irclog2html for #utah on 20051010

00:13.33xbmodderhow do I refer * to another name server in named/bind?
00:28.20*** join/#utah jsmith (
00:46.28*** join/#utah levi_ (
01:22.44*** join/#utah linuxalien (
01:24.46tensaijsmith: chapter 3. good book so far.
01:25.36jsmithGlad you like it :-)
01:26.19tensaioh, and upgrading to 1.2 helped with the echo but it's not *completely* gone
01:26.41tensaiI think I'm going to switch my main phone to * and see if I can stand the echo
01:27.29jsmithDid you try the XB1 echo canceller in zconfig.h?
01:27.43*** part/#utah linuxalien (
01:28.36tensaiyou mean KB1, right?
01:43.35jsmithI thought it was XB... could be wrong though
01:45.36tensailet's say I just discovered I'm running kernel 2.4 when I thought I was running 2.6. do you think that would make a difference?
01:45.50tensaiI know I read a book recently that said only 2.6 was supported :)
01:46.17jsmithDepends -- do you have a Digium card?
01:46.20jsmithIf so, 2.4 is fine.
01:46.31tensaifxo clone card
01:46.37jsmithYou're fine then.
01:46.42tensainot using ztdummy
01:47.16jsmithI hear ya...
01:47.17tensaifrankly, I'd prefer to go voip the whole way
01:47.28jsmithBTW, we had about 45 people to the UVLUG meeting yesterday
01:47.50tensaiawesome. but you're a pro at these presentations by now
01:48.21jsmithUh, well... I thought it went OK.  Had problems with the audio-visual equipment, and the presentation went way long
01:48.29jsmith(I only got about half-way through it)
02:17.09*** join/#utah linuxalien (
02:41.52*** join/#utah bonez41 (
02:57.18*** join/#utah linuxalien (
03:45.38mheathWell, so much for my day off.
03:46.49*** join/#utah bigdog_ut (
04:13.39luminerdmheath, how goes it
04:15.09mheathVery poorly
04:17.40luminerdSorry to hear that
04:23.21mheathToday was supposed to be my day off, and I ended up working from noon to 9PM
04:24.58mheathMeh, why does Linux's cluster support suck so much?
04:25.37tensaibecause clustering is a Hard Thing(tm) maybe?
04:26.24tensaiyou'll need to quantify that, though. I've got a bunch of Linux clusters that work great.
04:26.35mheathtensai: I can name several other operating systems thats make Linux's cluster support look laughable inadequate.
04:26.55hansso use them
04:28.19mheathhans: both are rather outdated
04:28.37mheathPlan9 was dropped several years ago from bell labs, Amoeba's last release was in 1996
04:30.02hanssounds like linux has the last laugh, then.
04:30.22hansor a later laugh than those two, anyway
04:31.01mheathAmoeba is amazing for clusters
04:31.03*** join/#utah linuxalien (
04:31.12mheathI run it, but I have all Pentium I's and Pentium II's in it
04:31.13hansapparently not amazing enough
04:31.45hansit is sad to see good technology go by the wayside, though
04:31.56*** join/#utah ScytheBlade1 (
04:32.22mheathOne of it's main designers+programers was arguably the best operating system designers ever, too
04:33.08mheathHmm, I wish I knew when I worked next =\
04:34.26mheathAfterall, his books were pretty much the standard college textbook on operating system design for ages
04:34.48mheathAnd he wrote the operating system that inspired Linux :)
04:36.56hansyou've been reading a lot of tannenbaum propaganda. He's a smart guy who has made some great contributions
04:37.14hansbut he's not teh god of operating systems he, and others, think he is
04:37.41mheathhans: notice I added the word "artguably"
04:38.10hansas in you or people you respect argue that he was
04:39.41hanshis stuff is no doubt more theoretically faithful, but if minix and his other operating systems were really all that, they wouldn't be obscure and/or obsolete
04:40.03hansthat's not to say they aren't great. they're just not 'all that'
04:40.07*** part/#utah linuxalien (
04:44.13hanswooohoo, qtruby on my laptop has arrived
04:44.17hansthat was WAAY too difficult
04:46.59mheathhans: .....
04:47.12mheathhans: minix was a quickly hacked up teaching tool to use in one of his classes
04:47.35mheathIt survived for 15 years as a moderately sucessful operating system, and still has an obscure fan base
04:47.55hansand linux was a quickly hacked up replacement for minix by a student
04:48.29hanslots of things have an obscure fan base. even Cobol
04:48.41mheathhans: the difference, though, is that Tannenbaum was the ONLY one who developed minix, and he never tried to make it anything more than a basic teaching tool....yet look at the success it got.
04:48.46hansbut I don't want to bash minix or tannenbaum
04:48.58mheath*who ever developed minix*
04:49.21hansum, a few fanpeoples
04:49.26mheathAnd its still a functioning operating system
04:49.32mheathalmost 30 years after it was created!
04:49.46hanshardly a unique claim
04:49.46mheathI can go download minix right now
04:49.56mheathUse minix's cc to compile GNU gcc
04:50.18mheathAnd then I'll have a functioning, modern operating system that can run most things that my Linux system can run
04:50.25hanscool. go do it
04:50.28mheathAll that, from a 30 year old teaching tool.
05:16.38*** join/#utah xbmodder_lappy (
05:16.52*** join/#utah xbmodder (
05:39.54levimheath: What sort of advantages does amoeba have over Linux on a computing cluster?
05:48.24levimheath: Because Linux has the distinct advantage of being available and tuned for the latest CPUs, motherboards, and other hardware.  It makes building COTS clusters /much/ easier, though it is not without headaches.
05:51.12leviAlso, Linux has the even more important advantage of supporting the latest high-speed interconnect technologies.
05:53.11leviI've no doubt that Amoeba is architecturally superior, but I imagine it would take a lot of effort to make it work well on a modern cluster.  Might be worth it if it was Free Software, but it seems to only be free for educational use.
06:01.25leviHrm, I guess it did get released as free software.  The intro document I was reading didn't reflect that.
07:34.27*** join/#utah openindia (n=hssh@unaffiliated/openindia)
08:12.21luminerdWhats a good game for windblows :/ I'm bored and I want to pirate something I'll probably never play anyway...
08:39.26*** join/#utah jeb (
09:30.12*** join/#utah jebar (
11:02.36*** join/#utah jeb (
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11:52.10*** join/#utah jeb (
12:30.08*** part/#utah luminerd (
12:45.53*** join/#utah mheath_ (
12:46.50*** join/#utah bigdog_ut (
12:46.50*** join/#utah emcnabb ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
12:46.50*** join/#utah Mecworks ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
13:07.39mheath_Good morning, graphyx
13:08.30*** join/#utah RyanE (
13:10.57graphyxmheath: You get your college apps done?
13:57.51pratthey hans :)
14:08.06*** join/#utah linuxalien (
14:09.07hans-rps rock
14:09.08prattpaper! I win! Score: me 1 you 0
14:11.47*** join/#utah levi (
14:14.52*** join/#utah synic (
14:16.47xbmodder_lappy < would someone mind testing that script?
14:16.48pratt[Gentoo Forums :: View topic - please test my script]
14:17.05pratt~lart xbmodder_lappy
14:18.07hansis it a rootkit?
14:26.25xbmodder_lappyits 12 lines of crappy source
14:27.15xbmodder_lappywhich could be cut to 7 lines if i wanted.
14:27.32leviGood morning.
14:27.40xbmodder_lappygood morning to you to.
14:28.57leviWTF are you doing, trying to transfer files via DNS?!
14:29.23graphyxlevi: what?
14:29.46levigraphyx: The script xbmodder_lappy wanted someone to test.
14:32.08levixbmodder: I hope those records aren't getting propagated.
14:32.55xbmodder_lappyi hope so.
14:33.35leviYou hope they are, or aren't?
14:37.21*** join/#utah jsmith (n=jsmith@
14:38.28xbmodderthey are
14:38.36xbmoddermy dns server is dieing
14:39.25leviYou idiot. :P
14:40.49graphyxxbmodder: That's quite the hack.
14:41.43leviPropagating 2.4 million bogus DNS records across the world's DNS servers is... a bad idea, to say the least.
14:42.44jnbekdude, just rebuild your DNS server
14:47.04graphyxlevi: I am sure that there are more than that world wide already.
14:47.23graphyxbut I do agree that the misuse of the dns servers could be a potential problem.
14:47.41jnbekbrb, gotta restart X
14:47.45levigraphyx: So, because there's a lot of garbage out there, it's acceptable to go create a ton more for fun?
14:47.58graphyxlevi: read my next comment.
14:48.07*** join/#utah tensai (n=tensai@
14:49.21*** join/#utah bzob (
14:50.03*** join/#utah jnbek (
14:51.47*** join/#utah Jayce^ (
14:51.47*** mode/#utah [+o Jayce^] by ChanServ
14:54.00*** join/#utah emcnabb (
14:54.47*** join/#utah wps (n=wade@
15:01.06*** join/#utah tiwula (
15:19.20lars-ut~emulate gir
15:19.23ibotwhere's my moose?
15:21.13sjansenIs there an Ubuntu user in the house?
15:22.35sjansen~beat emcnabb
15:22.36ibotACTION beats emcnabb with a large stick.
15:23.40synicsjansen: yeah
15:25.42sjansensynic: I've had a minor technical difficulty. Let's call it a "whoopsey". Could I get a copy of your /etc/passwd (sans uids > 1000 if you don't want to reveal those).
15:28.01synicsure, sec.
15:47.16*** join/#utah spr (
15:50.37*** join/#utah xbmodder_ (
15:50.47xbmodder_like my script?
15:54.26graphyxUmm... It is an interesting hack, but probably would have been best left as an internal thing...
15:56.38*** join/#utah neybar_work (
16:00.40*** join/#utah emcnabb ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:00.40*** join/#utah bigdog_ut (
16:00.41*** join/#utah Mecworks ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:01.25maquissjansen: what'd you do???
16:01.38maquissjansen: it sounds almost like something i'd do.....
16:03.24*** join/#utah Newsome (
16:03.34prattmaquis: chamber 3 of 6 => +click+
16:04.45jsmith~rps scissors
16:05.49graphyxyou lose.
16:05.57jsmithThanks graphyx
16:06.03graphyxsure. np
16:06.10graphyxJust didn't want you to feel ignored.
16:08.32maquis-rps rock
16:08.32prattscissors. You win. Score: me 0 you 1
16:08.42graphyx~rps jsmith
16:08.44maquis-rps paper
16:08.44prattscissors! I win! Score: me 1 you 1
16:09.13jsmith~rps rock
16:09.17graphyxhmm... ibot has a new name.
16:09.28graphyx~rps scissors
16:09.52graphyx-rps scissors
16:09.52prattscissors. We tie. Score: me 0 you 0
16:10.00graphyx-rps scissors
16:10.00prattscissors. We tie. Score: me 0 you 0
16:10.06graphyx-rps rock
16:10.07prattscissors. You win. Score: me 0 you 1
16:10.11maquisgraphyx: pratt != ibot
16:10.12graphyx-rps rock
16:10.12prattrock. We tie. Score: me 0 you 1
16:10.25maquis~lart graphyx
16:10.25graphyxI just noticed the syntax was different.
16:10.31graphyxso who is pratt
16:10.48maquisparley p :)
16:10.58graphyxI am sure..
16:11.00maquishe's similar to brigham...
16:11.23graphyxthe disembodied spirit of a long dead saint returned not to preach the word, but to serve us on IRC.
16:11.42graphyx~school maquis
16:11.46ibotACTION slaps maquis around, robs'm, then reminds'm to be thankfully for the education.
16:19.46*** join/#utah bonez39 (
16:19.58*** join/#utah lukfugl (
16:22.13*** join/#utah TimRiker (n=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker)
16:22.13*** mode/#utah [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
16:22.13tensaimaquis: ssh-keygen -t dsa
16:22.27maquistensai: huh?
16:23.37tensaimaquis: instead of mistyping your password :)
16:24.03*** join/#utah xbmodder-treo (
16:24.07tensaissh keys are the neatest thing since sliced bread
16:24.24xbmodder-treowhy do you hate my dns file transfer script?
16:25.05xbmodder-treodoes anyone want my dns transfer script hosted? (keep files smaller than 10m please(
16:25.14xbmodder-treotensai: true dat!
16:25.54*** join/#utah hans (
16:26.05xbmodder-treohey hans
16:26.53xbmodder-treolevi: hiya jack.
16:28.32xbmodder-treosay something someone.
16:28.59sjansenxbmodder-treo: because it's an ugly abuse of DNS
16:30.21xbmodder-treobut its a great thing. we have a self-mirroring file server
16:30.32xbmodder-treoredundant file servers
16:33.57Teneugly abuse, jerk
16:44.35*** join/#utah fungus (n=fungus@2001:470:1f00:645:20a:95ff:fec5:636a)
16:46.15levixbmodder: It is not a great thing!  It is stupid and nasty and people will hate you for it.  Stop doing it.
17:00.28hanswhat is?
17:02.07levihans: xbmodder has created scripts to put base64-encoded fmp3 files into sequential DNS TXT records.
17:02.24*** join/#utah linuxalien (n=zaphod@
17:03.41levihans: To replicate his mp3 files across the internet, apparently.
17:03.52sjansen~lart ruby
17:03.57hanswhat happened to gnutella? freenet?
17:04.01sjansennot "just because"!
17:04.14hanssjansen: ok, I'll bite. what did ruby do to you?
17:04.18leviIn millions of DNS records each.
17:04.44leviThe one he's currently got up took 1.4 million records.
17:05.14sjansenhans: between 1.8.2 and 1.8.3 an option was removed from FileUtils#cd breaking previous working code.
17:05.31hanswhich one?
17:07.01sjansenI could understand breaking api for 2.0, but not for a minor release. That's just plain rude and stupid.
17:07.26neybar_workI would stop using ruby if I were you :p
17:07.52hansi have no reason to disagree.
17:08.12hanseveryone grab your pitchforks and torches. We're going to ruby-talk!
17:10.32leviPoor sjansen is becoming disillusioned again.
17:10.51Jayce^levi, but was he ever 'illusioned' ?
17:11.03sjansenlevi: the world is a horrible place
17:11.17*** part/#utah linuxalien (n=zaphod@
17:11.36sjansenAnd today I choose to blame Jayce^ for all the evil and incompetence in the world.
17:11.48Jayce^sjansen, is that different than any other day?
17:11.59sjansenMost days I blame emcnabb.
17:12.05hansok, everyone, pitchforks on Jayce^  in 5, 4, 3...
17:12.16sjansen~pitchfork Jayce^
17:12.20*** mode/#utah [+m] by Jayce^
17:12.25*** mode/#utah [-m] by Jayce^
17:14.55maquisemcnabb: what's wrong?
17:15.14emcnabbsjansen blames me for all of life's problems
17:16.14maquisi thought he was blaming jayce
17:16.45emcnabb"<sjansen> Most days I blame emcnabb."
17:17.05hansemcnabb: just practice this:
17:17.06pratttelnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
17:17.35maquishans: that's not what he was supposed to say, right?
17:17.56hanswhy not? it's a good excuse.
17:19.03sjansenSo pratt is a bot?
17:19.09pratt[Porting Command Line UNIX Tools to Mac OS X]
17:19.26RyanEyeah, kind of a Brigham-successor
17:20.44hansha, just kidding. I meant this:
17:20.45pratt[Porting UNIX/Linux Applications to Mac OS X: Introduction to Porting UNIX/Linux Applications to Mac OS X]
17:21.51sjansenWell, at least the name is creative.
17:21.59hansparley was taken
17:22.04emcnabbmy mom's cousin and his wife both work at Apple; he's on the kernel team, and she's on the BSD utils for MacOSX team
17:22.11emcnabbit's interesting to talk to them
17:22.19hansthat's nifgty
17:22.21RyanEbut this has nice british humor connotations that parley wouldn't have, as well.  :)
17:22.32emcnabb(I don't think I could work at the same company as my wife)
17:22.52hansoh I don't know, if you were in different departments and/or building it wouldn't be too bad.
17:23.58sjansenhans: That's too bad. I thought the name as inspired by "this bot it a total pratt".
17:25.30hansactually, we can name him whatever we want (that's available). shall we have a naming contest?
17:26.25sjansenIf you don't like pratt, how about git?
17:26.49maquishans: was ParleyP taken?
17:27.04hansprobably not
17:28.58hansi tried to think of something utah-like that didn't involve historical figures, and failed miserably
17:29.22hanseven seagull was taken
17:29.44jsmithWhat about Fillmore?
17:29.44hanshmm, salt is available
17:29.49jsmithsalt is good
17:29.56hans-nick salt
17:29.57prattinsufficient "nick" auth (have 10, need 80)
17:30.11hans-nick salt
17:30.23*** join/#utah elg (n=fugalh@hfugal.NMSU.Edu)
17:30.52sjansenelg, hans: the first step is admitting you have a problem
17:31.28sjansenat the point your logged into a channel twice and have your own bot, I'd suggest you may be addicted
17:31.48maquishans: was salt taken?
17:32.01maquissalt: sup?
17:32.01saltyo maquis!
17:32.07hans:) my laptop logs in, just because I decided not to stay logged in with screen permanently
17:32.21hansbut here at work, I use ssh on the computer because my laptop has horrible connectivity in this room
17:32.26hansso elg is an artifact
17:34.07lukfugl~lart elg
17:34.20hans~lart lukfugl
17:35.03lukfugl~lart hans
17:35.35hanslukfugl: guess that big project is finished then?
17:35.51hanswoo, it's chilly up there
17:35.51lukfuglmostly... the long hours are over
17:35.54hans-weather kpvu
17:35.55salt21 minutes ago, on Mon Oct 10 17:15:00 UTC 2005, the wind was blowing at a speed of 3.60 meters per second (8.06 miles per hour) from the West at KPVU. The temperature was 10 degrees Celsius (50 degrees Fahrenheit), and the pressure was 1022 hPa (30.00 inHg). The relative humidity was 53.5%. The sky was clear.
17:36.24hanswell, 10 is a bit warmer than the 6 my weather app says
17:36.35sjansenOne good thing for Ruby, even thought someone stupidly broke API, completely open classes made it easy to work around.
17:36.50hans~praise open classes
17:36.53ibotAll hail open classes!
17:37.24hanssjansen: hmm, prattle is open
17:37.30hanser, available. that could be fun
17:37.35hanssince bots mostly prattle
17:39.13hansare you trying to say something about what you were voted most likely for in high school?
17:39.23hansoh, I read likely
17:39.41hans-nick prattler
17:40.00sjansenno, just plain prattle
17:40.29blatherprattle and blather -- sounds like a great name for a Web comic
17:41.33lukfugla webcomic about two IRC bots... now that has some potential...
17:43.21pianoteacherpractice your scales, everyone
17:45.21Tene~lart potential
17:45.29maquis~lart pianoteacher
17:48.01*** join/#utah elg (n=fugalh@hfugal.NMSU.Edu)
17:49.12hansdrat, that one's taken.
17:51.16hansmaybe I should go back to my masochistic reading
17:51.39Tene-nick masochis
17:51.40brackinsufficient "nick" auth (have 10, need 80)
17:51.41Tene-nick masochist
17:51.41brackinsufficient "nick" auth (have 10, need 80)
17:52.29sjansen <-- The difference between a programmer and a code monkey.
17:52.31brack[Federico Mena Quintero - October 2005 Activity Log]
17:53.12sjansen-lart hans
17:53.30hansah ha! I don't drink coffee. buahaha
17:55.38Tenesjansen-here: so are you saying that he's a code monkey or a programmer?
17:55.59sjansen-hereTene: I'll let you decide.
17:58.35hansTene: don't listen - you don't need to RTFA, you can tell he's a code monkey by the URL.
17:58.53Teneit *does* say "primate"...
17:59.13Tenebut it's plural, so maybe he's *two* monkeys.
18:09.31*** join/#utah hans_ (n=fugalh@hfugal.NMSU.Edu)
18:12.59sjansen~praise fontforge
18:13.03ibotAll hail fontforge!
18:43.06*** join/#utah SpecialZ (n=Sco--@
18:49.50maquis~lart SpecialZ
18:52.43sjansen~lart grep
18:52.47sjansen~lart gaim
18:53.02sjansen~lart make for good measure
18:53.09*** join/#utah JoshH (
18:53.16maquissjansen: having issues?
18:55.14sjansen~lart xmllint
18:55.43sjansenmaquis: and it's mostly grep's fault for returning 1 when it finds a match
18:56.06maquissjansen: ummm... what did make do to you, then?
19:07.07hanssjansen: my grep returns 1 when it _doesn't_ find a match
19:11.04sjansen~hug baz
19:11.05ibotACTION hugs baz
19:11.48sjansenhans: I should clarify, grep -v returns 1.
19:15.04levisjansen: What are you going to accomplish?
19:15.07sjansenI've been playing catch up since ~9am this morning.
19:15.51sjansenlevi: I'm going to try to switch instructor notes to the compact version of Zurich. Thanks for asking.
19:16.06Tenetrying is an accomplishment?
19:16.26*** join/#utah hans (n=fugalh@hfugal.NMSU.Edu)
19:16.57hansman, sweet and sour chicken is not nearly as good as sweet and sour pork
19:17.00sjansenTene: Yup. Lately it seems like most of my time is spent merging co-workers work and resolving minor issues they encounter.
19:18.29hansgooznabb and the case of the missing dependency!
19:23.18emcnabbI prefer goozsen
19:30.21goozbachI'll have you know that a VERY small percentage of sjansen's work is directly related to my commits
19:30.36goozbachjust cause I don't commit all that often
19:30.48goozbachonce every quarter or so...
19:31.12goozbachmost of my problems stem from the fact that I'm very apt to forgetting my pants
19:31.28goozbachspeaking of which...
19:31.34goozbachanyone seen my pants?
19:32.09hans~mock goozbach
19:32.11ibotACTION pulls goozbach's pants down and shows the world goozbach's pink spotted underwear
19:32.11goozbachno, don'
19:32.11goozbacht do that!!!
19:32.14goozbachI'm already showing my boxers
19:32.26hansbut look, ibot found your pants
19:32.45goozbachibot, thanks
19:32.45ibotgoozbach: de rien
19:36.43sjansen~ridicule goozbach
19:36.44ibotACTION drops goozbach in a tank of pink paint and herring
19:37.19vontrappwow, fishy AND pink
19:38.50goozbachI literally lost my pants this morning
19:38.56maquisgoozbach: ????
19:39.11goozbachmade it all the way to bountiful without my pants
19:39.17goozbachhad to drive back home and get them
19:39.21maquisgoozbach: huh????
19:39.43goozbach(they had fallen off the hanger, and I didn't notice till I got out of my car at the gym)
19:39.59maquisoh... that explanation makes things a bit better
19:40.31sjansenmaquis: no it isn't, the one you were thinking at first is much funnier
19:40.41maquissjansen: true... but
19:41.26emcnabbgoozbach is a flasher; he drives around town without any pants on, and waits to see people's reactions at stoplights
19:41.56vontrappwow, he has low windows
19:42.47emcnabbhe likes to drive next to truckers
19:43.26goozbachvontrapp: even better, I took off the doors completly
19:44.59leviIt's easy to go flash-driving in a Jeep. ;)
19:45.33leviAt least if the snow was heavy enough, it would cover what we really didn't want to see.
19:50.51vontrapphey cool
19:50.56vontrapp~wtf pebkac
19:51.26leviHeh, pebkac.
19:52.06vontrapp~lart the lame bot
19:52.07leviProblem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair
19:52.07brackyo maquis!
19:52.08brack'sup maquis?
19:52.08maquisthat's your name
19:52.08vontrapp~wtf rofl
19:53.25vontrapp~steal maquis' batteries
19:53.37ibotACTION grabs maquis' batteries and gives it to sjansen
19:57.08Newsomelook, it's sjansen Whiplash
20:16.35*** join/#utah richard_has_spok (
20:24.38*** part/#utah richard_has_spok (
20:34.01sjansen~lart Web sites that don't include useful <title>'s for their pages
20:34.55*** join/#utah Newsome (
20:36.02*** join/#utah xbmodder_ (
20:40.32mheathGood afternoon.
20:47.48xbmodder_hello mheath
20:47.54xbmodder_how are you on this fine day?
20:58.00*** join/#utah mrpull-_ (n=mrpull|@
21:08.44tensaijsmith: ringing voltage is AC? seriously?
21:16.35sjansen~mourn Wallace & Gromit's history
21:16.37ibotACTION lights some candles for Wallace & Gromit's history
21:16.57Newsomerather appropriate
21:17.43vontrappthat's nuts, i heard there were multiple fires that just converged on the place
21:24.46jsmithTene: YEah, seriously.
21:25.04jsmithtensai: Oops, that was meant for you.
21:26.31tensaijsmith: that surprised me. but on-hook and off-hook voltage are DC? I thought you could never mix the two or face getting a smack-down by a horrible 80's metal band
21:26.33sjansen~praise tab completion
21:26.35ibotAll hail tab completion!
21:27.02emcnabb~lart sjansen
21:27.11emcnabbibot, you rock
21:27.11ibotemcnabb: aw, gee
21:28.40*** join/#utah Peregrine (
21:28.48Peregrine~lart sjansen
21:29.04PeregrineHi sjansen, emcnabber
21:29.20PeregrineAll you other people here *not* sitting on a cusion!
21:32.24PeregrineQuote from a movie
21:32.35PeregrineUm..."A Knight's Tale"
21:34.03vontrapp~cusion $target is <action> thwaps $target in the face with a cushion really hard, so it fuses to $target's eyes... ocular cusion
21:34.04ibotvontrapp: okay
21:34.50Tene~cushion vontrapp
21:34.55Tene~cusion vontrapp
21:34.56ibotACTION thwaps vontrapp in the face with a cushion really hard, so it fuses to vontrapp's eyes... ocular cusion
21:35.06mheathDoes anyone have a spare SCSI CD-ROM drive that they'd be willing to sell to me?
21:35.27spr~lart byu-oit
21:35.36Teneonly if by "CD-ROM drive" you mean "9GB hard drive"
21:35.43PeregrineI've got about 12 or so.
21:36.29mheathTene: I have one of those
21:36.48PeregrineI used to have a sony data discman that was a PCMCIA hookup.  Turns out, the PCMCIA card was really a relabled Adaptec SCSI PCMCIA adapter.
21:37.02PeregrineThe drive was 2x, though, so it kinda sucked.
21:37.02jsmithmheath: I do, but I"m not sure if (or how well) it works -- but I've got two identical ones if you're interested.
21:37.14mheathjsmith: where are you located?
21:37.19jsmithmheath: Riverton.
21:37.21PeregrineI have 2 7-drive CD towers.
21:37.24*** join/#utah linuxalien (
21:37.25mheathAgh! Not good
21:37.33PeregrineI'm not using them.
21:37.58Peregrinemheath: That's not the way to great linuxalien is it?
21:38.13mheathPeregrine: haha :)
21:38.34Peregrine:)  What was the "Agh!" for?
21:38.44mheathPeregrine: jsmith lives in Riverton
21:39.09mheathand gas == expensive
21:41.06linuxalienDid I miss something?
21:41.20mheathI really just need a SCSI CD-ROM drive for day
21:41.27mheathjust to get solaris on this
21:41.44vontrappyou could try mine
21:41.48vontrappi live in provo
21:42.01linuxalienI live in North Ogden, next to pleasantview
21:42.15linuxalienBut don't have a SCSI drive
21:42.32vontrappwait, doesn't mheath == california or something?
21:42.39mheathvontrapp: O.o
21:43.03vontrappi seem to recall for whatever reason that you're from california
21:43.13mheathvontrapp: try Ogden, Utah
21:43.17vontrappof course, it's no strong recollection, so is probably wrong
21:43.17PeregrineI live in Centerville, so mine is probably not too much help to ya.
21:43.28sjansenxbmodder is from CA
21:44.04sjansenmheath: check with the OALUG
21:44.28vontrappso i guess i'm even farther from you
21:45.17mheathI'll be in Salt Lake City next weekend, but not really able to pick up anything
21:45.41mheath(Up at Ft. Douglas, then out at the SLC Airport Hilton)
21:46.40PeregrineYou could try doing a network install of Solaris, instead. :)
21:48.44mheathPeregrine: the problem with that, is that Solaris requires you to use a Sparc host to install Solaris on a Sparc target
21:48.54mheathAnd I only have one Sparc computer
21:54.43*** join/#utah hans (
21:56.28emcnabbok guys, no more talking about hans
21:56.46emcnabbyou shouldn't say things like that when he's away
21:57.05vontrapp~lart sjansen
21:57.05hans-insult hans' enemies
21:57.05goozbachno kidding...
21:57.05brackhans' enemies is a motley-mind tongueful of frothy guano
21:57.19goozbachsome of those things made even me blush
21:57.30goozbachand I'm the one who drives around without pants!
21:57.38hansit was the squirrels, wasn't it?
21:58.10goozbachsomething about string, a tube top, KY, and 47 acorns...
21:58.18emcnabbI think we all owe hans an apology
21:58.57goozbach~apologize to hans
21:59.08*** join/#utah SpecialZ (n=chatzill@
21:59.17goozbachcomeon ibot, you were the leader in this one...
22:01.48tensaio/~ While you were sitting home alone at age 13, your real daddy was dyin' ~/o
22:02.22SpecialZ~lart maquis
22:02.31vontrappgoozbach: now try
22:02.37goozbach~apologize to hans
22:02.56ibothans: n=goozbach is sorry for being a brainless terd and begs your forgiveness
22:02.58goozbachthat's why ibot wasn't cooperating
22:03.04hans-insult ibot
22:03.04brackibot is a gleeking heap of unoriginal waffle-house grits
22:03.17vontrappibot, you're really slow
22:03.51vontrappoh great, n=
22:04.05goozbachand shouldn't it be turd?
22:04.20goozbach~apologize to vontrapp
22:04.22ibotvontrapp: n=goozbach is sorry for being a brainless terd and begs your forgiveness
22:04.49vontrappthat's okay, goozbach, i'm sure you'll figure out how to be a turd someday
22:04.55mheath~lart ext3
22:05.04mheath~lart power outages
22:06.14SpecialZwhere was the power outage?
22:07.10linuxalienNorth Ogden
22:07.21linuxalienthe traffic lights were out from Flying J to Kirt's
22:07.28linuxalienAt least that's one of the spots
22:07.46linuxalienI had fun driving in that.  I'm glad people were curteous when I was passing through and taking turns at the dead lights.
22:08.20mheathSpecialZ: on Saturday
22:08.27mheathPower went out at work, flickered here
22:09.11SpecialZMy box has been out of commission for over a month.
22:09.18mheathMessed up my almost-finished gentoo install by messing up the filesystem
22:09.31SpecialZNew video card fried the motherboard.
22:09.42SpecialZjoys of gentoo.
22:10.41mheathstage1 on a pentium II
22:10.46mheathit'd been going for days
22:11.02mheathAll I had left to do was compile the kernel (I had already configured it!) and a couple things
22:14.12hansit's an omen
22:15.56maquis~lart SpecialZ
22:16.22Bradipolinuxalien: You got lucky... If you had actually been caught in the dead lights you may have had to enter the Ritual of Chud.
22:16.40SpecialZ~duck maquis
22:16.41ibotACTION gives maquis a fuzzy, ugly little duckling, which immediately grows into a full sized swan and pummels maquis with it's big white wings.
22:34.21linuxalienI like the movie C.H.U.D.  - I am a fan of cheesy horror and scifi
22:36.57brackmaquis: chamber 4 of 6 => *BANG*
22:38.01maquisbrack: what's the reason behind your name?
22:38.02brackdon't ask me
22:38.34maquisbrack: who should i ask?
22:38.35brackI can't do that Dave.
22:38.51maquisbrack: who's dave?
22:38.54maquislinuxalien: later
22:39.36linuxalienI'll check out that link later hehehe thanks!
22:40.16maquis-rps rock
22:40.17brackrock. We tie. Score: me 0 you 0
22:40.35vontrapp-rps maquis
22:40.36brackincorrect usage: roshambo <rock|paper|scissors> => play roshambo
22:40.43maquis-rps rock
22:40.44brackrock. We tie. Score: me 0 you 0
22:40.51maquis-rps paper
22:40.53brackscissors! I win! Score: me 1 you 0
22:41.04maquis-rps paper
22:41.04brackscissors! I win! Score: me 2 you 0
22:41.07maquis-rps paper
22:41.08brackpaper. We tie. Score: me 2 you 0
22:41.14maquis-rps scissors
22:41.15brackrock! I win! Score: me 3 you 0
22:41.29maquis-rps rock
22:41.30brackpaper! I win! Score: me 4 you 0
22:41.40maquis-rps scissors
22:41.41brackscissors. We tie. Score: me 4 you 0
22:41.47maquis-rps paper
22:41.48brackpaper. We tie. Score: me 4 you 0
22:41.55brackTene: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
22:42.04maquisvontrapp: you find it funny that i'm losing?
22:42.12maquis-rps rock
22:42.13brackscissors. You win. Score: me 4 you 1
22:42.21maquis-rps scissors
22:42.22brackscissors. We tie. Score: me 4 you 1
22:42.29maquis-rps scissors
22:42.31brackrock! I win! Score: me 5 you 1
22:42.32hanshey emcnabb can you ask your folks to sneak in a "bookmark all tabs" button into safari? thanks.
22:42.48maquishans: what's the story behind brack's name?
22:43.08hansthe thesaurus
22:43.14hansstarting at salt
22:45.01maquis-nick tribune
22:45.02brackinsufficient "nick" auth (have 10, need 80)
22:45.12maquis-nick centurion
22:45.13brackinsufficient "nick" auth (have 10, need 80)
22:45.31maquisbrack:give me auth
22:48.17maquis-auth maquis
22:48.36vontrapp-nick brak
22:48.37brackinsufficient "nick" auth (have 10, need 80)
22:49.57sjansen~silence maquis
22:49.59ibotACTION shoves an apple in maquis's mouth, shoves a spit through ... well, uhm, anyway ... then builds a nice fire and starts roasting
22:50.12RyanEbrackish water is salty standing water, but water that's less salty than the open sea...
22:50.23RyanEso why brack?  Shouldn't he be MORE salty than the sea?
22:50.59hanshmm, didn't know brackish was less salty
22:51.45RyanEyeah, there's certain types of saltwater fish that do better with varying salt levels / brackish water.
22:51.53maquis~lart sjansen
22:52.32sjansenYay! I accomplished something today!
22:52.57maquissjansen: what'd you accomplish?
22:53.12hansmid 16th century, from obsolete /brack/ [salty,] from Middle Low German, Middle Dutch /brac/
22:53.19maquisdid you finally get out of bed?
22:54.01Jayce^I just figured you were a big fan of the brack show...
22:54.10hansnever heard of it
22:54.20Jayce^Space Ghost, coast to coast
22:54.29sjansenhans: You're missing some great comedy.
22:55.02vontrappthat's actually spelled brak
22:55.09hansoh no. I've stumbled into space ghost coast to coast territory.
22:55.12vontrapphans, you've heard us sing the beans song
22:55.15Jayce^yes, it is..
22:55.25hansis that the loony with the grumbly voice?
22:55.29vontrapp"I love beans, woowoowoo, I love beans, so do you1"
22:55.30sjansen~praise lowered expectations
22:55.31ibotAll hail lowered expectations!
22:55.45hansthat always wanted a monkey?
22:55.51lars-uthans: isn't that Zoltar?
22:55.59lars-uthelp me out
22:56.08hanshow should I know? I've never seen it. only heard my silly brothers quote it
22:56.23lars-utZorak. I've created a hybrid name as well.
22:56.28mheathHmmm. GCJ can compile java directly into binary form, rather than bytecode that needs a VM, right?
22:56.39vontrappBrak is the one that tells the story about a monkey taking notes for him in class, hans, yes
22:56.44hansfor some value of java code, yes.
22:57.22hanswell brak is registered already
22:57.47mheathWell there anyway you could directly access memory resources and/or execute assembly from such binary compiled java programs?
22:58.41mheathvontrapp: no, I mean have the program do that
22:59.17mheathLike, can you code a java program (assuming you were going to compile it into a bianry with GCJ) that can access memory resources and/or execute assembly isntructons?
22:59.44mheathhans: ah, thanks
23:05.49*** join/#utah xbmodder_lappy (
23:11.09*** join/#utah brac (
23:13.00hans-rps rock
23:13.00bracrock. We tie. Score: me 0 you 0
23:13.08hans-rps scissors
23:13.08bracpaper. You win. Score: me 0 you 1
23:16.19hanshmm, that plugin system needs work.
23:16.29*** join/#utah brac (
23:16.34*** join/#utah LiNoobux (
23:16.34hans-rps rock
23:16.34bracpaper! I win!
23:16.53maquis-rps scissors
23:16.53bracrock! I win!
23:16.54brac~lart maquis
23:17.02maquis-rps rock
23:17.03bracrock. We tie.
23:17.07maquis-rps paper
23:17.07bracrock. You win.
23:17.42maquis-rps score
23:17.43bracme: 1, maquis: 1, ties: 1
23:30.29maquis-rps rock
23:30.30bracrock. We tie.
23:30.36maquis-rps scissors
23:30.36bracpaper. You win.
23:30.42maquis-rps scissors
23:30.44bracscissors. We tie.
23:30.47maquis-rps scissors
23:30.48bracrock! I win!
23:30.49brac~lart maquis
23:31.29bracmaquis: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
23:31.36bracmaquis: chamber 2 of 6 => +click+
23:31.40bracmaquis: chamber 3 of 6 => *BANG*
23:32.19BradipoNot a very random spin of the chamber.
23:33.11bracmaquis: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
23:33.14BradipoOr at least not from the first three...
23:33.15bracmaquis: chamber 2 of 6 => +click+
23:33.23maquisbrac: it always goes in order
23:33.30maquisthe randomness is where the bullet is
23:33.34bracmaquis: chamber 3 of 6 => +click+
23:33.37bracmaquis: chamber 4 of 6 => *BANG*
23:33.38*** part/#utah Peregrine (
23:34.06BradipoBut the position of the bullet changes once you spin it...
23:34.24BradipoSo while it may be in chamber 4 when you first load it, after the first spin it may be elsewhere.
23:35.01LiNoobuxwell that complicates things
23:35.01BradipoOf course, I've never really played the game so I could be wrong.
23:35.16maquisBradipo: you haven't???
23:35.30BradipoI prefer not to point guns at my head, loaded or unloaded. :-)
23:36.25maquisit's fun on irc...  but.....
23:37.38bracTene: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
23:38.59bracmaquis: chamber 2 of 6 => +click+
23:39.05bracTene: chamber 3 of 6 => +click+
23:41.35bracmaquis: chamber 4 of 6 => +click+
23:42.55maquisTene: go for it
23:43.29bracLiNoobux: chamber 5 of 6 => *BANG*
23:43.41LiNoobuxmy first try and I get shot
23:43.52maquisLiNoobux: :)
23:43.55bracmaquis: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
23:44.04maquis~dict medulla oblongata
23:44.07bracLiNoobux: chamber 2 of 6 => *BANG*
23:44.14LiNoobuxaw man!
23:44.27maquisLiNoobux: ouch
23:44.38maquisyou can go first this time..
23:44.41LiNoobuxlol ok
23:44.46bracLiNoobux: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
23:44.51bracmaquis: chamber 2 of 6 => +click+
23:46.07bracLiNoobux: chamber 3 of 6 => +click+
23:46.13maquislars-ut: you leaving?
23:46.17maquisor coming?
23:46.22bracmaquis: chamber 4 of 6 => +click+
23:47.05bracLiNoobux: chamber 5 of 6 => *BANG*
23:47.20bracTene: chamber 1 of 6 => *BANG*
23:48.29bracLiNoobux: chamber 1 of 6 => *BANG*
23:48.36bracTene: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
23:48.41bracLiNoobux: chamber 2 of 6 => *BANG*
23:48.44LiNoobuxI think I'm done
23:48.46maquisLiNoobux: you're not having very good luck today
23:48.53Tene-roulette maquis
23:48.53bracincorrect usage, ask for help using 'brac: help roulette'
23:49.13bracLiNoobux: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
23:52.37bracmaquis: chamber 2 of 6 => *BANG*
23:54.45maquis~lart brac
23:55.02maquis~lart brac
23:57.22mheathbrac: help roulette
23:57.22bracroulette => play russian roulette - starts a new game if one isn't already running. One round in a six chambered gun. Take turns to say roulette to the bot, until somebody dies. roulette reload => force the gun to reload, roulette stats => show stats from all games, roulette stats <player> => show stats for <player>, roulette clearstats => clear stats (config level auth required)
23:57.38maquis-roulette stats maquis
23:57.39bracmaquis has played 11 games, won 15 and lost 5. maquis pulled the trigger 24 times and found the chamber empty on 19 occasions.
23:58.00maquis-roulette stats LiNoobux
23:58.00bracLiNoobux has played 6 games, won 7 and lost 5. LiNoobux pulled the trigger 8 times and found the chamber empty on 3 occasions.
23:58.13bracmheath: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
23:58.17bracLiNoobux: chamber 2 of 6 => *BANG*
23:58.17bracmheath: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
23:58.20bracmheath: chamber 2 of 6 => +click+
23:58.23bracmheath: chamber 3 of 6 => +click+
23:58.24bracmheath: chamber 4 of 6 => +click+
23:58.27bracmheath: chamber 5 of 6 => +click+
23:58.29bracLiNoobux: chamber 6 of 6 => *BANG*
23:58.35bracLiNoobux: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
23:58.50maquisLiNoobux: it's not the best idea to pull when you've gone through 5 chambers...
23:58.56bracmaquis: chamber 2 of 6 => +click+
23:58.58LiNoobuxyeah I know
23:59.01mheathbrac: I feel moronic when I realize that I find typing "-roulette" to you to be entertaining
23:59.23maquismheath: you're not sitting in class with barely enough juice to keep irc running
23:59.25bracmheath: chamber 3 of 6 => +click+
23:59.25bracmaquis: chamber 4 of 6 => +click+
23:59.32mheathIt's 5.
23:59.51mheathmaquis: ooh, you're playing battery roulette
23:59.53maquismheath: my watch shows 6

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.