IRC log for #utah on 20100828

00:14.58*** join/#utah TimRiker (~timr@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
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00:26.48*** join/#utah undertakingyou (
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01:08.26fozzmooDang. I thought I was in vi
02:21.22*** join/#utah bonez2046 (
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03:14.38eightyeightlevi: i'll have you know, i'm checking out gnus
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03:18.26NafaiI used gnus probably for about 4 years
03:19.54eightyeightgetting used to the keyboard shortcuts is a bit painful
03:20.35NafaiI wonder how many are still in my muscle memory
03:21.22eightyeighti have a lot to configure
03:21.40eightyeightidentities, gnupg, signatures, additional mailboxes...
03:21.57eightyeightand i want to add nntp:// and rss to the mix as well (the reason for giving it a go)
03:22.50*** join/#utah GeNEs|Sz (
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04:08.55*** topic/#utah is logs @ | Friends don't let friends shoot production servers.
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05:32.32bonez2046TodPunk: thanks for the tip..
05:36.57bonez2046how do I get the mac to boot the cd instead of off the hard drive?
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06:58.46bonez2046what does it mean if I boot a laptop with ubuntu live cd and I can browse and connect to other local machines, but I can't get out, past the firewall, yet with a different machine running xp pro.. I CAN connect out?
07:13.53leviIt means you'll have to use the XP machine to use the internet. :P
07:14.47bonez2046levi, so this laptop now is a doorstop, eh?
07:15.14leviYou could always put XP on it. ;)
07:16.14bonez2046xp on it, versus ubuntu? .. wait.. I swear I am in #utah.. linux user group.. and all that.. right?
07:16.46bonez2046that's like going to ##windows and getting a recommendation to install osx..
07:17.08eightyeight#utah isn't a lug
07:17.16bonez2046ah.. I see..
07:17.31bonez2046nor a mug, either
07:17.45bonez2046but a pc-ug
07:18.04leviIf you go to ##windows and tell them that that your Windows install doesn't work but your osx one does, they might just say that.
07:18.31eightyeighttime for bed
07:18.36leviI mean, use what works.
07:19.13leviPresumably you've got better things to do than waste hours figuring out what's going on, or you wouldn't be here asking vague questions.
07:19.42bonez2046I'll take the macbook to the mac store.. tomorrow and get them to fix it.. I just thought I might find a solution here..
07:19.52bonez2046you're right though, I have wasted enough time on it..
07:20.49leviI'd be happy to offer a more technical solution if there was one that was apparent besides 'figure out what's wrong and fix it'.
07:22.52bonez2046ok, levi.. my wife's had this machine, macbook for over a year.. it's worked flawlessly, until 2 days ago.. when she tried to access the web and it wouldn't connect wirelessly. It connects just fine wired.. I have fiddled with the networking, settings, rebooting the laptop and the router and cable modem.. all that.. her xp laptop connects just fine, but this mac does not connect.. the mac WILL connect to the router.. and other ma
07:23.39bonez2046so I booted it with my ubuntu 10.04 live cd and that boots up fine but it doesn't connect past the router either but does also connect to other machines wirelessly on the lan here..
07:24.33bonez2046is this a bit less 'vague'? it's worked fine and then ta da.. not connecting.. wirelessly.. therein lies my dilemma..
07:25.27leviWell, a little bit less vague.  Does it show the same symptoms when connecting to a public wifi hotspot or somewhere other than your home wifi?
07:26.17bonez2046I haven't tried that, but I will tomorrow.. I guess logically I am baffled, when an xp machine connects fine but not a mac.. but yes, I will try another wifi hotspot.. rather later today
07:27.20bonez2046I had hoped to just clear out/uninstall/remove/purge the airport and networking and then have the machine recognize the hardware, reinstall and that perhaps that would resolve it.. but being unfamiliar with how a mac is set up, I haven't figured out how to do that..
07:29.20bonez2046thanks for your help anyway, Levi
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15:24.06TodPunkbonez2046: we in the networking biz would ask you whether or not the Mac got a default gateway, in which case if it didn't, either the Mac isn't accepting one, or the dhcp server (I assume the router) isn't giving one.  If it IS, then the Mac isn't going out it (unlikely) or the router is denying it via some rule somewhere or something.
15:24.41TodPunkI'm betting it works just fine on other wifi networks.
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