IRC log for #utos on 20070929

00:00.05herlosend it in an email or I won't remember
00:00.15herloand your vote won't count
00:07.57sontekso needy
00:09.47herlosontek: yep
00:09.54herloyou are
00:12.10sontekherlo: i'm not the one thats all '*cries* send it to the email!!!'
00:13.21sontekif you can't remember my vote now, you will after you consume dry meat for 2 hours =)
00:21.58Gatebtw, herlo: I never apologized for that guy who started playing games during your presentation.
00:22.07herlonah, he's a cool guy
00:22.39sonteksee, I should've went, I could've kicked him in the jellybeans
00:23.54sontek~jellybeans herlo
00:23.55infobotACTION takes herlo's testicles and puts them in a small jar filled with alcohol.
00:27.04Gatewhat in the......
00:28.03herloGate: he wrote that macro
00:31.31GateI guessed.
00:45.13sontekactually herlo wrote that macro
00:45.21sontekbut I was there when he did it
00:45.34sontekits a good one to remember
01:03.24*** join/#utos infobot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
01:03.24*** topic/#utos is SU3G Meeting - What is Utah Open Source? |
01:03.34Gatesontek: C# is a mess of Java ripoffs. Unfortunately I dislike Java too. so C# is double screwed.
01:03.41Gate~flog sontek
01:03.41infobotACTION pokes sontek with a stick
01:05.00sontekGate: like?
01:11.33sontekI know of many things that c# does better than java
01:20.15herlosontek: pong
01:23.11GateAt the moment C# vs Java is an irrelevant argument to me. I dislike them both, with the one stipulation that Java is superior in cross platform capabilities.
01:23.16Gateoff to dinner!
01:23.29sontekGate: you have so much to learn =)
01:23.53sontekGate: I hate people who make random remarks and then don't state why
01:24.06Gatelet me rephrase.
01:24.22Gatein my experience: (all of the above)
01:24.23sontekherlo: do you know the difference between usermod on suse and every other distro?
01:24.37sontekherlo: it seems to be a completely different app :P
01:24.53sontekherlo: or atleast a stripped down one
01:25.51GateC# has same/similar abstractions to Java in almost every case I have used.
01:26.28Gatewhich is admittedly limited in scope and colored by the fact that I like C++ and all the obsessive control it gives me.
01:27.56Gatesontek: I know I am going to learn more C# and Java both. Doesn't mean I am going to like it ;)
01:28.21Gatenow I really am off to dinner, I promise
01:28.35sontekGate: you have just as much control in C# as you do in C++
01:28.41sontekGate: you can use function pointers in C#
01:28.47sontekGate: it just doesn't make you :P
01:28.55sontekGate: have fun at lunch
01:39.41herlosontek: dunno the diff, let me ask Lamont
01:40.30herlosontek: Lamont doesn't know for sure, but says he doesn't know either
01:40.38herlosontek: dinner>/
01:41.35sontekherlo: sure
01:41.41sontekherlo: where you thinking?
01:42.09herlosontek: anywhere, its on Guru Labs
01:42.34herlosontek: we could codez afterward if you like
01:43.11sontekherlo: sure, i'm just setting up ordpress right now
01:43.15sontekneed to get my blog back up
01:44.05herlosontek: are you at the office?
01:44.23herlowhere should I pick you up?
01:44.44sontekherlo: for italian I vote Tucci's, Mexican Red Iguana, Chinese Davids, Vietnamese same place we always go, Greek/Mediterranen Cafe med
01:45.26herloTucci's?  Isn't that the chain restaurant?
01:45.29sontekor we can try a Thai or Steak place
01:45.35herlosontek: thai!
01:45.36sontekherlo: yeah, but its the best I've found in UT
01:45.44herlosontek: bucca's better
01:45.51herlosontek: though you are losing
01:45.56sontekherlo: yeah, if you haven't eaten yet :P
01:46.12sontekherlo: yeah, but they haven't been to Braza yet,they'll learn =)
01:46.15herlosontek: I haven't, lets go.  I'll be to your office in 20 minutes...
01:46.36Peregrinussontek:  Regarding usermod, make sure you check /etc/login.defs, as settings there affect the operation of useradd, usermod, groupmod and friends.
01:46.46herlosontek: I heard rave reviews about it, from someone I trust.  Maybe you'll learn...
01:46.57sontekPeregrinus: the usermod in suse is missing a lot of arguments
01:47.29herlosontek: so office right?
01:47.34sontekherlo: We decided to try it once instead of rodizio, we went to mc.donalds afterwards :P
01:47.48herlosontek: haha, okay
01:48.00sontekherlo: but it was at like 3 in the afternoon, so they might have just had a bunch of meat laying around all day
01:48.05sontekherlo: but it was pretty nasty
01:48.08herlosontek: yeah, maybe
01:48.14herlosontek: you at your office?
01:48.23sontekherlo: I'm not there right now but I can meet you there =)
01:48.30herlosontek: either way
01:48.32sontekI need to get some coffee
01:48.34herloprobably work there..
01:48.36herlome too
01:48.57herlocoffee sounds good, lets go to thai first, then coffee
01:49.32sontekPeregrinus: If you have a fedora and suse box there, checkout the man pages fofr the differences
01:50.02sontekthe main command I was looking for was -a to append a group
01:50.11sontekbut then I looked at it and realized it was missing a lot
01:50.19sontekit might just be because its an older version
01:50.31PeregrinusYeah, I have some of both sitting here.  I'll look at it.  It might just be that the man page hasn't been updated in forever and a day on SUSE (that happens with most distros from time to time).
01:50.50PeregrinusThat's new in Fedora 7, I think.
01:50.56PeregrinusIt's brand new to usermod.
01:51.07PeregrinusHey, aren't you supposed to be driving towards dinner?
01:52.14PeregrinusHerlo just told me to tell you that he just left ([[whispers conspiritorially]] but, he's just about done packing).
01:52.30Peregrinushe just left
01:52.32sontekhes a slacker
01:52.50PeregrinusHe's really gone just now.
01:54.04sontekwhy aren't you? :P
01:54.30PeregrinusI'm trying to get some ducks lined up, but they're being shifty.
01:56.47PeregrinusPlus, I was updating
02:02.05sontekI didn't want to leave until this checkout of mono trunk was finished
02:02.08sontekbut I might have to :P
02:02.13sontekits only on corlib
02:18.56Peregrinussontek: How much bandwidth do you have there (wherever 'there' currently is)?
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03:38.34*** topic/#utos by herlo -> Utah Open Source | Open Source discussion in Utah |
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04:34.45undertakingyoudoes it not work?
04:35.42*** join/#utos Gate (n=gate@
04:47.59herloundertakingyou: what?
04:48.07herloundertakingyou: I was pastebinning that for sontek
04:48.21undertakingyouI am a fool,  I'm sorry
04:50.27herloundertakingyou: you are not a fool, you are an op!
04:50.40herloundertakingyou: do you know anything about pgsql?
04:50.48undertakingyouno, never used it
04:50.53herloundertakingyou: wanna learn?
04:50.59undertakingyouI only have done mysql
04:51.05undertakingyouI can learn anything :)
04:51.13herloundertakingyou: what's your background in sysadmin?
04:51.21herlowhat do you work on the most?
04:51.39herlolinux, unix, windows, etc?
04:52.01herloundertakingyou: we'll be using pgsql for iris -
04:52.15undertakingyouWindows 2003 server. and some Novell Netware 4.11
04:55.12undertakingyouHave you guys already written some code on that.  I didn't think that you had started yet.
04:56.19herloundertakingyou: we've not yet written any code in it
04:56.44herloundertakingyou: just letting you know so when we're ready to put it up on, it'll be ready
04:56.54undertakingyouOK  not OX
04:58.19herlosontek: you wrote it all and I didn't even learn anything!
04:58.23herlodamn it!
04:58.47undertakingyouMe neither  :(
04:59.10herloundertakingyou: its okay, we still have to post the code and db
05:02.15undertakingyouSo I still have to get a python book and read it so I can be more help.  It has to wait until after October 5th though
05:04.13herloundertakingyou: but we're not using python as much though...
05:04.30undertakingyouyou aren't.  I heard that is what you were using
05:04.44undertakingyouhmmm. . .
05:11.55undertakingyouI was joking sontek
05:12.00undertakingyouSorry if I made you mad
05:12.04undertakingyouToday is my day
05:37.36*** part/#utos undertakingyou (
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09:52.13sontekherlo: w00t
09:57.24herlosontek: aye
09:57.39herlosontek: sleep!
09:59.51sontekherlo: sleep is teh sux0rz
10:00.01sontekherlo: I have to move over all my blogs now
10:01.43sontekherlo: but we should have a good base for iris by the end of the weekend
10:52.55herlois it bed time now?
10:58.55sonteki'm not tired either ;P
13:11.04*** join/#utos infobot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
13:11.04*** topic/#utos is Utah Open Source | Open Source discussion in Utah |
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20:00.57sontekso are we going release party at novell or should we do it at  my office?
20:02.40herlosontek: whatever
20:03.28sontekherlo: !
20:03.32sontekherlo: you are invited
20:03.48sontekherlo: we'll show you the error of your ways!
20:04.15sontekI think we need to start suse loco teams like ubuntu, but call them stakes
20:04.19sontekand then we can be missionaries
20:13.18herlosontek: its all about having them all in one place.  Ubuntu, Fedora and SuSE
20:13.30herlosontek: we'll party and install all three for anyone who'd like to come...
20:14.08herlosontek: it will be held at the OSTC probably on the 8th of November my guess.  That's definitely tentative
20:14.11herlobut doable
20:14.25herloI should be in town for one.  We could do it the 10th of November as that's a Saturday...
20:15.55sontektell fedora to stop being a n00b
20:16.25sonteksuse and ubuntu will be out for a month by then, a launch party is useless
20:16.36sontekshould I describe the word 'launch' for you? =)
20:18.18sontekthe whole point of the launch party is to install the new distro and talk about its new features together
20:18.37sontekif I've already been running my distro for a month, the excitement is gone
20:18.51herlosontek: its already set, I just sent an email to Shauna, we'll be announcing a multi-distro release party next week
20:19.00herlothe party will be held November 10 at the OSTC probably
20:19.21herlomaybe we should have one in each valley, but that'll take some coordinating
20:19.35sontekI just don't see the point
20:19.36herlosontek: the won't have been out for a month
20:19.42herloonly 2-3 weeks
20:19.52sontekherlo: 10.3 comes out on the 4th
20:19.54herlosontek: you never see the point
20:19.59sontekso it'll be over a month
20:20.15herlosontek: okay, just over a month, but Ubuntu doesn't come out until 0ct 18
20:20.31herlosontek: and you're not the only one...
20:20.48herloyou'll have installed and reinstalled SUSE 100+ times by then :)
20:21.09sontekherlo: I see release parties as BoFs
20:21.19sontekbut with multi distro theres birds of many feathers
20:21.26herlosontek: see it how you want, I'll be announcing this next week
20:21.45herlosontek: you can come or not, its up to you, but I'm guessing there won't be a OpenSUSE release party otherwise
20:22.09sontekI'll run on thursday for anyone who wants to come
20:22.18sontekbut i'll come to yours too, even though its silly
20:22.29herlosontek: its not silly, just for you is all :)
20:22.46sontekherlo: its a fedora release party labeled multi distro
20:23.24herlosontek: nope
20:23.29herlosontek: I'll have all three available
20:23.59sontekbut the hype of the other 2 distros will be gone by then
20:24.31sontekeveryone who plans on running 10.3 or gutsy will already be running it for weeks :P
20:25.24herlosontek: I disagree.. We're introducing this to a whole new genre since the confernce
22:01.57*** join/#utos decriptor (
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23:10.26decriptorsontek: ping
23:10.48sontekdecriptor: sup
23:11.32decriptorI'm siding with you on the release party stuf
23:11.57decriptorif anything I think there should be a suse/ubuntu release party and then a fedora one
23:12.11decriptorpending on how far away ubuntu is
23:14.21sontekYeah, ubuntu is supposed to release like the 18th
23:14.32decriptormaybe three small ones
23:14.45decriptorI'm for getting one together for opensuse
23:15.09decriptorits no longer a release party as much a party for opensuse in November
23:16.16sontekI'd like to get one together for suse just because it'd be nice to talk to others about SUSE specifically
23:16.30sontekhaving all the distros at the same time you wont get the same discussions going
23:16.37decriptoryou might
23:16.46sontekI think it'll turn more into a 'well.. ubuntu has this..  SUSE has this!' etc
23:17.08decriptorI don't know that that will happen
23:17.20decriptorbut its kind of lame to have a release party over a month later
23:17.57sontekcan we do it at Novell or did you want to do it somewhere else?
23:18.10sontekBYU UUG has a meet on the 4th too though
23:19.00decriptorwe'll have to see
23:19.04decriptorwhat's your email
23:19.40decriptorI'll hopefully find out on Monday
23:24.36decriptorI really want Novell to help do something for this
23:24.39decriptorI'll see what I can get
23:25.06sontekyeah, I think they should
23:25.06decriptorjust emailed you
23:25.17sontekthey really need to work on community
23:26.03sontekyeah, I got it
23:27.06decriptorI emailed scott, but it bounced
23:27.11decriptornot sure what the deal i
23:28.27sontekits scottmorris not smorris
23:35.43decriptorthat's what it showed up as on the plug
23:37.08decriptorI re emailed him
23:38.29sontekso is there any plans for another disk or are the ones I have final?
23:38.42decriptorI think they are
23:38.53decriptorso you have them,  I'm going to pull them then
23:39.55sontekI've got nfs all ready for the release and a thumb drive for booting
23:39.59sontekwe'll need to burn some dvds
23:40.51decriptornfs is easy isn't it
23:41.42sontekdecriptor: yeah, it took awhile to get it working because apparmor was blocking the mount and then the firewall was blocking it
23:42.04sontekdecriptor: I haven't looked up how to allow just nfs mounting in apparmor yet, so its just disabled for now
23:42.09decriptoroh its easier if you use yast
23:42.30decriptorif you use yast it takes care of it for you
23:43.24sontekyeah, I like to do it without distro specific stuff first
23:43.47sontekyast wont help me if I need to do it on ubuntu someday :P
23:57.40sontekI found it, -X

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