IRC log for #utos on 20080514

00:13.00*** join/#utos hearts (i=0c7d966a@gateway/web/ajax/
00:16.20heartspeno: ping
00:29.39*** join/#utos macnewbold (n=mac@
02:45.01*** join/#utos Gate (n=gate@unaffiliated/gate)
02:57.31*** join/#utos AlmostThere (
02:57.49*** part/#utos AlmostThere (
03:26.24*** join/#utos tensai (
03:27.09HeartsbaneNight all from Denver
03:28.07herloHeartsbane: night
03:29.27infobotG'night findlay, get out of here.
03:31.50undertakingyouherlo: pong again
04:18.04tensaiherlo: a thought occurred to me for utosc. how about a net neutrality panel discussion?
04:19.28fozzmooYeah. Can I be on it?! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE?!
04:24.46tensaiI would probably be willing to participate for an ISP perspective
04:56.48*** join/#utos sontek (n=sontek@opensuse/member/Sontek)
05:36.13findlayI want to be the guy in the peanut gallery with an air horn
05:50.36Gatefindlay: I will heckle with you!
07:28.02*** join/#utos sontek (n=sontek@opensuse/member/Sontek)
12:12.39penoneeds coffee
12:39.24herloundertakingyou: hi
12:39.32herlotensai: great idea
12:50.56*** join/#utos Yorokobi (n=Yorokobi@unaffiliated/yorokobi)
12:57.11herlomorning peno
14:08.22*** join/#utos redbeard2 (
14:11.37*** join/#utos throck (
14:35.50trixturgood morning open source world (residing in or around the state of utah)
14:44.55trixturDoes anyone know a method for circumventing bandwidth throttling?
14:46.02Yorokobiswitch providers
14:46.33trixturwell...the issue is at work
14:46.51trixturand the network guys here are throttling me
14:47.03trixturwith thier lame windows routers
14:48.47trixturbut I didn't figure there was a way to do it
14:49.51fozzmooAssociate with a nearby unencrypted wireless access point not on your network. :)
14:50.47trixturyeah...if I had a microwave dish (or...a couple of them) I could use my is really close to work.
14:51.15trixturbut it's on it's not all the great
14:51.35trixturbut 15MB/s is better than 512KB/s
14:51.52trixturor 512Kb/s actually
14:55.35trixtursorry...I'm just a bit ticked off after they tried to push down this low-res crappy company wallpaper, and now this.
15:01.00sontektrixtur: such a rebel!
15:02.13penousually if your upstream is being limited, you're SOL
15:03.10sontekdamn upstream always ruining our lives
15:03.24sontekI want to be upstream! without a paddle!
15:04.23penothat can be arranged..
15:04.44penowe'll replace your linux with windows 3.1!
15:05.17DexterTheDragonwe have all 17 install floppies
15:05.19trixturI am SOL
15:05.54*** join/#utos ghendricks (n=ghendric@nat/novell/x-a0a8cfa44c284945)
15:06.49trixturSOL -> Story Of_my Life
15:07.48*** join/#utos sontek (n=sontek@opensuse/member/Sontek)
16:12.08herloundertakingyou: ping
16:12.34herlotrixtur: mstar is going under for sure
16:14.04trixturyeah so is iProvo
16:14.58trixturalthough maybe the new broadwave or whatever it is called will allow xmission
16:15.25penodoubtful if they keep to their current scheme
16:16.36herlotrixtur: I doubt it according to all the closed door meetings that Provo had
16:17.00herlowhat did Heartsbane say?  Something about driving a dumptruck full of $$ up to the door...
16:17.05trixturyeah stupid Provo...I think some unethical things are going on
16:18.01trixturdid you read the mayor's response to the public's dissapointment in the fact that they didn't hold a bid or anything?
16:18.17decriptorherlo: ping
16:18.20decriptorherlo: ping
16:18.28sontekits because people don't drink in provo
16:18.28trixturhe said something to the effect "We are making our money back so I don't see the problem."
16:18.33herlodecriptor: pong
16:18.34sonteknothing productive comes out of not drinking
16:18.37herlodecriptor: pong
16:18.42decriptorsontek: I drink stuff in provo :P
16:18.56herlodecriptor: alcohol?
16:18.57trixturis drinking MT. Dew right now
16:19.03decriptorherlo: mozy is in for sapphire, booth, and what's to know the price of lanyards
16:19.04sontek/bin/sh: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `done'
16:19.05sontek/bin/sh: -c: line 0: `for i in 1..5: do print herlo pong;done'
16:19.13sonteklol, typo
16:19.17herlodecriptor: ask sontek what they cost last year...
16:19.23decriptorherlo: he didn't specify :P
16:19.27trixtursontek: I think the issue is that the more conservative you are the more corrupt
16:19.36herlosontek: what did the lanyards cost last year
16:19.38decriptorsontek: lanyards cost ?
16:19.46sontekherlo: dunno, 12 monkeys provided them
16:19.53herlotwelve horses
16:19.58sonteklol yeah them
16:20.01trixturextreme conservativism drives people to love money and power more than whats right
16:20.10herlosontek: whats the name of the site again?
16:20.12sontekthey were like $500 though
16:20.21herlodecriptor: tell them 750
16:20.30sontekwell, thats lanyards and badge holders I think
16:20.31herlobecause we always need to have a few extras
16:20.38trixturI just need to move to Orem and get on Utopia
16:20.46herlotrixtur: or Murray :)
16:21.04trixturherlo: my job is in Orem
16:21.14trixturUnless you know of a place in Murray?
16:21.42sontektrixtur: near the freeway has utopia
16:21.50trixturafter all the crap my employer has pulled lately...I wouldn't mind finding alternative means of employment
16:21.56sontektrixtur: so 5900 S and a few blocks east or west of the freeway
16:22.40decriptorherlo: how many booths are there
16:23.30sontekdecriptor: did you hear that? trixtur is quitting, tell the boss
16:24.14decriptorsontek: I heard him almost tell him the other day
16:24.23decriptorthat was interesting
16:24.31decriptorsontek: if he left they'd crap their pants
16:25.29penonobody likes them
16:25.34sontekits true
16:26.26trixturpeno, sontek you guys can come take our place
16:26.32trixturdecriptor and I will leave
16:26.38trixtursee what you guys think :)
16:26.38decriptorpeno: especially when they can pay them nothing to do more work than the salaried people
16:26.42penotrixtur: no, that would mean I'd have to put on pants.
16:27.05decriptorthanks a lot peno
16:27.06penorather likes is telecommute
16:27.13trixturpeno: you don't need pants to bend over and take it from the man.
16:27.33penoI would, since I currently work from home. :)
16:30.27penoI wouldn't want to work in happy valley anyways..
16:30.32decriptortrixtur: you figured out if you want pizza yet?
16:30.42penoI'd be too tempted to start turning people into meat popcicles.
16:30.44decriptorpeno: why its happy full of drugs
16:31.02decriptorherlo: how about that
16:31.15decriptorwe just got 3 or so sponsors in a week
16:31.29penoonly three?
16:31.30decriptorand I'm just getting started
16:31.48decriptorpeno: not quantity, but quality
16:31.51sontekdecriptor: trixtur: if you guys come up to salt lake, i'll show you the best pizza in Utah =)
16:32.08penomm. pizza.
16:32.13decriptorsontek: if you come to sandy I'll show you the best pizza in utah
16:32.29decriptorsontek: btw wade and ajorg are coming
16:32.35penoI'm curious to know what you think the best pizza in utah is.
16:32.38decriptorso we can't come up to SLC
16:33.06decriptorLDS church made slashdot today
16:33.17penopeople still read /.?
16:34.07trixturpeno: heck ya
16:34.19trixturslashdot is ftw!
16:34.38penoif you want to read old/already posted/news
16:34.46sontekdecriptor: yeah but thats not the best pizza!
16:34.53sontekbest pizza in Utah is called "The Pie"
16:34.57trixturpeno: it's new to me
16:35.03penotrixtur: lol
16:35.26penosontek: you just go there for the beer.
16:35.55decriptorsontek: if you go for the beer then how do you know what the pizza tastes like
16:36.08decriptortrixtur: I'm gettting out of here not a moment too soon
16:36.15penothe pie is pretty good pizza though
16:36.23decriptorthis bandwidth regualtion / throttling stuff is crap
16:36.30decriptorI've actually heard that
16:36.43penolikes his unfiltered 'net access.
16:37.03herlodecriptor: that's sweet!
16:37.03penothe downtown location of the pie is the best one to go to.
16:37.14herlodecriptor: we got 4 2 weeks agao
16:37.44trixturdecriptor: how do you know you're getting out of here?
16:38.16herlothe best pizza in the state is Two Jacks pizza in Spanish Fork
16:38.24trixturis going to quit his job and sell all his stuff and be a bumb so he can just program OSS
16:38.26herloalthough Firehouse Pizza is pretty awesome
16:38.34herlotrixtur: whats a bumb?
16:39.32trixturI'm going to be homeless...that way I don't have to write proprietary software for no appreciation
16:40.11herlodecriptor: we're going to get LOI's for all of the sponsors this year as well as contracts
16:40.16trixturI'm sick of showing up to work and providing superior solutions and getting the finger every time I ask for more money
16:40.17herlois working with KB on it
16:41.42decriptorLOI's? IE just crashed
16:42.31trixturtake that microsoft
16:48.45fozzmooherlo: Did you get your EEEPc 901 yet?
16:55.57herlofozzmoo: nope, looking into it tho
16:55.58trixturDoes anyone know how much notice we will receive if we are selected to present at UTOSC?
16:56.09fozzmooherlo: Get busy!
16:57.08herlotrixtur: you get benefits, no money is given
16:57.13herloat least not yet.
16:57.18herlofozzmoo: k
16:57.25trixturherlo: thats cool but not what I was asking
16:57.44trixturherlo: I much time prior to the conference
16:57.55trixturfor preperation
16:58.19trixturI don't care if I get anything.
16:59.21herlotrixtur: oh
16:59.32herlotrixtur: you'll get about 3-4wks notice
16:59.36herlois that enough?
17:01.02trixturI was just curious cause I have about a years worth of reasearch I'd have to sort through to see what is worth presenting.
17:02.41penoget going then!
17:03.20trixturpeno: waste of time putting it into presentation form if I don't end up presenting ;)
17:03.40penoyou should present in powerpoint!
17:04.06herlotrixtur: odds are that you will present at this point.  we've got about two weeks before we cut off presentations
17:04.13trixturpresents in binary encoded ASCII
17:05.36trixturherlo: well in that case I will get started and see what happens.
17:06.04decriptorwhy zypper
17:08.23decriptorperformance wise, zypper ftw
17:08.26herlodecriptor: you planning on presenting this year?
17:08.32decriptoris referring to 11 only and on
17:08.33herloor at least submitting a presentation?
17:08.43decriptorherlo: I actually might
17:08.52decriptorbut won't be sure for another month
17:10.09fozzmooI plan to present on at least one topic.
17:10.14fozzmooMight need some help.
17:10.26fozzmooWas thinking about proposing a grab bag.
17:10.41fozzmooBut I think everyone would benefit from me narrowing it down. :)
17:14.44*** join/#utos throck (
17:16.04herlodecriptor: deadline's two weeks
17:16.24herlofozzmoo: we'll have BoFs and Lightning talks as well
17:16.35*** join/#utos Gate (n=gate@unaffiliated/gate)
17:35.59*** join/#utos thaddeusq (n=thaddeus@
17:36.08*** join/#utos TimRiker (
17:36.17herlomemilyrae: ping
17:36.50herlowell, after I end my lecture that is :)
18:57.37sontekI have to pee
18:58.13sontek*really bad*
18:58.17sontekwe started this meeting at 10:30
18:58.20sontektell them to stop
18:58.25sontekI had 2 snapples before we started
19:02.24infobotPLEASE STOP!
19:02.32findlayjust went
19:02.49findlayready for some more codin'!
19:06.50decriptorherlo: ping
19:07.11decriptorherlo: ping
19:07.11decriptorherlo: ping
19:07.17decriptorherlo: ping
19:07.19decriptorherlo: ping
19:07.22decriptorherlo: ping
19:07.24decriptorherlo: ping
19:07.27decriptorherlo: ping
19:07.29decriptorherlo: ping
19:07.44trixturdecriptor: sssssshhhhh
19:08.47decriptor~lart trixtur
19:08.47infobottakes a big bite out of trixtur's jugular vein
19:12.20trixtur~lart decriptor
19:12.20infobottakes out a seltzer bottle and sprays decriptor in the face. You know, one of those old-school seltzer bottles clowns have? Yeah those. Anyway, consider yourself spritzed
19:14.09trixturyeah decriptor consider yourself spritzed
19:16.07herlodecriptor: pong
19:16.08herlodecriptor: pong
19:16.10herlodecriptor: pong
19:16.14herlodecriptor: pong
19:16.20herlodecriptor: pong
19:16.22herlodecriptor: pong
19:16.25herlodecriptor: pong
19:16.27herlodecriptor: pong
19:16.30herlodecriptor: pong
19:16.32herlodecriptor: pong
19:16.49trixturwhy so much pinging and ponging?
19:16.59findlayman, it's really echoy in here
19:17.33trixturwould 1 nice suffice?
19:17.39findlayherlo: you did one too many pongs
19:17.51herlofindlay: its okay, decriptor will ping me again
19:17.55throckfindlay: you actually checked?
19:19.16findlaythrock: yup
19:19.30findlayherlo: just letting you know that you're in the red one pong
19:23.04herlo~pong findlay
19:23.05infobotfindlay: PONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
19:23.25trixturfindlay: which just means that he is swinging at thin air
19:23.31trixtur~ping herlo
19:23.31infobotpong herlo
19:23.47herlo~whallop trixtur
19:23.47infobotACTION gets her boyfriend herlo to whallop trixtur until trixtur whimpers like a little girl!
19:24.16trixturSo you didn't even have to whallop me at all
19:24.23findlay~advise herlo
19:24.24infobotherlo: of course, the eigenspinor of casmir forces will compactify prerogative spaces and dilute volition density
19:24.33trixturI whimper like a little girl all the time
19:26.18herlois customizing his eeepc kickstart to make everything work ootb
19:29.31decriptorherlo: mozy changed their mind about the sponsorship :/
19:29.46trixturdecriptor: why?
19:29.58trixturJosh was just blowing smoke?
19:30.20decriptorherlo: they won't be a shappire sponsor
19:30.58decriptorthey just want to be a diamond sponsor instead :D
19:34.24herlodecriptor: btw, there's currently no limits on those sponsorships...
19:34.46herloin terms of how many we can have that is
19:35.17decriptorherlo: so they are diamond and lanyard :)
19:36.12herlodecriptor: tell them also that we want to have a BoF to help them create a linux client
19:36.39decriptorI'll mention that
19:37.08herlolol, I'm not serious
19:37.24herlobut if they'd let us, that'd be cool
19:38.36herlodecriptor: we'll be talking about what we need to get done on Saturday for sponsors :)
19:39.33decriptorI'm getting logos as well
19:39.43decriptorso I have some from google and mozy now
19:40.44herlok, we need to get them up.  I'm going to launch the new site this weekend btw
19:40.54herloundertakingyou: ping
19:42.58decriptorherlo: awesome
19:43.12findlay~launch herlo
19:43.12infobotACTION straps herlo to an ACME rocket, lights the fuse and ducks behind a rock
19:43.35findlaydoes acme even sell herlo sized rockets?
19:44.41DexterTheDragonwho said it was herlo sized?
19:46.54herloDexterTheDragon: it was the size of a small firecracker, but it sure flew far!
19:53.30herlodecriptor: we need to hit up apress, oreilly, prag prog and other book vendors
19:54.06decriptorI want to offer some free passed to the sponsor companies
19:54.13findlaymicrosoft press
20:48.45decriptorfindlay: heck yeah
20:48.51decriptorthey have great books
20:52.07peno~lart traffic
20:52.07infobotoffers traffic some herring
20:58.54*** join/#utos TimRiker (
21:02.50herlodecriptor: we will offer passes for sure!
21:07.11fozzmooherlo: Why is e-mail not working?
21:07.47fozzmooMaybe because I'm using the wrong e-mail address, perhaps.
21:10.10fozzmoowaits for e-mail to reach the plan list.
21:10.26fozzmoogets impatient.
21:10.36fozzmoodecriptor: Ping!
21:10.55herlofozzmoo: what do you mean?
21:11.15fozzmooOkay. Let me start from the top...
21:11.26fozzmooSo, this Cindy person at ActiveState wants to sponsor UTOSC
21:11.43fozzmooSo, she e-mails and her e-mail messages are returned.
21:12.11fozzmooShe e-mails me and we had a little exchange.
21:12.28fozzmooI have bounced all the e-mail to
21:13.34fozzmooStill not seeing it.
21:14.58herlolet me look
21:15.32fozzmooSo, too problems- decriptor e-mail is bouncing and now my e-mail to is... doing nuttin.
21:16.16herlofozzmoo: looks like you are greylisted
21:16.30herlolet me check decriptor
21:16.38fozzmooturns grey
21:17.11herlolet me add the other
21:17.30herlofozzmoo: I guess that's what we get for having nicks :)
21:17.44fozzmooYeah- aliases would be good.
21:17.50herlofozzmoo: should be done
21:18.15fozzmooSo, KDE4 has this "pong" sound when you switch desktops.
21:18.16herloI have aliases on the list
21:18.17fozzmooI hate it.
21:18.23herloturn it off
21:18.27fozzmooI can't figure out how.
21:18.33herlohave you always been a kde user?
21:18.46fozzmooWell, for about 8 years.
21:18.49fozzmooI used GNOME for a while.
21:18.50herloand I am friends with you? What is wrong with me :)
21:19.16fozzmooWhen Nautilus and Metacity happened, GNOME became horribly difficult to use on my hardware.
21:19.34fozzmooBefore that, I used Afterstep.
21:19.43herlofor a while, I can see that if you are a configuration nut :)
21:19.57fozzmooI am.
21:20.07fozzmooThat's one reason I like KDE.
21:20.11fozzmooOr did...
21:20.20fozzmooThey better hurry and make KDE4 configuration-nut friendly.
21:21.42findlayit's, like, in the sound list dialog, right?
21:21.58findlayor dig through ~/.kde
21:22.10herlofozzmoo: do you know where the sponsorship docs are?
21:22.49fozzmooYes, I know I *could* do it... but I'd rather let decriptor do his job himself. :)
21:23.09fozzmooAhhh there we go.
21:23.15fozzmooMy messages came through, finally
21:23.21herloI know, that's why I asked
21:24.11fozzmooShe's already responded to my response...
21:24.20fozzmooAnd she quoted me inline. So refreshing!
21:25.51herlolol, I saw that
21:27.50fozzmooNow plan@utos is bouncing my messages.
21:28.02fozzmooI don't think I'm a list admin (although I certainly could be)
21:28.40herlofozzmoo: you are
21:28.50fozzmooDo I know the mailman password?
21:28.59herlobut its not bouncing your messages, it says you have an implicit sender (aka bcc)
21:29.09herlopm'd it
21:29.18herloif you wanna fix it
21:29.25herlogo ahead, I have to run now...
21:37.53decriptorfozzmoo: pong,  I sent out an email so that she knows that I've got it
21:38.02decriptorthis is freakin awesome
21:38.09decriptorthe sponsorships are flying in
21:38.24decriptorand I haven't even contacted all of the people that I need to yet
21:38.31decriptorthe ones coming are keeping me busy
22:01.55decriptorthis is awesome, 3 big sponsors in a week
22:02.07decriptorto bad its not commission based :P
22:37.33*** join/#utos TimRiker (
23:36.22herlodecriptor: very exciting :)
23:50.14*** join/#utos TimRiker (

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