IRC log for #utah on 20130304

00:14.11*** join/#utah dfinn (
00:15.32*** part/#utah dfinn (
02:00.41*** join/#utah Supaplex (~supaplex@
02:24.15*** part/#utah Supaplex (~supaplex@
02:38.20*** join/#utah kendsnyder (
02:46.10leviNot an entirely surprising conclusion.
04:22.33*** join/#utah smcquay (
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05:22.07*** join/#utah PoohBear (~PoohBear@pdpc/supporter/student/poohbear)
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05:41.47*** join/#utah kendsnyder (
05:43.57*** join/#utah programmerq (
05:50.28*** join/#utah Wildblue (
06:04.46*** join/#utah T4rku5 (~74rku5@unaffiliated/shunkydave)
06:45.35*** join/#utah Q_Continuum (~qlaras@
07:07.40*** join/#utah bgerber (~gerberb@
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12:53.49*** join/#utah Wildblue (
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13:44.06*** join/#utah bgerber (~gerberb@
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14:10.51*** join/#utah bgerber (~gerberb@
15:12.08*** join/#utah Migs (Migs@
15:15.03*** join/#utah mrpull (~jpollmann@
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15:35.47*** join/#utah resplin (
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16:04.00*** join/#utah TimRiker (~TimRiker@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
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16:19.43*** join/#utah undertakingyou (
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16:25.43*** join/#utah Nemus (~Nemus@unaffiliated/nemus)
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16:46.25*** join/#utah bgerber (~gerberb@
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17:49.28*** part/#utah dfinn (
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18:43.56*** join/#utah jalbretsen (
18:59.57*** join/#utah youtah (~youtah@
19:00.10youtahDid you guys know that /joinb is not a command?
19:00.18youtahHow rude.
19:00.32Q_ContinuumYou can alias that ;-p
19:00.50youtahyeah but that takes effort
19:01.03youtahI want someone to do it for me
19:01.40youtahSo. Someone gave me an old iPad Gen 1 (32GB) over the weekend. I have no idea how to use the bloody thing
19:01.51youtahAlthough, I did figure out how to use the volume
19:01.52Q_Continuum3 ways to get something done: 1) Do it yourself 2) Pay someone to do it 3) Forbid your kids to do it.
19:02.12youtahForbid your kids, lol
19:05.47TeneSo, what's everyone's thoughts on Mir?
19:06.17TeneEither the space station or canonical's new display server; either would be interesting.
19:06.19youtahgoes well with frankincense
19:06.31youtah(i'm just kidding, gosh!)
19:06.44youtahknows it's spelled myrrh
19:13.04*** join/#utah fugue88 (
19:20.28shalkieIs Mir the old Russian station?
19:20.54shalkieOh yeah, so it was.
19:23.45*** join/#utah mrpull (~jpollmann@
19:24.29TeneIt's also Canonical's new display server.  Given their track record, I expect to hate it.
19:24.43TeneUpstart, Apparmor, Unity...
19:30.27shalkieFor some reason I didn't think theys tarted the Apparmor stuff. For some reason I thought that was a debian thing.
19:31.44shalkieOh, I see they did the first port from Immunix.
19:31.56shalkieBut I agree, not a great track record.
19:32.28TeneThey didn't start it, but they chose to use it over selinux.
19:35.08goozbachselinux's problem was it was enforced too early
19:35.21goozbachleft a bad taste in a lot of mouths
19:35.49shalkieI agree.
19:39.21shalkieAh food time.
19:41.28Q_ContinuumFOOD TIEM!
19:56.10youtahQ just now?
19:56.14youtahI ate two hours ago!!!
20:00.31*** join/#utah keldwud (~keldwud@unaffiliated/keldwud)
20:15.41opapo_what do you do when "kill -9 <pid>" doesn't kill a process?
20:16.59youtahbaseball bat
20:17.49youtahOh man, that really depends
20:18.24youtahkill the zombies
20:18.48youtahSometimes it might have a child zombie process
20:19.09youtahand it still has an entry in the process table.
20:19.36youtahum, here... this will do a better job than I can:
20:20.09Q_Continuumyoutah: Yeah I lost track of time
20:20.18opapo_in ps there are several processes that have a "D" in the stat
20:20.33opapo_but the drive seems to be dead, yet mounted
20:23.39*** join/#utah ekimatuan (
20:24.34shalkieopapo_: Is this an NFS Mount?
20:25.11shalkieThe drive is inaccessible?
20:25.13opapo_there may have been a network bump
20:25.33opapo_I want to unmount it, but it says it is busy
20:25.36shalkieIt should recover.
20:25.42opapo_I can't kill the process that is busy
20:25.56shalkieThere is a umount -l, but that won't release the processes that have open file descriptors.
20:26.07shalkieYou could delete the target.
20:26.22shalkieThe BIG caution here is that you are likely to introduce corruption.
20:26.36opapo_taps keyboard
20:26.40shalkieBut if it is gone to lala land I don't know if you have much choice.
20:26.45opapo_I don't want to introduce corruption
20:27.05opapo_init 6 won't work either
20:27.18opapo_I will try to umount -l
20:27.23shalkieHow gracefull will the process be if the drive just goes away?
20:27.46opapo_I don't think it would be a big deal.
20:27.46*** join/#utah emcnabb (
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20:27.59opapo_It isn't used often
20:28.19opapo_would the file being accessed be corrupted or the disk?
20:28.22*** join/#utah emcnabb (
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20:28.23shalkieMeh, then you can always delete the scsi drive.
20:28.54shalkieforce a redection of the drive.
20:29.11opapo_what command are you talking about?
20:30.04shalkieecho 1 > /sys/block/<device>/device/delete
20:32.30opapo_this is for SCSI.  I have iSCSI pointing to another box.
20:32.35*** join/#utah mabes (
20:50.58shalkieSo your saying there is no /sys/block/<device>/device/delete?
20:51.14shalkieOr are you unsure that it would work?
20:51.26shalkieStrike that.
20:51.58shalkieRegardless of being scsi, iscsi or something presented through the SCSI subsystem it will "delete" the device.
20:52.17shalkieBut that is my two cents.
20:56.10opapo_I only know the device as /dev/megamind/vol0
20:57.43opapo_I am mounting a drive presented on a SAN through the iSCSI protocol.  I am in the process of shutting the VM down from the host.
21:03.27youtahOh heavens
21:03.43youtahrumors that N.Korea is going to be hosting the Pirate Bay
21:04.04youtahas my friend said ... "Grab the popcorn"
21:07.33smcquaywait wat?
21:07.39youtahlol, yeah
21:07.48youtahhe posted a link to an article on hi sFB wall
21:07.56youtahI saved it for later, to read from home
21:08.04smcquaywow. just wow.
21:08.35youtahI haven't clicked on it (and don't dare to from work)
21:10.23youtahanyone heard of
21:12.32youtahHmmm, appears someone is trying to log into my Google account
21:12.42youtahthey then created another account, and tried to link it
21:13.21youtahluckily I have two step auth with notifications, and they've also created/setup this Account Disavow feature in case you didn't create it
21:13.31youtahHeaders look legit
21:15.35Q_ContinuumOoooh Account Disavow.  Nice
21:18.25*** join/#utah mrpull (~jpollmann@
21:20.36youtahI cannot even imagine how my friends handle/manage their G+ accounts
21:20.44youtahand google account in general
21:22.44youtahI get invites to random things all the time, and I am only in 1500 peoples circles
21:22.49youtahMy friends are in 120k
21:23.03Q_ContinuumWhiskey. Tango. Foxtrot.
21:23.10Q_ContinuumDo they accept _EVERYTHING_ ?
21:23.42youtahI got mentioned in a post by a lady once, she has had 1.09 million people circle her
21:23.59youtahWatching the notification icon at the top was like watching a washing machine at a laundry mat
21:26.45*** join/#utah smcquay_ (~smcquay@
21:28.32*** join/#utah opapo (~quassel@
21:35.39*** join/#utah bgerber (~gerberb@
21:45.46*** join/#utah Jayce^ (
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21:50.10*** join/#utah ekimatuan ( Isn't he the latest of the seasame street characters?
21:58.11youtahyeah, seriously, came from
21:58.34youtahOh, so, I am building a new house, right? This came at a perfect time:
21:59.06youtah << all the images automagically expanded
22:03.59*** join/#utah neybar_work (
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22:40.32shalkieI just powered on a system on the other side of the house, and while there isn't much blocking the path I could hear it start the fans up.
22:40.50shalkieI should probably go blow the canned air through them.
22:40.56*** join/#utah pdayton (
22:42.10*** join/#utah BLZbubba (
22:42.29*** join/#utah BLZbubba (~mark@pdpc/supporter/professional/blzbubba)
22:43.44*** join/#utah nage (~nage@
22:43.44*** join/#utah nage (~nage@unaffiliated/nage)
22:45.50*** join/#utah mabes (
22:56.44*** join/#utah tiwula (
23:14.19*** join/#utah JalenJade (
23:19.26JalenJadeI officially hate 2 factor authentication for my google account...
23:19.40JalenJadeI'm giving up and not signing into anything
23:23.59eightyeightofficially hate
23:24.07eightyeightas opposed to unofficially?
23:25.04JalenJadeRight as in I endorse that statement
23:42.01mrpullJalenJade: what's not to like about google's two factor auth?
23:42.16mrpullthe iphone app is nice...

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