IRC log for #utos on 20071105

00:37.35*** join/#utos mrpull-lt (
00:46.51undertakingyouwhat a busy night
00:47.15*** part/#utos undertakingyou (
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00:49.37*** join/#utos fozzmoo (
01:00.11*** join/#utos mindjuju (n=mindjuju@
02:26.28*** join/#utos fozzmo1 (
03:10.46herlome loves his Werewolf!
03:24.46herlothe bluetooth features are *so* much better
03:55.38*** join/#utos decriptor (
04:43.52fozzmooherlo: I want F8
04:45.22herlofozzmoo: its awesome!
04:45.40fozzmooIt's not officially out yet, right?
04:45.54herlofozzmoo: not until thursday, but rawhide is now frozen
04:46.08herlofozzmoo: yuppers
04:46.46herloon my post about upgrading, I point to Max Spevack's post on how to become bleeding edge and use the rawhide repo to become Werewolf
04:48.50fozzmoommm. It's not clear what I need to do.
04:48.57fozzmooJust enable development on F7?
04:53.29herlofozzmoo: yup
04:53.36herlofozzmoo: and then disable everything else
04:54.01herloif you are using livna or another third party repo, it might cause a few conflicts...
04:58.01Gateherlo: I think I know what the next SU3G meeting is going to be on, and it will probably be the 29th
04:59.07GateI think it will be on getting and giving support for open source projects
05:00.28fozzmooherlo: I use kmod-nvidia from livna. :-/
05:01.03herlofozzmoo: that's just going to be something you'll have to remove and replace once upgraded.  use the vesa driver for now
05:01.12herloGate: cool.  I wish I could come...
05:01.18fozzmooherlo: I can probably just use the 'nv' driver. :)
05:01.40herlofozzmoo: or that
05:01.56herlofozzmoo: nuveau is also an option
07:46.17*** join/#utos decriptor (
14:35.56*** join/#utos fozzmoo (n=fozz@
15:31.47Jayce^hrm, whoever mentioned my name, it's long scrolled away
15:32.59undertakingyoumorning everyone
15:33.17herloJayce^: I'm sure it was me, but I don't remember what it was about
15:33.21herloundertakingyou: hello
15:33.27Jayce^~lart herlo  :)
15:33.27infobotsmacks herlo :) up side the head with a clue-by-4
15:33.30undertakingyouherlo: whats up?
15:34.03herloundertakingyou: not much, just hanging out w/my son today.  he goes home tonight :(
15:34.21undertakingyouherlo: :(  sad face.  He lives in LA right?
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15:34.35herloundertakingyou: yeah, the OC
15:35.14undertakingyouherlo: that is cool.  I was going to see if you wanted to do lunch today.  But no worries.
15:36.03herloundertakingyou: but its been fun this weekend.  We went house hunting, went to ski/snowboard rail riding, rode trax, went to dinner at tepanyaki, and he got to play outside for several hours.
15:36.09herlohe never gets to do that at home...
15:36.31herloundertakingyou: we could go tomorrow, but aren't we going to lunch on Wednesday?
15:37.17undertakingyouI work the rest of the week.  Today is my only day off.  And with lunch being in the middle of the valley I don't know that I could swing it.  :-/
15:37.54herloundertakingyou: ahh, well we could go today if you want.  I don't think he'll mind all that much.  He likes lunch too...
15:38.24undertakingyouherlo: I don't want to cut into time with your son.  I know how I felt when that time was shared.
15:39.17herloundertakingyou: he'll enjoy it I'm sure either way.  He's a fun kid and gets along well with most everyone.  We just need to make it a little fun for him too...
15:39.51herloundertakingyou: like go to lunch at Thanksgiving point so that afterward we can go to the dinosaur exhibit or something
15:40.15herloor up by the U so we can go to Red Butte Gardens afterward (or the Zoo)
15:40.32undertakingyouherlo: I like the idea of by the U
15:42.14herloundertakingyou: its not forever, only 30 more minutes
15:42.24herloundertakingyou: and btw, someone has to drive it :)
15:43.26undertakingyouOh yeah, I thought you were in Murray for some reason. :/ my bad
15:44.17herloundertakingyou: not yet.  I have to go look at a few more houses again today probably this afternoon so that should work...
15:44.42undertakingyouherlo: maybe you should buy in davis county.  Very close to the office.
15:44.45herloundertakingyou: what about Murray, what's kid friendly in Murray?  I know its central to everything..
15:45.01herloundertakingyou: davis county traffic is worse than Utah county traffic IMO
15:45.15undertakingyouIn Sandy there is the aquarium.
15:45.24herloundertakingyou: true
15:45.34herloundertakingyou: we've been to the one at the gateway (same same)
15:45.57penothe most important thing about murray, is Utopia. :)
15:46.04undertakingyouyeah, they are about the same.
15:46.06herlopeno: exactly!!!
15:46.14herlopeno: couldn't agree more
15:46.24herlothis month!
15:46.26undertakingyoupeno . . . I guess.
15:46.31penoI wish I could get it now.
15:46.37herlopeno: where do you live?
15:46.40penoinstead, I'm fighting with Qworst to fix my dsl.
15:46.51penoWVC.  my area hasn't been rolled out yet.
15:47.17undertakingyoupeno: I heard that a lot of WVC doesn't even have Qwest
15:47.43penoundertakingyou: probably the stuff that's way far west, almost magna west.
15:47.57herlopeno: too bad, I hear they are doing a good job of deploying it though
15:48.07undertakingyouRight.  My buddy lives at 6200 w. and nothing there
15:48.11penoherlo: just not soon enough for me. :)
15:48.23herlopeno: its never soon enough, trust me on that
15:48.24undertakingyouherlo: are you on utopia?
15:48.28opapo_hello all
15:48.30herloundertakingyou: here, in orem, yes
15:48.34herloopapo_: good morning
15:48.43undertakingyouherlo: what is the cost on that?
15:48.47opapo_herlo: sorry it's been so long
15:48.51opapo_busy working
15:49.40herloopapo_: no worries, I'm moving to Murray this month (end), wanna get together and get these macs, or should I just tke them up there with me so we can continue our work?
15:50.01herloundertakingyou: $40/month
15:50.08herloundertakingyou: but that's not the problem really
15:50.34herloundertakingyou: mstar (sucks) has a 100GB limit, and that's not really the problem either, other than we regularly will exceed that
15:50.50herlomstar likes to charge $2/GB we go over.
15:51.04undertakingyouwhy aren't you on xmission herlo
15:51.16herloso if you think about it, the first 100GB=$40 and the second 100GB=$100, wow, what a deal!
15:51.25herloundertakingyou: we didn't have a choice in our isp
15:51.32herloundertakingyou: the condo community chose it for us...
15:51.43penothat's nice of them.
15:51.51penothey must have gotten a cut.
15:51.53herloundertakingyou: I suppose we could pay another $25/month and get xmission too...
15:51.58herlopeno: probably
15:52.36herloWhile xmission also has a 100GB limit, they also provide a better option for when I go over that 100GB
15:52.51undertakingyouherlo: have you ever bought a house before?
15:53.15opapo_herlo: I thought you moved already
15:53.17herloat xmission, they charge you a second months cost for the second 100GB
15:53.34herloundertakingyou: yep, my first house was with my ex in Spanish Fork
15:53.43herloopapo_: nope, looking at houses right noe
15:54.01opapo_thanks infobot
15:54.14undertakingyouherlo: I only ask because if you don't have an offer out there you might not be in a house by the end of the month
15:54.24undertakingyouherlo: just wanted to rain on the parade
15:54.28herloundertakingyou: oh, its only the 5th
15:54.38undertakingyouherlo: I know :)
15:55.14undertakingyouwe got in our house fast because the old man was dead and the family wanted to unload it.
15:56.04herloundertakingyou: yeah, there's one of those too, but the guy isn't in a big hurry and wants too much for it
15:56.22undertakingyouherlo:  that is no good
15:56.32herloundertakingyou: yeah, so I'm not buying it
15:56.54undertakingyouherlo: while thinking about it.  Lets forgo lunch today and we'll just chat tomorrow.
15:56.59*** join/#utos decriptor (n=sshaw@
15:57.10undertakingyoumaybe I'll see if I can do a split shift to go to the lunch.
15:57.14herloundertakingyou: sure, sounds good
15:57.32herloundertakingyou: don't worry, we're seeing each other at dinner tomorrow night remember?
15:57.51undertakingyouherlo: yeah, you are just hard to get enough of  :)
15:58.11herloundertakingyou: hehe, that's nice of you
15:59.10*** join/#utos Gate (n=gate@
15:59.33undertakingyoudecriptor: morning
15:59.42decriptorundertakingyou:  moring
16:00.02undertakingyoudecriptor: I was going to say "hills huh?"
16:00.46decriptorwell class is starting   so I have to run
16:00.54undertakingyoudecriptor: see ya
16:06.21*** join/#utos mheath[laptop] (n=mheath@
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17:43.16herloundertakingyou: nice post
18:09.34*** join/#utos mheath[laptop] (n=mheath@
18:15.22*** join/#utos Gate (n=gate@
18:24.55herloquick, name 4 people you'd like to see at UTOSC 2008
18:39.13herlonobody even cares :(
18:39.39mindjujuhere is what we said in #uphpu
18:39.40mindjujuSean Connery, Jean Luc Picard, Leonard Nimoy and Optimus Prime
18:39.51herlomindjuju: ahh thanks
18:40.06mindjujuspread the joy
18:46.18memilyraemindjuju: guys have high hopes!
18:46.52mindjujuwhich one do you think is hard to get?
18:49.22mindjujuJean Luc!
18:49.30mindjujuno wait Leonard Nimoy!
18:49.39mindjujuoh wait, what about Brent Spiner?
18:50.01*** topic/#utos by herlo -> Utah Open Source | Multi-Distro Release Party - November 10, 2007 1-5pm - | UTOSC 2008 Keynote Poll -
18:52.19memilyraemindjuju: Optimus Prime (unless we just watched the movie)
18:52.39Gateherlo: Bart Stander, Curtis Larsen, Russ Ross and myself.
18:53.05Gate(three of my CS professors)
18:57.34undertakingyouherlo: thanks, I'm glad that you liked it  :)
18:57.43Gateoooooh. so many choices to vote for. Then again Bruce Perens rocked.
18:58.18Jayce^Russ ROss?  I want Bob Ross!
18:59.32Gateum. how about no.
18:59.33mindjujubob ross is dead
18:59.35Gatethat sounds good :)
18:59.54mindjujuah, true that, then we can all go and paint afterwords
19:00.37Jayce^dude, it's the happy little bush...
19:01.11Jayce^I still think he should have teamed up with cheech and chong..
19:01.41mindjujuyeah, that would have been funny to see
19:06.52herloJayce^: add whomever you like
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20:15.09*** part/#utos Gate (n=gate@
20:41.53*** join/#utos peno_ (
20:52.19Jayce^herlo, Damian Conway
20:52.26herloJayce^: should I add that?
20:52.34herlodid you already vote?
20:52.37Jayce^he's a great speaker
20:52.42Jayce^think I might have
20:52.51herlodoes it just show the results?
20:52.57herloif so, I'll add him for you
20:52.59Jayce^yes, but it showed that before I'd done anything
20:53.04herloif not, you can had him..
20:53.11herloJayce^: strange...
20:53.20herloits just a cookie you can clear...
20:53.32Jayce^ooh, all scientific and stuff :-p
20:54.11herloJayce^: you can vote for Damian now
20:54.29Jayce^hrm, damian or larry :-p
20:54.56Jayce^came very close to getting him to come out again this year :(
20:55.06Jayce^got stuck with sjansen instead
20:55.56herloJayce^: sorry to hear that, sjansen really sucks it up, but its no fun to tease him if he's not in the channel
20:59.27Jayce^interesting, no utosf, and now no utosc cookies, and yet still can't vote
20:59.58herloJayce^: close the browser, maybe its a session thing
21:00.11herloalso, check for www and too
21:00.33Jayce^did both..  never actually voted in the first place, so don't know why it would
21:02.13herloJayce^: that's strange...
21:02.25herloand it still doesn't show up?  What browser?
21:02.39Jayce^firefox, updated on unbuntu 7.10
21:02.49herlounbuntu is a great distro
21:03.00herloJayce^: dunno
21:05.54Jayce^4 browsers, 3 systems, all the same
21:06.05herloJayce^: doesn't make sense
21:06.12herloJayce^: other people can vote
21:06.18herloJayce^: have voted
21:08.03Jayce^went to a windows box, in ie (eww) same thing
21:08.19herloJayce^: I'm looking into it now...
21:09.59herloJayce^: there is a time limit on the cookie.  Just wait one year and you can vote...
21:11.45herloJayce^: it also logs ips
21:11.59herloJayce^: I'm guessing that might be why it does the same thing on all those machines...
21:12.26herloJayce^: I can vote again now... how about you?
21:18.58*** join/#utos linuxalien (i=UNKNOWN@oalug/member/linuxalien)
21:34.14Jayce^I can vote for the first time now..
21:34.27Jayce^several coworkers are in irc and on the lists though, and likely showing as the same ip :)
21:37.47*** join/#utos TimRiker (
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22:18.50herloJayce^: yep
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23:18.03memilyraeAnyone have a plumber in Utah County they like?
23:18.14herlomemilyrae: my brothers both are plumbers
23:18.24herlothey probably could use the sidework..
23:18.30memilyraeherlo: nearby?
23:18.30herlowhat do you need?
23:18.38herlomemilyrae: maybe...
23:18.43herloI'd have to check
23:18.49memilyraeherlo: what does that mean?
23:19.03herlomemilyrae: i'd have to call them and see where they are and if they could do it soon
23:19.17memilyraeherlo: it's for my sister in Springville.
23:19.25herlo - this is an awesome article
23:20.08memilyraeherlo: do your brothers have a number she could call?
23:21.08herlomemilyrae: well, I'd probably want to call the for you first...
23:21.30thaddeusqherlo: I think she meant "professional" plumbers.
23:21.41memilyraeherlo: yes...professional :)
23:21.42herlothaddeusq: they are
23:21.48thaddeusqherlo: you know the kind with the pants that ride low.
23:21.51herlothaddeusq: the both have done it for years...
23:22.04herlothaddeusq: yup, we slip quarters down their slot anytime we get a chance
23:22.26memilyraethaddeusq: my sister says that decriptor does that enough...she doesn't need professionals
23:22.28herlomemilyrae: thing is, they work for a company that's *quite* expensive
23:22.41herloand I could get you a *much* better deal if they did it on the side...
23:22.54herlowhich is why I ask, what does she need exactly?
23:23.19memilyraeherlo: gotcha. she said one toilet flushes a little...but something is clogging the pipes
23:23.54herlookay, how much does she have to spend?  I don't know how much that sort of things costs
23:25.13memilyraeherlo: another company said it'd be over $250 and they felt that was too much for a clogged pipe...she doesn't like like they're getting robbed. Any thought on how much they might cost?
23:25.22mindjujuor memilyrae, i think home depot rents hand and motorized augers
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23:25.56mindjujuauger = that crazy long metal snake the plumbers are going to try first
23:26.11mindjujulike 50 ft, they shove it down the comode and start cranking until they dislodge whatever
23:26.25memilyraemindjuju: they already bought a snake and it stops and they can't get it unclogged
23:26.26mindjujupretty sure home depot rents, or you could check a hardware equip place
23:26.32Jayce^if you ask for an auger, you'll get something other than what you mention..  do say "plumbing snake"
23:26.34mindjujuoh, bummer
23:27.08herlomemilyrae: probably a lot less than that.  The reason its so much is because they charge to come out...
23:27.21herloJayce^: you're right though
23:27.29herlolet me call my bro and see
23:27.45memilyraeherlo: ok. just let me know what you find out and I'll pass on the info
23:28.17memilyraeherlo: she said the snake doesn't go very far until it gets stopped so they're guessing the clog isnt' too far in
23:28.55mindjujuoh, i got the impression that it wasn't long enough
23:29.24mindjujumemilyrae , do they have kids or is it grown ups?
23:29.47mindjujunot to be nosy, but if child, it could be anything, small shoe, etc
23:30.00mindjujugive an idea of what your working with and around
23:30.25herlomemilyrae: my bro wanted to know how old the place is
23:30.44memilyraeherlo: nearly 5 yeras
23:30.51herlomemilyrae: that's all?
23:31.04herlomemilyrae: do they own or rent?
23:31.09memilyraeherlo: the basement wasn't completed (the toilet put in) about 2.5 years.
23:31.14memilyraeherlo: they own it
23:31.36memilyraemindjuju: 4 kids. She says water can get passed it but no one can use it.
23:31.42memilyraewouldn't surprise me if it's a toy
23:31.45herlomemilyrae: my brother said that if it was an older house that it would be because the toilet has hardwater clogging it up and to buy a new toilet
23:31.58herlonot to buy the cheapy
23:32.06herlothough it doesn't sound like its that necessarily
23:32.35herlohe said that $250 was about right because he'd not be able to do it for much less.
23:32.45herloI guess it comes down to time and the problem.
23:33.46memilyraeherlo: gotcha...she wonders if you can tell me the companies' name so she makes sure she doesn't call for an estimate (in case she decides to ask him to do it on the side)
23:34.04herloNeerings, but he said he won't be able to do it
23:35.08herloand they'll be much more expensive than most...
23:35.17herloso I wouldn't recommend them anyways
23:35.43memilyraeherlo: okay. tell him thanks for the details.
23:35.47thaddeusqall the plumbers I know are in Davis County.
23:35.57memilyraeherlo: and thanks to you too! :)
23:36.01herlomemilyrae: hope it helps...
23:36.37memilyraeherlo: yep. :) I think she'll realize that $250 is going to be a normal price
23:36.55herlosad, but true
23:37.47memilyraeherlo: cool. we can change subjects now :)
23:38.23herlomemilyrae: are you sure?
23:38.34memilyraeherlo: PLEASE!
23:38.56herlookay, I'll stop
23:39.00memilyraeherlo: thanks.
23:41.49*** join/#utos decriptor (n=sshaw@
23:43.53memilyraedecriptor: hey babe
23:44.02decriptormemilyrae: hey
23:44.45memilyraedecriptor: oops...looks like we grossed out timriker
23:45.06mindjujuYeah!  gross!  get a room you two!
23:45.22memilyraemindjuju: :-D
23:47.26memilyraeherlo: I don't think you and GameMan should get a room ;)
23:54.09herlomemilyrae: agreed
23:59.24*** join/#utos TimRiker (

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