IRC log for #utah on 20130225

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16:22.45youtahNothing like the smell of NAND in the morning.
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16:28.19shalkieDoes it smell like burning youtah?
16:29.40jimai don't want to know what burning youtah smells like
16:30.00jimalooks down the hill for a smoke cloud
16:30.30Q_Continuumis thankfully unable to confirm or deny if said burning youtah exists
16:30.35Q_Continuumis too far away
16:30.36jimanope, no smoke from youtah's office
16:30.53Q_ContinuumIf I could smell a burning youtah right now I'd be concerned for at least two reasons.
16:30.59utlemmingwonders how one could distinguish smoke in Utah from the air in Utah
16:31.14jimautlemming: ideally only the smoke would be black
16:31.18Q_Continuum1) Is the burning that bad that it carried all the way here or 2) I HAVE A STALKER
16:31.20jlp_workI would be very concerned as he sits approximately 15 feet away from me
16:31.31jimajlp_work: you're in there, too?
16:31.38Q_Continuumand my MN-PTC expired yesterday :-(
16:31.53jimai guess you're going OC!
16:31.54jlp_workjima: yep... been here 2.5 years now
16:32.04Q_Continuumjima: Yeah thats the only option now when I return
16:32.05jimajlp_work: i've been up the hill from you for 1.5
16:32.22Q_Continuum(For now, that is)
16:32.30Q_Continuumjima: Also did you get extras of the passport photos?
16:32.33jimai keep meaning to meet youtah for lunch
16:32.34Q_ContinuumOr can you?
16:32.40jimaQ_Continuum: the $5 gives 4x
16:32.49Q_ContinuumIf so those are needed for Utah's.
16:32.51jlp_workwell, the free lunch has really curtailed our going out for lunch
16:32.55Q_Continuum$5 for 4 photos.
16:32.56jimaQ_Continuum: sweet!
16:33.02jimasweet? jinx.
16:33.17jimajlp_work: ok, then i'll come over for free lunch ;-)
16:33.18Q_ContinuumNo, I capitalized you punct..ualized?
16:33.44Q_ContinuumNot enough caffeine installed today yet.
16:33.51jimayum install coffee
16:33.52Q_ContinuumBut lunch will be soon-ish.
16:34.00Q_ContinuumI think
16:34.02Q_ContinuumI hope
16:34.02jimaQ_Continuum: i'm having stolen coffee
16:34.20Q_ContinuumFrom the main pot because someone didn't make one for your room?
16:34.29Q_ContinuumOh yeah someone'll have to make that this week :-P
16:34.32jimayes. the IT department at the other office has a different kind of coffee. i took a bag back with me.
16:34.39jimai'll bring a bag of our office's coffee
16:34.43jima(back there)
16:34.43*** part/#utah dfinn (
16:34.45Q_ContinuumIs it good?
16:34.58Q_Continuums/good/better than ours/?
16:35.09jimai brewed one of the pouches today, i'll brew the other one when we're both in the office.
16:35.17jimai think i like it better
16:35.30jimacolombian rather than cafe loma
16:35.56youtahI'm pretty sure it would smell like burning Bacon
16:36.01youtahis what he eats
16:36.04youtahokay Nachos too
16:36.24jimaactually, from what i've heard, that's what burning humans smell like...burning pig. :-|
16:36.40jima(which makes sense when you consider the biological similarity)
16:37.39youtahSo I would smell like burning bacon
16:37.42youtahsnorts didn't know that?
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16:39.10youtahon a somewhat related, and creepy note...
16:39.36youtahI knew we were close in similarity, but had never heard the burning bit.
16:39.58jlp_workcannibals call human "long pork"
16:42.14jimamental note: jlp_work seems to know more than i do about cannibalism. i might want to think twice before accepting any invitations to his place for dinner, especially if he tells me to show up at noon.
16:42.58jlp_workwell, since we generally eat lunch around 11:30, I'd have to be telling you to show up around 10:30 for you to have any concern.
16:43.26jlp_workI read a lot of apocalyptic fiction
16:43.42eightyeightlooks for a leather mask and chainsaws
16:44.03jlp_workchainsaws are no good... they eventually run out of gas
16:44.37jlp_workthat's been my biggest dislike of apocalyptic movies... seems the bad guys have unlimited fuel
16:45.26*** part/#utah resplin (
16:45.52Q_ContinuumThey went Green and create their own Bio-Diesel, DUH!
16:46.12jimathe bad guys have unlimited...fryer oil?
16:46.12Q_Continuum(Besides, most of the Green Hippies won't defend themselves, so were the first to fall)
16:46.45jimai suppose the looters might not think to steal fryer oil...
16:55.18youtahI'm telling ya
16:55.23youtahthe Cricket bat is the way to go
16:55.28youtahand besides, they look cool
16:55.37jimai prefer the katana
16:55.52Q_ContinuumFrying pan.  Such a satisfying sound.
16:55.58jimai'm not big on melee weapons, though, as Q can attest.
16:56.27Q_ContinuumWTF is the diff between a Poweredge 2950 and a 2950-III?
16:56.46maheliouslouisville slugger.  cricket is for chumps who know what a crumpet is.
16:57.04jimamahelious: i have one of those in my trunk. i don't play baseball.
16:57.43Q_Continuumyoutah: What's the gameboy for?
16:57.45maheliousjima: but you have to carry it around in a golf bag FTW
16:57.45jimayoutah: awesome. except needs more of the item on the left, obviously.
16:58.03Q_Continuum(gameboy doesn't fit with the rest)
16:58.13Q_ContinuumOr is that why the item on the left has such low qty?
16:58.15jimaQ_Continuum: that's what makes it so wonderful.
16:58.53youtahbecause when it comes to zombies... if they get you just once (mayb twice) you're screwed?
16:59.26jimathere's a rigor mortis joke here someplace.
17:00.40youtahop, nope.... this one just won
17:00.55youtahExcept it's lacking in the ammo dept
17:01.17jimaespecially since there's an mp5 in there
17:01.40jimaalso missing slings
17:01.48maheliousshotgun with a pistol grip, nice
17:03.31Gateand holsters
17:04.13jimathat can be improvised a little easier than two two-hand weapons.
17:04.59youtahIt could use a mag light though
17:05.22youtahand where's the night vision goggles?
17:05.43youtahBTW, I have that exact same machete, they're sold at Walmart for $8
17:08.26*** join/#utah mahelious (~mahelious@
17:09.06youtahwait.... we're supposed to get snow tonight?
17:09.17youtahHOLY CRAP! mid to high 40's for the weekend though!!!
17:11.20youtahI need a good excuse to not go to my LDS ward for the next two weeks. We're moving (March 14th) and I would like to avoid talking in church.
17:11.38Migsyou can just decline, you know?
17:12.51youtahyeah but then they look at you with those eyes....
17:13.13Gateyoutah: excuses? Just dont go ;)
17:13.20youtahI like it
17:13.27youtahI was about to google "Puss in Boots"
17:13.35findlaytemperature is a ridiculously arbitrary scale
17:13.36youtahbut then I decided that might not be a good image search
17:13.54findlayyou should be using electronvolts
17:14.12GateI haven't been to church in.... 8 years? Nobody ever asks me to speak.
17:14.45youtah~speak Gate
17:14.56youtahoh crap, I just broke ibot
17:15.25Gatefindlay: use kelvin. Its significantly less arbitrary and therefore the scientific temperature unit.
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17:16.29findlayGate: kelvin is the arbitrary scale I was thinking of, is there possibly a scale more arbitrary than this?  What is humanity coming to
17:16.41Gatefindlay: farenheit
17:16.51findlayas a theorist, however, eV aren't even natural enough
17:17.07Gatefindlay: at least kelvin is an absolute scale against repeatable phenomenon
17:17.23findlayif you multiply kelvin temerature by the boltzmann constant, you get energy
17:18.09findlaynear the bottom, it becomes a question of how many phonons you are able to remove from the system
17:18.21findlayand then you have things like topological entropy
17:18.35findlaylattice degeneracy
17:18.36GateKelvin is only as arbitrary as every other unit ever invented. kg is defined by a metal ball, seconds are defined as how many ocilations some random isotope goes through
17:19.08findlayand quantum effects make it possible to measure a negative temperature
17:19.31GateIts not as bad as imperial distance, but still
17:19.35findlayso, I think energy is a more 'natural' measure of thermal, well, energy
17:20.37findlayseconds are defined by a fixed number of oscillations of the hyperfine emission line in the cesium 133 isotope
17:21.20findlayand the kilogram definition is soon going to be replaced by an accurate measure of planck's constant
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17:25.11*** join/#utah neybar_work (
17:26.46youtahneybar_work howdy
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17:28.52youtahwill you be my neybar?
17:29.00youtahlong time no see, since the TT night
17:33.04youtahIKEA has always had the best Horse d'oeuvres
17:33.37*** join/#utah cwj (
17:33.43findlaywhat's a hourse de ouver?
17:34.02youtahlike hors d'oeuvres with with an e
17:34.06spangbornDaily Show already made that joke last week. ;p
17:34.15youtahah poo
17:34.29maheliouspoor Czechs.  but American Ikea meatballs still have horse, right?
17:34.40spangbornI guess I'm not getting any work done today. My Citrix VM won't start.
17:35.21spangborn"The desktop you are trying to start is currently undergoing maintenance."
17:36.04skrikeI did that last week when the plumbing went out in the building
17:36.40youtahSweet, neighbors house down the street, with a flat roof and car port, and an un-renovated 1970's basement (it's nasty) just appraised for $225
17:36.48youtahthat means I am super in the clear with my house!
17:36.56spangbornLOL. Like your carpet?
17:37.07youtahlike 25X worse
17:37.11spangbornShag ftw!
17:37.20youtahwe replaced the orange shag carpet btw
17:37.26spangbornOh, nice
17:37.38youtahand tore out the wall paper, and fake wooden beams, and the wood panelling, and removed the pop corn ceiling
17:37.57youtahand the fluorescent lights...
17:38.16spangbornI'm doing the fluorescent replacement in my basement soon.
17:38.27spangbornTrack lighting is what I'm thinking
17:38.35spangbornFor the office, at least
17:38.36youtahI love the track lighting we put in
17:39.45youtahand then I've been changing out a lot of the light bulds for those high efficiency LED lights. Taking out the 60W and putting in the 200W (uses only 27W though) so I get a lot more lumens than the old 60's, for still 33W less!
17:41.16youtahOh, and BTW... apparently "real" wood burning stoves are all the rage right now
17:41.28spangbornEven with the crappy air quality?
17:41.41spangbornSo it's going to get worse then... Lovely
17:41.53youtahapparently they were a huge selling point, and got a lot of people really excited when they saw it had one in it
17:42.18spangbornI haven't even used my gas fireplace.
17:42.24spangbornNot even once.
17:42.39youtahat least that burns super clean (in comparison)\
17:43.06spangbornYeah, I just don't see the need/use for it. Maybe someday.
17:43.21spangbornI guess it'd be useful if the power goes out.
17:43.32youtahdoes yours have a blower?
17:43.52spangbornIt's actually a wood burning fireplace converted to gas.
17:44.07spangbornI finally got the manual from the manufacturer
17:47.00*** join/#utah ekimatuan (
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17:48.36youtah"Nothing can take the sting out of the worlds economic problems like watching millionaires give each other golden statues." - Billy Crystal
17:50.55skrikethats hardcore
17:52.02youtahheh, he snow plowed at 0m40s
17:52.33spangbornLooks like someone broke Google's two factor
17:52.54*** join/#utah Jayce^ (
17:53.03youtahskrike cool though
17:53.12youtahOh I get ya
17:54.17spangbornOr bypassed, more accurately
18:06.43skrikekats gmail got hacked at defcon last year.
18:08.57jimayoutah: yeah, we did similar to the '70s basement in our old house...paint the dark wood paneling, kill most of the popcorn ceiling, replace hideous industrial-looking fluorescent lighting with energy-efficient track lighting, remove shag carpeting...
18:09.25youtahI kept laughing and laughing
18:09.34youtahour basement is so freaking drafty and impossible to heat
18:09.59youtahstanding infront of the fireplace, you can literally feel a breeze
18:10.05jimautah builders do not understand how to insulate homes.
18:10.34youtahso the guy that did the Radon test (the inspector for the buyers) put it infront of there... it probably came back as clean and pure as outside
18:10.44jimai've lived in houses with 3x better insulation and considered them terrible.
18:10.46*** join/#utah mahelious (~mahelious@
18:11.25jimamy sample may be small (2x), but it seems like it's common for you to be able to see light through spaces that should not be open
18:11.41jimaone house was built in 1980 or so, the other in 2000...same issues.
18:12.10jima"why can i see outside under my front door?"
18:12.12youtah? skrike?
18:12.20youtahexactly Jima
18:12.26skrikeyoutah: finally set my studio back up, my nephew needed an eagle scout portrait
18:12.31youtahyou do that shot Skrike?>
18:12.37youtahah, sweet
18:12.57spangbornHow much did you charge him?
18:12.58skrikeI havent shot in forever, Im trying to get back into it
18:13.05skrikehe mows my lawn
18:13.49youtahmay or may not have had that already typed and waiting....
18:14.31youtahI have been doing free Eagle Scout portraits (only two photos, one vert and horz) as a gift in our ward.
18:14.45youtahI've done three. Not many ppl in my ward boundaries in that age range
18:15.04skrikenice. I wanted to give him something different. I helped him win student body president this year
18:15.11jimai wonder if Q ever got a portrait done for his
18:15.27youtahwe have 3 young men in our entire ward.
18:15.32youtahand about 8 kids in our Primary
18:15.40jimaweirdest. ward. ever.
18:15.49skrikemove to sugarhouse
18:15.50youtahthe new ward in Lehi we're moving to, as 289 kinds in Primary
18:15.54jimacrap, a zombie!
18:17.09skrikes/kids/dream ruiners/
18:17.36maheliouss/kids/soon to be mutton chops
18:18.58neybar_workyoutah: yeah my ward sounds like that too.  
18:23.16*** join/#utah Nemus (~Nemus@unaffiliated/nemus)
18:23.57jimathank goodness i'm wife deals with that. (and did yesterday, bless her.)
18:24.25*** join/#utah macnewbold (
18:24.58jimarealizes how unfortunate that sounds out-of-context, yes.
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19:19.52Q_Continuumjima: Yes, I have pictures from my Eagle Scout - not sure if I have a 'portrait' one though.  That's been a decade...
19:20.25jlp_workI didn't have any eagle scouts... my boys lost interest in scouting after cub scouts
19:21.40youtahQ_Continuum, I think I have only like 3~5 shots from when I got my Eagle, no portraits though....
19:22.01youtahabout 14 years ago
19:32.40Q_ContinuumMy mom's got all that stuff, I didn't bring it with me to Utah
19:32.47Q_ContinuumLimited space - fair bit of stuff got left there in the move.
19:51.21spangbornAnd there go my ADN invites.
19:57.58*** part/#utah Nemus (~Nemus@unaffiliated/nemus)
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20:41.38*** join/#utah pdayton (~pjdayton@
21:24.01*** join/#utah Nemus (~Nemus@unaffiliated/nemus)
21:30.10youtah~lart Jayce^
21:30.10ibotwhacks Jayce^ with a giant beaver's tail
21:30.37Jayce^~fishslap youtah
21:30.37ibotACTION slaps youtah up side the head with a wet fish.
21:32.46youtahmy pants are vibrating
21:32.59youtahOp, missed call
21:33.00*** join/#utah wps_ (
21:33.01youtahoh well
21:33.21spangbornIf you had your pebble, that wouldn't have happened
21:33.27youtahspangborn I encountered the jqplot potato bug again....
21:33.37youtahDude, don't tell me you got your Pebble already
21:33.45spangbornIt can't count to potato?
21:34.07youtahit can't figure out how to make a potato an integer
21:34.12spangbornNot yet, soon though. I backed on the 20th, 19th are shipping now
21:34.28youtahthey keep saying the potato is not defined
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21:34.36spangbornvar potato = 5;
21:34.53youtahhas a massive headache
21:36.26youtahI'm Moving!!!
21:36.33youtahI need to change my Pebble Shipping Address!
21:36.38spangbornLOL yes
21:36.38youtahHow did you look up the shipping date?
21:36.52spangbornJust when I backed it
21:37.01spangbornThey're shipping by order of back date
21:37.19youtahI know, but is there a list of what day they are on?
21:37.24youtahwhich date they're shipping?
21:37.27spangbornLots of people who backed on the 19th say they got shipment notifications
21:37.44youtah19th of which month?
21:38.17spangbornYour backer history will tell you when you backed
21:38.50youtahMay 9th
21:38.51spangborn4/20/2012 here. :)
21:39.18youtahEstimated Delivery Sept of 2012
21:39.28Jayce^now we know what got spangborn to finally purchase
21:41.26youtahSource lovingly copied from Nate Silver
21:41.38youtah68,929 backers?
21:41.50youtahI'm screwed
21:43.57spangbornHe was the one who predicted the election, haha.
21:44.07spangbornYeah, you'll get yours around the same time I get my second one
21:48.32spangbornBest court case name ever.,695_Pounds_of_Shark_Fins
21:50.32spangbornWon't play on mobile. Doh.
21:51.00youtahit involves Taylor Swift and Goats
21:51.37spangbornHaha. Found another copy
21:52.02Jayce^ahh, love that one
21:53.06unumI'm becoming increasing bothered by the media's need to present both sides as equal
21:53.23unumfortunatly that doesn't apply to nate silver
21:54.56unumjoin ##lds
21:55.37spangbornI prefer ##coffee
21:57.56youtahI prefer #hot
21:57.57spangbornThe mod?
21:58.14skrikethe reference was intentional yes
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23:55.34youtahOh shiznits
23:55.41youtahI'm gettin' a lot of traffic
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23:56.19youtahI guess that's what happens when someone who has 1,091,652 followers on google plus mention you in their post.
23:56.37youtaherr, 1,091,652 have her in their circles
23:57.14*** join/#utah smcquay (

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