IRC log for #utos on 20080318

00:02.47herlomemilyra1: its true, I probably read it...
00:02.58herloI thought I would reply, but probably got distracted
00:05.33HeartsbaneNo probably about it
00:05.40herloHeartsbane: true that
00:05.56HeartsbaneThat is like saying the pope is probably catholic
00:06.05herlomemilyra1: so I've looked at it, seems a little bare on the right.  Maybe we could add our motto or something
00:06.18herloHeartsbane: not true.  I tend to keep on task regularly
00:07.01HeartsbaneYa that must be true I saw it on the internet
00:24.13*** join/#utos tristanbob_ (n=tristanb@oalug/member/tristanbob)
00:26.14*** part/#utos tristanbob_ (n=tristanb@oalug/member/tristanbob)
00:32.59herloHeartsbane: yup, that's for sure the case.  Everything on the internet is true
00:35.28*** join/#utos aioven (
00:36.22*** join/#utos aioven (
00:43.45herlomemilyra1: so here's something interesting for you about hiveminder.  You should tag stuff with herlo if you want me to complete them.  I think this will solve the grouping problems...
00:51.32*** part/#utos Gate (n=gate@unaffiliated/gate)
00:57.46*** join/#utos mrpull-lt (
01:58.07*** join/#utos jjolly (n=jjolly@nat/novell/x-ec1e089e07f88308)
03:46.03undertakingyoumemilyra1: I haven't recieved a JPG to review.
03:46.06undertakingyouherlo: pong
04:21.00herloundertakingyou: hi
04:21.27herloundertakingyou: its funny how I miss you every day...
04:21.58mindjujuyou miss him like you long for him, and he's not there, or miss him like your online times don't overlap?
04:22.13herlomindjuju: what do you think?
04:22.16mindjujuenquiring minds want to know
04:22.30herlomindjuju: and its inquiring minds :)
04:22.42mindjujui think i'm tired of refactoring databases and want some dinner
04:23.02herlookay its not
04:23.31mindjujuit's late
04:34.25herlomindjuju: okay, so I was right, its inquiring
05:31.03*** part/#utos throck (
05:58.09*** join/#utos Gate (n=gate@unaffiliated/gate)
07:49.37*** part/#utos Gate (n=gate@unaffiliated/gate)
10:44.13*** join/#utos AlmostTher1 (
11:34.03*** part/#utos mrpull-lt (
11:41.53*** join/#utos AlmostThere (
11:59.58*** join/#utos redbeard2 (
13:18.16*** join/#utos throck (
14:08.35*** join/#utos thaddeusq (n=thaddeus@
14:10.17*** join/#utos techhat (
14:27.14techhatanybody want to say hi to an army/airforce class?
14:27.27redbeard2~lart techhat's class
14:27.27infobotwhacks techhat's class upside the head
14:28.08redbeard2~lart herlo
14:28.08infobotwhacks herlo upside the head
14:29.01herlo~thump redbeard2
14:29.02infobotACTION thumps redbeard2 in the ear with a brick!
14:29.17herlotechhat: hi
14:29.59herloalways wonders what happened to the original redbeard, he was *much* nicer
14:30.21techhathe's a jerk
14:30.32herlocould be
14:31.02herlotechhat: what's your 20?
14:31.20techhatherlo, baltimore
14:31.33herlotechhat: so you are in redbeard2's class I see...
14:31.42techhatherlo, you could say that
14:31.46techhati might also be teaching it
14:31.51herlotechhat: ahh
14:32.10herlofinally catches on
14:32.50herlohas to get to the office now, and do real work, unlike those teachers who don't know *anything* :)
14:36.35Jayce^techhat, haven't seen that nick in a long time
14:38.57*** join/#utos TimRiker (n=timr@
14:51.27herlotook me a bit to figure  it out too
14:53.50redbeard2well, that was fun
15:05.01Jayce^herlo, nah, I figured it out right away (having seen it before)..
15:09.26redbeard2Jayce^: yeah, you know you're still in the book, right?
15:09.27*** join/#utos Gate (n=gate@unaffiliated/gate)
15:11.10redbeard2you and your immortalized typo
15:13.19Jayce^tries to remember
15:13.25Jayce^gives up
15:17.26*** join/#utos ghendricks (n=ghendric@nat/novell/x-6f69734b1d55973b)
15:17.54*** join/#utos Aliosa27 (n=Aliosa27@
15:31.47herlo~lart that redbeard2
15:31.47infobotchops that redbeard2 in half with a free Solaris 7 CD
15:34.14*** part/#utos AlmostThere (
15:44.09*** join/#utos linuxalien (n=zordos@oalug/member/linuxalien)
15:46.20*** join/#utos Gate (n=gate@unaffiliated/gate)
15:46.34*** join/#utos RedHeron (
15:49.36*** join/#utos thaddeusq (n=thaddeus@
16:02.34herlomemilyrae: ping
16:02.37herlomemilyra1: ping
16:26.30*** join/#utos kkubasik (n=kkubasik@conference/pycon/x-fe71a7de98a3efad)
18:12.51*** join/#utos eggyknap_ (
18:15.23*** join/#utos undertakingyou (
18:15.23*** mode/#utos [+o undertakingyou] by ChanServ
18:21.20*** join/#utos Gate (n=gate@unaffiliated/gate)
19:18.13*** join/#utos RedHeron (
19:36.34*** join/#utos RedHeron (
19:58.11*** join/#utos jhancock_ (n=jhancock@conference/pycon/x-f1b7dce40c0ed408)
19:59.16herlojhancock_: ping
19:59.30herloundertakingyou: ping
20:53.41herlojhancock_: so I was wondering how you enjoyed pycon?
20:53.53herloand I wanted to chat with you for a minute about gasp...
20:57.25jhancock_I loved pycon
20:57.35jhancock_and am still loving pycon
20:57.42jhancock_since I am still sprinting
20:58.07jhancock_and what is it you would like to know about gasp.?
20:59.25herlojhancock_: yes
20:59.49herlojhancock_: I'd like to know if you would be willing to give a 45 minute presentation on it at UTOSC 2008?
21:00.05jhancock_I won't promise it will be awesome
21:00.05herloI've heard some cool things about it and I'd like to see what you could do with it
21:00.10herloIt will be
21:00.42jhancock_do you want it to be more toward the problem of teaching computer science to highschoolers and how gasp fixes it
21:00.50jhancock_or more of how to use gasp and why it rocks
21:00.55herlohmm, good question
21:00.58herloyour choice
21:01.02jhancock_I guess they are probably not to seperated
21:01.26herlohave you created an account at yet?
21:01.51herlobtw, I got the code today from the SCALE folks for the reg system, so I'd like to take the time and have a hacknight soon to look into it
21:02.34herlodo you think you could do two presentations?  One focused on educatoin and one on the technical abilities of the software?
21:02.43jhancock_I guess
21:02.59jhancock_I'll have to do some research on both and how long they will be
21:03.01herlojust asking, I may only accept one...
21:03.17herlodepends on how many presentations we get
21:03.17jhancock_to see if they could fill up a time slot
21:03.26herlosure, understood
21:04.05herloeither way, maybe it could fit both Edumacation and Technical in one talk, but I'd like to see them separate, even if they are a bit shorter...
21:07.36jhancock_I'll do what ever I can
21:15.18herlojhancock_: sweet, tx
21:15.56herlojhancock_: do you have classes in the fall that will be both on Thursday and Friday?
21:16.02herloany idea that is...
21:21.37jhancock_what are the dates again?
21:21.45jhancock_like in the fall.... when?
21:26.54*** join/#utos redbeard2 (
21:41.05*** join/#utos undertakingyou (
21:41.06*** mode/#utos [+o undertakingyou] by ChanServ
22:27.24*** join/#utos mrpull-lt (
22:37.04herlowonders why it is so quiet these days...
22:37.44penoblames canada
22:50.34herlome too, and Heartsbane
22:50.48fozzmooblames work
22:52.14herlofozzmoo: hi
22:52.26fozzmooherlo: Don't start. Work!
22:52.50fozzmoowaves conspicuously
22:54.24herlofozzmoo: after work?
22:55.59herlodares to ask!
23:00.41herlofozzmoo: so you are a bit overwhelmed today?
23:00.49*** join/#utos Aliosa27_ (n=Aliosa27@
23:01.41fozzmooherlo: s/today/this week/
23:02.05herlofozzmoo: oic
23:02.12herlofozzmoo: need help?
23:02.40fozzmooNah. I'll get this monkey off my back.
23:02.47fozzmooGot Nathan Blackham starting tomorrow.
23:03.07herlowondered who you'd get
23:23.56*** join/#utos RedHeron (
23:31.26herlomemilyra1: ping
23:31.32herlomemilyrae: ping
23:55.56herloI'm looking to get benefits for volunteering for UTOSC.  Anyone have a few good ideas we could do?
23:56.19HeartsbaneUm... nothing legal
23:56.46herloHeartsbane: haha, funny
23:56.57Heartsbaneits what I do
23:57.00herloHeartsbane: but seriously, I have a short list in if you wanna help out there
23:57.22penoherlo: harshing heartsbane's mellow should be a benefit. :)
23:57.46HeartsbaneForce feed peno chilli peppers could work too...
23:58.05penoexcept I like them
23:58.17herloyeah, me too

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