IRC log for #utah on 20080130

00:05.28tensaijsmith-away: you might be interested in this. the 700mhz auction in SW wyoming is underway. it started at $95k and it's up to $700k so far.
00:07.26tensaiSupaplex: it's right there between 699mhz and 701mhz
00:07.50Keighvin$1/hz isn't bad.
00:07.59KeighvinEr, $0.10/hz isn't bad.
00:08.01Keighvinmy bad.
00:08.22tensaiSupaplex: it's the spectrum freed up by analog TV
00:09.34tensaithis is the spectrum that google is bidding for, and that the fcc mandated that companies leave open to competitors
00:09.59tensaialthough apparently this auction I reference is a regional auction and there are also national auctions going on. the latter is the one google is participating in.
00:16.48SupaplexOH yeah ok
00:33.13rsimpkinsMmkay, so I was just told that plug has a jabber server up?
00:33.24nick125ooo jabber
00:35.07rsimpkinsHrm, says it registered, but can't log in.
00:45.27*** join/#utah elg (n=fugalh@
00:45.52nick125Sargun: Have you ever had a miniSD card get stuck in a device?
00:46.13nick125and how did you fix it?
00:46.38Sarguna lott stabbib
00:47.27nick125The stupid freaking miniSD adapter is stuck in my Treo.
00:49.07*** part/#utah mindjuju (n=mindjuju@
00:50.07elgnick125: you should consider tin cans and 3x5 cards
00:50.47Supaplexjust hire a buncha migrants to memorize everything
00:51.40elgthey don't have playskool gnuplot?
00:51.50findlayimagine sitting in your math class and being able to plot complex surfaces at will
00:52.14findlayimagine how cool you'd be then
00:52.47elgthough my math classes are probably less severe than yours
00:53.02findlayme@playskool $ apt-cache search gnuplot
00:54.43findlaymy math classes aren't very hard yet
00:55.09nick125Sargun: any ideas? (besides screaming)
00:55.09elgsure enough, gnuplot runs on windows
00:55.12elgeven os/2
00:55.33findlayand he's gone
00:55.57elgand octave too
00:56.11elgand no doubt scipy whatever that is (i figure something with science and python)
00:56.14elgso you have no excuse really
00:56.34findlayelg: no octave or gnuplot goodness in asus's repos
00:57.01findlayor tetex
00:57.16elgi'm afraid i don't know what os you're running the
00:57.59findlaydeb p701 main
00:58.02findlayit's xandros
02:04.30*** join/#utah Lakshmi (
02:08.08rsimpkinsCan anyone recommend a good jabber client for windows? I've got my linux systems up, but I don't use windows enough to know what is good.
02:08.28elgpidgin runs in windows too, if you're hooked on that already
02:09.01rsimpkinspsi looks pretty light weight.
02:10.54rsimpkinselg: Did you get my e-mail regarding mailing lists?
02:15.31rsimpkinsCool, was kinda hoping we could have that going by the next PLUG meeting - but I understand if you don't get to it.
02:15.55elgare there any young eager upstarts that want to take over the box?
02:16.07rsimpkinsI can do it if you're sick of it.
02:16.20rsimpkinsUntil we can find someone with the skills to pay the , erm, GPL licensing fees.
02:16.44rsimpkinsI thought it was your box or something.
02:16.49rsimpkinsIs that not the case?
02:17.01elgno, it's over at jayce's office
02:17.05elgin their datacenter
02:17.30rsimpkinsIs it donated gear - or does it belong to Jayce^?
02:17.35elgdonated I think
02:18.04rsimpkinsAre you getting tired of the incecent server management? :)
02:18.34elghappy to hand the torch
02:18.45elgor you can put up with my horrendous response times :)
02:18.50rsimpkinsIf you like doing it, then no one wants to get in your way! :)
02:19.09rsimpkinsHey, for how much we are paying you - you'd think you could have that done in 15 minutes!!! hehe
02:19.50*** join/#utah RyanE (
02:20.25*** join/#utah Aliosa27 (
02:20.43elgthe sad thing is it will no doubt take all of 5 minutes, once I know the commands to type
02:23.06rsimpkinselg: How long have you been the admin for PLUG?
02:23.18elg2004? 2003?
02:23.46rsimpkinswow, that's a stretch.
02:23.49elgi left utah in fall '05 and I know i started at least a few months before that, probably more like a year
02:24.14rsimpkinsIf you'd like to pass the torch don't feel bad in any way doing so.
02:24.16rsimpkinsYou've done a great job.
02:24.44sontek~torch elg for leaving Utah
02:24.45ibotACTION sets elg for leaving Utah on fire.
02:25.25elgevidence is pointing at december 04
02:25.31elgyeah, I want to pass the torch
02:25.43elgbut I don't want to just dumpit on you, necessarily
02:25.59rsimpkinselg: I've got cycles.
02:26.01elgi can do this one last thing, run apt-get upgrade so I don't look derelict
02:26.07rsimpkinselg: hehe. Okay.
02:26.12elgturn off reply-to...
02:26.24rsimpkinselg: Can you set up sudo access for me?
02:26.54*** join/#utah Lakshmi (
02:27.07rsimpkinsPLUG is a lot of work, but I guess I really drink the whole community kool-aid thing.
02:27.27rsimpkinsLinux has done a lot for me - if I can give back a little helping the local LUG out - great.
02:27.48rsimpkinsI'd probably be a.... gasp... windows admin... if it weren't for Linux.
02:27.56rsimpkinsSo thank you FOSS community!
02:32.39*** join/#utah Newsome (
02:33.12Supaplexrsimpkins: (:  awesome.  same here, I would have died with dos )`:
02:33.34elgthe server mostly takes care of itself
02:33.57Aliosa27I have 6 of the unreleased ubnt 700mhz atheros cards...they are awesome so far, a bit power hungry however
02:34.01rsimpkinsMy entire ability to earn a living is dependant on Linux. That's a pretty important rice bowl - and I'd like to protect it thank you. :)
02:34.59rsimpkinsWe need to have a 'systems show and tell' for a PLUG meeting one time. There are people with really great personal systems.
02:35.16rsimpkinsI've got this box (ded server in San Diego), and several at home.
02:36.12Supaplexrsimpkins: I think quite a few of us are in that same boat (linux :: paycheck)
02:36.49Aliosa27<--embeded linux=paycheck
02:36.55rsimpkinsWhat's interesting is there really isn't a greedy corporation looking out for me. It takes a community.
02:37.42rsimpkinsIf I were an MS admin, I would work within the limits of that environment, and unless I were a very large user would be at the mercy of the corporate powers.
02:38.48rsimpkinsAnd, strangley enough, if that corporation happens to be a monopoly, I'll likley be employed for an entire career.
02:38.56Newsomeanyone looking to change the source of their Linux paycheck?
02:40.34rsimpkinsIf/When Linus decides he has had enough it will be a key moment for us. There won't be a 'ballmer' to take over as evil henchman. The community dukes it out, and chooses its own leader.
02:40.54*** part/#utah Lakshmi (
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02:42.02*** join/#utah Lakshmi (n=Lakshmi@unaffiliated/lakshmi)
02:43.11rsimpkinsNewsome: We've noticed that there is starting to be some movment in the employment sector, finally.
02:43.34Newsomegood to hear
02:43.57Newsomewe've got an open position too, but it's not in Utah
02:44.23elgwhere are you again?
02:44.36elghanging out with ed?
02:44.44rsimpkinsNewsome: Is there a strong Linux community in the Chicago area?
02:46.06Newsomethere are quite a few Linux-related groups, but I haven't gotten involved...the meetings all seem to be either downtown in the evening, or at one of the schools on the weekend
03:12.04nick125Least feel happy that you have linux-related groups in your area that meet on a regular basis.
03:14.34nick125The last time I've been to a LUG meeting must be...almost two years.
03:17.53nick125The last time I actually "talked" to another Linux user in person would be....probably least 8 months ago.
03:25.48*** join/#utah neybar (n=jalance@
03:48.03Teneyum keeps hanging on my laptop at 'Parsing package install arguments'
03:48.12Tenestrace shows it in a futex()
03:49.29Teneahh, rpm stuff
03:51.02rsimpkinsHas anyone playd this, is it any good?
03:54.21TeneI played it for a couple of months.
03:54.25Teneit was a lot of fun.
04:01.18rsimpkinsTene: Any reason you stopped?
04:03.34Tenersimpkins: laptop died
04:09.38rsimpkinsTene: Doesn't seem to work for me.
04:15.27*** join/#utah wps (n=wps@
04:22.18*** join/#utah Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/staff/sargun)
04:24.48Lakshmiaww so cute :P
04:27.50Lakshmisargun your favorate!
04:27.55Lakshmitobassco sauce!
04:28.16SargunIt's actually Tabasco
04:33.39leviWhoa, Paul Graham actually released Arc.
04:35.51SargunYou doubted the great Paul Graham
04:37.22leviI didn't think he'd have the guts to do it.
04:38.40leviIt's one thing to talk about this wonderful project in your mind that will make things all better, but it's quite another to release what is essentially a prototype implementation for a language and call it the same thing.
04:40.53*** join/#utah nick125_treo (
04:46.01leviAmen to this:
04:46.25nick125_treoSargun: ?
04:54.20leviDriving home today was fun.
04:54.52leviLehi Main St. was backed up nearly to the freeway, so I jumped onto a back road that was pretty much empty.
04:55.06leviAnd the snow on the streets in my neighborhood was nearly untouched.
04:55.32leviSnow tires + RWD + empty streets = fun.
04:57.26SargunSomeone should do "To Catch a Predator" for women
04:58.00leviSilly Sargun, there aren't any predatory women! :P
04:58.56Tenelevi: just don't tell findlay that
05:04.40*** join/#utah nick125_treo (n=upirc@pdpc/supporter/student/nick125)
05:04.58nick125_treoSargun: you couldve told me you wernt getting my messages
05:09.13findlaylevi: no way!
05:13.00nick125umount /dev/Tene
05:13.05Teneeh?  I don't remember typing that.
05:16.30TeneIsn't there some standard utility to generate a random temporary file name?
05:17.00Teneoh, mktemp
05:17.05TeneI was trying 'mktmp'
05:46.54TeneI suppose there's no real way to do Getopt::Long in bash...
05:50.10*** join/#utah fozzmoo (
05:50.10ibotpickets fozzmoo for being tolerant of other human beings
05:52.03Tene~onjoin fozzmoo <action> stalks fozzmoo, hiding in the shadows and sorting through his garbage.
05:52.03ibotTene: ok
05:52.45elgrsimpkins: sudo get me a sandwich
06:05.33findlay~seen beandog
06:05.41ibotbeandog <n=sdibb@gentoo/developer/beandog> was last seen on IRC in channel #uphpu, 1d 24m 19s ago, saying: 'even Im not that anal.'.
06:05.44findlaywhere is that guy when I need him?
06:17.51*** join/#utah fozzmoo (
06:17.51ibotstalks fozzmoo, hiding in the shadows and sorting through his garbage.
06:17.55*** join/#utah shnockshnee (
06:18.06*** join/#utah alex___ (
06:22.11tensaijava + remote x = torture
06:27.06*** join/#utah shnockshnee_ (
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06:56.38Sargun<nick125> I feel pretty, oh so pretty! I feel pretty and witty and bright!
06:56.53Sargun<nick125> I feel pretty, oh so pretty! I feel pretty and witty and bright!
06:56.53Sargun<nick125> I sing that to myself every morning!
07:13.52findlaySargun: didn't know you were a singer
07:14.12SargunI FEEL SO SEXY.
07:14.18SargunI'm too sexy
07:14.41SargunI'm Too Sexy
07:14.46SargunI'm too sexy for my love too sexy for my love
07:14.46SargunLove's going to leave me
07:14.54SargunI'm too sexy for my shirt too sexy for my shirt
07:14.55SargunSo sexy it hurts
07:14.55SargunAnd I'm too sexy for Milan too sexy for Milan
07:14.55SargunNew York and Japan
07:14.55SargunAnd I'm too sexy for your party
07:14.55SargunToo sexy for your party
07:14.58*** join/#utah markl_ (
07:15.07SargunTo sexy for your channel
07:29.54vontrappis there such a thing as a "raw" image format?
07:36.09*** join/#utah ti`ocpi (
08:00.04vontrappSargun: does convert support it?
08:00.06RyanEwrong window... dang tvtime bites me again...
08:00.32SargunI don't think so
08:00.40Sargunwell, there are raw image formats
08:01.04vontrappflat byte info with no dimension/etc headers
08:01.39RyanEI think it would depend on what raw format it was.  I'm sure some cameras do specify dimensions along with raw image data.
08:02.29vontrappi want just the image data with _no_ metadata whatsoever
08:02.44vontrappand an easy way to strip/restore teh metadata
08:02.45RyanEwhat's the source of the image data?
08:04.02RyanEI assume you read here already:
08:07.59Sargunvontrapp, why?
08:08.08vontrappfor fun
08:08.46RyanEdoesn't sound like fun:
08:10.00vontrappcamera raw formats is not what i'm looking for
08:10.12vontrappi want no metadata, not encrypted metadata
08:12.11vontrappiow, i want to _have_ to put in such information as width to restore the image to a meaningful format
08:12.34vontrappand colordepth
08:13.12RyanEwell, you'd have to know what format you're talking about to strip it down to the raw data, and to restore the data.
08:13.24RyanEi.e. it'd be different for different input formats.
08:14.05RyanEyou could certainly start with a certain variety of the png spec, and easily strip out the metadata.
08:14.22vontrappbasically i want a list of pixels, and yes, the way a pixel would be represented might have to differ from format to format
08:15.31RyanEcat /dev/rand > pixels.raw
08:15.56RyanEso there you go, there's some pixels without headers...  :)
08:16.07vontrappRyanE: yeah, and then be able to put headers on it
08:16.20Sargunwhy do you want to do this though
08:16.26RyanEit's up to you to find some meaning in it... :)  With the right set of headers, it could be the Mona Lisa...
08:17.02RyanEso are you wanting to do this to hide the original intent or original image?
08:17.10vontrappnot likely, you can't completely arbitrarily change the look of a picture through headers
08:17.27vontrappto look at random data as an image, of course
08:17.54RyanEdepends on how large an image.  If you had a large enough color map, and a small enough set of random data, you could...
08:18.39vontrappwell, you would decide how large an image, then get enough randoms to fill the image
08:19.14RyanEyeah, not really practical.  So, what's the reason for wanting to strip the metadata from the image?
08:19.31vontrappit's pretty much the reverse i'm interested in
08:20.33RyanEright, but why would it be 'raw' (your definition of raw here) in the first place?  Someone had to make it that way.  Are you tapping into NSA radio again?  :)
08:21.00vontrappyeah, and making radio pictures of wavy radio stuff
08:22.57RyanEpixels without some sort of metadata (at least what format image it was originally) would be difficult to make into something useful, IMHO.
08:24.00RyanEunless it was basically a simple GIF/PNG RRGGBBRRGGBB type set of pixels (256-color)
08:24.17RyanEthen the only metadata missing would be height/width.
08:35.33Sargunyou basically want to convert a 2d matrix into a 1d string?
08:35.51Sargunand vice-versa
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13:25.30atoponcea #utah group, eh?
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15:37.55nick125_treoSargun: alive?
15:45.59*** join/#utah brasto (
15:46.01nick125_treoAh, this is interesting. If I type 'il' on my Treo, it'll turn it into 'I'll'. neato
15:46.26nick125_treoI wonder if those shortcuts are documented somewhere...
15:48.24nick125_treoSargun: if you get around, send me an SMS.
15:53.15*** join/#utah tiwula (
15:54.56elgwhat if you want to type il est?
16:01.30*** join/#utah fungus (n=olsonl@2001:5c0:8fff:fffe:0:0:0:1647)
16:09.57*** join/#utah fozzmoo (n=fozz@
16:09.57ibotstalks fozzmoo, hiding in the shadows and sorting through his garbage.
16:12.19atoponceelg: apparently, not returning an error on SGID is documented in chmod(2):
16:12.29atoponce"If the calling process is not privileged ...(snip)... the S_ISGID bit will be turned off, but this will not cause an error to be returned."
16:13.37atoponcei think it should throw an error, or at least alert the user as to what is happening
16:14.24*** join/#utah wps (n=wps@
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16:17.23elgatoponce: yeah. at least it is documented though
16:24.01*** join/#utah nick125_treo (n=upirc@pdpc/supporter/student/nick125)
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16:24.56ibotstalks fozzmoo, hiding in the shadows and sorting through his garbage.
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17:33.10rsimpkinsWish I could give you the sudo sandwich, but it isn't working.
17:37.41tristanbobWhat are the open source consulting companies in Utah?
17:38.16rsimpkinstristanbob: There are LOTS of independant consultants.
17:38.26rsimpkinstristanbob: Several are quite good.
17:38.42tristanbobany businesses?
17:39.50rsimpkinsWhich was aquired by KnowledgeBlue
17:39.58TeneThere's givemeyourmoneyandidontburnyourhouse, run by findlay and tene.
17:40.04nick125woah, this is neat. im vnced into my desktop on my treo
17:40.34rsimpkinstristanbob: Depending on what you want to do, you might be happier going with a co-op or independent contractor.
17:41.28nick125the video isnt too laggy, but typing is very laggy
17:43.33*** join/#utah acrid (
17:43.41herlotristanbob: that's where fozz works, and iodynamics was bought by them...
17:44.11nick125Sargun: are you alive?
17:44.14TeneThey're not contractors, though.
17:45.30rsimpkinstristanbob: An ad-hoc co-op works well in utah since we all know each other pretty well. Esspecially when you go with #utah/PLUG/SLLUG
17:45.43rsimpkinsIt's a small community.
17:45.44tristanbobTene, they just sell products?
17:45.58Sargunnick125, nope.
17:46.25nick125Sargun: dangit :p did I just miss him?
17:46.28Tenetristanbob: something like that.
17:46.52Sargunnick125, Yes.
17:46.55Sargunnick125, Leave a message
17:50.54herloTene: isn't what kb does considered outsourcing?
17:51.29Teneherlo: I actually don't know much about what kb does.  All I've heard is something about streaming media frameworks in java.
17:54.30rsimpkinsIt disturbes me greatly when I write a complex script to touch nearly every file on a production system, and it runs the first time after saving with no syntax errors, and looks like it works exactly as expected.
17:54.58rsimpkinsJust makes me - paranoid. For some reason.
17:54.59Tenersimpkins: it disturbs you greatly that you didn't run it in a 'test mode' first?
17:55.06rsimpkinsTene: I did.
17:55.09rsimpkinsTene: The test worked.
17:55.18Tenersimpkins: oh, nice.
17:55.57rsimpkinsTene: I'm not about to go running a script on hundreds of servers without testing first! :)
17:56.50neybaryou said that rather quickly... :)
17:58.02*** join/#utah nick125_treo (n=upirc@pdpc/supporter/student/nick125)
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18:03.05*** join/#utah nick125_treo (i=upirc@pdpc/supporter/student/nick125)
18:03.30nick125_treoSargun: hey
18:03.51Sargunnick125_treo, sup?
18:05.29nick125_treonot too much, you?
18:07.07nick125_treohmm, is two and a half hours of pockettunes with 60% battery left good?
18:08.04nick125_treoplus doing a bunch of other stuff (web, IRC, vnc, ssh, etc)
18:08.24nick125_treoseems about as good as my 700p
18:08.30Sargunyou can't multitask!
18:08.52Sargunits a treo.
18:09.06nick125_treonot at the same time, dummy.
18:09.38thaddeusqnick125_treo: what do you use for irc on the treo?
18:15.59*** join/#utah dataw0lf (
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18:30.47ibotIt is now 2008.01.30 18:30:47 GMT
18:31.22nick125_treoibot's clock is off
18:31.41*** join/#utah Keighvin (
18:31.47nick125_treoboth my treo and my cable box say 11:31, so ibot is a minute off
18:34.41rsimpkinsHrm, off topic. I think if we like it or not, We (the nation) are going to be electing Hillary president in November.
18:35.28nick125_treoI'd hope not.
18:36.05elgfigures. the only way to get worse
18:36.46rsimpkinsEdwards just dropped out.
18:36.46nick125_treowhy is it whenever I start to like the views of a candiate, they drop out :/
18:36.46KeighvinUnfortunately the pendulum is in her favor - or in favor of any democrat, for that matter.
18:36.52Keighvinnick125_treo: Quick, start liking Hillary!
18:36.53rsimpkinsYeah, Romney went too negative.
18:36.59elgi never really saw edwards as a contender
18:37.07tensaielg: you and most pundits
18:37.15rsimpkinsThe democrats are capturing the independants.
18:37.19elgbut then, i never looked closely
18:37.42elgjust judging by what I saw on Totally Biased™ TV
18:37.45rsimpkinsIt'll be interesting to see how things shape up next Tue.
18:37.53elgand the results of the first few primaries/caucuses
18:38.01rsimpkinsLook at the full delegate count - Hillary has the party. She has the power.
18:38.06elgi'm rooting for obama, at least to win the democratic ticket
18:38.16tensaiI would prefer obama to hillary
18:38.17rsimpkinsThose superdelegates are going to push her over the top.
18:38.34nick125_treoelg: he's the only one left that I somewhat like
18:38.38rsimpkinselg: There is little chance if you look at the numbers, but we'll see how things go in the next month.
18:39.18rsimpkinsSo, what will Bill be? Cause, he'll have to be addressed as 'President Clinton'
18:39.23rsimpkinsSo - there will be two of 'em.
18:39.38rsimpkinsI just think it is highly odd that a husband and wife both get elected president.
18:39.41elgyou're in sudoers, it isn't working?
18:39.58elgpresident billy
18:40.02elgpresident hilly
18:40.36maquisas far as republican candidates, huckabee is the only one i'm not fond of... mccain and romney both seem like they could do a reasonable job...  
18:40.46elgthing is, I don't know anyone that likes hillary
18:40.54rsimpkinsI'm not sure either McCain or Romney can go up against hillary.
18:40.56elgi know lots of people that like obama
18:40.58maquiselg: ultra feminists?
18:41.18rsimpkinsit would be rad if Obama switched to independant.
18:41.19elgmaquis: i know of such, but half the nation isn't ultra fem
18:41.25rsimpkinsThen hillary and obama would both loose. :)
18:41.31maquiselg: :)
18:41.49maquiselg: i know some people who think hillary is great... but up here, people are weird
18:42.01elgwithout obama, hillary would have the "minority" cornered
18:42.29rsimpkinsShe has way too much power with the party to not walk away with the nomination.
18:42.30elgbut he basically divides that in half - the people who would vote for her simply because she's a minority (woman)
18:42.34rsimpkinsI'd be shocked to see her not get it.
18:42.40maquisso, if the race were huckabee vs obama, do you think that utah would turn blue?
18:42.49maquis(i know, it's not likely anymore... just curious)
18:43.07findlayI rather think that Utah is either brown or grey
18:43.11rsimpkinsmaquis: No, cause every grandma in the state just chooses the 'all rebuplican ticket'
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18:43.39findlaydepends on the season and how long ago the last precipitation was
18:44.10findlaypartisan politics are evil
18:44.34rsimpkinsI see little changing though with Hillary - except for sure a raise in taxes.
18:44.45elgpartisan politics are natural
18:44.55rsimpkinsAnd - more 'temporary' deals so they can keep getting campain contributions.
18:45.10elgin the same way microsoft monopolies are
18:45.11rsimpkinsAnd a deepening of the DMCA and DRM legislation.
18:46.49elgi used to think republican wasn't half bad and dem was evil. now I just think neither is half good
18:47.17rsimpkinsI tend to lean toward republican on fiscal issues.
18:47.53KeighvinI'm with Dostoyevsky: round up everybody who wants the job and disqualify the lot of'em from every holding office.
18:47.58rsimpkinsThe dems want to create more government programs to scratch the backs of their contributors... cause that's who tends to benefits. On the republican side their consituancy tends to benefit by lower taxes. :)
18:48.30tensaiat this point I assume they're up to no good unless I see evidence to the contrary
18:48.41elgmaybe. but you don't have to look far to lose faith in that. orrin hatch and the riaa for example
18:49.09rsimpkinsNot much has changed since the days of Franklin, expect we have about a million more laws.
18:50.45findlayyay laws
18:50.48rsimpkinsSince we tend to agree we are going down, I'm all for going down as quickly as possible. Then maybe more radical candidates will get more attention.
18:51.27elgi'm all for going down the year after I pay for my house
18:51.29rsimpkinsI've learned in life it is better to not fight the wave, but let the wave pass you.
18:51.40findlaywhat we need is a Hitler or Mau or Lenin character to really take charge of things mad make reform ;-)
18:51.55tensaithis administration has really soured me toward the republicans, but I think I've been even more upset at how the democrats have failed to stand up to them
18:52.21rsimpkinsAt some point we will reach a situation where it will break.
18:52.25rsimpkinsIt is inevitable.
18:52.46rsimpkins200 years is a pretty good run for a government. :)
18:53.21findlayand a set of bash scripts
18:53.44nick125_treowho would maintain those databases and bash scripts?
18:53.47RyanEproblem is, the MySQL database clusters aren't at least 35 years old.
18:53.54findlayI would
18:53.56findlayof course
18:54.10RyanEThe power behind the Throne...
18:54.22findlaythe first job would be to renormalize the constitution
18:54.43findlayand then eliminate all that inconvenient redundancy in federal codes
18:55.10findlayRyanE: only as long as I get a curtain and a panel with large, colorful levers
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18:55.36RyanEand was MySQL even born in the country?  I'm thinking disqualified...
18:55.56RyanEIt'd have to change it's name from MySQL AB to MySQL, Inc. to even be considered.
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18:56.44elgi'm thinking the collapse of our gov and apocalypse likely coinciding
18:57.02rsimpkinsI think a major destabalizing event is likley in the next 50 years. That is: significant economic crash, very large scale terrorist attack, nuclear attack, major earthquake/flood.
18:57.38elgand another wave of file sharing thrown in for good measure
18:57.42elgso the starving artists all die
18:57.48rsimpkinsHas anyone watched The Fog Of War? It is a documentry about Robert McNamara.
18:58.26tensaifindlay: how about a beowulf cluster of mysql databases?
18:59.08elgtensai: that could be congress
18:59.42rsimpkinsI like the idea of an beowulf cluster of orbiting brain lasers better:
18:59.53nick125_treowhat about postgresql?
19:00.15tensaimore effective than those retarded anti-missle lasers for aircraft they want to waste money on
19:00.49rsimpkinsI want to bring back the nuclear powered airplane! :)
19:02.17RyanEjust remember, after the crash: black box, OK.  red box with yellow warning sticker, not so much.  :)
19:02.29nick125_treoSargun: poke
19:02.41Sargunnick125_treo, hey, sup?
19:02.54nick125_treonot much, you?
19:03.49nick125_treowant to discuss plans for  our laser checkout system that will make empire market ahead of the food retailing industry?
19:04.22tensailaser checkout system? you know that bar codes are read with lasers, right?
19:05.01nick125_treoits a chad vader reference
19:08.15levielg: Hmm, no one wants to talk about the Computer Science article.
19:10.12elgtotally pwned their brains
19:11.07tensaithe plug flame quota for january has been exceeded
19:11.14tensairesubmit it in february
19:11.36rsimpkinselg: FYI - sudo working great. Thank you.
19:12.23tensaisudo rm -f /etc/sudoers
19:13.37rsimpkinssudo iptables -I INPUT -s -j DROP
19:13.42nick125_treowow, all of this great HD programming...we can watch weather channel HD!
19:14.18Sargunnick125_treo, You packaged python stuff for windows, right?
19:14.40rsimpkinsAhh, no one got my iptables joke.
19:14.41rsimpkinsAhh well.
19:14.54nick125_treoSargun: uh why?
19:18.12levirsimpkins: Just how geeky do you think we are, anyway? ;)
19:19.25Sargunnick125_treo, I might have to package it for Winslows.
19:19.35nick125_treopackage what?
19:20.09Sarguna python package. I PM you, Sargun?
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19:27.36SargunDR. b?
19:28.19SargunAustralia's coastline isn't sexy
19:31.21Heartsbanersimpkins: dropping all traffic from, maybe I don't get it
19:35.15elgelg is a moose
19:45.29elg-sistertime to get a bite to eat
19:51.00*** join/#utah ti`ocpi (
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19:54.20RyanElittle early for TLAP day.
19:54.51leviI either need to add the gnu libc and to my minimal fs, get the source code to these programs so I can re-link them against uclibc, or have them statically-recompiled. :/
19:55.08Tenelevi: do all of them?
19:55.29leviWell, I will try option 1, because it's completely under my control.
19:55.41Tenebut then it won't be minimal anymore.
19:55.46TeneIt will be near-minimal.
19:55.54TeneDo you really want to ruin perfection?
19:56.14*** join/#utah nick125_treo (i=upirc@pdpc/supporter/student/nick125)
19:58.14nick125_treoSargun: any news on your python program packaging for win32?
20:10.01leviTene: Turns out option 1 is out of the question because gnulibc is a bloated dog and doesn't fit.
20:10.37Sargunoh god
20:11.25leviSargun: Does that surprise you?
20:12.14sinuhelevi: Bloated dog?  Are you saying GNU programs are bloated?  Next, you'll be saying Emacs is an operating system.  :-)
20:12.57levisinuhe: Well 11mb is not exactly svelte.
20:13.02Sargunlevi, I didn't know he was THAT messed up.
20:13.21Sargunsinuhe, Download the "SAGE" [pythonic math thing] code
20:13.30nick125Sargun: You should get a tank license.
20:14.30nick125so you could drive a tank
20:14.40levisinuhe: And emacs is, essentially, an operating system designed around manipulating buffers of text.
20:14.42sinuheSargun: what is it in SAGE that I'm supposed to look at?
20:15.42Sargunthe code
20:15.42Sargunlevi, No, its a userland
20:15.42sinuheSargun: What about it?
20:15.42SargunI saw someone who had Emacs as their shell
20:15.43SargunI was confused
20:15.46Sargunthen I nearly cried
20:15.46leviSargun: I know what I'm talking about.
20:17.11SargunAfter that I uninstalled emacs from his system
20:17.42tensairsimpkins: I got your joke. I was just at lunch.
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20:21.52elg-sister~lart tensai
20:21.52ibottakes out a seltzer bottle and sprays tensai in the face. You know, one of those old-school seltzer bottles clowns have? Yeah those. Anyway, consider yourself spritzed
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20:26.02ibottickles tuple with a rose bush
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20:43.36SargunHas anyone played with the idea of being a SATA target?
20:44.15nick125Sargun: that sounds dangerous
20:44.37SargunWell, I have a buncha systems
20:44.40Sargunwith eSATA
20:45.21Sargunand a system
20:45.38Sargunwith RAID10 array
20:45.39nick125I think writing drivers for the host would be much more difficult
20:46.01SargunI want to mount the RAID10 array on all these systems without spending lots and lots of money
20:46.09Sargunon FC, or iSCSI
20:46.27nick125NFS? AoE? :p
20:47.10Sargunwell Copper is too slow
20:47.10Sargunand fiber is too $
20:47.14KemotahaSargun: iscsi can be free
20:48.02Kemotahacostwise.  Timewise not so much
20:48.04Sargunover infiniband
20:48.04Sargunplus infiniband switch
20:48.04Sargunare $
20:48.20Kemotahat do it over infinband
20:48.32nick125Kemotaha: He would need a decentralized fiber connections with triple redundant connections and multiple BGP peers between the core routers
20:49.35Kemotahanick125: now I am confused
20:49.45nick125Kemotaha: That's the point
20:51.58nick125Is it bad that when I pound on my desk, my monitor turns purple?
20:52.06nick125or if I move my chair
20:53.05nick125Aah, I see why. The connection is coming loose.
20:53.05Keighvinpurple = green channel is being interrupted.
20:53.21KeighvinEither you've got some bent pins or a break somewhere in the monitor cable.
20:53.35Keighvin...or the connection is coming loose.
20:53.48nick125Nah, the stupid laptop doesn't have the pins for the little thumb screws.
20:53.58nick125uh, not pins, but you know what I'm talking about.
20:55.23KeighvinBy pins I mean those on the cable interface(s), not the stabilizing screws.
20:55.55nick125I know
20:56.04nick125I couldn't think what those little screws were
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22:19.47rsimpkinsCan anyone in here recommend a SOLID dedicted hosting company?
22:20.06Sargundedicated, not dedicted
22:20.16SargunAnd what sorta bandwidth, CPU, SLA, cost?
22:20.38rsimpkinsSargun: I want a reliable corporation.
22:20.51SargunAnd what sorta bandwidth, CPU, SLA, cost? <<
22:20.54rsimpkinsSolid == Enterprise quality.
22:21.00rsimpkinsIt doesn't matter.
22:21.14Sarguncost doesn't matter
22:21.22SargunDo one at rackspace
22:22.28Sarguntheplanet has some decent ones too
22:22.35Sargunrsimpkins, Why don't you collocate?
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22:23.21Sarguncollocate at internap
22:23.23Sargunor Equinix
22:23.29Sargunor Level3
22:23.41rsimpkinsI'm not a fan of co-lo in this case.
22:23.46Sargunwhy not?
22:23.49nick125Sargun: I thought you hated Equinix?
22:23.52rsimpkinsI can't be managing hardware.
22:23.54Sargunnick125, I do.
22:24.16Sargunnick125, Who said I was speaking in rsimpkins' best interest. :-P
22:24.40nick125Hm. I need another treo cradle for my desk
22:24.59rsimpkinsi'm already quite familiar with Equinix, rackspace, etc.
22:25.09rsimpkinsJust trying to get some other suggestions/ideas.
22:25.32SargunRackspace is decent.
22:30.15Kemotaharsimpkins: you can always get some with us :)
22:30.37rsimpkinsKemotaha: Give me an IP address of one, and I'll tell you if you stack up.
22:31.26KemotahaWhat are you hosting?
22:31.32rsimpkinsOkay, where do I get info?
22:31.42Jayce^rsimpkins, I think you know a few folks here :)
22:31.48Jayce^what *type* of hosting are you looking for?
22:31.49Kemotahajsut a few of us
22:31.51rsimpkinsrtt min/avg/max/mdev = 11.372/11.424/11.460/0.129 ms, pipe 2
22:32.11rsimpkinsJayce^: Dedicated server, I'll manage it. As near enterprise class as we can afford.
22:32.16Sargunrsimpkins, You are based in utah right
22:32.28rsimpkinsYes, but this can be anywhere.
22:32.53KemotahaWe don't have dedicated hardware but we do have Virtual dedicated
22:32.55Jayce^rsimpkins, we just do shared or VPS based hosting
22:33.10rsimpkinsKemotaha: It has to be dedicated, and will probably be running several VMs in it.
22:33.17rsimpkinsJayce^: Bummer.
22:33.54Jayce^rsimpkins, meh, market segments..  too much extra overhead outside what we do
22:34.14Sargunrsimpkins, uh, do those one guys
22:34.15rsimpkinsStupid suits ruining it for everyone. ;-)
22:34.19Sargunthose crapy guys
22:34.22Sargunin utah
22:34.24Sargunwho do fiber
22:34.39Kemotaharsimpkins: what are you goin gto host out of it? has great connectivity. If I need shared, I'll keep them in mind.
22:34.54rsimpkinsKemotaha: Lots o' stuff. is our VPS stuff
22:36.04Kemotahayou might be able to get by with that, without using VM's, just multiple VE's
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23:29.06fozzmooMan liferay is slow.
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23:33.05bsdicehello my phriends
23:34.09bsdicelast night I dreamt I had seized a trunk whistling 2600 out of my ass
23:49.07fozzmoogoozbach: Hi
23:50.23goozbachfozzmoo: howdy
23:57.50goozbachfozzmoo: I suspect the moldy cheese

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