IRC log for #utah on 20180426

00:22.40*** join/#utah infobot (
00:22.40*** topic/#utah is Utah-related discussion including user groups | logs @ | See also ##lds | To combat spam, you must register with NickServ if you wish to speak. This may or may not be temporary.
00:22.40*** mode/#utah [+o infobot] by ChanServ
02:07.52*** join/#utah L34N (~L34N@unaffiliated/l34n)
02:09.10*** join/#utah mindjuju__ (sid66062@gateway/web/
02:12.04*** join/#utah whiteing_ (
02:21.36*** join/#utah jnbek (~jnbek@pdpc/supporter/active/jnbek)
04:19.04*** join/#utah L34N (~L34N@unaffiliated/l34n)
05:00.43*** join/#utah L34N (~L34N@unaffiliated/l34n)
06:15.54*** join/#utah L34N (~L34N@unaffiliated/l34n)
09:52.21*** join/#utah infobot (
09:52.21*** topic/#utah is Utah-related discussion including user groups | logs @ | See also ##lds | To combat spam, you must register with NickServ if you wish to speak. This may or may not be temporary.
09:52.21*** mode/#utah [+o infobot] by ChanServ
11:38.40*** join/#utah jima (jima@fedora/jima)
11:55.12*** join/#utah jima_ (jima@2604:9d40:1337::)
14:48.58*** join/#utah aeryndunham (~quassel@
15:33.30*** join/#utah tiwula (
15:57.08*** join/#utah L34N (~L34N@unaffiliated/l34n)
16:16.18frostyfrogSounds like a possible exception. Kind of like how someone can talk on the radio, so long as there is someone licensed there who can control/kill the transmission if needed.
16:17.32*** join/#utah josephscott (
16:32.52jlp_znc3rd party... some countries don't allow it, so you have to be aware of who you are talking to.
17:15.16*** join/#utah youtah (~youtah@
17:17.58youtahwaits patiently for 18.04 LTS
17:18.27youtahdo-release-upgrade no worky yet
17:18.54youtahthey found a major last minute bug... but it was fixed 43 minutes ago
17:18.59youtahDangit! I want it now!
17:20.45unumeightyeight: looks like you're having a rough day
17:24.20unumoh I see that tweet was from tuesday
17:24.23unumI thought it was today
17:28.56youtahi=1; while [ $i -gt 0 ]; do clear; echo -en "\rIs 18.04  "; sleep 1; echo -en "\rdone yet? "; sleep 1; done;
18:50.11*** join/#utah emcnabb (
19:25.14*** join/#utah ByronJohnson (~bairyn@unaffiliated/bob0)
20:16.45*** join/#utah Heartsbane (
20:16.45*** join/#utah Heartsbane (tsharpe@unaffiliated/heartsbane)
20:21.46jlp_znc   <- Volta 2.0 cable for you MacBook Pro 2017 users that miss the magsafe connector!
21:55.23*** join/#utah BLZbubba (~mark@pdpc/supporter/professional/blzbubba)
23:24.22*** join/#utah L34N (~L34N@unaffiliated/l34n)

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