IRC log for #utos on 20080308

01:25.54sontekjust woke up
01:26.13sontekI slept a total of 5 hours this week until just now :p
01:26.20sontekwas working 29 hour days :P
01:26.39sontekbut now the omniture conference is over =)
01:26.52Heartsbaneyou need to kick your skinny little counterparts ass
01:26.54sontekwell.. until next week then I have to go to Sydney
01:27.19sontekyeah, omniture is running a conference in Sydney next week
01:27.21sontekcrazy fuckers
01:27.27sontekI need time to relax :P
01:27.57Heartsbaneyou going with them?
01:28.03HeartsbaneWhen you leave?
01:28.11sontekyeah, I fly out Thursday
01:33.03undertakingyouHeartsbane: ping
01:33.36Heartsbaneundertakingyou: no your on vacation
01:33.50Heartsbaneundertakingyou: you have reached Vacation FAIL
01:33.59sontekEPIC FAIL
01:34.18undertakingyouHeartsbane: I just wanted to say that I found and bought the wallet that I wanted.
01:34.23HeartsbaneWhen normail fail, just won't cut it
01:34.48Heartsbaneundertakingyou: nice
01:35.21undertakingyouHeartsbane: I am quite pleased.
01:35.33Heartsbaneundertakingyou: I am still looking for the pocketknife, wallet, PDA, cellphone, and lockpick All in One
01:35.57Heartsbaneoh ya and MP3 player
01:36.03sontekHeartsbane: nokia n810!
01:36.03undertakingyouHeartsbane: I saw something like that at Calvin Klein
01:36.25HeartsbaneNokia N810 doesn't have the pocketknife
01:36.30Heartsbaneor cellphone
01:36.46sontekit has skype !
01:36.55Heartsbaneokay ....
01:36.56sontekand you could file down an edge
01:37.20sontekwe could start selling custom shank n810's
01:37.41sontek"Check your e-mail while slicing and dicing!"
01:38.28Heartsbanedoes it have a camera so I can snap picture after the phone call of doom
01:40.10Heartsbaneundertakingyou: enjoying not being near work and spending time @ home
01:40.33sontekundertakingyou: do you have a kid now or what?
01:41.00Heartsbanesontek: you know they know what causes that now
01:41.25undertakingyousontek: it is still not here
01:41.33undertakingyouHeartsbane: I am glad to not be at work.
01:41.42sontekundertakingyou: slacker
01:41.57sontekundertakingyou: turn up the heat, get that turkey baking!
01:42.10Heartsbaneundertakingyou: is there like a website that you can check for delivery, you know like UPS
01:42.12sontekdamn it, being back home sucks
01:42.13undertakingyousontek: I am working on it, Sometimes harder than others.
01:42.19sonteki'm hungry and theres no room service
01:42.30sontekI think i'm going to sell my house and move into a hotel
01:42.48penothe internet is room service for homeowners.
01:43.19sontekpeno: yeah put only orders from dominoes, I want pizza hut!
01:43.24sontekI guess I could submit a patch
01:43.30undertakingyousontek, Heartsbane: My baby is due June 12th.
01:43.48sontekundertakingyou: you should have him on June 2nd and then he can be cool like me!
01:43.49Heartsbaneundertakingyou: check the website again
01:44.12undertakingyousontek, Heartsbane: I am also having a girl.
01:44.49sontekundertakingyou: whats her name?!
01:44.56penosontek: there is also or that provides room service.
01:45.00undertakingyousontek: Naomi Ann
01:45.18sontekpeno: my gf is a waste and is at work, I guess I could call her and tell her to come home ;)
01:45.35penosucks to be you then. :)
01:45.46penotime to patch!
01:46.36Heartsbanesontek: submit one with a volume level
01:46.55Heartsbanesontek: and muted button
01:47.08Heartsbanes/muted/a mute/
01:48.07undertakingyoupeno: lets start small.  just with the patch.
01:48.11Heartsbanedoes it have many dependencies?
01:49.30undertakingyouHeartsbane: and
01:50.06Heartsbanewell as long as there no other dependencies
01:50.06penoundertakingyou: I think may give hearts a kernel panic.
01:50.24Heartsbanelol kernel panic
01:51.07undertakingyouI think any of it could give him a kernel panic.
01:51.18penoprobably would
01:51.58undertakingyou:)  Heartsbane we don't hate you, we just need entertainment.
01:54.35HeartsbaneOh ok
01:55.24sontekit all depends on the environment runnin, if you invoke enough times a stack overflow happens and you can skip the and dependencies
01:58.03sontekHeartsbane: undertakingyou: peno: kkubasik: fozzmoo: pashdown: Jayce^: where we going for dinner tonight?
01:58.29penosontek: is making my dinner. :)
01:59.16HeartsbaneI think pashdown might have plans nutjob and I just ate, cause I am going in tomorrow @ 5 AM to sit around and read the paper for like 3 hours
01:59.23Heartsbanelike the boss wants me too
01:59.33HeartsbaneBoo 2 Me
01:59.36sontekpeno: does that mean dinner at your house?
01:59.43penoare you drinking coffee during that time as well hearts?
02:00.03penosontek: doubt it. :)
02:00.21penonot unless you like fish
02:00.40Heartsbanemmmmmmmmm fish
02:00.51undertakingyousontek: I am staying in for dinner
02:02.09sontekpeno: I like Tilapia
02:05.14Heartsbanepeno: what kinda phish?
02:05.22penosalmon cakes
02:05.55Heartsbanemade from crackers or bread?
02:06.11penoand mashed potatoes
02:06.22Heartsbanewith garlic and butter?
02:06.34penoi wasn't paying attention
02:06.43HeartsbaneSour Cream?
02:06.57penohung new blinds over the patio door instead
02:07.30penono sour cream
02:07.55penoyou just want to eat over to terrorize the cats.
02:17.28penohaha. only one of them actually chases them.
02:22.03sontekso yesterday at the omniture conference a lady is like "you guys have hp.. dell.. wheres the gateway?"  and I look up at her and say "... do you really have to ask that?"  and then I look at her badge and it says she works for gateway :X
02:26.05Supaplexyou could have said "It's right in front of me!"
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04:41.32herloI like being home early on a Friday night
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04:55.49Heartsbaneoh ok
04:56.22herloHeartsbane: hello from utah
04:56.54HeartsbaneUtah.... that is where I am at
04:57.02HeartsbaneI almost blocked it out
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14:11.58herloZelut: ping
14:14.25herloZelut: you may be interested in this thread I just pulled from the fedora-livecd-list
14:14.56herlowhile its about the livecd, the interesting part has to do with swap on the usb
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19:05.33herloHeartsbane: ping 4 lunch
19:29.31herlokkubasik: pingaling
19:54.32*** topic/#utos by herlo -> Utah Open Source Foundation - | Call for papers,
20:01.49eggyknap-afkWhen does the call for papers end?
20:02.14herloeggyknap: jun 1
20:02.31*** topic/#utos by herlo -> Utah Open Source Foundation - | Call for papers, - ends June 1
20:02.55herlosounds interesting
20:03.05eggyknapI hope it would be :)
20:03.14herlome too!
20:03.27herlowe already have quite a few submissions
20:03.30eggyknapAny guesses as to number of speakers, attendees, etc.?
20:04.36herloI have lots of guesses
20:04.46herlobut I can say details from last year if you prefer...
20:05.32herlolast year we had just over 30 presenters with 35+ presentations, 6 keynotes and 200+ attendees
20:05.39eggyknapheh :)
20:05.59eggyknapBigger than the PGCon 2007 I spoke at. A broader focus, I guess :) Cool.
20:06.03herlothis year, I'm shooting for 400-500 attendees with more presentations, something like 45+
20:06.16eggyknapWow... that's not bad at all.
20:06.30herloplus booths and a band each night
20:07.47herlowe have 6 rooms for 3 full days, probably starting at 8am going til 8pm except on Thursday due to classes we'll be starting at about 11am or so...
20:08.42eggyknapImpressive. I don't envy those of you planning it :)
20:10.32herloeggyknap: why?  Its not all that hard, just needs a bit of love
20:10.55herlothere are about 6 of us working on it this year, last year it was much, much more challenging
20:11.07herlothis year we know what we're doing, well better at least
20:11.12eggyknaplol :)
20:11.54eggyknapYou're saying I shouldn't guilt myself into helping out, but rather help out out of sense of community, kindness of my heart, etc.?
20:15.06herloeggyknap: but I'll take guilt
20:15.12eggyknapheh :)
20:29.52*** join/#utos fozzmoo (
20:44.20Heartsbaneherlo: pong and stuff
20:45.57herloHeartsbane: hi
20:50.10eggyknapherlo: I presume if the publisher of the "PostgreSQL Weekly News" newsletter included a tidbit saying the CFP is open for UTOSC, the conference is 28-30 Aug, and the URL, you wouldn't mind the publicity?
20:50.36herloabsolutely awesome!
20:50.38herloeggyknap: tx
20:51.00herloeggyknap: looks like we'll be getting some local publicity too with connect magazine
20:51.27herloyeah, we are also shooting for LJ and Linux Magazine
20:52.56*** join/#utos davidfetter (
20:53.42fozzmooHello Mr. Fetter.
20:54.04davidfetter.oO(welcome to rivendell, mr. anderson)
20:54.31eggyknapEek.. he's found us.
20:54.53davidfetteri'm trying to figure out how best to do the announcement in PWN
20:55.02davidfetterUtah Open Source Conference 2008's Call for Papers is open until June 1.
20:55.05davidfetterThe conference is August 28-30, 2008 in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
20:55.08eggyknap(PWN = PostgreSQL Weekly News)
20:55.10davidfetterwhat i have so far
20:55.14fozzmooJuly 1, actually
20:55.14davidfetteroops. sorry
20:55.18davidfetterah, good to know.
20:55.29fozzmooMay want to mention that it's the 2nd annual. :)
20:55.50eggyknapOops... July, not June... got it.
20:55.52eggyknapMy fault, there.
20:56.02davidfetterUtah Open Source Conference 2008's Call for Papers is open until July 1.
20:56.03davidfetterThis 2nd annual conference is August 28-30, 2008 in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
20:56.13davidfetter"until," or "through?"
20:57.11davidfetterwould you folks be up for putting an IRC URL on your page?
20:57.26herlodavidfetter: pls explain your desire there
20:58.17fozzmooherlo: ????
20:58.19davidfetterwell, the postgres project has gotten a fair number of people into #postgresql by putting irc:// on the page
20:58.58herlofozzmoo: what?
20:59.09fozzmooYou're changing the due date for the CFP?
20:59.18herloI told you this already
20:59.32fozzmooFirst I remember hearing about it.
20:59.50herloits not a big deal though, I'm sure it'll be until July 1, but I meant for it to be june 1
20:59.54herloeggyknap-afk: ciao
21:00.34davidfetterum, so which date should i put in the announcement, and is it "until" or "through?"
21:00.41herlodavidfetter: are you part of the Postgresql community?
21:00.46herlothrough June 1
21:00.54davidfetterherlo, yes
21:00.58herlowe'll probably accept until July 1
21:01.04sontekherlo: davidfetter is a pgsql genius! ;)
21:01.09herlobut we don't want that publicized
21:01.13herlosontek: okay
21:01.19sontekdavidfetter: caught one of your talks at oscon last year =)
21:01.29davidfettersontek, i hope you liked it :)
21:01.29fozzmooPostgreSQL FOREVER!
21:02.00davidfetterwow. you're way ahead of me, fozzmoo
21:02.09fozzmooThat was back before Pg was better than MySQL. :)
21:02.22davidfetteri started with pg about the time it started enforcing FKs
21:02.30fozzmooWell, actually, maybe MySQL wasn't around yet.
21:02.39davidfetteri think it was
21:02.41fozzmooI explored Pg95 because I was sick of mSQL
21:03.03herlofozzmoo: sorry for the confusion btw
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21:05.22*** topic/#utos is Utah Open Source Foundation - | Call for papers, - ends June 1
21:05.46davidfetterare there tables?
21:06.24fozzmooWe will have exhibition booths for both commercial vendors and non-profit orgs
21:07.00fozzmooherlo is trying very hard to model UTOSC on SCALE
21:07.11davidfetterSCALE is a great show
21:07.28fozzmoodavidfetter: Is Roberto Mello on pgsql-advocacy?
21:07.41davidfetteryes, but isn't he in brazil?
21:07.47fozzmooNo. he's in utah.
21:07.53fozzmooHe's FROM Brazil.
21:08.19davidfetterdoes he pronounce his first name, "Hoberto?"
21:08.31fozzmooNo, Robert-Oh.
21:08.56fozzmooIf I remember correctly, I'm the one that convinced him to try Pg the first time.
21:09.10fozzmooHe was going to use MySQL for a project and I just reamed him good.
21:09.25fozzmooI feel bad because he really didn't know anything one way or the other.
21:09.25davidfetterwhat a monster you've created :)
21:09.46fozzmooyep. He's been a great asset for the Pg community
21:18.10davidfetterfozzmoo, would you like to do that announcement?
21:18.38fozzmooCould you ellaborate a bit?
21:20.01davidfettera short mail to pgsql-advocacy about this conference and what kind(s) of participation you want people to do would be great
21:20.12davidfetterlike very short
21:24.07fozzmoooh okay. Do I need to be a member of the list?
21:24.14fozzmooI know I was at one point. :)
21:33.24davidfetternot sure, but there are moderators that get on such things pretty quickly :)
21:33.32davidfettersorry. was looking at another window
21:44.04herlofozzmoo: I am modeling UTOSC after SCALE?
21:44.57davidfetterwell, except for all the hookers & blow, i presume ;)
21:45.17davidfetterSCALE, after all, is held in los angeles ;)
21:45.23herlodavidfetter: I know
21:45.48herloI'm definitely interested in some of the aspects they have, but not everything :)
21:46.07herlotoo bad I didn't see any of the hookers or blow...
21:46.55davidfetterneither did i
21:48.01herlodavidfetter: you were there?
21:48.15davidfetteryep. booth bunny @ the pg booth
21:48.56herlooh, I think I saw you.  Thing is, i don't recall the postgres booth, but that's not my thing.  I was over by the Fedora and Inkscape booths alot though
21:49.31herlowhich vendors/dotorgs were you near?
21:50.22davidfetterwe were between splunk (on our right, as you're facing the booth) and that one linux-based PVR
21:50.30davidfetterwhose name i'm not recalling
21:51.59herloweird, I think I remember splunk, but don't recall a dvr, unless you are referring ot fusoh or whatever that programmable penguin was called
21:52.13davidfettertv recording doohicky
21:52.29herlojust don't recall anyone like that
21:52.37herloah well.  It was fun for sure.
21:53.10herlohmm, k
21:59.10fozzmooherlo: Perhaps "model" is not the right term.
21:59.21fozzmooherlo: Probably "significantly influenced by"
21:59.36fozzmooAnyway. you've said a couple times that you wanted UTOSC to become like SCALE.
21:59.39herlofozzmoo: well, I'm significantly influenced by many factors, and sure, SCALE is one of them
21:59.55fozzmooherlo: Tell you what: I'll shut up. ;-)
21:59.57herlofozzmoo: parts of it for sure.  I learned a tun!
22:00.14herlofozzmoo: nah, its okay, I want to get your vision too
22:00.17fozzmooherlo: Did you learn a tap?
22:00.37fozzmooOh you know... tun and tap.
22:00.41herlooh, because I mispelled
22:01.03fozzmooifconfig tun0
22:01.08herloi know
22:01.49herlofozzmoo: I'm just thinking that there's a lot of good things about SCALE, but I didn't like everything
22:07.39davidfetterwell, there were no real breaks for food
22:07.42davidfetterthat kinda blew
22:08.05davidfetterand speaking of food, there wasn't much good nearby
22:08.26davidfetterunless you count that persian/mex place down the block
22:08.47davidfetterhave taco trucks come into vogue in Utah?
22:08.55fozzmooIn some areas, yeah.
22:09.09fozzmooIn the more blue-collar parts of town, there are carts/stands
22:09.37davidfettergreat food, cheap, and the money stays in the community :)
22:09.39fozzmooHeh heh. I walked through Oakland at 3am a couple years ago
22:09.42fozzmooI didn't know it was a bad idea.
22:09.49davidfetterit's not, really
22:09.56fozzmooCop stopped and insisted on giving us a ride to the airport.
22:09.59davidfetterwhen people get hurt, it's generally about business
22:10.19davidfetterso as long as you're not mackin' or slingin' dope, you're fine
22:10.40fozzmooThe three of us were pretty good size guys, so I wasn't terribly worried about being harrassed.
22:11.11davidfetterbeing brawny is not always a good thing
22:11.50davidfetterit can up the ante if there's a problem :P
22:24.48herlodavidfetter: the food was *okay* at the con, they had booths for a couple hours, but it was just sandwiches and stuf
22:25.34herlothing is, SLCC has a whole food court across the way for lunch, so it actually makes me worreid about the booths, but I figure if we get a few .orgs in there that will help.
22:39.12*** part/#utos AlmostTher1 (

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