IRC log for #utah on 20130410

00:02.13*** join/#utah levi (
00:27.41youtahWhat's up
00:33.05*** join/#utah jab416171 (uid2058@gateway/web/
00:33.33youtahis outta here
01:11.26*** join/#utah aprez (~aprez@unaffiliated/repot)
01:12.54*** join/#utah SunSparc (
01:49.38*** join/#utah ScytheBlade1 (
01:49.40*** join/#utah ScytheBlade1 (~Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
01:56.08*** join/#utah mabes (~mabes@
03:12.25*** join/#utah nesyt (
03:26.05*** join/#utah kendsnyder (
03:53.01*** join/#utah mabes (~mabes@
03:54.01*** join/#utah mabes (~mabes@
04:01.12*** join/#utah smcquay (~smcquay@
04:12.02*** join/#utah utlemming (
04:41.16*** join/#utah ezakimak (~nick@
05:09.34*** join/#utah mabes (~mabes@
09:32.04*** join/#utah resplin (
09:32.04*** join/#utah Q_Continuum (~qlaras@
09:32.24*** join/#utah jima (
10:32.03*** join/#utah TodPunk (
10:32.03*** join/#utah pashdown (
10:32.03*** join/#utah errstr (~trane@
10:32.43*** join/#utah jima (
10:32.50*** join/#utah copec (
10:34.06*** join/#utah Q_Continuum (~qlaras@
11:46.16*** join/#utah ibot (
11:46.16*** topic/#utah is Utah related discussion including user groups | logs @ | See also ##lds | OpenWest Conference 2013 Call for Papers | RIP Aaron Swartz | <shalkie> I agree with Tene
11:46.16*** mode/#utah [+o ibot] by ChanServ
12:13.25*** join/#utah Wildblue (~male@unaffiliated/wildblue)
12:41.46*** join/#utah Wildblue (~male@unaffiliated/wildblue)
13:10.50*** join/#utah nesyt (
13:42.16*** join/#utah ekimatuan (
13:44.18*** join/#utah mabes (
14:12.26*** join/#utah bgerber (~gerberb@
14:27.02*** join/#utah Q_Continuum (~qlaras@
14:27.36*** join/#utah opapo (~quassel@
14:37.11*** join/#utah Tristan__ (
14:46.46*** join/#utah mahelious (
14:50.53*** join/#utah jalbretsen (
14:53.41*** join/#utah kendsnyder (
14:54.56*** join/#utah macnewbold (
14:59.09*** join/#utah SunSparc (
14:59.39harleypigGAH!! Spend an hour or so looking at a problem, give up and go to irc for help. First person looks at it and says 'you module name SomeStupidcamelCase but you are calling SomeStupidCamelCase'
15:00.10harleypigI swear I checked the spelling and capitalization a dozen times!
15:00.14*** join/#utah levi (
15:00.31*** join/#utah tiwula (~lane@2600:100e:b12c:d3e2:227:10ff:fe2d:aa2c)
15:00.45harleypigbad words ... VERY BAD WORDS
15:03.08goozbachharleypig: I've taken to copy pasting every error message now days
15:03.14goozbachI hate it when that happens
15:24.23*** join/#utah pdayton (~pjdayton@
15:25.28Jayce^it's one of those days.. actually trying that new mtn dew kickstart because I need it
15:27.02Q_ContinuumI tried one, then realized it had the nasty fake-fake-sugar in it.
15:28.47ekimatuanI have drunk about 70% of mine.  I feel the buzzing beginning already...
15:30.31Jayce^Q_Continuum: it absolutely does
15:30.40Jayce^and I hate that stuff, and yet I *really* need to wake up
15:31.29fugue88o/~ "Aspertame is good for the brain." o/~
15:32.32fugue88doesn't know what sweetener is actually used
15:33.59Q_Continuumfugue88: That or one of its siblings
15:34.50Jayce^it appears to have a few (go figure)
15:35.18Jayce^HFCS, Sucrose Acetate, Sucralose,
15:35.33Jayce^trying to check on some other checm names here to find which ones are hiding
15:35.37Jayce^all crap for me
15:35.41Jayce^that I usually avoid
15:36.08Jayce^probably never drink one again
15:37.02maheliousi just prefer to mix a bottle of oj with a can of mtn dew.  tastes good and gives me a kick
15:37.15fozzmooI stopped at the Holiday Oil by the 1600 No exit today. They were out of Caffeine Free Diet Coke, so I filled up my cup with Coke Zero.
15:37.51fozzmooI told the guy at the counter they were out of the CFDC. He congratulated me on getting the Coke Zero and said he was sure I was going to have a great day.
15:39.02*** join/#utah Nemus (~Nemus@unaffiliated/nemus)
15:43.07*** join/#utah flamebot (
15:44.54shalkieI just drink coffee...
15:45.09shalkieThere is a new mountain dew out?
15:48.40*** join/#utah nesyt (
15:48.59Jayce^shalkie: a couple of 'breakfast drink' flavors
15:49.35*** join/#utah nesyt (
15:51.19*** join/#utah tristanbob_w (~tristanbo@oalug/member/tristanbob)
15:53.07*** join/#utah mrpull (~jpollmann@
15:58.47*** join/#utah mahelious (
15:59.58*** join/#utah Wildblue (~male@unaffiliated/wildblue)
16:00.27goozbachthey aren't bad
16:09.42*** join/#utah flamebot_ (
16:17.40youtahPicture of the stabber after student tackled the guy (strong language)
16:18.34youtahshalkie Jayce^ goozbach I thought they were... eh.... alright. Interesting. Nothing I would ever go out of my way to get. I'd drink it if someone gave me one free.
16:21.13Jayce^not really a fan of it
16:21.21Jayce^takes like pretty nasty diet sunkist
16:22.13Q_ContinuumI won't be buying more of the Mtn Dew Kickstarts, the fake sugar aftertaste is terrible.
16:22.17Q_ContinuumIf they got rid of that maybe.
16:22.21fozzmooI always thought Red Bull tasted a little like carbonated cough syrup.
16:23.02youtahQ_Continuum it has a lot of actual, natural (by comparison) juices in it. Hence the many types of sugar
16:24.03Q_Continuumyeah but the fake-fake-sugar aftertaste can GTFO
16:32.20findlayI drink water
16:32.38Q_ContinuumLow-calorie, body loves it...
16:32.58youtahbut it doesn't have electrolytes. It's what plants crave.
16:33.21Q_ContinuumLARTs youtah
16:33.42youtahQ_Continuum please tell me what you've seen that show
16:33.43*** join/#utah flamebot__ (
16:34.20Q_Continuum"My ex-wife's retarded, but its ok, she's a pilot now."
16:35.17youtahEven with it being an Associated Press article, I don't trust... I have a difficult time reading anything from inside of North Korea.
16:36.37youtahit also appears they've edited/modified the original releasing of the article
16:36.43youtahrare, but it happens
16:37.02Q_Continuumwtf ubuntu, where did you install yourself?  Why didn't it give me any boot options...?
16:37.27Q_ContinuumIts like you didn't write the bootloader...
16:37.54Q_Continuum...I don't think it did.
16:38.00Q_ContinuumBooted straight back into Win7
16:38.01Q_Continuumno grub
16:38.22youtahAh, it looks like it is a second, new article, where they took pieces (quotes) from the original last night.
16:38.43youtahmumbles: stupid AP
16:39.56Q_ContinuumYup.  It installed, but lied about installing the bootloader >.<
16:40.15Q_ContinuumOr installed it to something else like the flash drive the installer was booted off of >.<
16:42.30*** join/#utah smcquay (~smcquay@
16:52.01*** join/#utah tiwula (
17:03.17youtahFusion-io ioFX cards will be integrated with the HP Z280, Z620 and Z420 workstations.
17:21.24*** join/#utah Snoggums (~kylie@unaffiliated/snoggums)
17:23.04*** join/#utah TimRiker (~TimRiker@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
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17:28.36*** join/#utah levi (
17:29.09Q_CONTINUUMyoutah: So they'll only cost as much as a new car?
17:38.26jimaQ_CONTINUUM: what did you try installing ubuntu on?
17:41.03Q_CONTINUUMMy personal laptop
17:41.06Q_CONTINUUMI got it werkin now
17:41.12Q_CONTINUUMAs any Fedora image wouldn't work off USB
17:41.19Q_CONTINUUMthey all wrote funky and wouldn't boot
17:41.33jimawhen was this? :-|
17:42.59Q_CONTINUUMI did the install yesterday, didn't get to boot it til today
17:47.36youtahQ_CONTINUUM, yeah but it will be a fast car
17:48.20youtahQ_CONTINUUM did you see that music video I posted yesterday from Finland (aka the Japan of Europe)
17:48.22jimadoes it come with a plan to get us outta here?
17:50.01Q_CONTINUUMLARTs youtah
17:52.12youtahwe (jlp_work really) found it in English
18:43.23*** join/#utah ibot (
18:43.23*** topic/#utah is Utah related discussion including user groups | logs @ | See also ##lds | OpenWest Conference 2013 Call for Papers | RIP Aaron Swartz | <shalkie> I agree with Tene
18:43.23*** mode/#utah [+o ibot] by ChanServ
18:53.54*** part/#utah utahcon (~root@
18:53.56*** join/#utah utahcon (~root@
18:54.03utahconslaps youtah
18:54.06youtahSweet! Look what utahcon found me!
18:54.14youtahI *can* order a harem from Newegg!
18:54.23youtahFor only $19.64!
18:54.27utahconI suggest buying in bulk
18:54.38*** join/#utah ekimatuan (
18:55.28jlp_workreminds me of when Ole ordered himself a new wife from the Sears catalog
18:55.37jlp_workSven asked him how it was working out
18:55.52jlp_workOle responded "vell, she should be here any day now... her clothes showed up yesterday"
18:57.11findlayfindlay's urls sure are awesome
18:57.27jlp_worknice try, findlay
18:57.27utahconpimping one's own urls is 1999
18:59.57*** join/#utah pdayton (~pjdayton@
19:01.38Q_CONTINUUMSo I shouldn't spam the link to my Angelfire website...?
19:02.02Q_CONTINUUM(Its still up because they nuked the email that went with it...which was the login for it...)
19:09.41*** join/#utah TimRiker (~TimRiker@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
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19:38.54*** join/#utah TimRiker (~TimRiker@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
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20:06.59*** join/#utah HumanCell (~Humancell@
20:10.07*** join/#utah HumanCell (~Humancell@
20:31.40*** part/#utah Snoggums (~kylie@unaffiliated/snoggums)
20:47.49youtahPoor Woz is getting eye surgery
21:14.32*** join/#utah opapo (~quassel@
21:21.50youtahHey harleypig ... I have something for ya
21:57.42*** join/#utah tiwula (
22:16.22*** join/#utah smcquay (~smcquay@
23:04.00findlayspeaking of which, mozilla finally phases out the blink tag
23:04.09findlaythe last of the major browsers
23:04.54findlaythe end of the era of irony as snark
23:07.17Tenefindlay: and google names their fork of webkit after the blink tag.
23:14.41aprezwhat do you make of all these people rejoicing at the death of margaret thatcher?
23:23.03*** part/#utah Nemus (~Nemus@unaffiliated/nemus)
23:34.01findlayibot: blink
23:34.01ibota perl script that downloads random jpegs and draws them on your X11 display. URL:
23:37.58*** join/#utah ljenkins_ (~ljenkins@
23:40.53*** join/#utah copec (

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