IRC log for #utos on 20071031

00:00.52undertakingyouevening all
00:05.46herloundertakingyou: welcome
00:05.55undertakingyouHow you doing
00:06.01herloundertakingyou: we need to get a calendaring solution soon
00:06.05herloundertakingyou: I'm doing well
00:06.24herloundertakingyou: any thoughts?
00:06.27undertakingyouherlo: I thought that we had google calender
00:06.51herloand so far, nobody does...
00:06.58undertakingyouCan't they subscribe to it?
00:07.05herloshould we institute it as a requirement...
00:07.20herloundertakingyou: subscribe isn't enough for what I'm thinking
00:07.31undertakingyouFor core team I can understand that
00:07.33herlowe should all be able to edit it and request days for meets over others
00:07.45herloundertakingyou: that's all I am currently talking about
00:07.47undertakingyouright, I follow you
00:07.51herloundertakingyou: sorry I didn't make that clear
00:07.58undertakingyouNo worries :)
00:08.45herloundertakingyou: so what do you think?
00:10.29undertakingyouWhat is the url to the current calendar?
00:21.04undertakingyouherlo: is the current calendar set up?
00:21.14herloI think that still works
00:25.08Heartsbanelong trip home?
00:28.22undertakingyoumemilyrae: ping
01:16.15*** join/#utos mrpull (
01:32.24herloonly 1.2 hrs
01:33.02herloundertakingyou: if you want access ot the calendar, let me know, but I'd like one that will be able to integrate with the blogs and the email easily
01:33.23herlothat way its easy to update...
01:33.45herlomaybe google calendar can do that, I would sure like that
01:39.47herloundertakingyou: I just talked w/memilyrae, she's on her way to spinning class, will be back later...
01:43.54*** join/#utos fozzmoo (
01:58.28*** join/#utos decriptor (
01:59.12mindjujusup decriptor
01:59.27mindjujudecrypt anything cool today?
01:59.45decriptorhad a job interview though
02:00.07mindjujuanyplace cool?
02:02.04herlomindjuju: it was Novell IIRC
02:05.26mindjujuoh yeah, i forgot
02:21.47undertakingyouherlo: I need my utos email login.  I can't look at the current calendar without
02:22.10herloundertakingyou: its not an email login, but I'll get it for you...
02:32.23herloundertakingyou: got it
02:32.51herloundertakingyou: pm
02:38.10*** join/#utos undertak1ngyou (
02:39.46*** mode/#utos [+o undertakingyou] by ChanServ
02:44.59mindjujuholy Crap!  i'd better start saving my money!  -
02:45.43mindjujuyeah, the iPhone looks hawt and makes Steve Jobs 500 buck per phone, but this is a gPhone
02:45.47mindjujuhow much cooler is that?
02:53.10undertakingyoumindjuju: isn't there an 'open' phone out now?
02:53.19mindjujuopen moko
02:53.29mindjujuwhere the phone is open, but not the service
02:53.46Zelutherlo: UDS is awesome.  Just got wined & dined from a book publisher for the Ubuntu Tutorials book.
02:59.19herloZelut: see I told you it'd be good for a book :)
03:05.46HeartsbaneZelut: congrats
03:08.48undertakingyouZelut: that is really cool
03:09.16Zelutnow I actually need to write something
03:14.12herloZelut: did you make a deal?  Or are you sitting on it for a while?
03:15.08Zelutherlo: nothing on paper but we hashed it out during the day about two hours and then three hours at dinner
03:15.23Zelutherlo: I need to get the proper submission form back in and put together an outline but it looks promising.
03:18.44Zelutlooks like I may need a co-author on this one for organization though..
03:18.56ZelutI realize I don't know the first place to start in organizing the whole thing
03:22.16herloZelut: very interesting.  I think I should be your agent.  I'll require a 20% cut :)
04:44.27*** join/#utos decriptor (
05:02.24*** join/#utos decriptor (
05:24.33herlodecriptor: we need to get some attention to the videos, now available on our
05:25.18herlodecriptor: wanna help get the word out?
05:25.24herlodecriptor: yes, it is cool...
05:28.05herlodecriptor: one of the things we need to do more of is share the information with the community in many ways.  Today I spent a little bit of time looking at some twitter plugins for wordpress.  Pretty cool stuff..
05:28.34decriptorI've only just heard of twitter
05:28.38herlodecriptor: once you get the Home Runs in IT site up, let me know.  I'll be happy to promote it to the community...
05:28.51decriptorbefore that I didn't know about it  and still don't know much about it
05:29.11decriptorhopefully only another week or so,  I'm waiting for Novell
05:29.19herlodecriptor: here's my twitter:
05:29.39herlodecriptor: yeah, I understand, slow moving when you're that big of a company
05:30.02herlodecriptor: I'm planning on making a twitter group for UTOSF
05:30.07decriptorwell, its more of waiting for the design team to finish the design
05:31.24decriptorthe video frame looks really jacked up
05:32.02herlowhat do you mean?  It looks fine to me.  i watched most of it today
05:32.18herlowhat are you watching it on?
05:32.24herloits only a 320x240 video
05:32.39herlowell that's a good test I guess :)
05:36.13herlodecriptor: what do you mean the frames look jacked up?
05:36.50decriptorpieces of it are separated
05:38.40herloof the video?  as in its pixelated?
05:39.10herlodecriptor: or are you referring to the content in some way
05:40.03decriptorhaven't gotten the content to work yet
05:42.38herloyou're not making any sense
05:47.02herlodecriptor: when you get it figured out, let me know if it works or not.
05:50.45herlodecriptor: seems odd that you'd have such trouble.  Did you try it in winders yet?
05:51.09decriptorI got it to come up in firefox, but it only shows the intro
05:51.12decriptorand nothing eles
05:51.16decriptorit just ends
05:51.25decriptorits like the video is missing
05:51.31herlonope, its there
05:54.04herlodecriptor: sounds like you've got a problem...
05:55.37decriptormost likely
05:58.06herlodecriptor: well, if/when you figure it out, it'd be good to help the mac people who struggle with the vids
05:58.27decriptorI'll see what I can do
06:09.06*** join/#utos Gate (
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06:57.24*** part/#utos Gate (
12:38.26*** join/#utos redbeard2 (
14:18.01*** join/#utos decriptor (
14:29.40herloyes, its.....
14:52.13*** join/#utos thaddeusq (n=thaddeus@
14:52.55maquisherlo: don't sound so excited
15:03.39*** join/#utos mindjuju (n=mindjuju@
15:03.50*** join/#utos Gate (n=gate@
15:17.24*** join/#utos Kemotaha (
15:18.22undertakingyoumorning all
15:23.22jeanlucpicardget your own costume
15:34.24*** join/#utos ghendricks (i=ghendric@nat/novell/x-29d45fbf08870716)
15:41.52memilyraeundertakingyou: you pinged yesterday?
15:42.46mindjuju^5 pirate
15:42.52mindjujuhappy halloween
15:43.43piratememilyrae: yeah I did.
15:43.54memilyraepirate: what can I do for you?
15:44.21pirateyou have my nick wrong on the meeting minutes letter.
15:44.47piratememilyrae: not a big deal . . . just a little thing
15:45.16memilyraepirate: you're right. I'll fix that for next time
15:45.27pirateright on.
15:45.30memilyraepirate: do you want undertakingyou or pirate :)
15:45.43piratememilyrae: undertakingyou
15:45.49piratepirate is my costume
15:46.03pirateisperation of jeanlucpicard
15:46.40memilyraepirate: very cool.
15:46.50memilyraeI'm trying to pull of a sexy witch
15:46.57pirateI am trying to link it but pirate is registared to someone else
15:47.04memilyraedecriptor is the guys from the wendy's commercial
15:48.25memilyraepirate|: to which comment are you raising an eyebrow?
15:49.35pirate|your costume.
15:49.52pirate|memilyrae: you should type /nick sexywitch
15:50.25pirate|No one can IM you but, you are now in costume on IRC
15:50.32*** join/#utos fozzmoo (n=fozz@
15:50.34sexywitchpirate|: like I said...I'm TRYING to pull it off. I haven't dressed up for halloween since 4th grade!
15:50.58pirate|sexywitch: that is ok.  I am only going to be pirate| on irc.
15:51.14sexywitchpirate|: what? they don't like it if you dress up at work?
15:51.22sexywitchpirate|: now that would be interestign!
15:51.23pirate|shocking I know
15:51.44*** join/#utos Heartsbane (
15:51.51fozzmoosexywitch: memilyrae! Is that you?!
15:51.54pirate|sexywitch: I was telling jeanlucpicard that my coworkers call my pirate all the time
15:51.57sexywitchfozzmoo: it is
15:52.01pirate|Heartsbane: good morning
15:52.15sexywitchpirate|: why's that?
15:52.33pirate|They say that the name Will Smith is a pirate name
15:52.52pirate|sexywitch: It has nothing to do with any habits of mine
15:52.52sexywitchpirate|: makes sense...or that of a famous actor ;)
15:53.28HeartsbaneWill I been awake for a while, its just my UPS is borken
15:53.40Heartsbanewhen did I disconnect?
15:53.57pirate|Heartsbane: 447 am
15:54.09pirate|Heartsbane: bummer about the ups man
15:54.49pirate|jeanlucpicard: at my work it is frowned upon.  We are having a chili cookoff
15:55.16*** join/#utos Gate (n=gate@
15:55.19jeanlucpicardpirate|: that's too bad
15:55.46sexywitchpirate|: do you and your wife dress up at all?
15:55.50jeanlucpicardwe have little kids coming through later this afternoon... the reception area is handing out signs for us to put up if we have candy
15:55.57sexywitchpirate|: I mean, for halloween :)
15:56.21pirate|sexywitch: no, for me I wear jeans and a t-shirt though  :)
15:56.35sexywitchpirate|: you could always wear your chaps
15:56.36pirate|jeanlucpicard: this is at amazon?
15:56.42jeanlucpicardpirate|: yup
15:57.05pirate|sexywitch: :) that is for special times
15:57.24sexywitchpirate|: lol. don't make me gag!
15:57.29pirate|jeanlucpicard: how many buildings does amazon have
15:57.49pirate|sexywitch: it was your mind, not my words that led you there
15:58.29pirate|jeanlucpicard: I ask because I knew a guy that worked at amazon.  That is cool that you get to hand out candy though
15:58.32sexywitchpirate|: just ask mind always runs in that direction
15:58.48jeanlucpicardyup... employees bring kids for the afternoon
15:59.16pirate|jeanlucpicard: that is cool.  Where I work that would be socially unacceptable
15:59.33jeanlucpicardpirate|: where do you work?
15:59.44sexywitchpirate|: :) Sorry about that
15:59.50pirate|jeanlucpicard: Larkin Mortuary
15:59.54pirate|sexywitch: :)
16:02.33*** join/#utos opapo_ (
16:12.52*** join/#utos decriptor (n=sshaw@
16:15.16pirate|decriptor: morning
16:15.56decriptornice halloween nick
16:16.07pirate|decriptor: your wife was telling me about your halloween costume.  Very funny
16:16.22decriptorI like it
16:17.00pirate|decriptor: Its the wendy's wig right?
16:17.21sexywitchdecriptor: hey babe. Like my nick?
16:17.40pirate|decriptor: if I were you I would change my nick to dudelookslikealady
16:17.49pirate|And then have that as my theme song
16:18.02decriptorI'm quickly checking to see if I got the new gmail 2.0
16:18.22pirate|decriptor: what is that?
16:18.59decriptornope :(
16:19.07decriptorI do
16:19.15decriptordidn't catch that
16:20.51decriptorif I had time I'd do some screenshots
16:21.09DwightSchrutewhich color is best?
16:21.12decriptorit doesn't look much different
16:21.57DwightSchrutewrong! its black because its most ominous
16:24.06pirate|boo: How do you get gmial 2.0?
16:24.19booyou just have to be one of the lucky 1%
16:24.25boothey are rolling it out slowly
16:24.25pirate|DwightSchrute: What is that name from?
16:24.32booso only 1 of my 3 accounts has it
16:24.46pirate|boo: sad face, I want it.
16:24.59booyou know what, it isn't that cool
16:26.55pirate|boo: Well, I guess I won't feel as bad
16:27.02booI won't
16:27.06DwightSchrutepirate|: TheOffice
16:27.17pirate|DwightSchrute: I thought it was.
16:27.35pirate|he is such a dork on that show.
16:27.41DwightSchrutepirate|: Don't underestimate my powerful karate chop!
16:27.49sexywitchpirate|: that's why it fits him perfectly
16:27.56DwightSchrute~lart sexywitch
16:27.56infobotpries sexywitch's back open with a screwdriver and flashes a new bootldr to sexywitch
16:28.15DwightSchrutesexywitch: its a sad thing you don't know what a bootldr is
16:28.16pirate|DwightSchrute: :)  What about your second life character that can fly?
16:28.25DwightSchruteDwightSchrute: he's awesome!
16:28.27sexywitchDwightSchrute: true
16:28.30booit looks like the major change is contacts
16:28.38boothat's be completely redone
16:28.41DwightSchruteDwightSchrute: in fact, I'm more amazing in SecondLife than in my first
16:29.00pirate|boo:  there is also auto filter creation.
16:29.12boothat looks cool
16:29.17boobut I'm already setup all of mine
16:29.33pirate|I have mine too.  The contacts would be really cool.
16:31.26DwightSchrutecheck out the latest post at
16:32.08DwightSchrutesexywitch: you'd be really smart if you knew what a bootldr was...
16:32.13DwightSchrutelike me!
16:32.37sexywitchDwightSchrute: maybe smart like you but hopefully not a dork like you :)
16:36.13*** join/#utos Gate (n=gate@
16:39.59DwightSchrutesexywitch: Dorks make more money...
17:03.23DwightSchrutepirate|: you're supposed to mock me, yet supportive
17:03.26sexywitchDwightSchrute: maybe...but sexywitches spend it!
17:03.47DwightSchrutesexywitch: spending money you don't have isn't a good idea!
17:05.18sexywitchDwightSchrute: you'd think we'd learn that by now :-/
17:14.14DwightSchrutesexywitch: yeah, exactly!
17:21.17jeanlucpicardstormbringer is registered
17:21.21jeanlucpicardjeanlucpicard isn't
17:22.23DwightSchrutejeanlucpicard: guess you'd better become someone else...
17:31.35jeanlucpicardjeanlucpicard: it wasn't
17:31.41jeanlucpicardbut i registered it this morning
17:32.51*** join/#utos fozzmoo (n=fozz@
17:37.28sexywitchDwightSchrute: good luck!
18:10.16pirate|DwightSchrute: good luck with the house. Buying one is the scariest thing I have ever done.
20:05.24*** join/#utos TimRiker (
20:13.38*** join/#utos Hearts|laptop (
20:14.27Hearts|laptopTimRiker: Ping
20:14.49Hearts|laptop!seen TimRiker
20:15.35Hearts|laptopif Mr. Riker decides to wake up could someone have him get in touch with me
20:28.30TimRikerHearts|laptop: what?
20:28.36TimRikerinfobot: tell Hearts|laptop about ask
20:30.25TechOverlordinfobot: tell TechOverlord about ask
20:32.40Hearts|laptopTimRiker: I am down in the fragfarrm at Xmission
20:33.06Hearts|laptopYour box was not mounted to the rack, and sitting upon the top of ours
20:33.56Hearts|laptopcan you verify that is still running
20:43.59TimRikerHearts|laptop:  up 69 days, 20:35
20:44.29TimRikerI brought in some rails for that machine, but they were not compatible with the racks. :(
20:44.51Hearts|laptopI have some that might be
20:44.56TimRikeriirc they were left on the floor in front of the rack. I should probably pick them up if we're not going to use them.
20:45.40Hearts|laptopjust wanted to be polite and tell you I have to move your box to perform a hardware upgrade
20:45.44TimRikerHearts|laptop: it would be great to get the machine mounted so it's not resting on yours.
20:46.10Hearts|laptopdidn't want you  to walk into XM and go "WTH?"
20:46.19TimRikerHearts|laptop: k. do you have to shut it down? I've got a kernel upgrade in place on it, but I've not rebooted into it.
20:46.51Hearts|laptopTimRiker: I don't see the rails, just thought you should know
20:47.07TimRikeryeah, I feared as much.
21:29.44*** join/#utos redbeard2 (
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22:19.29DwightSchrutepirate|: I've purchased a home before, this will be my second.  I did the purchase by myself last time, I've become smarter and got a realtor this time
22:19.57infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there, just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
22:20.41DwightSchruteHeartsbane: we still doing lunch next Wednesday?
22:22.46Heartsbanek I am not into the whole Halloween name change, please who am i talking to?
22:23.13TechOverlordyeah DwightSchrute is herlo
22:23.41DwightSchruteHeartsbane: yup, that's me
22:23.56DwightSchruteHeartsbane: you should be able to do an /info DwightSchrute
22:23.58HeartsbaneYes Clint yes we are I was hoping to grab undertakingyou, and maybe a couple other geeks like peno, cyclone, atoponce if they are interested
22:24.02DwightSchruteand find out its me
22:24.07HeartsbaneDwightSchrute: ya I that
22:24.16DwightSchruteHeartsbane: downtown?
22:24.16Heartsbanesorry I am grouchy
22:24.22HeartsbaneDwightSchrute: yes
22:24.30DwightSchruteHeartsbane: you should change your nick to OscarTheGrouch
22:25.00DwightSchruteGrouchoMarx: even better!
22:25.48GrouchoMarxya we should bring sontek with us and remind him to standup even when he is standing
22:26.01thaddeusqGrouchoMarx: I
22:26.21thaddeusqGrouchoMarx: I work downtown.
22:26.27GrouchoMarxthaddeusq: you
22:26.32GrouchoMarxthaddeusq: you should come
22:26.48thaddeusqGrouchoMarx: let me know when and where.
22:26.58DwightSchruteGrouchoMarx: I work in Bountiful, its not too far to downtown.  We should go to sushi or something like that
22:27.07DwightSchruteKyoto is always good for lunch...
22:27.55GrouchoMarxherlo whatever everyone is comfortable with
22:28.33DwightSchruteGrouchoMarx: I know atoponce likes sushi, what about the rest?
22:29.20GrouchoMarxask undertakingyou or something and someone shoot a message to Yorokobi(cause with a name like that you know he might be interested)
22:29.32GrouchoMarxin sushi that is
22:29.37thaddeusqDwightSchrute: I don't care for sushi, but, don't base your decision on me.
22:30.29GrouchoMarxthaddeusq: there is that Himalayan place, I forget the name, atoponce would remember
22:30.34GrouchoMarxwho knows
22:30.45DwightSchruteGrouchoMarx: Himalayan Kitchen, not very good if you ask me
22:30.50*** join/#utos decriptor (
22:31.07GrouchoMarxI need to fix food for dinner I have had one of those days
22:31.22DwightSchruteGrouchoMarx: but there is Thai at about 1500 S State, Pizza around 21st and state and I'm sure we could find a good gyro place too
22:31.37GrouchoMarxThat sounds cool
22:31.48GrouchoMarxI need foodage
22:36.18DwightSchruteGrouchoMarx: Thai, Pizza or Gyros?
22:37.13GrouchoMarxI now have food in the 'nuclear'
22:37.19GrouchoMarxnuked food
22:40.37DwightSchruteGrouchoMarx: you should quit, its gonna kill you sooner than later...
22:41.38GrouchoMarxDwightSchrute: ya well I ran out as this morning right when I realised my box's UPS battery finally gave up the ghost.
22:41.53DwightSchruteGrouchoMarx: ooh....
22:42.17GrouchoMarxDwightSchrute: maybe I will try to last until someone harshes my mellow tomorrow at work
22:44.52GrouchoMarxpepperjack cheese mmmmmmmmmm
22:50.14*** join/#utos fozzmoo (n=fozz@
22:57.51*** join/#utos mindjuju (n=mindjuju@
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23:30.32pirate|DwightSchrute: ping
23:31.07pirate|GrouchoMarx: DwightSchrute yes, I like sushi a lot
23:40.51GrouchoMarxI think someone swiped Tim Rikers rails for 2U server at XMission
23:55.09GrouchoMarxDwightSchrute: BTW
23:55.20GrouchoMarxThe requested URL could not be retrieved
23:55.21GrouchoMarxWhile trying to retrieve the URL:
23:55.23GrouchoMarx* Access Denied.
23:55.25GrouchoMarxThe following error was encountered:

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