IRC log for #utos on 20071111

00:07.34*** join/#utos undertakingyou (
00:07.34*** mode/#utos [+o undertakingyou] by ChanServ
00:08.06undertakingyouHow is the MDRP?
00:10.05*** join/#utos undertakingyou (
00:10.10*** mode/#utos [+o undertakingyou] by ChanServ
04:29.57*** join/#utos undertakingyou (
04:29.57*** mode/#utos [+o undertakingyou] by ChanServ
04:30.54herlomemilyrae is fired as soon as she comes in here
04:31.09herlo~onjoin memilyrae You're fired! From Herlo
04:31.09infobotok, herlo
04:31.48undertakingyouherlo: how was the MDRP?
04:31.57*** join/#utos memilyrae (
04:32.38memilyraewha? So nice nice! :-P
04:34.29herlomemilyrae: nice timing
04:34.38herlomemilyrae: you planned that all, so you're fired!
04:34.46*** topic/#utos by undertakingyou -> Geek Paintball - Saturday, Nov 17, 10am - 2pm
04:34.52herloundertakingyou: thx
04:35.04*** topic/#utos by undertakingyou -> Utah Open Source | Geek Paintball - Saturday, Nov 17, 10am - 2pm
04:35.10herloundertakingyou: add
04:35.11undertakingyouherlo: NP
04:35.31herlomemilyrae: thank you for the cake though, it was a nice touch.  I was totally blown a way
04:35.33*** topic/#utos by undertakingyou -> Utah Open Source | Geek Paintball - Saturday, Nov 17, 10am - 2pm |
04:35.40herloundertakingyou: at the beginning
04:36.07herloundertakingyou: you coming to paintball?
04:36.10*** topic/#utos by undertakingyou -> Utah Open Source | Geek Paintball - Saturday, Nov 17, 10am - 2pm
04:36.26undertakingyouherlo: no
04:38.21herloundertakingyou: no worries...
04:38.42undertakingyouI wish that I could.  I am out of vacation and have to work though.
04:38.52undertakingyouI will be there Wednesday night though.
04:39.02herloundertakingyou: sweet!
04:39.14herlomindjuju: can you get away from work on Wednesday night?
04:40.33herlomindjuju: that's great!
04:40.36herlomindjuju: see you there
04:41.14herloand his utter plot to introduce the Core Team of UTOSF as part of his presentation
04:42.44mindjujuanybody heading from up here headed down there and back up here?
04:42.58herlomindjuju: undertakingyou will be
04:43.26mindjujui'll see if he wants to carpool -- i thin ki can go
04:43.53mindjujui've had to put a crazy bad / hard project through to completion this wee, put in 79 hr this week, super mega tired
04:44.01mindjujuso i'm taking days off next week
04:44.32mindjujuso i should be off that day
04:48.08memilyraeherlo: seriously, it wasn't me. Shauna talked to Steve about it, I just let everyone know. It was ALL Shauna!
04:48.28undertakingyoumemilyrae: how did the "project" go?
04:48.47memilyraeundertakingyou: you mean the surprise birthday thing?
04:49.10herlomemilyrae: I still blame you!
04:49.15herloand Canada
04:49.27undertakingyoumemilyrae: yeah
04:49.41memilyraeherlo: of course you still blame me...I would have done it if I would have realized it was your birthday. Darn Facebook for not giving me the heads up!!!
04:50.20memilyraeundertakingyou: it was great. Shauna's hubby had the pizza, she came in behind him with the cake. I wish herlo would have blushed more but he was a good sport about it...even let us take his picture with the cake
04:51.07undertakingyoumemilyrae: nice
04:51.28memilyraeundertakingyou: we'll post it as soon as we get it
04:51.58undertakingyoumemilyrae: cool, I look forward to it.
05:00.08*** join/#utos decriptor (
05:02.07herlomemilyrae: that's the way I am, I rarely blush
05:02.35memilyraeherlo: Yeah...but I can Photoshop the red into your cheeks!
05:02.52herlomemilyrae: haha, very funny.  Aren't you supposed to learn GIMP?
05:03.22memilyraeYeah...I've done a little in it...I think we just put the newer version on...or was that inkscape? Whichever...
05:03.49herlomemilyrae: i was kinda wondering what was going on when you told me to turn around and head back into the room...
05:04.23memilyraeyeah...I didn't want you to ruin it! Shauna was right behind me but then I think she saw/heard you and made her hubby get in front.
05:04.38memilyraeherlo: you sure you didnt' think I was just being bossy like normal?
05:06.11herlomemilyrae: somewhat, that's why I didn't argue
05:06.33memilyraeherlo: good boy
05:06.54herlomemilyrae: haha, I also figured something was up so I thought it better to play along
05:07.28undertakingyouherlo: why won't sontek come in #utos anymore?
05:07.44memilyraeundertakingyou: do you really need to ask?
05:07.58memilyraeundertakingyou: or at least I'm assuming
05:08.17undertakingyoumemilyrae: I guess I don't understand.
05:09.34memilyraeundertakingyou: I might not either...I'm just making assumptions
05:09.57herloundertakingyou: he's being a baby
05:09.57undertakingyoumemilyrae: you know what happens when you assume. . .
05:10.23memilyraeundertakingyou: yeah...except I like to look at it more like "assu" "me"
05:10.26undertakingyouherlo: I thought so.  For someone that wants everyone else to grow up he sure is taking his sweet time.
05:10.55herloundertakingyou: thank you.  I know everyone in here loves me anyway.  Thats the importants stuff :)
05:10.58memilyraeherlo: that's what I assumed...I figured I wouldn't complete the thought since it's really not my place to say
05:11.18undertakingyouherlo: I was talking about others, not you.
05:11.52herlomemilyrae: yeah, I'm letting it drop, if he wants to be here, he will be...
05:12.23herloundertakingyou: I know.  I just *know* I am loved.  That's what's important.  ME!
05:12.40undertakingyouherlo: :)
05:12.46herlomemilyrae: wanna do design until 3am?
05:13.07memilyraeundertakingyou: it's true...except...fozz was going to come since we were celebrating but he didn't (at least not before I left)
05:13.27herlomemilyrae: he didn't make it
05:13.46memilyraeherlo: uh...maybe not that late. I can probably only keep my eyes open for another hour to hour and a half longer
05:14.01herlomemilyrae: when did we say we could meet otherwise?
05:14.20memilyraeherlo: when do you need it sent to the printers?
05:14.34herlomemilyrae: probably just by Thursday
05:14.38herlogive them aday
05:15.55memilyraeWe could maybe talk tomorrow and then I could work on it on Tuesday. I still have lots of studying to do (test monday night)
05:16.24herlomemilyrae: ew!
05:16.47herlomemilyrae: you know what, don't worry about it for this Saturday.  We'll just get it ready for another event
05:16.56memilyraeyeah. unless you have time on Tuesday...but the only problem is I'm available mornings and you have work
05:17.12herlomemilyrae: I could do Tuesday morning actually
05:17.24memilyraeherlo: that would work for me too
05:17.26herlomemilyrae: I'm having lunch with Shauna and Kim
05:17.30herlowanna come?
05:17.44memilyraeherlo: who's paying? :)
05:17.54herloor Shauna
05:17.56memilyraeherlo: I'm there!
05:17.59herloso... UTOS
05:18.16memilyraeherlo: I'll drop the kiddos off with my family in the a.m.
05:18.27herlomemilyrae: 1pm is when Kim's lunch break is.  We'll probably just do red robin as she only has an hour
05:18.44memilyraeherlo: sounds great! I love RR
05:19.00herlomemilyrae: we were gonna go there tonight, but it was 1.5 hr wait
05:19.52memilyraeherlo: yuck. that would've sucked.
05:20.03memilyraeherlo: you're going to look like a pimp surrounded but 3 women
05:21.42herlomemilyrae: yup
05:27.06memilyraeall right pillow's calling...g'night
05:27.17herlomemilyrae: gnight
05:27.56undertakingyoumemilyrae: night
05:28.45herloundertakingyou: so what do we need to do to get a Caldav server running?
05:29.56undertakingyouherlo: well, do we want to try zimbra or buni?  one if there out of the box things?
05:30.18herloundertakingyou: we could.
05:30.48herloI'm thinking more about getting the centralized calendar component going so we can start figuring out when to meet so as to not conflict with UG meetings
05:30.54herloor at least not with most of htem.
05:31.09undertakingyouherlo: with that, we just need to settle on the one and install it
05:32.11herloundertakingyou: the bigger question for zimbra, the one I'd choose, is we need some hardware.  When would you like to sit down with me this next week and spec out a machine?
05:33.07undertakingyouherlo: well, I have friday off.
05:33.26herloundertakingyou: sounds good, friday afternoonish
05:33.35undertakingyouok, we can do that.
05:33.45undertakingyouwhere at?
05:34.32herloyour place?
05:34.35herloor we could do it at GL
05:34.48herloin fact, if you wnat to come over there earlier, that'd work too
05:34.52herlolike 3 or 4pm
05:35.02undertakingyouherlo: that is fine.
05:35.10undertakingyouWhichever is best for you.
05:35.18herloundertakingyou: another thought is that we could install all of those things at GL and test them out on Friday
05:35.30undertakingyouherlo: in a VM?
05:35.32herloundertakingyou: either works for me, but if we do it at GL, we'll have an array of machines to work with
05:35.39herloundertakingyou: nope, physical machines
05:36.14undertakingyouherlo: if we want to do that lets do GL.
05:36.20undertakingyouWe can do my place for a VM.
05:38.22herloundertakingyou: yeah, GL sounds better and better.  I'll get a few machines pre-installed for us...
05:38.31herloundertakingyou: do you know where GL is?
05:39.04undertakingyouherlo: yes
05:40.00herloundertakingyou: 3pm?
05:40.24undertakingyouherlo: ok
05:44.33*** part/#utos mrpull-lt (
05:46.26herloundertakingyou: just give me a call on Friday then...
05:46.32herloundertakingyou: how long will you have?
05:48.22undertakingyouherlo: I should have all the time that we need.
05:48.40undertakingyouherlo: how much time are you thinking
05:49.13herloundertakingyou: til we were done
05:49.46herloundertakingyou: probably til about 7 or 8.  Dinner will be needed.  Becky can come hang out if she so desires...
05:49.58undertakingyouI will talk to her about that.
05:50.00herloundertakingyou: could be longer, who knows
05:50.21herloI just want to install and test out several options and see if we can't get a caldav server working as well.
05:50.29undertakingyouherlo: I like that idea.
05:50.45undertakingyouI will bring my laptop
05:51.56*** join/#utos Heartsbane (
05:52.10undertakingyouHeartsbane: I love that onjoin.
05:52.49HeartsbaneOh really
05:53.01HeartsbaneI just got all my stuff back in the rack
05:53.13HeartsbaneI blame sontek
05:53.17Heartsbaneor something
05:53.25Heartsbaneor herlo
05:53.33Heartsbaneor peno
05:54.25herloHeartsbane: you can always blame me
05:54.28herloI'm up for it :)
09:40.55*** join/#utos linuxalien (n=me@oalug/member/linuxalien)
15:56.48*** join/#utos kemotaha (n=malohi@
15:57.23kemotahaanyone home?
16:03.11kemotahaguess not, I will come back later
16:35.41*** join/#utos linuxalien (n=me@oalug/member/linuxalien)
17:18.11*** join/#utos ccjoe (
18:52.56*** join/#utos ccjoe (
18:52.56*** join/#utos opapo (
19:14.51*** join/#utos Gate (
19:45.47Gateherlo: #su3g?
19:45.56Gatewhat room were you talking about?
20:38.25*** join/#utos redbeard2 (
20:46.31*** join/#utos Gate (
21:12.51herloGate: I'm in there now.
22:01.27undertakingyou~seen herlo
22:01.31infobotherlo is currently on #utos (3d 17h 48m 37s) #ubuntu-utah (3d 17h 48m 37s) #utah (3d 17h 48m 37s) #uphpu (3d 17h 48m 37s). Has said a total of 455 messages. Is idling for 17m 31s, last said: 'k, hang on'.
22:27.33herloundertakingyou: hello?
22:40.44undertakingyouherlo: hi, how are you?
22:47.02herloundertakingyou: doing well.  Was wondering why you were looking for me
22:47.02herlomaybe you weren't
22:58.49undertakingyouherlo: I just wanted to see what rooms you were in.  Morbid curiosity.  That is all
22:59.07herloundertakingyou: Morbid *is* your middle name isn't it?
22:59.20undertakingyouherlo: no, my middle name is David.
22:59.27herloundertakingyou: hehe
22:59.38undertakingyouWe still on for Friday?
22:59.43undertakingyouherlo: ^^^
22:59.50herloundertakingyou: of course
23:00.28undertakingyouherlo: ok, I was just going through my week.  You are in there and I have my wifes blessing.
23:01.45*** part/#utos Gate (
23:02.13*** join/#utos Gate (
23:14.26herlomemilyrae: ping
23:32.39fozzmooherlo: Ping
23:34.14herlofozzmoo: pong
23:34.35fozzmooherlo: How did MDRP go?
23:35.22herlofor more details
23:35.29fozzmooI understood there was a surprise involved as well.
23:35.53herloyep, that's covered ther too
23:36.09fozzmooWell, happy surprise birthday.
23:36.13fozzmooYou're now half way to 70.
23:36.19herlonot until Thursday
23:36.22herlodon't rush it
23:36.30herlo~lart fozzmoo
23:36.30infobotplops fozzmoo into a giant vat of herring
23:36.47herlofozzmoo: if you're a penguin, you loved that lart
23:38.00fozzmooherlo: Do you want to try to get those videos to me this week?
23:38.51herlofozzmoo: can do
23:39.00herlofozzmoo: tomorrow I can bring the disk by...
23:39.13fozzmooThat'll work. I'll get it back to you on Wed.
23:39.20herlono worries,
23:41.54fozzmooSo many F8 updates already.
23:42.29herlofozzmoo: like 20
23:42.40fozzmooI'd like someone to explain why the packages have 'fc8' in the names. Why not 'f8'? It's a little confusing.
23:43.55herlofozzmoo: I think its something that is in the build service and they've yet to change.  Maybe its not an easy thing to do or so minor that it doesn't matter that much
23:45.07herlofozzmoo: copying the data to my personal hard drive for backup and then will bring it to you tomorrow.  What time do you get in?
23:45.13herloI've gotta be at GL by about 8am
23:45.33fozzmooI'll be in by 7:30
23:45.49fozzmooIf I'm not there, someone will be there, so you can just drop it in my office.
23:45.52herlok, I'll swing by on my way in...
23:46.05fozzmooIf that doesn't work out, I'll meet you later.
23:46.11herlothat works too
23:46.16herloLunch is a possibility
23:46.28fozzmooI've got to go to UPS at some point in the day.
23:46.38fozzmooThey keep trying to deliver a package that requires an in-person signature.
23:46.46fozzmooSo I told them I'd pick it up.
23:46.56fozzmooIt's probably my gold-circle tickets to the Glenn Beck Christmas Show.
23:47.00herloyeah, annoying, but useful
23:47.38herloits nice that they don't just give *anyone* your package, but annoying that they always come when you're not there

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