irclog2html for #utah on 20060727

00:02.14elgmy printer will be in las cruces from about midnight tonight, and driving around town from about 7am until 4:30 or 5
00:08.41vontrappof course when the channel is slow is when that red blue blinky thing is sitting there
00:46.18*** join/#utah vontrapp (n=von@
00:58.28elg-lart vontrapp
01:09.22vontrapphow widespread is the desert default in vim?
01:09.28vontrappjust debian or others too?
01:10.05vontrappbrac: that would hurt more if i didn't already have it :(
01:14.44maquisvontrapp: ick
01:14.48vontrappor was it ubuntu that had it for default?
01:14.49maquisyou have windows on your machine?
01:14.57maquisi have it in qemu for my class, but not actually installed
01:15.11vontrappmaquis: you're lucky, i was about to do something horrible to you for icking desert.vim
01:15.41vontrappmaquis: i enjoy the occasional game of starcraft
01:15.41maquisvontrapp: i wouldn't do that
01:15.58vontrappi only end up playing maybe 4 times a year
01:16.06vontrappbut it's enough to keep my windows partition around
01:16.28maquisvontrapp: you could be playing less soon...
01:16.47maquisunless your fiancee likes playing as well
01:17.08vontrappmaquis: au contraire, i will have an opponent to play against
01:17.14vontrappit might become more frequent
01:18.26vontrappesp since i'd have to put the olde mythe box in windows to have an opposing station
01:19.07elgwesnoth is more fun that starcraft
01:19.20vontrappsometimes you just want a good ol 'realtime' game
01:19.27elgyeah, like never
01:19.31vontrapp-lart elg
02:28.14*** join/#utah sargun (
02:37.06levi_homeI tried Wesnoth once, but didn't get into it.
02:37.44levi_homeWhen I do play a game, which is rare, I play Neverwinter Nights.
02:38.04levi_homeI'm intrigued by Eve Online, but I don't have the time to seriously play it.
02:44.31maquislevi_home: have you tried the um yet?
02:46.41*** join/#utah nick125_1appy (
02:51.33levi_homemaquis: Not yet.  Got yours to work?
02:53.57levi_homeI've got the spec printed out and I've read over it a couple of times.
02:54.13maquislevi_home: haven't had as much time as i'd like to work on it yet...
02:54.23maquisdo you understand how they want arrays to work?
02:55.04maquislevi_home: any chance you could clarify a bit?  i'm kinda confused about register b... do i set that? or is it something that they set and give to me?
02:55.33levi_homeWhen they talk about register letters, those refer to fields of bits in the instruction.
02:55.39maquislevi_home: yeah
02:56.20maquisbut in the description for array allocation, i'm confused about whether they're giving me the number they want the array to be, or if they want me to choose one and give it to them
02:56.26levi_homeSo you're asking how to implement the allocation instruction?
02:56.30maquisi'm guessing the latter, but i'm not certain
02:56.45maquisi'm asking for clarification on the spec for the allocation instruction
02:57.21*** join/#utah hatchmt (
02:57.42maquisthe way i'm reading it, i'm thinking they want me to choose the number to identify the array, and set that in the register
02:57.53maquisbut i'm not 100% certain
02:58.44maquisaside from that, i'm fixing some things so that i can get loading working (the way i was handling things before didn't make much sense for that, since i hadn't paid attention to the fact that i'd need to load something else)
02:59.15levi_homeThose 3 bits identify the register you want the new identifier to be stored in, I believe.
02:59.23maquislevi_home: yes... i got that...
02:59.30maquisbut do i tell it what the new identifier is/
02:59.40maquisor do they choose one and store it in there?
03:00.08levi_homeThe UM chooses it and stores it there, AFAICT.
03:00.27maquisi was thinking it was the other way around...
03:00.37levi_homeIt's like making an open syscall and getting a file descriptor back.
03:00.51levi_homeExcept it's an array descriptor.
03:00.56maquisoh.. wait.. yeah... that is how i ws thinking it was... ithought you were saying the opposite :)
03:01.11maquisalso, what's the last mini-paragraph under load program mean?
03:05.27levi_homeI'm not sure.
03:05.37maquisi'll assume it's not overly important, then
03:05.45maquisit looks like marketspeak or something
03:07.45levi_homePerhaps it means to do nothing if you perform load program on array 0.
03:08.50levi_homeSince it would be silly to duplicate it and rewrite it with the same values.
03:13.25levi_homeOh, and don't forget byte ordering.
03:14.21maquisbyte ordering?  is that going to bite me?
03:14.41maquisi'll look into it, then
03:15.15levi_homeThe behavior section talks about byte ordering.
03:16.20maquismagnificent, lovely, mediocre and shoddy?
03:16.37levi_homeSo, big-endian.
03:18.40levi_homentohs will take care of converting big-endian to host byte order.
03:18.47levi_homeEr, ntohl
03:27.35levi_homenetwork byte order is big-endian.
03:28.13levi_homeSo, if you run ntohl (network to host long) on a 32 bit big-endian value, it gets turned to a 32-bit value in host byte order.
03:28.40elgmmm, i love playing with endianness
03:28.53maquisso, before using anything as an instruction, i should just run ntohl on it?
03:29.51levi_homemaquis: If you read four bytes in from the disk into a four-byte array, then cast it to a long int, you should run ntohl on that long int.
03:30.30maquislevi_home: but it'll still have the problem if i just read it in as an int, right?
03:30.56elgthe data comes in as four bytes
03:31.02elgin network order
03:31.07maquiselg: ok...  
03:31.09elgunless you convert it to host order, it's wrong
03:31.16maquisso, i just need to run that regardless
03:31.17elg(unless host order is network order, of course)
03:31.24maquisjust checking
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03:38.06levi_homeEven if host order is network order, if you want it to be portable, you should run the byte order conversion.  It generally becomes a null macro when no conversion is needed.
03:39.58elgif you don't use ntohl you will be drawn and quartered in your sleep by the network gremlins
03:40.55maquissomehow, i don't think i've ever needed to use that before... wonder if i've shot myself in the foot due to that previously
03:41.36levi_homemaquis: If you developed regularly on a PPC mac, you probably would have noticed. :)
03:43.25maquislevi_home: haven't developed on a mac ever :)
03:44.01levi_homemaquis: It's mostly like developing on any other unix system, except it's big-endian.
03:44.58maquisi figured
03:45.09maquiswell... actually, if you count hypercard.........  :)
03:45.13elgif you developed mostly on a mac you probably wouldn't have noticed
03:45.20elgit's if you develop heterogenously
03:45.29maquisonly that was back... ummm...  os8.1 or something?
03:47.45*** join/#utah mheath[laptop] (
03:50.28mheath[laptop]Someone wrote a letter to the editor at the standard examiner.......
03:50.59mheath[laptop]Saying that people who burn the flag are justified in doing so, because the flag is a symbol of the people it represents, and "this adminsitration has been doing horribly"
03:51.09levi_homeExtended ellipses seem to be the fad of the hour.
03:51.43maquisi wouldn't say that, but i find it somewhat funny that people who burn the flag don't realize how hypocritical their actions are....
03:51.57maquislevi_home: i always use ellipses... and smetimes they end up extended
03:52.01mheath[laptop]apparently they missed the part where the flag represents the millions of people who have given their life fighting for what has been the greatest andn most successful government over the last 250 years
03:52.32ScytheBlade1mheath[laptop], the flag represents whatever someone wants it to represent. Welcome to America.
03:52.34levi_homemheath[laptop]: Apparently you missed the part where they're doing it just to get a rise out of people like you, and you're doing exactly what they want.
03:52.41maquismheath[laptop]: the thing is, those people have fought and died, to protect the rights of the people, including the right to burn the flag
03:52.46mheath[laptop]I look at my picture of the flag raising on Iwo Jima, and it sickens me that people would feel justified in burning that symbol just because they dislike Mr. Bush.
03:54.10mheath[laptop]It reminds me of a poem called My Name is Old Glory, written in the first person from the point of view of the flag
03:54.16maquismheath[laptop]: people are excercising the right that they have as a result of the people who have died for freedom.  it's hypocritical, sure... but i don't think it should be illegal.
03:54.49mheath[laptop]There is a  line in tehre that says "I have been soiled, burned, torn and trampled on the streets of my country, and when it is by those with whom I have served in battle - it hurts. But I shall overcome - for I am strong."
03:55.08elgfirst person anthropomorphising poems are the one of the worst kinds of poems, in general, imho
03:55.11maquismheath[laptop]: yes... i've read it... many times
03:55.15levi_homeelg: Amen.
03:55.22elgand I don't think much of poems in general
03:55.57levi_homeI like some poetry, but not sappy patriotic poetry.
03:55.58maquiselg: i disagree... i recall having read some good ones (i don't remember exactly which ones, unfortunately)
03:56.12mheath[laptop]elg, you should hear this poem read ontop of the Battle Hymn of the Republic music, while an honor guard folds the US flag to present to an Admiral who is retiring from the United States Navy.
03:56.13maquisi like "o captain my captain"
03:56.52elgmheath[laptop]: it sounds very honorable and emotional, but I'm afraid you shouldn't be hopeful that I'd like it
03:56.57elgbecause I almost certainly would not
03:57.20elgwhether it's talking about the country I love, the religion I believe in, or my favorite flavor of ice cream, poems just don't do it for me
03:57.37maquiselg: have you read any poems by shel silverstein?
03:57.45elgnow some of those are good
03:57.59maquisthose were the first poems i read
03:57.59elgthere are some good poems, amazingly enough
03:58.04maquisi've got almost all his books
03:58.12elgand dr seuss
03:58.33elgand lots of poems that make fun of poems are pretty good
03:59.05levi_homeI like T. S. Eliot
04:00.16maquisi've heard some really good T.S. Eliott poems
04:05.39levi_homeMy favorite is The Hollow Men, which I read along with Heart of Darkness.
04:06.08elgpoetry to me is tolkien
04:06.20elguntil he starts on with those silly songs, ironically
04:11.28levi_homeTolkien is definitely prose, aside from the silly songs.  I do like the one ring poem, though.
04:20.38mheath[laptop]My favorite poet remains Sir Alfred Lord Tennyson
04:21.58mheath[laptop]They had a really annoying form on their checked the world length of your letter, but the longer it was the longer it took, to the point where a paragraph in it was impossible to type
04:22.03mheath[laptop]Had to open up notepad then copy/paste
04:27.43maquisit checked word-length while you typed?
04:28.44mheath[laptop]i'm thinking that firefox must have some minor incompatability, because I can't see how they could guage that kind of preformance as being at all tolerable for your average IE users
04:29.29levi_home"Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will/ To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield."
04:34.33mheath[laptop]Whencan their glory fade? O the wild charge they made! All the world wondered. Honour the charge they made! Honour the Light Brigade, Noble six hundred!
04:36.54*** join/#utah RyanE_ (
04:37.46levi_homeHeh.  I figured that'd be your favorite.
04:40.08mheath[laptop]We have a wonderful leather bound book, circa 1905, of the complete works of Tennyson.
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04:41.07goozbachhe IS talkin about me
04:41.17goozbachibot: onjoin #utah goozbach
04:41.17ibotonjoin for goozbach set by sjansen on Thu Jun  1 06:51:13 2006: It seems they'll let all manner of riff raff into #utah these days.
04:42.01goozbachibot: onjoin #utah sjansen do you smell that?
04:42.01ibotok, goozbach
04:42.06goozbachhe he
04:44.46mheath[laptop]hmm, apparently it was published in 1900
04:49.56goozbachthe book about the adolecent life of sjansen?
04:50.10goozbachwhen he beat up seven minataurs?
04:50.21maquisdoes he have any cool scars?
04:50.40goozbachmaquis: where do you think he got that beard?
04:50.52goozbachhe stole it off the minuatur's face
04:51.00goozbachrippied it right off
04:51.11goozbachthen he huffed a kitten
04:51.16mheath[laptop]goozbach, a leather bound copy of the poetical works of Alfred Lord Tennyson
05:32.09*** join/#utah herlo (n=herlo@
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05:51.07herlo~seen lars-ut
05:51.12ibotlars-ut <n=lars-ut@> was last seen on IRC in channel #utah, 19d 5h 56m 59s ago, saying: 'k'.
05:51.32*** join/#utah brailsmt ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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05:52.21mheath[laptop]Wow, a tintype of my great-great-great grandfather.
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08:16.50findlaylevi: how's that?
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13:31.34goozbachok so I'm thinking I'm liking Opera
13:31.55goozbachif I could only get my shortcuts all  re-wired in my brain
13:36.33*** join/#utah RyanE_ (
13:41.07emcnabbgoozbach: what are you liking about Opera?
14:09.11goozbachit seems to crash less often than firefox
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14:35.05emcnabbgoozbach: Firefox is very stable on my box
14:45.02SupaplexI think opera has only crashed once or twice since I started using it.  FF does that a few times a month. :P
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14:47.44elg-lart vontrapp
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16:07.20mrpull_Jayce^:  do you have the slides for the RT presentation you blogged about?
16:07.54Jayce^mrpull_, printed
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16:08.06Jayce^iirc they mentioned them going in the SVN tree
16:08.55mrpull_RT's rcs?
16:09.05Jayce^yeah, the source tree..
16:09.17mrpull_ahh... i wouldn't have thought to look there :)
16:09.20Jayce^they said 3.6.1 is coming out this week.. maybe monday
16:09.33mrpull_3.6 looks like fun.  
16:09.37Jayce^it does...
16:09.46mrpull_thank goodness for better CSS.
16:09.56Jayce^fixes a lot of the things we were interested in
16:10.02mrpull_the customizations I did for my 3.4 install were hideous
16:10.28Jayce^they did mention that the next major version will likely be rewritten into jifty from pure mason
16:10.38Jayce^which will allow *very* interesting features
16:10.44mrpull_I listened to the perlcast about jifty
16:10.47mrpull_it was pretty cool
16:11.06Jayce^it was... I had played with it before and thought it was cool, now it looks even better
16:11.21Jayce^you see my notes on it from audrey's session?
16:11.28Jayce^some brain benders
16:11.48mrpull_yeah.  that stuff is over my head :)
16:12.26Jayce^yeah, I'm learning a lot reading it... but it displays some stuff that would/will make perl *very* cooler :)
16:13.29mrpull_do you use RT FAQ Manager at all?
16:13.33*** join/#utah bonez39 (
16:14.26Jayce^yeah, but barely..
16:15.22mrpull_i wanted to stick with packages on my production RT setup... and debian didn't have rtfm packages that worked with RT 3.4.x at the time
16:16.03mrpull_i'm more comfortable with the source build for the next install... I haven't decided if RTFM is worthwhile
16:16.08*** join/#utah jsmith (n=jsmith@
16:16.29Jayce^it isn't for us, currently, the dev groups are switching more to wikis
16:16.44bonez39jsmith, how's * lately?
16:17.04jsmithbonez39: Rockin'
16:17.19mrpull_Jayce^: i've been leaning toward wikis for faqs as well
16:18.48bonez39jsmith, do you run all your phones through asterisk? does asterisk interact with cell phones well?
16:19.23jsmithbonez39: Yeah, I run all my home phones and work phones through Asterisk.
16:19.44jsmithbonez39: And you can buy cell stations to get Asterisk to talk to the cell network as well
16:20.33rsimpkinsjsmith: You run your home phones through it? For the purpose of just being able to say that, or for a genuine "everyone should do this" reason?
16:20.56emcnabbhow much does it cost to buy a phone number that bridges to your home Asterisk box?
16:20.58jsmithrsimpkins: Neither... I have my home phones on Asterisk because of the features it offers...
16:21.03bonez39jsmith, hope you don't mind my questions...if I have a P3 machine, with 10 gb hdd....would such a machine work as my asterisk server? I'd need a sip box...and then you say this cell addon?
16:21.20jsmithbonez39: Yeah, as long as you're not doing too many simultaneous calls
16:21.28jsmithemcnabb: $10/month or so...
16:21.37bonez39jsmith, my interest at home and the ability to set up custom greetings for special callers......
16:21.37emcnabbnot bad
16:21.58jsmithbonez39: Yeah, that'd be fine then.
16:22.00nick125_lappybonez39: you can do that
16:22.37bonez39jsmith, I guess what I need next then is to land on the right SIP box...Sipura? what do you run, what hardware?
16:22.55jsmithI've got all kinds...
16:23.09jsmithI like the Linksys SPA-942 and Cisco 7960 as far as IP phones
16:23.14nick125_lappyjsmith: what kind of SIP device do you use? I need a sip device...
16:23.30jsmithI like the Linksys SPA-3000 for a SIP converter...
16:23.31bonez39jsmith, that is my question too...which SIP device
16:24.04jsmithAs far as an IP phone, or an analog-to-SIP adapter?
16:24.34bonez39SIP adapter
16:24.41nick125_lappyI liked the look and features of the SPA-942
16:25.09jsmithbonez39: Check out the SPA-2000 and SPA-3000 series...
16:26.01bonez39jsmith, do these work with zfone, that encryption scheme, that allows end to end encrypted calling?
16:27.03rsimpkinsI just want one of those things where you call a phone and you hear music instead of a ring. I wanna put a recording though. "Welcome to the supercom 3000. Please wait while I establish a communication link with the mothership."
16:27.25jsmithzfone only works with soft phones right now.
16:27.30jsmithrsimpkins: Easy enough to do...
16:27.57nick125_lappyyou could do MoH too...that would probably be best..
16:29.13bonez39I'd want a special message for all the cellemarketers...and other phone pests.....that would drive them all to drink.....and suicide...hehehe
16:29.33rsimpkinsMoH? Medal of Honor?
16:29.39nick125_lappyrsimpkins: music on hold
16:31.58jsmithbonez39: Telemarketer Torture!
16:32.21nick125_lappyI think voipsupply's shipping prices are.....a rip off...would that be the right word?
16:33.30bonez39jsmith, yes..indeed..I'd want these knuckleheads checking in to the nearest psych ward for heavy medication treatment....after calling me
16:33.41bonez39nick125_, a sipoff?
16:34.33nick125_lappy$10 for home delivery, $42 for overnight
16:35.09rsimpkinsbonez39: You probably need to suck them in first.. 'Oooo. I am so glad you called me. I've been wanting your product SOOOO bad. Just hold on a sec. I gotta use the bathroom...' 10 minute pause. Then if the poor sap is still there he is of the type that can be easily messed with.
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17:14.46m{~seen elg
17:14.59ibotelg <> was last seen on IRC in channel #utah, 2h 27m 15s ago, saying: '-lart vontrapp '.
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17:42.39m{elg: did you upgrade to typo 4?
17:43.24m{aka did you get it to work?
17:43.49*** join/#utah elg_ (
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17:44.38mheath[laptop]Dear Staples employees: If you're going to read the documents I'm having you print so you can make patheic conversation about them, please do so inteligently.
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18:16.40brac[Get Firefox]
18:17.04mrpull_FF 2.0b1 has crashed three times today
18:17.24mrpull_IE7 Beta is starting to look like a possibility
18:20.50maquisemcnabb: nice
18:21.02maquisemcnabb: too bad brac spoiled it somewhat
18:21.08emcnabblet's judge software on it's first beta!
18:22.15mrpull_ie7 is in beta too
18:22.33emcnabbyeah, but it's beta 3
18:22.41emcnabband has been in beta for a lot longer
18:22.57mrpull_MS Beta 3 is roughly equal to Mozilla RC3 :)
18:26.35emcnabbyeah, it is
18:27.10elg_-lart vontrapp
18:27.15emcnabb-lart elg_
18:28.23elg_____________~lart elg
18:28.32elg-lart elg_____________
18:28.40elgooh, fill in the blank
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18:31.22mrpullhas anybody ever sent credentials to nickserve instead of nickserv?
18:31.43maquismrpull: no... i tried to change my name to nickserve, and it wouldn't let me, though
18:32.26maquismrpull: i wouldn't worry too much... they won't let anybody choose a nick that's even similar to nickserv
18:32.33maquisnikcserv, nickserve, etc
18:32.45nikcservealthough you can do this one
18:33.16mrpulli figured there had to be someone with a similar nick that loved it every time my fat fingers goofed
18:34.04maquismrpull: i don't recommend trying to tab-complete it while in this channel, though
18:37.01*** join/#utah neybar (i=jalance@conference/oscon/session)
18:40.15m{elg: ping
18:46.06*** join/#utah Jayce^ (i=Jayce_@conference/oscon/session)
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18:55.47Jayce^"If you have to ask if something is possible on perlmonks, you should probably rethink your design."
18:55.54Jayce^-- Perrin
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19:00.14m{elg: were you able to get the typo 4 upgrade to work?
19:00.36m{I got it upgraded, but now get errors when entering admin, as well as in the category sections on my sidebar
19:02.18m{answers are usually already there
19:03.11macnewboldthat often means you're asking a good question
19:04.01m{yeah - perl hasn't changed enough to have any need for too many new questions on perlmonks
19:04.19m{sure, he pongs me, then he quits after I ask my question
19:04.48m{maybe if I lart him next time
19:05.49m{mmm...stouffer's turkey tv dinner is pretty good
19:05.57m{a little bland, but in a good way
19:15.22*** join/#utah emcnabb (
19:32.11herlowhat's the command for scanning for devices on linux?
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19:34.40herloI mean you could use lspci or lsusb, but isn't there something that will scan for "all" devices as well?
19:35.32findlayibot: give me the prize
19:35.34ibotACTION gives the prize to findlay
19:38.54mheath[laptop]I wonder how easy it is to print to labels in Open Office
19:39.06mheath[laptop]Mincrosoft has a complete library of templates for all the Avery products.
19:39.52herlofindlay: thx, that's great
19:47.39\memheath[laptop]: we used to use to print labels all the time when I was a clerk in church
19:47.55\meworked great
19:47.55mheath[laptop]Apparently it does have a good library
19:48.19mheath[laptop]Unfortuately, this is an odd avery product. Its an avery product, and Microsoft word has a template for it, but its just the labels for tabs for divider pages.
20:02.45sjansenOo, the "clarified" FSF GPLv3 + DRM position seems much more reasonable. :-)
20:24.55*** join/#utah elg (
20:25.19elgvmware is pretty slick
20:27.42*** join/#utah spr (i=spr@conference/oscon/session)
20:28.02elg-lart vontrapp
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20:31.42mheath[laptop]I didn't notice.....I got charged $18 for a cheap, generic plastic binder
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20:39.58macnewboldwho charged you $18 for a cheap binder?
20:40.36mheath[laptop]I didn't even think to look at the price, though.......It was just something that I assumed would be quite cheap.
20:40.47mheath[laptop]but then the total sounded kinda hefty, and when I got home I was looking at the receipt.
20:41.09mheath[laptop]Its a bigger binder, but its just a plastic, three ring binder. $18 sounds rediculous.
20:41.56mheath[laptop]I'm frustrated because I got a bunch of printing done there, and passed up 0.5 cent per page hole punching to spend a couple hours doing it myslf
20:42.12mheath[laptop]only to get screwed in another way
20:44.20mheath[laptop]off to get lunch at back in a bit.
20:48.51*** join/#utah bonez41 (
20:48.59sprand the new google service is: project hosting with Google Code
20:50.04sprIt's nice to be at the announcement
21:02.47elgso like a sourceforge sort of thing?
21:05.17\meelg: were you able to get typo 4.0's upgrade fully functional?
21:05.27elghaven't tried
21:05.33elgain't broke, I don't fix
21:05.44elgat least not until I should be doing homework
21:05.58\meI need ability to upload images
21:06.06\metried last night but now I can't get into my admin
21:06.36sprelg, yeah.
21:06.56elga sf that doesn't suck, eh?
21:07.01elglet the stampede begin
21:07.02sprSubversion, custom issue tracker (which looks really cool)
21:07.16brac[Google Code - Project Hosting]
21:07.29elg\me: I haven't tried image uploading in any form
21:07.39elgI just stick them in public_html/images with scp and make a link
21:08.11\meif you try it let me know
21:14.55elganyone looking for fulltime rails work in slc?
21:18.19*** join/#utah vex_ (n=vex@
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21:24.30elg~vex vex_
21:24.59vexAnyone here use Trillian?
21:25.09elgonce or twice
21:25.25vexTrying to get it to not alert on normal messages, but flash and be anoying when someone says my name.
21:27.54sjansenHmmm, not sure how I feel about MS marking IE7 a "high priority" update.
21:28.48sjansenOn the one hand, they're right. On the other, I can't help but think they're doing it in the hopes that fewer people will feel a need to switch to Firefox.
21:29.27elgand on the other hand, it's might break a lot of lame ecommerce sites
21:29.29elgmass panic
21:29.31elgthis could be fun
21:29.47maquiselg: whee!!!
21:30.04maquisor i guess we could do it the nintendo way:
21:32.20sjansenelg: doubtful, MS is working very hard to make sure that poorly written sites will continue to work even though they deserve to be broken
21:32.43elgwhere's the fun in that?
21:32.46maquissjansen: what about the well-written sites that have been broken forever due to IE
21:32.53maquiswill those still be broken?
21:32.58sjansenIf for no other reason than waking up stupid developers to the fact that their stupid might also wake them up to the fact that Firefox is a better browser.
21:33.22sjansenmaquis: depends, some will start to work because IE finally supports standards correctly
21:33.34maquissjansen: it does?
21:33.51maquisso, people won't have to write one section for ie, and one section for everyone else?
21:34.10sjansenother's are too modern, basically if you're using a standard defined after 2002 or 2003, you'll probably have to wait for MS to catch up
21:35.48brac[Google Code - Project Hosting Frequently Asked Questions]
21:35.53Jayce^just announed here
21:36.08Jayce^death to SF :-p
21:36.26elgspr beat you to it
21:36.29\meJayce^: man - you're slow in the news
21:36.31sjansenDEATH TO SOURCEFORGE!
21:36.43elglead the revolt!
21:37.00elgsomeone write a script to automatically migrate projects from sourceforg
21:37.07elgwhether people want it or not
21:37.16mheath[laptop]Hmm, my letter to the standard examiner editor got approved. Going to be published within a few days..
21:37.22*** join/#utah neybar (i=jalance@conference/oscon/session)
21:37.36Jayce^no jesse, as in I've been discussion it with the google creators for the last while
21:37.48\meEveryone watch for the article in newsweek here soon
21:37.53\meit's my baby
21:38.13sjansen~congratulate \me
21:38.18ibotACTION congratulates \me on being a new owner of a $500 brick.
21:38.37\meJayce^: oh yeah - well I knew the Google checkout date before you did ;-)
21:38.57\me~thank sjansen
21:38.57ibotbitte, \me
21:39.10\melooks like bite me
21:39.54sjansenReminds me of \tex
21:40.20\methat's a good one too
21:40.26\methat'll be my next nick
21:40.29sjansenWhich isn't neccessarily a good thing. TeX is cool, but its syntax stinks.
21:40.35emcnabbI love LWN
21:40.39\mebut texans are cool
21:40.46emcnabbI look forward to each issue
21:40.51Jayce^sjansen, c'mon, they have the TeX UG here... :)
21:41.09elgi heard a good joke from wanda the fish yesterday
21:41.20elgQ. What's the difference between texas and yogurt?
21:41.27elgA. Yogurt has culture.
21:41.43\mehey - texas has lots of culture
21:42.07\memexican, german, american, and don't forget tex-mex!
21:45.41^Migs^nobody likes texas
21:45.50\metexans like texas
21:46.00^Migs^texans obviously don't count
21:46.14^Migs^and statistically, only 32% of texans like texas
21:46.25herlo^Migs^: its true Texans don't know how to count so they don't
21:46.28\mehey - there's a lot of texans, and we can definitely count
21:46.45^Migs^so count to a thousand for me
21:46.50\meherlo beat me to the counting thing
21:47.40^Migs^that's pretty sad, herlo.  Texans must be embarassed of themselves.
21:47.49\mefor (my $i = 0; $i++; $i<=1000) {
21:48.01\meprint qq{$i\n};
21:48.09^Migs^wtf is "my"?
21:48.18^Migs^you can't even fake knowing how to count properly
21:48.25\meoh, it's properly
21:48.34\mejust ask Jayce^
21:48.40^Migs^you're using an adverb improperly
21:48.46\me\me has to have my
21:48.52Jayce^my is scoping... I'm just wondering why he posted that in here
21:49.00\meTexans don't speak like normally people
21:49.22^Migs^Texans can barely even be considered "people"
21:49.30\meJayce^: beats one more place I have to put it
21:49.42^Migs^we should undeclare Texas a state
21:49.49^Migs^it's practically Mexico anyway
21:50.07^Migs^that would certainly solve a lot of the border control problems.
21:51.43sjansen^Migs^: The opinion of a person that doesn't know the meaning of my in for (my $i=0; $i++; $i<=1000) means nothing too me.
21:52.05sjansenKnowledge of perl is a bare minimal for human worth.
21:52.13\mesjansen: if that's where I want to set the scope I can put it there if I want to
21:52.29maquisgah... how did i fix my keyboard repeat after the last time it did this?
21:52.47sjansenmaquis: it's a short in the connector, lick it
21:52.54maquissjansen: nice try
21:53.53^Migs^sjansen: He didn't even declare the variable first.
21:54.22^Migs^I've never used Perl, cuz Perl blows turkey chunks
21:54.33Jayce^^Migs^, 'my' *is* declaring the variable
21:55.03^Migs^what kind of stupid syntax is that?  Whatever happened to int?
21:55.12\me^Migs^: exactly
21:55.19\meminus the stupid part
21:55.29^Migs^Texans and Perl obviously are made for each other.
21:56.01\meyup - we're not stupid and we don't need ints :-)
21:59.36^Migs^if you're going to do away with ints, why not just use PHP?  That way you don't have to use that redundant "my"
21:59.55^Migs^yup, Texans and Perl go together
21:59.56herloor use Python
22:00.10^Migs^I don't think Texans are smart enough for Python
22:01.27herloor rather Dynamic Types
22:01.38elgyay printer
22:01.53herlo^Migs^: I guess I'd have to agree with the Texan comment however
22:02.15\metexans have no use for python
22:02.22\mewe love ruby though
22:02.39herlo~beat Texans for lack of love for Python
22:02.45ibotACTION beats Texans for lack of love for Python with a dripping-wet and less-than-fresh fish.
22:03.14\me^Migs^: I thought PHP still used my and our, etc.
22:03.45elgalaska help us
22:11.03^Migs^I'm sure the average typical idiot Texan would think that, \me
22:11.40maquiscurse games that turn off key-repeat
22:11.43*** join/#utah ^Migs^ (n=Migs@
22:11.51maquiswhy can't i remember how i got that back last time
22:15.56elgamcnabb: printer's working great. now to try the scanner
22:16.49elghmm, can one scan from the scanner attached to another computer?
22:16.51elgwith sane
22:22.32sjansenOdd, suddenly I'm feeling light headed.
22:22.38sjansenGood thing the lecture just finished.
22:23.13rsimpkinssjansen: Not enough o2. Breath more.
22:23.31sjansenCan't ... breate ... talking ...
22:23.53maquisshouldn't "kbdcontrol -r normal" work to set my keyboard rate to the normal setting?
22:26.32elgscanner works too
22:26.33*** join/#utah mheath (
22:26.58elgthree cheers for samsung
22:30.44*** join/#utah RyanE (
22:33.12amcnabbelg, good luck
22:33.24elggood luck?
22:42.39*** join/#utah roving_prole (
22:46.14amcnabbelg, sorry, I read the first message before seeing the second. :)
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23:00.11maquistensai: ping?
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