IRC log for #utah on 20090915

00:00.30*** join/#utah jnbek (n=jnbek@unaffiliated/jnbek)
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15:32.27iboteats markl_ and falls over dead
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15:59.31sjansenKanye must've done something pretty bone headed to invoke the wrath of the picture captioning interwebs.
16:00.50JoshHsjansen, apparently you didn't read any news sites yesterday
16:02.37Jayce^mrpull just posted one of the best...
16:05.33macnewboldthat's pretty funny. sjansen: apparently he stormed the stage when taylor swift won, saying that beyonce was robbed. then beyonce won video of the year instead, and gave her speech time to taylor swift. and kanye apologized.
16:05.36macnewboldbunch of idiots
16:05.59macnewboldjust cause you're famous doesn't mean you're smart, or that anyone else cares
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16:54.57sjansenJoshH: I generally only read IT and international news. I actively avoid most American news media 'cause it such a waste of time.
16:55.19JoshHhow do you know what's going on locally then?
16:59.33Migsit's like being in a cult.  You can't objectively report on what's happening in the cult until you're OUTSIDE it. That's why international news reporters are much better at reporting on what's going on in America.
17:00.58JoshHi'm a news addict
17:18.11leviI read the local newspaper now.
17:18.59leviI wish the city government candidates would do a better job of letting people know why they want to be elected.
17:33.29sjansenJoshH: I don't care much what's going on locally.
17:33.53sjansenI'm young, single, and renting. Very little reason to care about local events.
17:34.11unumI'm no longer renting....
17:34.28herlome neither, but why does that matter?
17:34.36sjansenDon't want to read SL or Ogden news, no good papers for Davis county. A TV news is a giant waste of time.
17:34.58MigsI think I actually like independent newspapers more
17:35.06sjansenPeople who buy start to care about things like home value, school quality, zoning, etc.
17:35.12unumsl paper would cover your state government
17:35.38MigsI know that sounds "trendy" or whatever, but in general if I were actually to bother with picking up the Salt Lake Tribute vs. City Weekly, I'd choose City Weekly
17:35.57unumI keep trying to read city weekly
17:35.59MigsI'd don't like having a giant newspaper in my hand, maybe that's it
17:36.11Migswell, city weekly in general is crap, but there's an Ogden indie newspaper I like
17:36.15unumthey have some interesting things, but by and large I don't really care about what they cover
17:36.48sjansenCity Weekly is a bigger waste of time than TV news.
17:36.52unumI do read my trib every day
17:37.14unumhave to read my paul rolly
17:37.20Migsreally the main thing I want to know when I read a newspaper are "cool things to do in my city," and "cool places to eat and take the family"
17:37.32Migsthe rest of the news is web-based
17:37.33unumthe indies are good for that
17:37.48*** join/#utah blendmaster1024 (n=blendmas@unaffiliated/blendmaster1024)
17:37.55unumI like to follow state politics
17:38.12MigsI couldn't care less about the opinion pieces of some pompous self-declared expert
17:38.36leviHow about the letters to the editor?
17:38.43unumI like to read the letters to the editor, and see what others are thinking, but I'm involved in campaigns
17:40.49Migsletters to the editor are fine
17:41.03MigsI don't read them, because I'm flooded with pointless comments on the web as it is
17:41.12Migsbut that's fine, if people want to share an opinion with an audience
17:41.21Migsthat's what the modern web is all about
17:42.38*** join/#utah sargun (n=sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
17:42.47sargunAny UPS recommendations other than APC?
17:43.11jsmithhas an Energizer brand (yes, don't laugh), and it's worked great
17:43.14blendmaster1024how about FedEx? ;)
17:43.21jsmithWorks well w/ Linux
17:44.08fungusTrippLite is great, but sometimes pricey
17:45.58sargunbah, how do you get Watts + KVA -> run time?
18:00.36*** join/#utah elg (
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18:00.38sargunTripp Lite Smart Online UPS 24V RM 2U External Battery Pack    
18:00.42sargunProduct Photo: 071503  
18:00.43sargunTripp Lite Smart Pro 2200VA Tower UPS Line-Interactive    
18:01.07*** join/#utah elg (
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18:05.34sargunMeep, that was a lot of monies.
18:05.49sargunQty  Product                                     CDW Part#   Unit Price    Ext. Price
18:05.53sargun---- ------------------------------------------- ---------- ----------- -------------
18:05.56sargun1    Tripp Lite Smart Pro 2200VA Tower UPS Lin.. 071503         $704.99       $704.99
18:06.00sargun1    2 Extra Years PC/Peripheral Extended Serv.. 1011283         $59.99        $59.99
18:06.03sargun1    Tripp Lite Smart Online UPS 24V RM 2U Ext.. 817465         $371.99       $371.99
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18:40.47stderrjeez, thought this was a text based version of Mint for a sec
18:40.52harleypigMildly nsfw:
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19:16.11harleypigyou're welcome
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19:33.40harleypigeightyeight: That's funny
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20:12.53brac[ThinkGeek :: Bacon Salt]
20:15.07brac[ThinkGeek :: Trip Glasses]
20:15.14harleypigthe ne edrug
20:15.20harleypigerr ... new
20:24.23Jayce^rsimpkins congrats on your new overlords!
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20:30.16harleypigWhat does 'fully dilutd equity-value basis' mean? What is Adobe paying in real dollars?
20:35.23elgmy smog saga continues
20:35.38elgso two smog test places fail it with "gross leak" and don't even pressurize
20:35.50elgbut the repair shop has two machines that do pressurize and I pass with flying colors
20:36.14elgthe repair shop thought I needed test-only, when he realized I didn't he said he can do it
20:36.37elgthen his smog machine aborted and claims it needs service... so I have to go back another day. but I see a light at the end of the tunnel! :)
20:48.30tensaiI don't get why adobe wants omniture. how does that fit in?
20:49.40harleypigIt's explained in the article.
20:49.51harleypigIt seems like a really contrived reason to me though.
20:50.05tensaiI saw they wrote a bunch of words but I still don't get it
20:50.06harleypigIt's still much better than UOL buying 1800Flowers ...
20:50.34tensaiI see that omniture is a successful company but how does it relate to anything adobe is doing?
20:51.31harleypig*shrug* I dunno ... 3rd and 4th paragraphs seem to be justifying the purchase, but it doesn't make any sense to me.
20:52.18Jayce^harleypig: no kidding, one of the biggest, WTF purchases of all time
20:52.42Jayce^I still laugh on the announcement day, a lot of the UOL guys in NY had started packing up, thinking the announcement was their layoff..
20:52.46JoshH"By joining forces with Adobe, we will accelerate our ability to deliver on that vision and together bring new innovation to the market that improves content engagement, advertising effectiveness and the overall user experience, which will drive more advertising dollars online."
20:52.51JoshHsounds pretty cut and dried
20:52.51Jayce^then when the news came, a few didnt' bother unpacking :)
20:53.36harleypigJoshH: the only non-management speak in that are the prepositions
20:53.52JoshHthat manager is an absolute pro at marketing speak
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20:54.06harleypigand it doesn't explain how Omniture and Adobe go together.
20:54.10harleypigJayce^: they quit?
20:54.10JoshHor management speak or whatever
20:54.23tensaiI understood "drive more advertising dollars online"
20:54.29Jayce^nah, they just knew that it couldn't get better, so why unpack :)
20:54.30tensaibut I don't understand how
20:54.47JoshHoops, a typo slipped through
20:54.57JoshHThe completion of the transactin, which is subject to customary government approvals
20:57.40*** part/#utah whyisjake (
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21:13.05harleypigoooo ...
21:13.06brac[View webcam output using mplayer |]
21:13.10harleypigbeen trying to figure that out.
21:13.21harleypignow to figure out how to stream it ...
21:14.35rsimpkinsJayce^: We will have to wait and see if congrats are in order.
21:14.49Jayce^we can always hope
21:15.12Jayce^harleypig: and we've been trying for years to prevent you from doing just that..
21:15.56harleypigJayce^: Live feed from :>
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21:21.37JoshHdoes fedora 11 support the older "legacy" nvidia drivers?
21:21.49JoshHlike for a geforce 4
21:22.13JoshHi thought i heard something about those not workign with its xorg
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21:41.33sjansenIs anyone familiar with C Unix?
21:44.40sjansenHow can I remove a debugging file from a Log server process file (Unix)?
21:53.42WoodsDoganyone in here a cisco expert?
21:56.08JoshHdepends what you mean by expert
21:56.59tensaiWoodsDog: just ask your question
21:57.34WoodsDogwe are setting up nat on the cisco, and from the inside networks, we can ping out
21:57.40WoodsDogor at least it appears we can.  
21:58.02WoodsDogwhen we do dns queries out, from the inside network, the dns info that comes back is always the outside address of the cisco router
21:58.15WoodsDogso it appears that the cisco is re-writing the dns info that comes back through it
21:59.14JoshHcan you pastebin your config?
21:59.35WoodsDogi don't have it hooked up on my network here, so i don't have it
22:00.08JoshHi have to go afk anyway for a bit
22:05.26tensaihmm. I have no idea. I don't ever do anything with nat on a cisco.
22:21.46macnewboldsjansen: C Unix? Log server process file? I'm familiar with C, Unix, debugging files, and log server processes, but I'm lost on what you're trying to do.
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22:53.55SargunWhy does it seem so few know graphviz?
23:01.31elgbecause you know so few totally awesome people?
23:03.05stderroh man don't say "totally awesome" three times, Dell Schanze appears and lectures at you about the evils of liberals with a handgun by his side.
23:03.13stderrcovers his mouth, horrified
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23:05.16rsimpkinsliberal conservatives, with guns.
23:05.30rsimpkinstotally awesome ones.
23:05.55elgwhere's superdell these days anyway? why haven't I been hearing about his solution to health care?
23:06.08rsimpkinsHe is running for mayor
23:06.16rsimpkinsand he is still a fruitcake.
23:06.31elgwas that ever in doubt?
23:07.15rsimpkinsread about his visit to jail:
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23:10.01tensairsimpkins: oh man. it's been a while. that stuff is comedy gold.
23:10.19tensaiI don't think daily show correspondents could do better.
23:11.17rsimpkinsReading it you have to wonder - is this just a fictional person?
23:12.06bug-sacramento sewer district?
23:12.49bug-oh, nevermind.
23:24.57rsimpkinsI love the world Dell Sham-wow-zee lives in. Judges? Mean == bad. Criminals? Good == godlike.
23:26.00elgthat's not fair to sham-wow
23:26.32elgall i can say, is if he goes to the middle east you better watch out. he and his companion will end up dead on the street and then armageddon wil start
23:26.38rsimpkinsAre you saying superdell is worth less than a prostitute beater?
23:27.54elgno, i'm referring to the two prophets
23:28.02elgsorry, he brought up revelations and I had to make a bad joke
23:28.17elg"HALF A BILLION DOLLARS!!!! Hello??? For that much money you could buy every person in Saratoga Springs 5 flying cars and backpack aircraft." he has his own set of mathematical constants too it would seem.
23:29.58rsimpkinsIt is so amazingly irrational I can only say he must do it for entertainment reasons.
23:30.34elgah, I see his "flying car" is a paraglider with wheels. I suppose that puts it within the realm of possibility
23:31.29rsimpkinsbecause 10,000 para-planes over provo is just what we need for rushour traffic.
23:31.36elgno kidding
23:32.07elglooks like fun though
23:39.48sjansenwould kinda enjoy seeing SUPERDELL as mayor.
23:40.09rsimpkinssjansen: mayor of saratoga, I think that'd be swell as well.
23:41.00elghrm, that's less than helpful. assert() doesn't kick you into gdb, it just leaves you without a context to play in.
23:41.08rsimpkinsI find it so facinating how much he blames other people for his problems. He really needs to see a qualified mental health professional.
23:41.09elganyone know how to transform assert() into something useful for debugging?
23:48.29sjansenBetcha within 3 months he'd declare Saratoga Springs the Independent Christian Dictatorship of Deseretistan.

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