloso you can see the presentations right?
14:59.54herlotrixtur: ^^
15:00.13herlothen at the bottom of each, there is a +1 reset -1 you should see that
15:00.24herlodon't click on your name, but the presentations
15:00.34trixturno +1 or -1
15:01.00herlowhat presentation are you looking at?
15:01.06herlogive me the url
15:01.12trixturis dumb
15:01.21trixturI was clicking on the name
15:01.27herloholy hell!
15:01.29trixturnot the presentation
15:01.33herloI just said not to do that :)
15:01.40trixturherlo: sorry man
15:01.46herlolol, go VOTE!!
15:01.55herlomake a difference in the world!
15:02.22trixturwhat if I keep clicking +!
15:02.39trixturwill you ~lart me?
15:02.53herloyou were making me go crazy trying to figure out why *you* of all people wouldn't have voting rights while all other speakers and selection committee members didn't have this problem
15:02.58herlotrixtur: you can only vote once
15:03.09herloper presentation, no matter how many times you click
15:03.23trixturI see
15:03.26trixturI'm sorry man
15:03.35trixturI didn't actually see where you said don't click on the name
15:03.38trixturuntil after
15:04.21herlohaha, bye
15:04.30herlogets ready for work
15:04.35trixturthanks man
15:04.41trixtursorry for ruining your morning
15:06.01herlomy morning was already ruined by having to GET UP!
15:06.20trixturif you get up before 12 it's bad
15:06.26trixtur(or at least if I do)
15:06.42trixturherlo: do you have a presentation on Django?
15:07.40herlome personally? no
15:07.50herlobut there are a couple submitted IIRC
15:08.20trixturyou probably are too busy to present
15:08.33trixturwhat with being in charge and such
15:11.21*** join/#utos pelaofeliz (n=PelaoFel@
15:13.33herlosomething like that, I'm planning a few surprises too with presentations/bofs/events/etc
15:24.10*** join/#utos redbeard2 (
15:46.38Jayce^herlo, coolio
16:02.10herloJayce^: we'll talk on Saturday :)
16:52.45*** join/#utos twinprism (
17:30.16*** join/#utos thaddeusq (n=thaddeus@
18:02.23*** join/#utos findlay (n=justin@
18:14.06*** join/#utos TimRiker (
18:18.25*** join/#utos DexterTh1Dragon (
18:41.03*** part/#utos Gat1 (
19:04.07mindjuju~APB herlo
19:04.07infobotACTION calls Beth to find herlo
19:58.55herlomindjuju: pong
19:59.25mindjujuhey, just sent an email reminding about tomrrow geek lunch event
19:59.33mindjujuwas going to see how to send to UTOS - Announce
22:18.53herlomindjuju: not exists anymore
22:19.54opapoherlo: do you have that 8 port gig switch I had with the Macs?
22:22.39herloopapo: you had one of those...
22:23.36opapoit was a 3com switch from office connect
22:23.49opapoI thought we were using mine?
22:23.55herloI don't have one of those anywhere that I know of...
22:24.08herloI had a linksys router
22:24.21*** join/#utos jon___ (
22:24.56opapoI was pretty sure we were using the 3com switch I brought
22:25.12opapoIf you don't have it that's ok
22:25.27herlonope, i don't and I know we didn't use it after the first one...
22:26.11opapowell I am using iBooks now and am in the same spot we left off
22:26.23opapothe vmlinux can't find root=
22:27.07opapoI'm thinking of rebuilding the kernel and initramfs
22:27.41opapoI used mkinitrmfs
22:27.53opapobut mkvmlinuz doesn't work for me
22:28.31opapoI posted about this in the ubuntu mailing list so hopefully I can get someone to help me
22:58.31herloopapo: I hope so too, that stuff is a bit more that I want to take on at the moment...
22:59.32opapoI don't blame you
23:37.01*** join/#utos infobot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
23:37.01*** topic/#utos is Utah Open Source - | Presentation selection announcement July 15 | Utah Open Source on couchcast this Monday at 12 noon -
23:54.59*** join/#utos Gate (n=gate@unaffiliated/gate)

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