IRC log for #utah on 20080326

00:14.24leviI've had lots of bad PSUs.  I hate bad PSUs.
00:22.05findlayI should blog about this
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01:06.19sontekwhat is everyones favorite gnome torrent app?
01:06.31sontekthe list I have so far is transmission, deluge, and monsoon
01:06.37sontekany others I should take a look at?
01:27.01*** join/#utah elg (n=fugalh@
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02:29.56*** part/#utah mrpull-lt (
02:59.58wpsis there any downsides to leaving a flash drive plugged in?
03:00.23wpsit's solid state memory so there isn't any moving parts
03:01.02sontekyeah, you are going to stand up one day, hit it, and pend the pins
03:01.10sontekthats what I do when I leave them plugged in :P
03:01.23wpsplug it into the keyboard instead of your tower on the floor
03:01.39*** join/#utah elg (n=fugalh@
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03:08.12Supaplexwps: read/write life is shorter on flash than harddisks
03:08.45wpsthe drive isn't being read/written to when it's just sitting there though, is it?
03:11.44SupaplexI don't think that's an issue
03:12.52wpsI'm not following
03:13.37SupaplexI don't think idle flash an issue for wear
03:13.52*** join/#utah beandog (n=steve@gentoo/developer/beandog)
03:13.55wpsthat's what I am thinking
03:13.58Supaplexeven reads are okay
03:14.27Supaplexthe MTBF on X number of writes is lesser than a magnetic disk though
03:14.38wpsI think I see what you were trying to say
03:14.44Supaplexso don't use it for a swap file :P
03:14.58wpsreading isn't going to wear it out much, but writing will… and much faster than a normal HDD
03:15.22Supaplexyup. they last a long longer than they use to, but still.
03:15.41wpswell, it will be interesting to see how long this one lasts
03:16.08wpsI have been using my iPod as a portable disk to sync my home directory between work and home each day for the past three years
03:16.30wpsbut just bought a flash thumb drive to use for that purpose now instead
03:30.21*** join/#utah levi (
03:51.45findlaysontek: it's all about rtorrent
03:54.53leviMmm, rtorrent.
03:55.10sontekfindlay: rtorrent is not a gnome application
03:55.24sontekfindlay: we are reviewing gnome apps to decide what the default should be in openSUSE 11
03:55.29leviFortunately so!
03:55.42leviNot that I have anything against gnome apps. :)
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03:57.55nick125sontek: There's the default bittorrent client, it's GTK.
03:58.02nick125and sucky
04:00.07sonteknick125: yeah, we are planning on moving away from that (its the current default)
04:00.21sontekI'm goin go to use each for a week and then blog the results
04:01.38*** join/#utah harleypig (
04:08.29findlaysontek: exactly!  rtorrent is desktop agnostic
04:08.40findlayin fact, it doesn't even need a desktop
04:09.22findlaywonders why the rest of the world doesn't use enlightenment or fluxbox or something when they need a gui
04:09.30findlaythe terminal should be good enough for anyone
04:10.37Supaplexbecause I use openbox, duh!
04:10.46findlaywell, fine
04:13.24tensai~lart findlay for uh, whatever
04:13.24ibotwhacks findlay with the cluebat for uh, whatever
04:14.04tensaiaren't television stations required to be broadcasting digital now?
04:14.05levifindlay: enlightenment is too silly-looking.
04:14.10levitensai: Not yet.
04:14.20fozzmoo2009, isn't it?
04:14.32tensai2009 is when the turn off the analog
04:14.39fozzmoooh. right.
04:14.39leviMost of them in the valley here do have a digital stream.
04:14.52tensaiI thought there was a crossover period, and I thought it was now
04:14.59leviI think there's one that's still analog.
04:15.51findlaylevi: I agree
04:15.58findlaythat's why I use the clearlooks theme
04:16.03findlayit's the only decent one IMO
04:17.50leviHmm, FOX is moving its DTV signal to its VHF station after the cutoff.
04:18.35leviAnyway, it's channel 24, KPNZ, that's not digital yet.
04:19.32leviApparently their plan was to immediately put digital on 24 and move their analog signal to another channel.  But the 'Live Date' is still TBD.
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04:23.47leviFor the record, I love digital OTA broadcast.
04:24.55leviIf you can pick up a somewhat watchable signal with analog broadcast, you'll get a clear, crisp, ghostless picture in digital.
04:25.51leviIt's also a much more efficient use of bandwidth.
04:26.28leviAnd even if you can't get a nice picture with analog, there's a reasonable chance you could get a good digital picture.
04:27.12leviPlus, you get some tv guide information with the signal, and extra subchannels.
04:34.57tensaiI just bought one of the converter boxes
04:35.05tensaiso far I like the digital broadcasts
04:35.18tensaiI found out about my two missing channels
04:35.20RyanEOne of these nice days I need to see if I can pick up any OTA DTV.  I'm up against the mountains to the east.
04:35.35RyanEMay have to put the antenna on the roof.
04:35.42tensaiapparently they aren't broadcasting digital because they were created after the digital plan was created, so they didn't get a second frequency
04:35.56tensaiinstead they'll make a hot cut from analog to digital on or before 2/17/2009
05:08.04maquisquote from lifehack:
05:08.10maquis"Linux users interface directly with the CPU via telepathy, but if tired, they can use the same UNIX scripting support Mac users have"
05:08.57Supaplexhahahaaha :P
05:09.10maquispretty true, eh?
05:19.58*** join/#utah dilvie (
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12:02.47Keighvin~lart Jayce^
12:02.47ibotstamps Jayce^ on the forehead with the official Troll marker
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12:52.39ibotbeats mrpull senseless with a 50lb Unix manual
13:10.39ibotrumour has it, irssi is a modular IRC client for UNIX. See, or the door to the 1337
13:11.44ibotfrom memory, xchat is an IRC client for unix and windows at or
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13:16.09Sargunmorning emcnabb
13:16.20Sargunenjoying the nat provided to you by RH
13:16.56emcnabbum, I guess
13:19.00encryptzSargun: just a freenode cloak. redhat, sun, google, ibm, etc all have them
13:19.35encryptzif you're behind one of their ips, you geta nat/foo/x-bar cloak
13:19.39*** join/#utah trip0 (
13:20.12Sargunyeah, I saw.
13:20.14encryptz/who nat/*/x-*
14:22.00*** join/#utah ^Migs^ (n=Migs@
14:35.25elgbar of soap down the toilet :(
14:35.55Supaplextrying to clean out a clog?
14:37.58elgthe soap is the clog
14:39.41tensaielg: why did you eat the bar of soap in the first place?
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15:13.02SargunCan anyone think of a lowish cost shell provider for the UK/Eastern US?
15:14.04JoshHsorry, i only know of them for france and southern/northern/western US
15:14.59SupaplexI've had good results with localhost shells
15:17.02SargunJoshH, France? What's a good one from france
15:17.19JoshHle shele
15:20.31*** join/#utah beandog (n=steve@gentoo/developer/beandog)
15:27.27sontekSupaplex: Linode is good
15:27.36sontekSupaplex: I use a local Utah company, but they use openVZZ
15:29.07synicbleh @ linode :P
15:30.09sonteksynic: I *hear* they are good, I've never used them
15:30.34synicI did use them for a while, but service kept getting interrupted
15:30.41sonteksynic: ahh
15:31.57herlofindlay: your post crashed ff3b5 on my box with all those planetary pictures.
15:33.11Jayce^herlo, b5? you build it yourself?
15:33.28herloJayce^: nope, that's what Rawhide ships with
15:34.38Jayce^hrm, since it's not actually out yet :/
15:35.07beandoggentoo hates virtual nodes
15:35.22beandogalways run out of memory
15:35.58herloJayce^: uh, its a cvs release
15:36.42herlothat's from help -> about
15:39.09goozbachso any XFCE users here?
15:39.32unumaaah slashdot explains why my mail won't go through to sllug
15:39.36sonteklooks around and gets ready to pounce on any XFCE user
15:40.39goozbachwhen I click a link, it brings the web browser to my current workspace as opposed to keeping the web browser in its proper workspace
15:40.59herlogoozbach: that's strange, when I used it, I didn't have that problem...
15:41.20beandoggoozbach, so annoying.
15:41.23unumanyone know how to contact the sllug admin?
15:41.30beandoggoozbach, my experience is sometimes it does that to the last browser window I was using.
15:41.42herlounum: yes
15:41.45sontekunum: mecworks_
15:42.08herlounum: you can email :)
15:43.03mecworks_what's up with SLLUG?
15:43.19*** join/#utah sinuhe (n=user@
15:44.57unumI was about to post you the /. link
15:45.28fozzmooHow was the Cauci last night?
15:45.46fozzmooMy girls had dance class- so I wasn't able to make it.
15:46.03herlofozzmoo: how do you say that? Cauci?
15:46.13unumwe had a lower turn out than previously
15:46.21unumbut murray school district is on spring break
15:46.31unummy other districts supposedly had good turn outs
15:46.32goozbachbeandog: it's always the last window
15:46.50goozbachbut I want it to stay put, not follow me around,
15:46.53herlounum: I wondered about that, the schoolhouse I see from my back porch has been desolate for three days
15:47.02goozbachI've got a workspace with a full-screen irssi window
15:47.05^Migs^four-day weekends rock
15:47.23goozbachI click on a link here, and my browser decides to jump into the screen
15:47.25herlo^Migs^: I've got a 7 day weekend right now :)
15:47.34goozbachI want it to stay on the workspace I placed it on.
15:47.46herlogoozbach: can you tack it down?
15:47.48^Migs^curse you
15:47.53^Migs^that is entirely unfair
15:48.18^Migs^well at least with my 4 day weekend, I also get a shorter workweek
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15:48.28herlo^Migs^: if it makes you feel any better, I've been sick for the past 5 days
15:48.29goozbachherlo: that puts the window on ALL workspaces
15:48.36herlogoozbach: oh, right
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15:48.40^Migs^yeah, that does make me feel better.  Does that make me a bad person?
15:48.47herlojust mean
15:48.52^Migs^I can live with mean
15:49.09herlo^Migs^: its okay, I still have 4 days left on my vacation and am feeling MUCH better :)
15:49.38Supaplexsounds like a misrable way to start a vacation
15:50.00herloSupaplex: somewhat, but I didn't go anywhere, just staying home, relaxing, so its not all bad
15:50.12fozzmoowants a vacation.
15:50.25herlofozzmoo: take one
15:50.39herlodidn't you just get back from dizzyland though?
15:50.46Supaplexhe wants his bills paid too :)
15:50.49fozzmoowants a vacation, alone, on a small deserted island (with power & net access)
15:50.57herlo:) don't we all
15:51.02Jayce^sniff, my wife claimed all my vacation days this year :(
15:51.11Jayce^fozzmoo agreed
15:51.38fozzmooherlo: In a way, Dizzyland wasn't much of a vacation (i.e. no deserted island. no aloneness)
15:51.52herlofozzmoo: true
15:52.04SupaplexI wonder how long it'll be before fozzmoo starves on a totally deserted island.
15:52.10fozzmooI love you guys. You get me. :)
15:52.37fozzmoopats belly.
15:52.40fozzmooI could go a week, easy.
15:52.54fozzmooI'd bring some water (Diet Dew)
15:52.56Jayce^fozzmoo, just slip into insulin shock?
15:54.02^Migs^why is it that women always think a vacation has to include the whole family?
15:54.08herlofozzmoo: what you need is a desserted island
15:54.21Jayce^^Migs^, and that means *their* family too!
15:54.28^Migs^thankfully NO
15:54.30herlosugar-free, of course
15:54.39^Migs^we have nothing to do with my wife's crazy family anymore
15:54.42fozzmooherlo: When the magical diabetes cure arrives, then I'll take that vacation.
15:54.45Jayce^after our tenth year my wife has finally realized she's sick of planning our vacations around *them*
15:54.52^Migs^good for her
15:55.03fozzmooI've been making a list of places I will visit when I'm cured.
15:55.07herlofozzmoo: that's where the sugar-free part comes in :)
15:55.16fozzmooKneaders is one.
15:55.22Jayce^good spot
15:55.39Supaplexmunches down on corn chips and cheese dip
15:55.43fozzmoo"Uhm... that carrot cake on the top... yeah... I'll take half of all that."
15:55.45^Migs^even if she said I could take a vacation by myself, I'd feel guilty doing so
15:55.55Jayce^grabs a kneaders eclair just to eat in front of fozzmoo
15:56.04^Migs^even if it were a work-related vacation
15:56.20herloJayce^: and those eclairs rock!
15:56.21fozzmooAnd then... Godfathers or PIzza Hut lunch buffet. :)
15:56.32herlofozzmoo: Godfathers, for sure!
15:56.38fozzmooTaco Pizza.
15:56.39Jayce^"Doooo it!"
15:56.39herlodon't do the Pizza Slut
15:57.14^Migs^there's a Godfather pizza buffet just a few blocks away from here.  Might have to hit that up for lunch.
15:57.23^Migs^LOVE the taco pizza
15:57.43^Migs^seriously, I hope whoever came up with that won, like, a million dollars or something
15:57.57unumherlo: why weren't you at the cacaus meeting?
15:58.00Supaplex'or something' is all they got I bet.
15:58.41herlounum: sick
15:58.46unumthat's too bad
15:58.56unumthough our precinct had the best turn out
15:59.17herlounum: also, I didn't know about it and had already made alternate plans.
15:59.37herloI mean I knew, but just not until I'd already made alternate plans, yeah, that's it!
16:00.01fozzmoopoors water into herlo's story and watches it leak everywhere.
16:00.02herlocontinues sticking his nike further down his throat
16:00.11unumin two years we're going to do a much better job
16:00.12Jayce^herlo, you going to the tech breakfast tomorrow?
16:00.16herloJayce^: dunno
16:00.28unumwe're still going to make you walk :P
16:00.28herloJayce^: been invited twice now, so I probably should
16:03.00unumherlo: of course you should probably register at your new address
16:03.31herlounum: probably
16:05.52unumis the sllug list fixed?
16:11.02Supaplex~fix sllug
16:11.02ibotACTION opens the hood of sllug , looks inside and says "that'll be 500 dollars."
16:11.26leviMorning, folks.
16:12.23Supaplexmorning? bleh. send it back.
16:12.26fozzmoolevi: Gooood morniing!
16:25.29^Migs^man, wtf is wrong with people???
16:26.31*** join/#utah elg (
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16:27.34encryptzmy wife and i went to our caucus last night. we were the only ones from our precinct
16:28.49encryptzas such, she's chair and i'm vice chair and secretary
16:29.16sontekquestion on hiring, if you interview someone, and they are the most talented candidate that you've ever interviewed, but their comprehension of english is lacking, and they have to work with clients on a daily basis
16:29.25sontekdo you take the gamble and hope their english improves?
16:29.54^Migs^what does a chair and vice chair/secretary do?
16:30.03^Migs^HOW Lacking?
16:30.16^Migs^and are they actually talented, or do they just say they're talented?
16:30.36encryptz^Migs^: dunno, but we'l figure it out i'm sure
16:30.39^Migs^is your second choice significantly better at dealing with people?
16:30.40sontek^Migs^: spoken was very good, but completely misunderstand half the questions we asked and we had to re-iterate
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16:30.51^Migs^don't hire him
16:31.02sontekbut an amazing programmer
16:31.32sjansenwished he'd walked in five minutes earlier
16:31.40^Migs^unless you're prepared to repeat yourself all the time just so he understands, and receive concerned complaints from clients, don't hireh im
16:33.51sjansen~lart gruby
16:33.51ibotruns at gruby with an origami Swiss Army knife, and inflicts a nasty paper cut
16:35.31herloI love hiveminder, have two new features I like, estimate and worked
16:36.43sjansenGeez, herlo, if you love hm so much why don't you marry it?
16:46.01unumsontek: how do you know he's an amazing programmer?
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16:47.10unumencryptz: are you going to run for leg chair now?
16:47.41*** join/#utah beandog (n=sdibb@gentoo/developer/beandog)
16:47.57beandogDoes anyone know where to get a compact flash to IDE adapter, locally?
16:48.09herlosjansen: I can't marry hm, because you already have!  unles hm is a polygamist
16:51.16sjansenNah, man, hm and me, we're just friends.
16:51.49beandogor any good local computer stores that sell parts
16:51.52herlosjansen: Platonic Partners for life
16:51.54beandogall I know about is ebc and pcclub
16:52.05herlobeandog: MAS
16:52.13beandogherlo: near salt lake
16:52.27beandogim not driving down to happy valley to buy a $10 part
16:54.36herlobeandog: I think they have a SL location these days
16:55.02herlonope, I'm wrong
16:57.10fozzmoobeandog: USI
16:57.15fozzmooUniversal Systems.
16:57.23fozzmoo33rd So. and 10th E
16:58.52beandogfozzmoo: they sell just general parts?
16:59.10beandogooh looks that way
16:59.11beandogthanks fozzmoo
16:59.41fozzmooYeah. They've saved me a few times when I needed a LVD SCSI cable/terminator...
16:59.49fozzmooor a rackmount power supply.
17:00.25fozzmooThey don't have everything, but they have more "obscure" or higher-end stuff than PC Club or EwwwwBC
17:06.07*** join/#utah RyanE (
17:06.37unumI don't think I can add much more to that and have it be readable
17:07.12unumoops forgot to make that last batch of arrows double sideds
17:13.23*** join/#utah Keighvin (
17:14.00Keighvin~lart Jayce^
17:14.00ibothurls dozens of incontinent, insomniac, hungry kittens with tiny little razor-sharp claws and a wide variety of contagious intestinal parasites at Jayce^
17:16.44Jayce^~drop Keighvin
17:19.15Keighvingoes splat from an unspecified height because ibot apparently can't be bothered to do it.
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17:23.25findlayelg: it should fit.  It fit through my aunt's front door
17:43.28sjansenI can think!
17:44.24Supaplexya think?
17:44.53sinuhesjansen: You can?  I usually only say that after coffee.
17:46.25sinuhecrawls out of his shell and appears in #utah for a time.
18:13.00sjansen~super fozz
18:16.02Supaplex~moo fozz
18:16.02ibotACTION moos at fozz
18:16.25fozzmoo~moo cows
18:16.25ibotACTION moos at cows
18:16.51fozzmooI love going into fast food places that ask for your name...
18:16.55fozzmooI tell them "Moo"
18:17.04fozzmooand then I point out that I have a hearing problem... so say it loud.
18:17.29sjansen <-- Inspirational
18:17.42sjansenhas second thoughts about getting a hair cut
18:17.54Supaplexone little hair?
18:34.25*** join/#utah moriancumer (
18:40.52encryptzunum: nah. not at this point in my life yet
18:41.36nick125Anyone here use Gentoo hardened?
18:42.16nick125I'm wondering if I need a special stage for hardened or will a normal amd64 stage work
18:45.41sjansenUhm.... how did it become Wednesday?
18:45.41nick125ah, it looks like it needs a special hardened stage
18:47.30goozbachgetting people to say "goozbach" is quite fun as well
18:47.49^Migs^love this one:
18:48.31^Migs^"Gunnar is a peacelover and also a Master of Science in Computer Engineering. He lives in the woods near Gothenburg with his woman and his daughter."
18:48.37^Migs^why does that seem so stereotypical?
18:55.07Supaplexjust because.
18:55.07fozzmooHis woman?
18:55.47fozzmooI mean, I can see te guy living in t he woods.
19:01.58findlaywho cares about woods
19:11.29*** join/#utah jnbek (n=jnbek@
19:30.36*** join/#utah RazberrieTart (
19:31.32RazberrieTart'waves' Hiya !
19:34.39^Migs^who r u?
19:36.49RazberrieTartSomeone who's only been here once before, decided to dro in
19:36.53RazberrieTartdrop, too.
19:43.51tensaigives Tene a slice of banana nut bread
19:44.26TeneMuch better than gross training-center lasagna.
19:44.35RazberrieTarto.O Ack.
19:51.26^Migs^I wonder if I have everything to make lasagna for dinner
19:51.36sjansenfozzmoo: I don't know about German, but Portuguese has no word for wife. Husband, yes. Wife, no. "I now pronounce you husband and woman."
19:51.42^Migs^that really sounds good right now
19:52.40^Migs^isn't it just Frau?
19:52.46^Migs^and husband would be Ehemann
19:53.15tensaix en de wife
19:53.18tensai~x en de wife
19:53.26^Migs^it's the same thing as if we sometimes said "the missus"
19:53.31tensai~x en pt wife
19:53.39fozzmooAhhh. Granato
19:53.49^Migs^~x pt en granato
19:54.01^Migs^~x en en migs
19:54.13tensai~x en pt excuse me sir. you dropped your fozz in my moo.
19:54.39Supaplexso if the Pet Shop Boys can release "It's a SYN" where's the "SYN|ACK"? :)
19:55.22goozbach~x en es excuse me sir, you dropped your fozz in my moo.
19:55.29*** join/#utah redbeard2 (
19:55.49tensai~x en ja excuse me sir, you dropped your fozz in my moo.
19:56.14goozbach~x en ko excuse me sir, you dropped your fozz in my moo.
19:56.35goozbach~x en co excuse me sir, you dropped your fozz in my moo.
19:57.04sjansenmarido = husband, esposo = spouse (male), esposa = spouse (female)
19:57.26goozbachSupaplex: phun is fun
19:57.56goozbach~phun is
19:57.57ibotACTION has "phun" with is
19:59.24Jayce^awaits hans' reply to Jesse's post
19:59.34Jayce^or maybe levi wants to chip in overall
20:00.02goozbachhans hans hans!
20:00.33leviWhat would I chip in about?
20:00.49^Migs^~x de en ehemann
20:01.04^Migs^~x en de husband
20:01.10^Migs^okay, I wasn't tripping
20:01.52RazberrieTartProbably weird capitalisation.
20:03.59*** join/#utah elg (
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20:04.00sjansenblames RazberrieTart for his sudden creme brulee craving
20:04.33RazberrieTartwishes she was sorry, but isn't in teh least :)
20:04.36tensai~lart people who just won't listen the first time. or the second. or even the third.
20:04.36ibotblasts people who just won't listen the first time. or the second. or even the third. to oblivion with a kamehameha wave
20:05.36sjansentensai: "Now what ever you do, don't shoot at the ethernet jack."
20:06.21Jayce^levi, jesse's answer to plug about higher education
20:06.32macnewbold~ping Heartsbane
20:06.33ibotpong Heartsbane
20:07.23sjansentensai: "For the third and last time, don't reboot the server by shoving a screwdriver in the case and shorting the PSU."
20:07.36Supaplexyikes :P
20:08.00Supaplexinstead pull the power cord out, lick the end, and let us know if you don't sense any power ;)
20:08.45tensaiSupaplex: funny you should mention that. I got a good jolt from a phone cord today when I put it in my mouth.
20:09.14tensaiwell, not really in my mouth. just needed to hold it for a second in my lips while I juggled cables.
20:09.15Supaplextensai: I think they're 48vdc, and can pulse to 90vdc when ringing
20:09.28fozzmootwitches a little at the thought
20:09.33sjansen"I'm sorry sir, my fault (again, obviously) when I said check your surge protector what I actually meant to say was check your surge protector."
20:09.35SupaplexI don't recall the true values
20:09.37tensaiSupaplex: yes. yes, they are. and if your wet lips touch the contacts, you'll feel it
20:10.11tensaiit can actually vary. I've seen them as low as 24VDC and 70VAC.
20:10.11fozzmooSo, only with dry lips.
20:10.47tensaior better yet, not the tip of the connector.
20:11.05sjansen"How many times to I have to tell you, ranch dip is a not an appropriate soldering paste."
20:12.50sjansen"Well, yes, it is surprising that the copier only copies paper not pies, but don't you think just one test should have been enough to determine that?"
20:13.19redbeard2are there known issues with using jabber over a qwest dsl line?
20:13.35Supaplexshould sjansen freely tell us all his supervisor tells him? ;)
20:14.34fozzmooredbeard2: There are known issues using a Qwest DSL line.
20:15.07Supaplexfozzmoo =~ s/ DSL.*/./
20:15.22*** join/#utah RyanE_ (
20:15.22redbeard2fozzmoo: agreed. i've discovered this several times already this week.
20:15.32redbeard2unfortunately, utopia isn't available out here yet
20:15.47findlayeven if qwest isn't the ISP?
20:15.50fozzmooredbeard2: You using Qwest as your upstream ISP? Or XM?
20:15.55Jayce^redbeard2, you shouldn't have moved then
20:16.31redbeard2Jayce^: our isp at the last place was comcast. should i live with blocked bittorrent or blocked jabber?
20:17.52Supaplexredbeard2: jabber to any host? what's tcptraceroute show? if qwest is only the atm/dsl layer, why would it affect jabber? (barring any big brother issues)
20:18.32tensaiI'm sure Qwest *could* interfere with DSL like that, but they don't
20:18.43tensaiyour ISP certainly could
20:19.19fozzmooI always knew Pete was Big Brother.
20:19.21jsmithI used jabber all the time while I was on a Qwest DSL line (before I moved)
20:19.47tensai~2 + 2
20:19.48ibot2 + 2 is, like, 5 for sufficiently large values of 2
20:20.00tensaiwow. pashdown has even gotten to ibot.
20:20.51Supaplexredbeard2: i'm using jabber in psi, and gaim (debian etch) w/o complaint.
20:21.13redbeard2must be our jabber server at work then. i'll talk to the boss man.
20:21.33Jayce^redbeard2, blame sjansen and his ranch dip!
20:22.32tensairedbeard2: try connecting to for comparison
20:24.02redbeard2tensai: i lost my password for
20:25.08jsmithredbeard2: Register for a new (test) account!
20:27.40redbeard2got it. had to hardcode the server.
20:27.55redbeard2~cheesecake sjansen
20:28.09sjansen~lart crappy DSL modems
20:28.09ibotblames crappy DSL modems for all the evil in the world
20:28.17ibotsjansen: :)
20:30.49leviHeh, silly "I chose not to go to graduate school so it must be worthless!" people.
20:31.23tensairedbeard2: you don't need to log in. just test and see if it connects.
20:31.39tensaioh, but you figured it out. well nevermind then.
20:33.39trip0where did our ibot come from?
20:33.55fozzmooFrom ibot heaven.
20:34.42Jayce^levi, don't forget that you don't need graduate school, when you can work on facebook!
20:35.15trip0did someone here write him?
20:35.44Jayce^trip0, kinda Tim did ...  fork of an existing project, merging back
20:42.03*** join/#utah Keighvin (
20:44.55Jayce^   LolClippy?
20:47.59*** join/#utah eggyknap-afk (n=eggyknap@unaffiliated/eggyknap)
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22:25.05tensai~lart bad ram
22:25.05ibottakes large quantities of Krispy Kream donuts and stuffs them one after another down bad ram's throat until bad ram puts on 150lbs
23:11.19Supaplexnooo! those are my donuts!
23:13.25*** part/#utah gillyboa1 (n=adam@
23:17.24tensaid'oh! nuts!
23:20.03*** part/#utah brasto (n=brasto@
23:59.50Supaplexmmmm I can has $6 bacon cheezeburger :-D~~~

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