IRC log for #utah on 20090613

00:14.07*** join/#utah jnslappy (
00:20.25*** join/#utah elg (
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01:38.53*** join/#utah elg (
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01:58.53*** join/#utah blendmaster1024 (
02:55.28*** join/#utah redbeard2 (
02:58.18*** join/#utah Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
03:11.58*** join/#utah elg (
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03:22.45*** join/#utah tristanbob_ (n=tristanb@ubuntu/member/tristanbob)
03:30.01*** join/#utah Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
03:30.39*** join/#utah elg (
03:30.39*** mode/#utah [+v elg] by ChanServ
03:41.30*** join/#utah elg (
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04:04.21*** join/#utah bgerber (
06:13.06*** join/#utah Abog (
07:37.12*** join/#utah Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
07:40.09*** join/#utah xbmodder_ (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
08:25.59*** join/#utah jamesbowler (
08:32.31jamesbowlerWhere da hottie gurlz at-sign?
08:34.27Supaplexschool for the deaf?
08:34.51SargunSupaplex, no, I have super secret sauce, but I can't give it to anyone
08:35.05jamesbowlerCan't, or won't?
08:35.59jamesbowlerLet's start a band
08:37.01Supaplexlet's call it rubber
08:37.20jamesbowlerSupaplex is out of the band.
08:38.09Supaplexpicks up a rubber band and shoots jamesbowler in the arm with it *THWAP*
08:38.27jamesbowlerkills Supaplex and removes his name from the debut album's liner notes.
10:34.50*** join/#utah Dezzi (
10:37.45*** part/#utah Dezzi (
13:26.17*** join/#utah elg (
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14:01.52*** join/#utah tiwula (
14:14.36*** join/#utah tristanbob_ (n=tristanb@ubuntu/member/tristanbob)
16:08.30*** join/#utah elg (
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17:48.47*** join/#utah sp (
17:49.06*** join/#utah sp (
18:06.40*** join/#utah goozbach (n=goozbach@
18:06.40*** mode/#utah [+v goozbach] by
18:49.59eightyeightibot: it was a netsplit
19:07.07*** join/#utah elg (
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19:08.13*** join/#utah sinuhe (
19:44.52*** join/#utah findlay (
19:46.54findlaydoes anybody here run gimp on osx?
19:47.21whiteleyI do.
19:48.11findlayI installed it but when I try to run it all it says is " requires Apple's X11"
19:48.30whiteleyright. do you have X11 installed?
19:48.45findlayI'm not running the fink or macports or other lets-normalize-osx-with-linux package
19:49.00whiteleyneither do I.
19:49.04findlayI thought I did
19:49.12findlayI installed the "extra packages" on the osx cd
19:49.33findlayand the X11SDK.pkg from the xcode area of the osx install cd
19:49.49findlayso, I guess I'm not sure what "X11" means in this context
19:50.18whiteleydo you see X11 under Applications->Utilities?
19:52.30whiteleyis that where you got your gimp?
19:53.27whiteleyand X11 is under Utilities?
19:53.32findlayno x11 in utilities
19:53.40findlaywhere do I get it from?
19:53.49whiteleyshould be on your install dvd.
19:53.59whiteleyif not, good luck.
19:54.06whiteleyI tried to find it on apples web site once.
19:54.13whiteleyan exceedingly frustrated experience.
19:54.24findlaybut where on the install dvd?
19:54.30whiteleyibot: cool. thanks.
19:54.40whiteleyfindlay: I don't recall.
21:10.24*** join/#utah sinuhe (
21:41.39*** join/#utah romanovic (
23:00.18*** join/#utah findlay (
23:00.43findlaywhiteley: I found the x11 thing on the osx tiger install DVD
23:01.56findlayit's in "optional installs" or something, but the way the finder window for the DVD comes up lays out the icons in this fancy pattern and hides the other ones
23:02.30findlayexcept that now when I run the gimp it has the x11 menubar show up and not the gimp's

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