IRC log for #utah on 20140226

00:00.05klysregion mapping thread process mutex semaphore ...
00:00.35leviWhy are you introducing extra implementation details that are entirely irrelevant to the meaning of a program?
00:01.46klysif the microkernel has an accurate representation of what the operation will do to accomplish this, then, it will be expressible in the machine code.
00:02.15leviWhy are you talking about microkernels? You can run programs without microkernels.
00:03.12klysyes, without or with, just you have not demonstrated that I can run a program which I could in theory compile otherwise, while such an idea is also impossible on the microkernel.
00:03.32klys... while such an idea is also possible on the microkernel.
00:04.05klysno, it is possible on the microkernel if I can run all I mean.
00:05.18leviThere is absolutely no reason to refer to microkernels at this point in the conversation. They are entirely irrelevant. Specific machine architecture is entirely irrelevant. You can run programs in your brain, or on a piece of paper.
00:06.02klysI would say that you were referring to stacks at some point in the conversation
00:09.45klysso I use the data segment instead of extra registers I can't seem to come up with...I have a couple of options: my name table gets a lot bigger, or I'm using a data structure (there's really no reson for the extra pointers besides malloc() and free()) such as an array (which I tend to refer to as a stack.)
00:09.57leviOnly because I was trying to convince you that they are unnecessary.
00:11.08leviYou seem to be completely missing my point again, though. If we don't need to talk about stacks or registers, we also don't need to talk about data segments or malloc or free.
00:11.44klysI am also implying the name table, which will exist in an ELF executable.
00:12.05leviYou should not be implying name tables or ELF executables. They are not required either.
00:13.35klyswhen you got to where I say the proof is in the pudding, you did imply a design goal to "run a program."
00:14.17klysbbl. supper
00:14.37leviI said you can "run a program" in your head or on a piece of paper.
00:16.46leviAnd I have no idea where you got the idea that I implied a "design goal" of any sort. I'm trying to talk about programming languages and their meanings as an abstract concept and *you* are the one that keeps trying to talk about irrelevant implementation details.
00:23.37klysthere do exist institutions whic I have not in my own research outconceptualize.  Though, I have conceptualized to the point where it is not truly my goal to outconceptualize anyone else.
00:29.36klys"programming languages use the machine."  you would say no.  "I intend for my program to run."  you would say at the end of the page you have reduced or solved an expression.  "I intend to write a program."  This is engineering and has the following constraints:
00:30.03klysapplications, data, netowrks, system(s), documentation, configuration, source(s).
00:31.36leviWhat good is it to run an incorrect program?  You have to be able to think about programs, and what they mean.
00:32.13klyswhereas a system which may run a program (including your brain) supports applications, data, and networks, and to a point is defined in sources, it does not provide / support documentation nor configuration.
00:33.28klystherefore if my sources may either become applications or related functions such as networks, or become systems with supporting documentation, programming languages are intended to produce the former rather than the latter.
00:33.37leviSo, on the one hand, we have an interpretation of a programming language entirely bereft of implementation details that gives us a relatively nicer way to *think* about programs. And on the other, we have the real world of optimizing compilers, superscalar CPUs, and distributed memory, where your simplistic implementation mechanisms don't even describe how things really work.
00:34.34klysthe implementation standard I held you to was a uk22 microkernel (very simple implementation details.)  you then said what I should do with it is "run programs."
00:35.12leviI said that programs can be run without microkernels, yes. So?
00:35.27klysso it is your design.
00:35.41leviYou are grossly misinterpreting me, then.
00:36.30klysthen what if I need no application, only systems exist: then you don't need the piece of paper.
00:36.55leviI have no idea what you're trying to argue at this point.
00:37.18klysI rarely if ever have a point.
00:38.17leviThat explains why you are making so little sense.
00:42.35leviUltimately, my point is this: If there was not a higher level meaning to functions/procedures besides a direct translation to a stack-based implementation, then there would be no justification for the lua expression I mentioned before to be translated to the efficient 10-instruction loop. Since this compiler technology is behind pretty much all of our modern computing infrastructure, I don't think you have any room to doubt its
00:43.28leviStack-based implementations are rampant, but they do not represent the *meaning* of programs. They are, at best, a common intermediate representation that happens to have reasonable performance characteristics on today's machines.
00:46.53leviUnderstanding the stack-based representation of programs can be helpful in some cases to reason about how programs written for compilers that make use of it will execute on a machine, especially if you have to debug them via examination of disassembled core dumps, but it can also lead you astray when writing programs if you do not also keep in mind the more direct meaning of your program.
00:48.34leviThere's absolutely no guarantee that any given function call written in your C program will be implemented as a JSR or CALL or whatever it is on your architecture.
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00:51.33leviAnyway, heading home now.
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01:59.23klys~google "fusion project"
02:00.20klys~quote ORCL
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17:01.52infobotTonight I wrestle the seven strongest men in town, maybe the world.
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17:05.58circ-user-u1UGtYo Youtah.
17:06.41youtahHowdy Codazoda
17:06.45youtahYou made it!
17:06.50youtah~throw nachos
17:06.50infobotACTION winds up and throws nachos over the moon.
17:07.11youtahcatches the nachos as they fall to the Earth, and then eats them.
17:07.19CodazodaThought I'd try a new IRC client for Chrome.
17:07.50youtahI have been using XChat for well over 2 years now, really like it
17:08.23CodazodaAh, well. I'm a Mac fanboy these days.
17:09.02youtahthats the video
17:09.11youtahI wonder..... no port for Mac?
17:09.14*** join/#utah ljenkins (~ljenkins@
17:09.34jsmithyoutah: If you like XChat, HexChat is even better :-p
17:09.42jsmithyoutah: (It's a fork)
17:09.48CodazodaLooks like no official one. A couple old but inactive ports.
17:10.11youtahjsmith, I've never heard of HexChat before
17:10.25CodazodaHexChat at least has an experimental build.
17:10.39youtahI dunno jsmith .... this looks *too* nice
17:11.12youtahLOL! It has a Windows 8 screenshot. Like anyone who's serious about computing would ever use Windows 8
17:11.17youtahjumps behind the couch and hides
17:11.19jsmithyoutah: Well, you know me -- only the best will do :-p
17:11.31Codazodayoutah, xchat is looking old school.
17:11.33jsmithyoutah: Hence the reason I chat with folks like you :-p
17:11.41jsmithruns in on Fedora, of course
17:11.44CodazodaI guess IRC is "old school" these days though.
17:12.04Jayceweechat :)
17:12.19youtahAh, HexChat has a stable PPA for Ubuntu
17:12.32CodazodaI really should be getting some work done. I've got a huge new launch next week. :P
17:12.37distortedvoiceIRC is for rookies.
17:12.53Jaycemhe, just telnet to 6667
17:12.54youtahAlright, Well, stay in here Codazoda, don't leave, just remain idle
17:13.03Jayceadn still manage it with ssl
17:14.00jsmithJayce: No wonder you don't get any work done these days :-p
17:14.02jsmithducks and hides
17:14.06CodazodaI'll try to stick around.
17:14.33Jaycespeaking of which, that tensai guy is supposed to be here today...
17:15.15youtahDoh! So I bought a 13.8V 19A Power Supply (work bench) from Radio Shack and decided that since I am planning on installing this radio in the car, perhaps it was a dumb idea and had my wife return it. Well, apparently since I paid cash, they can only refund via cash. And they didn't have enough cash to refund it, so she has to go back later tonight.
17:16.02codazodaHow much does that thing cost?
17:16.09youtah$74 with tax.
17:16.22youtah(including tax)
17:16.49distortedvoiceI hate going in radioshack. It's worse than a mortuary.
17:16.52codazodaWell... That doesn't seem like a ton of cash to have on hand in a store like that.
17:17.20youtahYeah.... kind of dumb
17:18.04codazodaWhen I went to buy a house, I had a bit of trouble because they had done something like 50 credit inquiries on me in the past month. Turns out the did one ever time I bought something and I worked in a mall across the hall from them, so I bought crap.
17:18.52codazodaSorry, not 50 min a month, but a whole bunch over a few months.
17:19.49youtahyeah, I was working with a financial credit score guru to get my score up to 740+ before we bought my home. Took a good 6 months
17:20.07codazodaDid you use trickery?
17:20.22youtahand magic
17:21.06youtahTook this last night, about ~45 minutes after sundown
17:21.22codazodaI know of a company who sends letters to the agencies, over and over again, in an attempt to flood them with so much work that they are unable to respond to some of them. This results in automatic overturning of bad credit stuff. It comes back shortly after, but clears you up for a few weeks while you make a big purchase.
17:21.35codazodaWhere were you?
17:21.54youtahThat was up American Fork Canyon at Tibble Fork
17:22.08youtahAlso took this one last night too
17:22.14codazodaAs a Northerner, I've never been.
17:22.26codazodaLooks like a cool place.
17:22.51codazodaOkay, off to work. Idle I go.
17:23.06jsmithyoutah: This is my photo from yesterday:
17:23.12jsmithyoutah: Of course, that's with no editing, etc.
17:24.06youtahSNOW! No fair... why is the East Coast getting all the winter fun?
17:24.20jsmithyoutah: Because we're living right :-p
17:25.51Jaycejsmith: as close as you are to DC, nobody will believe you
17:26.19jsmithJayce: Close enough to be convenient, far enough away to avoid the stench
17:27.30youtah$something rolls down hill, right Jayce?
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17:30.02jsmithyoutah: Luckily, I'm uphill from DC :-)
17:30.57youtahlol, but... your....
17:31.08youtahwait... where are you again?
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17:34.18youtahcorrelates "Down hill" with "South" for some reason. Even though the Nile river & the Jordan river both run South to North.
17:36.10jxqzif debian stable has updates available, you install them, right?
17:36.19jsmithyoutah: I'm south of DC, but higher in elevation (by a couple hundred feet)
17:36.36jxqzooh, some feet higher, impressive
17:37.07jxqz~napoleon jsmith
17:37.08infobotACTION makes jsmith buy a lotto ticket for Napoleon
17:46.23keldwudI removed an extraneous group
17:46.39keldwudand now I have a bunch of files that are owned or part of the the GID of the group I deleted
17:46.45keldwudwhat did I do wrong?
17:47.10keldwudis there a way to change everything that once was owned by x or belonged to x to the correct group?
17:47.25keldwuddid I effectively break the machine?
17:50.48keldwudI guess maybe I could use that to create a list from which I could iterate through to chown all the files
17:51.03keldwudis that the best way? or is there a tool available to already do something like this?
17:51.10goozbachis the only way
17:51.27goozbachthe only files which are auto-removed are when you do userdel -r
17:51.38goozbachand those are homedir, mailspool
17:51.47goozbachand maybe one or two others
17:52.36keldwudyeah I did userdel
17:52.58keldwudokay, cool. the output from the find is just the filenames
17:53.10keldwudso I can make a list and then just for my way through it
17:53.44ldav15keldwud: or xargs
17:53.56keldwudooh, is this a proper situation for xargs?
17:54.01keldwudI've been waiting for that
17:54.17keldwudin the beginning I used to try and use xargs for my iterating through a list
17:54.28keldwudinstead of a for loop
17:54.39keldwudbut in this case, maybe you're right, xargs would be simpler?
17:54.44goozbachthings I want to try #473: Yell "Hey pervert!" in a crowded room and see who turns around.
17:54.59keldwudgoozbach: everyone, because everyone wants to see who the pervert is
17:55.04keldwudand loud noise
17:55.08keldwudwe are animals
17:55.27keldwudand animals respond to stimulus such as loud noises by directing their eyes toward the loud noise
17:55.36keldwudit was a matter of survival, I think :)
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17:56.36youtahdremex, is alive!
17:56.53youtahget any weird viruses we should be aware of in Mexico?
17:58.44shalkiegoozbach: Please let it be the redhead, please let it be the redhead.... :-D
17:59.08keldwudmind helping me decrypt this? find / -gid OLDGID -exec chgrp NEWGID {} \
17:59.16keldwudI still haven't figured out how -exec and {} \ work yet
17:59.20keldwudbut I've seen it a lot and used it before
17:59.20keldwudbut I don't understand how it works
17:59.41goozbach-exec is a command to run on each thing find "finds"
17:59.53goozbachand it replaces each item inside {}
17:59.59goozbachand teh end should be \;
18:00.16keldwudyeah I meant \;
18:00.24goozbachbecause the semicolon is an argument but the shell will interpret it as "end this command"
18:00.26MigsI really hate high school kids
18:00.26keldwudokay and so what would xargs do in this case?
18:00.30goozbachso you excape
18:00.46Migsthere's a newish fad going around, where students set up a "confessions" Twitter account
18:00.46goozbachfind / # find all files starting from "/"
18:00.57Migsother students DM their "confessions" to this account, and they get reposted "anonymously."
18:01.08ldav15keldwud: or find / -gid OLDGID -print0 | xargs -0 -ifoo chgrp NEWGID foo
18:01.20Migsthings like "my friend got knocked up in the preschool room"
18:01.37Migsor "came to miss rodrickson's class high"
18:01.37goozbach-gid FOO # an argument to find to limit what it finds to anything with the GID of FOO
18:01.55Migssome of them are also things like "Jerrica's pretty, but a total whore"
18:02.16goozbach-exec # another arg to find which tells find to execute something for each item it finds
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18:02.22Migsare kids really this idiotic?
18:02.43goozbachchgrp NEWGID {} \; # is the command to execute on each item
18:02.51keldwudlol, sorry goozbach :) I meant I just needed help with the -exec {} \; part
18:02.52goozbachreplacing {} with the found file path
18:02.58shalkieMigs: Do you not remember HS?
18:02.59romanovicMigs: I heard about that.  Sounds like the 2010's version of writing things on the bathroom stall wall
18:03.02keldwudI understand the find part
18:03.03Migsoh I remember it
18:03.09goozbachchgrp changes the group ownership of a file
18:03.20goozbachMigs: beacause stupid
18:03.22keldwudyeah, I'm going to do a chown and a chgrp
18:03.47Migsof course, there's nothing anonymous about it. One kid knows exactly who's sending all these to him/her.
18:03.56shalkiekeldwud: chown can change both user and group at the same time.
18:04.54keldwudshalkie: so yeah, I have some files that were only owned by $DELETED_GROUP and some files that are only part of group $DELETED_GROUP, and then some files that are both
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18:05.02goozbachMigs: again, teenagers are stupid
18:05.39Migswhy can't they at least keep this stupidity confined to their school?
18:05.39shalkiekeldwud: Ah.
18:05.50Migsnow they're making it all public on Twitter
18:09.35shalkieMigs: They would have made it all public before, we all just had a range of communication at that age that we couldn't easily overcome.
18:10.00sontekI wouldn't say only teenagers are stupid
18:10.46sontekI've been noticing that in general people aren't very intelligent ;)
18:11.23goozbachagain, because stupid!
18:17.36Jaycein about a week I have a teenager... and yes, they are stupid :)
18:17.51jsmithJayce: No arguments from me here
18:20.08distortedvoiceMigs: that's gay as fuck
18:20.40distortedvoiceNow im gonna dip some vagisil and speak my mind
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18:27.52keldwudok so I've changed all my incorrect groups
18:27.58keldwudusing find gid
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18:29.01keldwudnow if I want to change the owner, I do find -user, right?
18:29.01keldwud-user = owner?
18:30.31leviMigs: Yes, kids are really that stupid. Hopefully many of them will grow out of it before doing permanent damage to themselves or others.
18:31.04ldav15keldwud: yes, 'find -user UID' sounds right...
18:31.24leviI recall hearing about some research showing that some of the physiological changes going on in teenagers measurably impair judgement, or something to that effect.
18:31.42keldwudI tried it on a smaller folder
18:31.42keldwudand it worked
18:31.43keldwudso then I used it on /
18:32.43levisontek: I think that people in general have the capacity to make good decisions, but are not well-practiced in exercising that capacity. :)
18:35.28joshhMigs: is there really someone name jerrica?  =\
18:37.16sontekI find my 2 1/2 year old is pretty smart, wonder at what age they start going down hill?  He has started to mimic me... so it has probably already started
18:38.06Jaycethe mimicing applies equally to your worst attributes
18:38.29Jayceadd to that the teenage idiocy, and you see the worst in yourself magnified
18:40.11joshhmy daughter is mimicing some bad habits from her kindergarten friends now too
18:40.39joshhthere's a girl who dislikes all forms of cheese, and now she never wants any cheese with anything either
18:42.18joshhnot to mention all the new words and phrases
18:47.21romanovicthey were talking about adolescent behavior a couple weeks ago on BBC World radio.  I thought it was interesting they cited many cultures around the world where the transition from child to adult does not include what we would call a rebellious phase
18:48.13Jayceso far, my boy is more like me.. not a rebellious, more a lazy phase :)
18:48.15romanovicyet in the west, we assume it is a psychological fact that all children will go through such a phase.
18:50.04joshha lot of other cultures either have less to rebel against, or far more pressing matters to care about
18:50.37Jayceaww dad, I don't want to subsistence hunt today, didn't you know I went vegan?!
18:50.50joshheuropean kids can drink wine at a meal when they are young, so they don't feel a need to sneak out to a jungle juice party
18:52.09joshhi think america's culture with regard to authority, morality, "the man", religion, etc creates the rebel phase phenomenon
18:52.54leviWell, few human behaviors truly have simple explanations. I'm sure there's some interaction of biology and culture.
18:54.14romanovicjoshh: yeah, a lot of the other cultures were 3rd world, where adolescents frequently take on adult responsibilities at a much younger age
18:56.11joshhthere's also the media, rappers and beibers getting arrested, few great role models, no respect for teachers, and so on
18:56.32joshhit all creates this idea that teenagers need to break the rules to be cool, imo
18:57.26leviThe link I posted suggested that the *idea* that peers were observing them caused much more change in behavior in teens than in adults.
18:58.55leviApparently brain research is almost always correlational, though, so it's very difficult to tell which is cause and which is effect.
19:01.10sontekI know I learned most of my poor behaviors at school with friends and not at home
19:01.44sontekI wonder if other cultures have a more strict school system to prevent the spread of bad behavior like that?
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19:04.33Jayceor how many are less caring of "bad" behavior.. eg where's the bar?
19:06.20leviPossibly the way we have our adolescents transition socially to adulthood at the same time they're physically transitioning is exacerbating the problems.
19:07.03leviMaybe they're better prepared for the physiological changes in other cultures when they've learned to take on responsibility earlier?
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19:40.50Greaglesontek: I think when you are strict, people rebel harder
19:41.40youtahWHY can't anything this cool ever happen to me?
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19:45.18Greaglein case anyone is interested in figuring how they ended up "valuing" to $10M
19:46.00Greagleit's cool, face value at $27k
19:46.45Greaglehey youtah, maybe one day one of us will find a pot of bitcoins lying around the Interwebs :X
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19:51.59Greagledo you have any diskettes? they might be worth something soon..
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19:55.02keldwudthat was a huge split
19:55.02keldwudso I searched through man rm and didn't find anything under "exclude"
19:55.02keldwudwould I just have to use a regex to exclude certain files from an rm *?
19:55.21fugue88In "rm *" the * is bash filename expansion, not a feature of rm.
19:55.51fugue88You could use bash filename patterns to be more specific than *, but they aren't regexps.
19:56.32fugue88Or, "rm -i *" and be very careful about answering yes or no.  ;P
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19:58.49fugue88Ooh, cool.
19:59.01fugue88keldwud: bash's filename expansion does in fact have a negation.
19:59.15fugue88rm !(*keep*)
19:59.34keldwudwith or without the stars depending on how specific I want to be, right?
19:59.53keldwudso I would do rm !(*keep*) *
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20:00.04fugue88keldwud: No, not quite.
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20:00.06keldwudsup T4rku5
20:00.20fugue88And the ! needs to be escaped some how it seems.  Still playing with this.
20:00.30keldwudahh, thanks. I'll read up on it too
20:00.43keldwudyou said bash filename expansion is where I would look
20:00.58fugue88keldwud: But, in your "rm !(*keep*) *" the !(*keep*) gets expanded, and so does the *, and every file matching either is passed as an arg to rm.
20:01.09fugue88keldwud: That's right, in the info pages.
20:01.56fugue88keldwud: Oh, gee, you have to enable the "extglob" option to get the ! bheavior.
20:02.03keldwudoh do I?
20:02.20keldwudokay yeah I see that in the answer there
20:02.27keldwudshopt -s extglob
20:02.34keldwudshopt -u extglob
20:02.52keldwudso how do I do a dry run, I can echo it, right?
20:03.09fugue88yeah, either "echo rm !(*pattern*)"
20:03.16fugue88or "ls !(*pattern*)"
20:04.09fugue88or echo without rm even, I guess.
20:04.28fugue88likes to prepend script lines with echo to verify what'lll they'll do, sometimes
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20:05.29keldwudso echo rm * wouldn't actually remove things?
20:06.06fugue88Practise in a temp directory.  I'm not responsible, etc.
20:07.53keldwudnow I need to figure out if I can have multiple terms
20:08.04keldwudi.e. exclude more than one thing
20:08.12keldwudpractices some more
20:08.31keldwudduh, forgot about or
20:08.49keldwudwoot :)
20:09.16fugue88keldwud: Thanks for teaching me about !() and |, btw.
20:09.23keldwudhaha wat?
20:09.33keldwudI never taught anyone anything
20:09.40fugue88keldwud asks a question, I go read the info page.
20:09.47keldwudwe make a good team :)
20:09.55keldwudgoozbach is pretty good with me, too
20:10.02keldwudbut I think you learn more from my questions than he does
20:10.07keldwudbecause he already knows it, usually
20:10.14fugue88Yeah, he's smart and stuff.
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20:13.51keldwudeven better insanity wolf. write rm command in notepad, then copy to buffer and right click into ssh terminal *before* typing echo first
20:14.01keldwudcan always type echo after you've pasted, right? ;)
20:14.28keldwudunless, of course, you included some whitespace beneath from where you copied. which would register as a return carriage
20:14.49keldwudoh another question
20:14.58keldwuddiff between : > filename and > filename
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20:20.38keldwudtruncating a file by essentially opening it and overwriting it with nothing
20:20.55keldwudinstead of removing the file and re-creating it
20:21.27fugue88Ah, the ":" was part of it.
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20:23.59fugue88I don't understand the ":" thingy in bash.
20:24.20keldwudyeah I was trying to figure it out, too
20:24.28keldwudhe called it a no-op
20:24.49keldwudwhich seems "cleaner" and less error prone than > filename
20:24.54keldwudbecause it is more concise
20:25.24keldwudand more concise is generally safer with computers, right?
20:25.24fugue88An almost no-op.  Seems similar to "exec" in some ways, but I don't understand if there are any differences when using exec for just redirects, as in "exec > file"
20:25.45keldwudyeah I don't even know what a no-op is :)
20:25.58fugue88no operation.  Doesn't do anything.
20:26.02keldwudso exex > file and > file would do the same thing?
20:26.04Tenekeldwud: Well, strictly speaking, when the only difference between two texts is that one has something removed, the one with something removed will always be more concise.
20:26.18Tenekeldwud: No, exec > file has continuing effects for later commands.
20:26.20fugue88keldwud: That's what I'm not sure about.
20:26.24keldwudahh ok
20:26.53Teneexec, withouth a command to exec, just operates on the open file descriptors of the current shell.
20:27.06keldwudbut it doesn't close it, like : does?
20:27.23Teneopen a shell and try: exec 5>/tmp/foo.txt
20:27.45keldwudwhat's the 5>?
20:27.56Teneopening fd 5
20:28.03keldwudI've only heard of 1> amd 2> amd stuff
20:28.17Tenethen do whatever other redirects you like, for example: echo foo 1>&5
20:28.23Teneor just ls /proc/$$/fd/
20:28.23fugue88Yep, 0 1 and 2 are all opened by default, the "standard" streams.
20:28.33Tene0=stdin, 1=stdout, 2=stderr
20:28.58goozbachhere's one for you git fans
20:29.07Teneor try a shell script doing something like:
20:29.11goozbachI've got a git repo I use to base my development on
20:29.16goozbachit's got a makefile and a readme
20:29.20keldwudso I ran the command and it made an empty file
20:29.25keldwudI'm going to fill it now
20:29.32keldwudand try various commands to truncate it
20:29.39goozbachit's named rpm-base
20:29.39keldwudalthough i won't be able to see what's going on in the background
20:29.51goozbachwhen I want to create a new package I do
20:29.56Teneexec 5>&1 1>/tmp/foo.txt
20:30.01goozbachgit clone
20:30.08fugue88keldwud: lsof /tmp/foo.txt
20:30.10Tenethat saves stdout in fd 5, and redirects stdout to a file
20:30.19Tenethen run a bunch of commands and all their output is saved in the file
20:30.27keldwudcat: /tmp/foo.txt: input file is output file
20:30.29Tenelater, exec 1>&5 to restore it
20:30.33goozbachthen I add my software, and store it in a new remote
20:30.47keldwudI need to learn more about redirects
20:30.50goozbachgit remote add foo-remote
20:31.01keldwudwhat's a good resource on redirects?
20:31.04Tenekeldwud: you can learn a lot from reading through bash(1)
20:31.21keldwudman, I always get two or three paragraphs through that
20:31.23goozbachI want to be able to push any modifications I make to the makefile and/or readme  back to the original git repo
20:31.28keldwudand then either get distracted or something else happens
20:31.35goozbachbut not include any of the new software
20:31.37goozbachany ideas?
20:31.53Tenekeldwud: search for ^REDIRECTION
20:33.07Tenekeldwud: back when I was first starting, every week or so I'd spend 20 minutes looking through the man page for a tool I frequently used, searching for something I didn't know about it.
20:33.17Tenebash, vim, sed, grep, etc
20:33.18keldwudyeah I spend a lot of time in man pages
20:33.32keldwudall day every day seems like :-p
20:33.38keldwudsometimes I get things done even ;)
20:33.59Tenegoozbach: you can always cherry-pick commits back into a branch
20:34.07goozbachTene: that's one idea
20:34.20goozbachwould a sub-tree be a better idea though?
20:34.22Tenegoozbach: or make those commits to a branch without the software, and merge it into your with-software branch
20:34.34Tenegoozbach: that would require all the files to be in a subdirectory
20:34.51Teneif that's the case, subtree and friends are a great option
20:35.07goozbachI guess I can do a subdir and symlink the makefile to the top level
20:36.13Tenegoozbach: you might even include a script in the repo to set itself up as a submodule or subtree or whatever you choose in $CWD
20:40.57keldwudwait what?
20:41.04keldwudI don't have to do find -exec rm?
20:41.08keldwudI can just do find -delete?
20:41.18keldwudoh, but it's not recursive
20:41.31keldwudso if I still wanted rm -rf, I'd still have to do -exec, right?
20:42.25fugue88keldwud: find itself is recursive, and you can ask it to go depth-first or breadth-first, so -delete could still work.
20:43.49fugue88keldwud: `man find` and search for -depth.  It's turned on automatically by -delete.
20:44.23keldwudoh weird
20:44.25keldwudI broke something
20:44.38keldwudmy commands aren't working
20:44.45keldwudI tried ^C
20:45.02keldwudthe command I last typed was echo ': > filename'
20:45.18keldwudoh exit worked
21:02.24sontekbut -delete wont xargs it, will it?  I like to do find . -name "*.pyc" -exec rm {} + to speed things up
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21:38.56Tenesontek: find -delete just does unlink and rmdir directly, with no other process involved, so it will be faster and lower overhead than -exec rm {} +
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