IRC log for #utah on 20070414

00:40.33*** join/#utah ringhals (
00:41.07ringhalsI want ot make some new ringtones for my Cisco IP phones.. I have the format specs but can anyone help me with the sox command?
00:52.45*** join/#utah pmcnabb (
01:38.40*** join/#utah ti`ocpi (
01:58.44*** join/#utah ti`ocpi (
02:06.01*** join/#utah sontek (n=sontek@unaffilated/sontek)
02:09.32*** join/#utah pmcnabb (
02:16.54*** join/#utah justingiboney (
02:17.31justingiboneyanyone know how to install wine on a amd64 running ubuntu?
02:26.12*** join/#utah sontek_ (
02:33.42justingiboneyokay any know about using 32-bit libraries like ia32-libs and lib32asound2 with amd64?
02:38.24*** join/#utah wps (n=wps@
02:40.18tensaijustingiboney: sjansen probably would if he were here
02:42.14tensaion both of my 64 bit servers we're running 32 bit kernels
02:43.13justingiboneyya i have no idea what I installed
03:05.32elgringhals: I can probably help you with the sox command if you know the format it needs to be in
03:05.35elgand if you ask quickly
03:20.52tensaio/~ I don't care, I'm still free. You can't take the sky from me. ~/o
03:31.32sontekso whats up with Utah banning keyword advertisements? =)
03:33.33tensaiapparently they've got a budget surplus to waste on a fruitless legal defense
03:33.57tensaibertbob: I thought cp80 maxed them out for this year already
03:35.32bertbobyou may be right...their partners in law firms need some experience before a high court
03:53.28*** join/#utah zerdith (
04:01.14raventh1sontek: lol
04:01.26raventh1sontek, i think something is broke at work :/
04:01.35raventh1nothing super major
04:12.05*** join/#utah pmcnabb (
05:20.46nick125_lappyHow's everyone tonight?
05:37.30*** join/#utah dilvie (
05:56.57sontekraventh1: why?
05:58.21raventh1did you get my pms ?
05:58.32sontekraventh1: yeah
05:58.41sontekthat doesn't sound like anything broke
05:58.49raventh1oh ok
05:58.49sontekjust sounds like things didn't get setup properly :P
05:59.08raventh1ya, that's all i meant
06:09.00sontekraventh1: you'll probably want to come in before Trent on Monday to get it fixed before any clients have a chance to call him
06:15.42*** join/#utah justingiboney (
06:16.43justingiboneyso I got wine to work, but Dawn of War doesn't see my cd as real
06:49.46*** join/#utah Sargun (
07:04.53*** join/#utah jnbek (
07:12.34Supaplexhere's a relic from a decade or more ago.  The Great Abyss BBS.
10:21.22*** join/#utah dilvie_ (
15:30.25*** join/#utah tiwula (
15:36.37*** join/#utah Zelut (
15:59.47*** join/#utah lukfugl (
16:07.07elganyone good with scons?
16:27.59harleypigI like a good scone ...
16:58.02*** join/#utah zerdith (
17:03.28*** part/#utah bertbob (
17:07.15*** join/#utah zerdith (
17:08.39*** join/#utah bertbob (
17:25.53*** join/#utah Keighvin (
17:26.01Keighvin~lart Jayce^
17:26.01ibotbeats Jayce^ senseless with a 50lb Unix manual
17:36.32*** join/#utah tiwula (
17:42.35*** join/#utah jsmith (
17:55.58bonez39anyone here have experience with or use 'ipcheck' to update dns where one's IP is dynamic?
18:14.03bonez39wow...this is a quiet Saturday
18:14.26jsmithNo kidding
18:24.27*** join/#utah jnbek (
18:25.58*** join/#utah jnbek (
18:28.13harleypigCan anyone tell me if a usb cable to a phone can be physically limited to *only* being a power supply?
18:28.24harleypigDoes that question even make sense?
18:29.37ScytheBlade1Depends on the phone end
18:29.43*** join/#utah sudhanwa (n=sudhanwa@
18:29.52ScytheBlade1The client side tells the host side what it wans
18:38.02*** join/#utah jnbek (
18:45.46*** join/#utah jnbek (
18:47.20*** join/#utah jnbek (
18:54.45*** part/#utah sudhanwa (n=sudhanwa@
19:03.51*** join/#utah jsmith (
19:04.19jsmithSilly power outages :-(
19:04.39elgscons sucks
19:07.40jsmithscons, the software?
19:11.11elgscons the "let's improve on make by giving people a few useful tools and making them write their own build logic so that every scons "makefile" is opaque, buggy, and incomplete and things will exponentially approach the ugliness of autotools without the benefits"
19:12.15elgmake may be lame, but it's easy to do simple things in it and it's easy to read even the really strange syntax
19:12.20elgscons is opaque to all but python programmers who have stuffed the massive scons api into their brains
19:12.47nick125_lappyelg: That sounds painful
19:12.56elgi gave it a fair shot
19:13.05elgwe used it on ardour. I dealt with it all summer
19:13.14elgand now I'm trying to build another program that's using scons
19:13.30elgfirst it needed a specific version because the scons api keeps changing
19:13.48elgthen I can't find any reasonable way to do the equivalent of setting CFLAGS
19:14.06jsmithYou'd think that would be one of the most important things?
19:14.07elgyou'd think, you know - basic functionality?
19:14.24elgon ardour, we did a lot of configure-like checks
19:14.36elgscons offered no easy way to remember the results of those checks
19:14.44elgso every tiniest rebuild took 5 minutes
19:14.53elgmostly doing checks that it repeats every single time
19:15.35elgisn't that a fundamental element of the design of autotools? I mean autotools is an example of how not to write software but its goals and raison dĂȘtre are solid
19:16.25jsmithI 100% agree with you
19:19.11elgi'm all for improving make. my opinion is now officially and irrevocably that scons is a failed attempt
19:19.32jsmithirrevocably, eh?
19:19.43jsmithThat's a strong word when it comes to software ;-)
19:20.35elgit would take a serious redesign and paradigm shift on their part, and probably completely break all backwards compatibility which would destroy their momentum
19:21.07elgso I'd say with about the same probability as that I will suddenly start levitating because the air molecules all line up and start pressing up on my chair
19:21.47nick125_lappyAnyone here use ifplugd on gentoo?
19:22.02elgwhich incidentally was discussed in a talk at the miniconference here today :) trying to figure out how to rectify things that are "impossible" to physicists and merely "very improbable" to statisticians
19:22.09elgtalking about said things, that is
19:26.10*** join/#utah jlp_work (n=jlp@gateway.FREECAKENETWORKS.COM)
19:29.41elgincidentally, while rake isn't nearly as sucky as scons, it's still not an improvement on make, imho
19:48.32*** join/#utah nick125_lappy (n=nick@atarack/staff/nick125)
20:00.27*** part/#utah harleypig (n=harleypi@
20:42.12*** join/#utah jsmith (
20:42.13*** join/#utah zerdith ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
20:43.04*** join/#utah zerdith (
21:16.33*** join/#utah dilvie__ (
21:52.18*** join/#utah jsmith (
22:20.55elgad on "Try Minix 3, the blah blah blah, much smaller than linux!"
22:21.00elgas if size is an issue these days
22:21.32Teneelg: not in personal computers, no
22:24.38elgi wish  i could remember the whole thing but my network connection froze just as I was about to type it and I had closed the window
22:26.06elgTene: it didn't say, "try minix 3, the awesome embedded system"
22:26.32elgit had a picture of a racoon too. everybody knows you can't embed racoons
22:26.53Tene*I* can!
22:27.37elgonly if you leave out the part of the brain that knows how to open garbage cans
22:27.43elgbut then is it really a racoon?
22:27.52TeneWell, not really...
22:28.40elgafter all that work
22:28.50elga veritable marathon of porting
22:29.04elg(build porting. i wouldn't have bothered with code)
22:29.07elg$ ./gusanos
22:29.07elgset_gfx_mode(1, 320, 240, 0, 0): Resolution not supported
23:00.46elgi might as well be sitting in africa listening to a zulu medicine doctor
23:01.38elg(listening to a math dept presentation)
23:01.49elgI wonder if CS is as opaque to them
23:01.57elgas their crazy math jargon is to us
23:04.01elg"diamond true which is the same as box not true not true false which is the same as ..."
23:04.06elgword for word
23:04.43elgI bet you didn't know box p -> box box p is the same as diamond diamond p -> diamond p
23:34.53*** join/#utah sontek (n=sontek@unaffilated/sontek)

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