IRC log for #utah on 20141008

01:16.48*** join/#utah magmu (~Magmu@
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04:10.47asoctesting for that silly magmu
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15:21.55fadeinhey magmu!
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19:20.34fozzmoois anyone interested in some side work on a website? A former coworker says they've got a website hosted on Bluehost that is running Joomla+virtuemart.
19:20.51fozzmooThey're looking for someone who can do some work on their website for them.
19:21.38fozzmooPM me if you're interested and I'll put you in touch.
19:21.59*** join/#utah OldCoder (~OldCoder@unaffiliated/oldcoder)
19:27.17youtahNO TOUCHING!
19:34.10eightyeightall the urchins
19:36.15youtahYeah, that
19:36.33harleypigBlink three times ...
19:37.43youtahAll I remember was the Tales from the Crypt episode
19:37.58youtahwhere when you die, everyone thinks you're dead, but your still alive
19:38.01youtahand they bury you
19:38.13youtahand you're stuck, with your thoughts, unable to move, but still able to hear
19:38.30eightyeightthe nightmare episode
19:38.47youtahlol, is that what it was?
19:38.51harleypigI could almost deal with that ... it's the autopsy that would drive me crazy.
19:39.08youtahbecause you couldn't moan?
19:39.23youtahlooks around for HR
19:39.28harleypigNo, because I could feel them rooting around in my body and cutting things out.
19:39.44eightyeightfinds the episode
19:39.46harleypigAnd I wouldn't be able to tell them to slow it down so I could enjoy it longer.
19:40.20youtahI'm glad you know which one I am talking about eightyeight
19:43.40harleypigI vaguely remember watching a tv show where a women was drugging people with something that simulated death and they were autopsied while still alive. The protagonist got even by giving her the drug.
19:44.12fozzmooAm I the only person who liked the movie Flatliners?
19:44.50youtahOkay, screw Cremation... I am like this "Splat" method more and more attractive
19:44.54harleypigI thought it was a pretty good movie.
19:45.20harleypigyoutah: splat method? What, they drop you from a plane?
19:45.32fozzmooharleypig: I really liked the cinematography.
19:47.26harleypigfozzmoo: I haven't seen it in more than 20 years ... but I remember the plot being fascinating.
19:47.47fozzmooYeah, it's been about that long. 1990 or so.
19:49.31youtahharleypig, anything fun like that
19:50.26harleypigI want to be blown up.
19:50.40harleypigOr cover me in thermite and light it.
19:50.52*** join/#utah tristanbob__l (
19:50.55harleypigTechnically cremation, but much cooler.
19:51.01youtahStrapped to a nuclear warhead and dropped from a plane. Then have it go off 100 feet from the ground
19:51.30harleypigNo, that would risk me mutating into a mutant godzilla sized zombie.
19:51.32youtahThat way my atoms would be rapidly spread across the world, forcing all of you to eventually breath me in
19:52.02harleypigAnd poop you out.
19:52.32youtahMy grandfather's friend requested that he be cremated, and put into a douche, so he could have one last go.
19:53.42youtahlol, was that last comment over the top? even harleypig stopped typing
19:54.12harleypigI didn't see it ... I switched away to another window
19:54.15eightyeightheh. can't find it.
19:54.27harleypigBut I'd say it was ... underhanded. :>
19:54.30eightyeightyoutah: i did find abra cadaver (warning: boobs)
19:54.38eightyeightbut that's not the episode i'm thinking of
19:55.13eightyeighti am thinking of the one where a high business exec suffers from nightmares, and meets a brain surgeon that can fix it
19:55.39eightyeightend of the episode, his brain is removed from his body, placed in a jar, which is placed on a shelf
19:55.49eightyeightall the brains are very much active, and stuck in eternal nightmares
19:56.22youtahOh man
19:58.03youtahwas it Doctor of Horror?
19:59.15eightyeightso, funny story
19:59.28eightyeighti was dating this very molly mormon girl
19:59.41eightyeightand we rented some tales from the crypt from the rental store
19:59.49eightyeightthe brain episode i'm thinking of was one of them
20:00.04eightyeightbut then came on this episode that had a topless stripper dancing, iirc
20:00.16eightyeightmade for an uncomfortable evening, to say the least
20:02.12eightyeightproblem i'm having to recall, is we also enjoyed the twilight zone stuff
20:02.26eightyeightso, i'm not sure if the episode i'm thinking of is a tales or twilight story
20:03.19*** join/#utah josephscott (~josephsco@
20:06.22fozzmooSo, for years, I've been running irssi in a tmux session along with with the irssi proxy module so I can connect to irssi with Pidgin. This is running on an ancient Iodynamics server that could be shut down any day.
20:06.54fozzmooI'd like to relocate my IRC homebase to my Bluehost VPS and I'm just wondering what the best bouncer/proxy/idling solution is these days.
20:07.08fozzmooOr should I just replicate what I've got.
20:07.55harleypigsince irssi hasn't changed in year, probably replicate what you've got.
20:08.29Tod-Work~seen herlo
20:08.32infobotherlo is currently on #uphpu. Has said a total of 1 messages. Is idling for 1d 1h 51m 57s, last said: 'SunSparc: but I already have an invite.'.
20:08.59*** join/#utah tristanbob__l (
20:11.18eightyeightfozzmoo: i'd recommend znc personally
20:11.56eightyeightit's a different way of thinking though. rather than one account to handle all of your server connections, each connection gets its own account
20:13.10jlp_zncI am using znc, irssi, and tmux :-)
20:13.24eightyeightznc + weechat + tmux
20:13.26jlp_zncprobably don't really need znc any more, though
20:13.42eightyeighti like znc for connecting with my phone, using atomic
20:13.59eightyeightand i like weechat for the plugin support, which i take advantage of irc push notifications
20:18.30fozzmooWe use ZNC here at Bluehost for our internal IRC server.
20:20.51fozzmooOh, look, znc is available in a yum repository for EL7 (my VPS is running CentOS 7). That's handy.
20:21.17fozzmooNo weechat, but irssi is available.
20:27.55jsmithuses bip
20:28.16jsmithIt's also in Fedora (and probably EPEL for RHEL/CentOS)
20:33.03fozzmoocan't find bip
20:33.43youtahYou bib?
20:33.51youtahyour bib?
20:33.56youtahI think neybar_work took it away
20:34.07fozzmoojsmith: Are you sure it's in EPEL for EL7?
20:34.26jsmithfozzmoo: Nope... I'm not... that being said, I may be able to fix that
20:34.39fozzmooSo, bip would take the place of znc.
20:36.00youtahjlp_znc was using znc, although I dont think he's using it anymore
20:36.57jsmithfozzmoo: Building a scratch-build in Koji now :-)
20:37.40jsmithfozzmoo: Ask and yes shall receive... knock and I probably won't answer the door...
20:38.39fozzmooloves jsmith
20:39.20fozzmooloves jsmith... in a brotherly way
20:41.29jsmithfozzmoo: SRPM is built, now it's building the binaries
20:41.47jsmithfozzmoo: You can watch the logs here, if you're interested:
20:42.13*** join/#utah magmu (~magmu@
20:42.14jsmithfozzmoo: And done!
20:42.25jsmithfozzmoo: RPMs are at the bottom of this page:
20:42.30fozzmoo==> Task has completed <==
20:43.38fozzmooInstalled on my VPS.
20:44.12jsmithThe only tricky thing with bip is the password you enter into your clients
20:44.16jsmithIt's "special"
20:44.21youtahIs it Photo:Thirty O'Clock?
20:44.32jsmithI'll let you do a little reading on the interwebs to figure it out
20:44.41jsmithyoutah: You're right -- it does have colons!
20:44.58jsmith~prize youtah
20:45.03jsmithfozzmoo: Yup...
20:45.24youtah (Blood Moon with Uranus to the left)
20:45.47youtah M42 Orion Nebulus
20:46.24youtahSometime in the middle of the night... barely alive
20:46.25jsmith~prize youtah
20:46.25infobotACTION gives youtah a consolation prize
20:46.53youtah << Using a 3400mm telescope at f/16.
20:46.54jsmithyoutah: Whimper, whimper... you poor thing.
20:47.13youtahlol jsmith
20:47.25youtah << Here's the ~3400mm telescope
20:48.22youtahThe End
20:48.25jsmithfozzmoo: I also just requested that the maintainer push the package into EPEL7 proper :-)
20:48.44fozzmoopoints at RyanE and nods vigorously
20:48.48youtahlol RyanE
20:49.50youtahand this puppy will grow up to be a great gourd dog
20:52.51RyanENotice I *didn't* say "slow claps"...  :)
20:52.54RyanEI *liked* the pictures.
20:53.13asocHmm that is funny YouTube returns my calls all the time! ;)
20:53.22RyanEfor DCMA takedowns?
20:56.17youtahYou guiys
20:56.24youtahit's not easy being famous
20:56.33youtahI'm big in Japan
20:56.52RyanE*everyone* is big in Japan, comparatively speaking.
20:56.59RyanEor I should say *Americans*.
20:57.23RyanEbetter than being Bing in Japan.  :)
21:03.13*** join/#utah tristanbob__l (
21:16.01youtahI think I need to go home
21:16.04youtahand go to sleep
21:16.18youtahnot well
21:17.52RyanEthat happens when you stay up late under an eclipsing moon.
21:28.42youtahOh, my updates completed
21:29.57*** join/#utah OldCoder (~OldCoder@unaffiliated/oldcoder)
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22:08.24*** join/#utah pdayton (~pjdayton@
22:09.37eightyeightthat has to be some sort of record
22:12.29*** join/#utah macnewbold (
22:19.33jxqzwhat, still using csv?
22:21.06eightyeightcvs, you mean?
22:22.25jxqzyeah, whatever
22:24.03*** join/#utah tristanbob__l (~tristanbo@
22:25.14Jaycereminds me of a story of harleypig having to fix one of his dad's bugs at a job...
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22:55.05harleypigbut it wasn't 30 years old ... more like 15.
22:56.21harleypigThe longer computers are around the longer we'll have old bugs popping up.  Shellshock was more than 20 years old.
22:56.43harleypigI'm looking forward to the panic caused by some bug found 50 years from now.
22:56.48harleypigIf I'm still around.
23:01.16jlp_zncI'm banking on the 2034 "end of unix time" providing for my retirement :-)
23:01.25jlp_znclike all the cobol programmers back in 1999
23:01.40supaplexI'll call it harleypigShock if I can recall by then. :P
23:10.16*** join/#utah pdayton (~pjdayton@
23:14.34harleypigIf I ever get up the nerve to do 'make the bad man stop' harleypig shock will be a recognized medical condition.
23:20.24*** part/#utah jalbretsen (
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