IRC log for #utos on 20071104

00:43.41*** join/#utos decriptor (
01:16.28*** join/#utos thaddeusq (
01:16.37*** join/#utos undertakingyou (
01:16.37*** mode/#utos [+o undertakingyou] by ChanServ
02:18.38undertakingyouherlo: ping
04:03.17*** join/#utos mindjuju (n=mindjuju@
04:53.21*** part/#utos Gate (n=gate@
05:26.50*** join/#utos decriptor (
05:56.57*** join/#utos linuxalien (i=UNKNOWN@oalug/member/linuxalien)
06:12.25herloundertakingyou: poing
06:14.08herlomindjuju: anytime
06:53.49*** join/#utos Gate (
14:24.16undertakingyouherlo: ping again
14:54.05Heartsbaneo rly?
16:49.27*** join/#utos Gate (
16:51.17herloundertakingyou: pong
19:31.41undertakingyouherlo: you still there?
19:44.46herloundertakingyou: yup
19:44.54herloundertakingyou: I just upgraded to Werewolf!
19:47.48HeartsbaneDoes it have fangs?
19:51.12undertakingyouherlo: that is cool.  How is werewolF?
19:51.25undertakingyouI am going to upgrade to it in 5 days
20:01.04Heartsbaneundertakingyou: can I ask why?
20:01.48undertakingyouHeartsbane: why I will upgrade to it, or why I'm waiting 5 days?
20:02.28HeartsbaneWhy upgrade to it?
20:03.05undertakingyouI have Moonshine in a VM.  I will be moving that to Werewolf.
20:03.09Heartsbanewhile we are at? why wait 5 days?
20:03.22undertakingyou5 days is the final release.
20:03.26HeartsbaneNot familiar with Moonshine
20:03.42undertakingyouubuntu is my favorite.  Fedora #2.
20:04.07undertakingyouMoonshine = fedora 7.  Werewolf = fedora 8
20:04.53HeartsbaneOh not familiar with their codenames
20:05.12undertakingyouHeartsbane: no worries :)
20:05.59Gate<sarcasm>Moonshine and Werewolf.... hehehe, does that mean that werewolf will only work properly on a vm hosted on moonshine? </sarcasm>
20:06.19undertakingyouGate: ha ha
20:07.29HeartsbaneI am going to bring my apocalypse box to the installfest
20:08.00Heartsbanethe one that has been beat up with a hammer and a blowtorch
20:10.57herloundertakingyou: so whats up?
20:11.07herloHeartsbane: nice
20:11.26undertakingyouherlo: I have some questions for you.
20:11.46undertakingyouwhat is the count for thursday?  I want to bring enough meat
20:12.10herloundertakingyou: um, I think probably 8
20:12.18herloHeartsbane: that'll help
20:12.33herloundertakingyou: UTOS will reimburse the meat
20:12.55herloundertakingyou: just get the receipts and give them to Emily with your address and she'll cut you a check
20:14.30undertakingyouherlo: next question.  I have done some research on the calender stuff and that.  Do you want to talk about it now or later?
20:14.43undertakingyoucould be a good Thursday discussion no?
20:14.52Heartsbaneherlo: Roger that I hope you don't mind that I will vote for Ubuntu/Suse over Fedora
20:15.22herloundertakingyou: sure, now or Tuesday works
20:15.36herloundertakingyou: its Tuesday, not Thursday btw
20:15.39herloNov 6
20:15.53undertakingyouherlo: it is?  I thought it was the eighth
20:15.56herloHeartsbane: SUSE sucks, but I don't mind if you speak your mind...
20:16.17herloundertakingyou: go back through the emails and you'll note that I corrected memilyrae when she posted the minutes...
20:16.35herlos/ra/ro/g ( Heartsbane )
20:16.58HeartsbaneDazzle me with Fedora at the meet
20:17.36undertakingyouI have to say though.  My SUSE experience has not been great
20:17.36herloHeartsbane: how so?
20:17.50undertakingyouAnd ubuntu is the best.
20:17.54herloHeartsbane: I can say about 10 things that I like better in Fedora than Ubuntu
20:18.06herlono sudo ootb
20:18.12herlothat's #1
20:18.19Heartsbaneherlo: I don't know, show the reasons at the meeting
20:18.28undertakingyouherlo: ootb?
20:18.30herloHeartsbane: nah
20:19.54herloHeartsbane: too much controversy in comparing the distros...
20:20.06herloplus sontek will just piss about how awesome SUSE is
20:20.32undertakingyouherlo: why would you want to have no sudo?
20:26.19herloundertakingyou: on an individual box, there is not really a reason to have sudo
20:26.32herloundertakingyou: on a server, I completely agree that sudo is necessary.
20:26.57herloundertakingyou: I suppose if 10 people used the box, sudo would be a great thing on a personal box too
20:29.38undertakingyouherlo: I guess that I just don't have any issue using sudo on my personal box
20:30.03undertakingyouMy big complaint with ubuntu is that su doesn't seem to work very well if at all.
20:31.08Heartsbaneundertakingyou: sudo bash?
20:32.39undertakingyouHeartsbane: I have set the root password.  But if I do `su` and put in the password it says authentication failed.
20:33.51undertakingyouyeah.  If I go in and put in the root password again I can su for a little bit and then it will say authentication failed again.
20:34.26HeartsbaneI just prefer to sudo bash if I have prolonged need for anything
20:35.58undertakingyouright, and that always works.
20:36.15Heartsbanedoes for me
20:37.42undertakingyouI wonder if I can make an alias for su so that `su` will do `sudo bash`?
20:47.21undertakingyouha ha!!  I can!
20:49.41herloHeartsbane: undertakingyou: sudo bash is insecure though.  You guys just defeated the purpose of sudo altogether by doing that
20:50.21undertakingyouherlo: any idea why su won't work?  also how is sudo bash insecure?
20:51.06herloundertakingyou: because if you can do that, then its not tracking what you're doing afterward.
20:51.06Heartsbaneif they know your password the box is compromised
20:51.21herloHeartsbane: its not about the password actually, but good thought.
20:51.37herloI'm more concerned about logging what you are doing.  Again, not very useful on a personal box
20:51.54herlo~kill sudo
20:51.55infobotACTION shoots a hyper-charged fluxgraviton gun at sudo
20:53.31Heartsbaneherlo: I just offered it as alternate solution, I personally use sudo <command> quite a bit, what is a alternate solution ?
20:55.40herloHeartsbane: to sudo?
20:56.19undertakingyouHeartsbane: does `su` work for you?
20:56.51HeartsbaneI am just looking for a good solution if I ever see something like that
20:56.58herloHeartsbane: there really isn't one except su.  I view sudo *very* useful on servers and boxes with lots of users.  I don't think, however, that sudo is all that useful on a laptop or pc at home most of the time
20:57.09HeartsbaneBTW I am still on 7.04 on my box
20:57.20*** join/#utos decriptor (
20:57.23HeartsbaneI am still seeing a lot of broken things in 7.10
20:57.30herloHeartsbane: for what its worth, I enable in my /etc/pam.d/su file as it makes becoming root quite simple
20:57.31undertakingyouHeartsbane: it did it for me on 7.04 too.
20:58.15undertakingyouHeartsbane: what do you see broken?
20:58.38HeartsbaneWell I try and set a encryped LVM on install
20:58.56HeartsbaneI can't build a LVM accross multiple drives @ startup
20:59.03HeartsbaneIt just hangs
20:59.20HeartsbaneVideo driver issues for Compiz Fusion
20:59.38HeartsbaneThose are the 2 things on the top of my list
21:00.19undertakingyouHeartsbane: I haven't had the driver problems
21:00.42Heartsbaneundertakingyou: I have they are all over the forums
21:00.53HeartsbaneI haven't looked lately
21:01.51Heartsbaneundertakingyou: also when I try and set a encrypted LVM over /dev/hdc/ and /dev/hdd it just sits there
21:02.35undertakingyouI have never done an encrypted LVM
21:03.06herlothat made me chuckle, especially the tooltip
21:03.26HeartsbaneI was going to try it later ...hehe
21:04.05herloundertakingyou: I have/had an encrypted lvm
21:04.12herloon Guty, worked well from what I could tel
21:04.48Heartsbaneaccross mulitple drives?
21:06.57herloHeartsbane: nope
21:07.17herloHeartsbane: I did it all in a vm, though I could use multiple drives to test it if you like...
21:08.00HeartsbaneNah maybe later right now I am watching football folding laundy
21:08.12Heartsbanewell I should do more folding
21:08.25herloHeartsbane: who's playing?
21:08.33HeartsbaneGB vs. KC
21:08.48Heartsbane$20 if GB wins
21:08.50Heartsbaneto me
21:08.56Heartsbane1:10 to play
21:09.45HeartsbaneITS OVER
21:10.00Heartsbanek lets talk some linux
21:10.35HeartsbaneI am $20 richer on Monday
21:11.25undertakingyouhow can I list all groups on the system?
21:12.08herloHeartsbane: did you win or lose?
21:12.14herloundertakingyou: groups?
21:12.19Heartsbanesudo less /etc/group
21:12.21HeartsbaneI won
21:12.27herloundertakingyou: no don't listen to Heartsbane
21:12.34herloHeartsbane: doing that isn't correct
21:12.34Heartsbaneo ok
21:12.46herloHeartsbane: undertakingyou use 'sudo getent group'
21:13.21Heartsbanetries to remember that
21:13.47herlosudo getent group undertakingyou
21:13.52herloor your group name
21:14.03herlosudo getent passwd heartsbane
21:14.07herloor your username
21:14.09undertakingyouherlo: what if the system doesn't have a wheel group?
21:14.11herlosee how it works...
21:14.15herloundertakingyou: make one
21:14.33herloundertakingyou: does ubuntu not have a wheel group?
21:15.20Heartsbanenever even knew about that
21:15.20undertakingyouherlo: no.
21:15.20herloHeartsbane: get entities
21:15.20herloundertakingyou: interesting
21:15.30undertakingyouI added it, and put me in it.  I also changed the /etc/pam.d/su
21:15.46undertakingyoudo I have to restart to have that take effect?
21:26.26herloundertakingyou: just do su - and see what happens as you
21:26.46herloundertakingyou: as a warning, always keep root open in another shell when testing pam modules
21:28.24undertakingyouherlo: no go.  Ever did a restart.
21:29.10herloundertakingyou: probably a gid thing
21:29.12undertakingyouit looks like the /etc/pam.d/su it wants everyone that is to have root access as part of the root group
21:29.15herloundertakingyou: what gid is it?
21:29.25herloundertakingyou: ahh
21:29.41herloundertakingyou: so that's similar then
21:32.14undertakingyouherlo: I still added me to root. Still can't su
21:35.24herloundertakingyou: what does your logs say?
21:35.56undertakingyouhow do I look at logs again?
21:36.08herloundertakingyou: probably in /var/log/
21:41.53undertakingyouherlo: thanks

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