IRC log for #utos on 20080106

02:15.01*** join/#utos linuxalien (n=macintar@oalug/member/linuxalien)
02:54.05*** join/#utos linuxalien (n=macintar@oalug/member/linuxalien)
03:34.53undertakingyouherlo: pong
04:14.59*** join/#utos fozzmoo (
04:44.21*** join/#utos undertak1ngyou (
04:47.20*** mode/#utos [+o undertakingyou] by ChanServ
04:55.57*** part/#utos linuxalien (n=macintar@oalug/member/linuxalien)
04:58.08herlo~lart the world
04:58.08infobotblasts the world to oblivion with a kamehameha wave
04:58.14herlothat was for Heartsbane
04:58.21undertakingyouherlo: hi
05:04.48undertakingyouherlo: ping
05:48.22*** join/#utos macintard (
05:51.04*** join/#utos macutard (
06:37.14*** join/#utos Gate_Laptop (
06:56.57*** part/#utos Gate_Laptop (
07:34.58herloundertakingyou: pong
07:39.54herlo~lart Heartsbane
07:39.54infobotdrops a humongous exploding nuke on Heartsbane
07:40.59herloHeartsbane: thought you were tired
07:42.20HeartsbaneI am I plan on falling asleep watching Jason Bourne beat someones teeth into the back of their neck, or atleast until they resemble a PEZ dispenser
07:42.34HeartsbaneYou know
07:42.48herloyou sound weird
07:43.18Heartsbaneoh ok
16:03.11undertakingyouherlo: you awake?
16:25.40herloundertakingyou: I am
16:34.07undertakingyouherlo: so, how are you?  I hope that you are having a great day.
16:34.38herloits okay, I'm awake 30 minutes before I wanted, but its all good.  I'm flying soon
16:34.57herlowhich means free food, coffee and FUDCon
16:35.07herloundertakingyou: how's things on your end?
16:35.26undertakingyouWell, I don't have anything free.
16:35.34undertakingyouSo, not as good I guess
16:35.40herlohehe, yeah
16:35.50herlobut you are happy, I suppose
16:36.04undertakingyouYeah, life is fine.
16:36.22undertakingyouI am here at work, and while I am I am going to make a Rollover cable.
16:36.35undertakingyouThen when I get home I will try to install that server.
16:41.50herloundertakingyou: cool, I'm way excited to hear
16:42.25undertakingyouyes we will try
16:42.40undertakingyouhow did it go with memilyrae on the papers?
16:42.51herlotook us less than 1.5 hrs
16:43.54undertakingyouNice, so it is done?
16:44.21herlomostly, we have to write some explanations and stuff for a few things, but yeah
17:01.11*** join/#utos undertakingyou (
17:01.13*** mode/#utos [+o undertakingyou] by ChanServ
18:03.39Heartsbaneundertakingyou: ping
20:10.00herlodriving to the airport today was crazy
20:10.15undertakingyouHeartsbane: pong
20:10.35herlothis mexican guy in a chevy truck crashed twice in front of me...
20:10.47herloboth times I thought he'd stop
20:10.56undertakingyouIf you got it on video you will be a youtube superstar
20:11.19herlobut then he sped up again and started fishtailing out of control
20:11.37herloi was surprised I made it unscathed
20:12.08herlosecod time, he ran head first into the retaining wall
20:12.26herloI think that stopped him....
20:12.51herloand then later on I watched a minivan slide into the wall
20:13.00herloand go again
20:13.23herlo4 cars were stalled in the middle of the freeway
20:14.49undertakingyouWere they all in Utah County?
20:18.05HeartsbaneEwww.... Utah County
20:19.02HeartsbaneTrying to remember why I ping'd you
20:20.25HeartsbaneIt'll come to me in a minute
20:21.13undertakingyouok, no worries
20:21.29undertakingyoudid you find a car that you liked?
20:22.31HeartsbaneNaw a former employee came over going WTF, to most of the estimates that I got
20:23.04Heartsbaneand helped me fix it
20:23.37Heartsbanecharged me $10/hr, a 24 pack of Beer, and I had to buy parts.
20:24.43HeartsbaneHave to do some finishing details, plus we couldn't find a reasonable price on a hood
20:25.21Heartsbanewell atleast on one with the right hood latch, and right color
20:25.51Heartsbaneso we went to junkyard and pulled one off, Forest Metalic Green
20:26.04HeartsbaneI gotta get it paint sometime
20:26.25penokrylon FTW
20:27.11Heartsbaneoh okay... I was going to take it to someone garage he gave me a card for said it should be around $90
20:28.53Heartsbaneso undertakingyou in the end, after all the work, despite a couple cosmetic things you really can't tell I slid on the ice and rear ended someone
20:29.10Heartsbanebut then again, maybe a second opinion would be nice
20:34.20undertakingyouI', glad that you got it taken care of
20:34.30undertakingyouAnd you can't beat that price!!
20:34.39undertakingyouBetter than buying a new car.
20:34.51undertakingyouDid you claim anything to your insurance?
20:39.53Heartsbaneya I gotta take care of that tomorrow
20:41.02undertakingyouMan, the snow is coming down again!
20:42.19undertakingyouas you always do :)
21:09.59*** join/#utos Gate_Laptop (
21:28.18*** join/#utos undertak1ngyou (
21:30.34*** mode/#utos [+o undertakingyou] by ChanServ
22:04.11*** join/#utos pirate| (n=fd1@
22:04.11*** mode/#utos [+o pirate|] by ChanServ
23:24.06*** join/#utos fozzmoo (
23:29.09*** join/#utos redbeard2 (n=redbeard@
23:41.29RedHeronThere's a strange glow in the sky!
23:41.55RedHeronI say it's a UFO, my fiancee says it's the sun.
23:42.09RedHeronHard to see, though... it's pretty bright.

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