irclog2html for #utah on 20050419

00:09.20*** join/#utah spr (
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00:31.52Maquislost: one attention span... if found, please return to me :)
00:36.48*** join/#utah JoshH (
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00:46.02sjansenscott: you around?
00:46.29Maquis~lart sjansen
00:48.21sjansen~lart lists with long names that put the list id in the subject
00:48.46Maquissjansen: huh?
00:50.05sjansenOne of the lists I'm subscribed to has an 11 character name. With indenting, takes up half the space I've allocated to subject lines in my MTA.
00:52.15Maquissjansen: and it doesn't abbreviate?
00:54.14*** join/#utah mheath (
01:13.41*** join/#utah SpecialK (~scott@
01:15.39*** join/#utah findlay (~justin@
02:12.42*** join/#utah indessed (
02:15.01findlay~wiki balrog
02:16.16mrpull_balrog:  the boxer in street fighter
02:17.51mrpull_i probably could have gone to a real university if it hadn't been all the time I wasted playing Street Fighter during high school
02:18.40leviI believe going to 'real universities' for an undergrad education is overrated.
02:18.57leviWell, for some things, at least.
02:19.05mrpull_maybe.  I think it depends on who is paying for it :)
02:19.16indessedI think it depends on what you want to get out of it :-)
02:20.12leviWell, I think there's probably a happy medium between the community college and the prestigious university where you actually get the best undergrad education.
02:20.46leviMy guess is that the intersection lies in small, lesser-known liberal arts schools.
02:21.50leviFor grad school, you certainly want to get to the places where the interesting research is being done.  If you just want to learn, though, I think a prestigious school has some obstacles that you won't find at a lesser-known school.
02:22.07mrpull_holy cow... 15th aniversary edition of street fighter II ?
02:22.26mrpull_I can't possibly consider grad school if there is another SF2 to play :)
02:28.49scottI think you get out of the university what you put in (effort, not money) no matter where you go--but I think small (but not cheap) liberal arts colleges with small classes are definitely the way to go.
02:31.40leviA big, prestigious research university is going to be hard to get into, and the classes must be somewhat artificially hard in order to produce some sort of grading curve that's acceptable to the accreditors.
02:33.08scottone of my friends at SLC has quite a few classes with less than 5 students. If money (or grades) aren't issues, I think that's definitely the way to go over bigger schools
02:33.40leviA university that's hard to get into will be full of smart, capable people.  And it's good to be around those people, but the downside is that things /have/ to be really hard in order to keep everyone from getting A's.   To some extent, classes can be harder in a good way, but often they are just arbitrarily harder.
02:34.21leviA lot of it depends on the professors.  And in a research university, a lot of them will be more interested in their research than teaching undergrads.
02:35.20leviThe upside is that you can associate with professors who are doing cool research and know what they're talking about.  The downside is that they may not be particularly good at teaching it.
02:35.46*** part/#utah indessed (
02:36.06leviBut, in my experience, I learned a LOT more in small classes with teachers who were really interested in teaching.
02:36.30leviEven though those classes were not necessarily harder.
02:38.18findlay~google balrog
02:38.30mrpull_balrog:  the boxer in street fighter II
02:38.53mrpull_a boss in the orignal SF2... a playable character in CE and later :)
02:40.37leviI used to play SFII a lot.  Got decent at it, but not great.
02:41.06mrpull_i could beat all my friends... but there were bigger geeks than me that could whoop me
02:41.32leviMy friends and I all alternated at who was best.
02:42.13mrpull_yeah... we'd handicap ourselves by choosing characters we werent as good with to balance things out
02:42.31mrpull_ah... the early nineties
02:43.52leviOne of us would figure out some sort of trick with a certain character, and we'd be on top until someone else figured out a way to counter it.
02:47.37scottso, anyone know of an objective study that shows whether gentoo is really considerably faster than other distros?
02:47.58mrpull_scott... have you seen the "ricer" web page for gentoo?
02:48.39mrpull_do you have a farily high tolerance for curse words?
02:49.36scottreading it now..
02:49.49mrpull_the site?
02:50.23mrpull_my take is this... for all the time it will save me by being "faster" is wasted by me compiling software
02:50.27*** join/#utah synic (
02:50.40mrpull_i've used distcc on 3 nodes to speed things up (but not by much)
02:50.58mrpull_it _is_ a good learning experience to use it.
02:51.10mrpull_for real work, something else is better
02:51.12leviI didn't think it was particularly instructive, really.
02:51.22leviI was thoroughly underwhelmed.
02:51.42mrpull_do you suppose you were fairly well versed in linux beforehand?
02:52.17leviBut if you really want to learn about how linux is put together, you'd be better served by playing with some linux-from-scratch instructions.
02:52.42leviAnd then throwing it away and using a real distrobution for your desktop.
02:52.48mrpull_double agreed
02:53.34mrpull_we can probably agree to disagree which distro is the "real one" for production
02:53.52levigentoo has just as much custom magic under its hood as anything else, and what you learn when fiddling with gentoo isn't a whole lot deeper than you learn from fiddling with any other distro.
02:54.17leviIt's just that gentoo's custom magic requires learning more arcane keywords.
02:54.50mrpull_like nano -w ;-)
02:55.15findlayI was actually showing my roomate the virtues of a bot as versatile as ibot
02:56.04findlayand very nice package management tools
02:56.23findlayalthough, I guess the same arguments can be made for Debian and a couple of other distros
02:56.40mrpull_i must admit i've never had much luck with binary packages in gentoo
02:56.53leviYeah, other distros take a different approach to customization, but gentoo is certainly customizable.
02:57.31leviThough, I've heard it can fall apart if you try to configure things too differently than expected.
02:58.49leviThe binary packages in gentoo defeat the whole customization scheme, don't they?
03:00.14findlayalot of it, perhaps, depends if you set much stock in gcc flags
03:00.34leviWell, you're stuck with the packagers gcc flags /and/ their USE flags, aren't you?
03:00.42leviEr, packager's
03:01.13findlaythat's true
03:01.42findlaybut you are going to have the same dillema with any other binary distro's packages
03:01.46leviSince gentoo's customizability relies on USE flags and compiling your own stuff, getting gentoo binaries defeats customization.
03:02.11leviWell, other distros have finer-grained packaging, so you can get some of the options that you'd be able to get via USE flags through a separate package.
03:02.49leviSo you end up with a level of customization somewhere between gentoo-from-source and gentoo-prebuilt-binaries.
03:04.28findlaythe most rewarding customization that I've ever done is actually distro agnostic, like writing my own init scripts and cron jobs
03:04.45findlayrewarding meaning that I was/am mostly a newbie (:
03:05.04findlayrewarding to write cron jobs and actually have them work
03:05.37leviYeah.  I think that's more useful customization than the sort of thing that gentoo enables over other distros.  Especially for newbies.
03:06.45findlaybut with gentoo, for the canonical argument applied and I became more comfortable with config files and changing things, unlike with fedora where it was just easier to use the GUI
03:07.01*** join/#utah Newsome (
03:07.47leviWell, gentoo isn't the only way to go to get that.  There's Debian, Slackware, etc.
03:08.31findlayso I used it kind of like a tutorial to teach myself how the Linux architecture worked, I guess I could have just as easily used Debian or Slackware
03:10.52*** join/#utah slag (
03:11.12findlayone of the things I like about gentoo is that generally the packages are vanilla, or not distro specific enhancement patched
03:12.09leviI don't know about that.  I understand that a lot of upstream folks hate dealing with gentoo bug reports, because gentoo often builds things differently than their standard build.
03:12.18*** part/#utah slag (
03:13.58scottwhat do I look about gentoo? the purple section on the bottom with the cool icon and the high-res framebuffer console!
03:14.14scottwhy does ubuntu's console suck?
03:14.40leviWhat do you mean by ubuntu's console sucking?
03:15.07findlayMeaning differently than the build proceedures used by binary based distros?  Or do the project maintainers specify how they want things done by all the standard distros' packagers?
03:15.25scottlevi, a cool icon like that on bootup and higher res like gentoo would be cool
03:15.37scottand a bootup image or the cool thing fedora has
03:15.44findlaythe project maintainers tell the distro packagers how to build their program
03:16.14levifindlay: Well, they're not necessarily happy with other binary distros either.  I'm just saying that gentoo is not above patching things in ebuilds.
03:16.43findlayI see
03:17.27leviscott: I enabled that stuff in gentoo, and afterwards I saw it maybe once or twice.  It was a large waste of time.
03:18.07leviscott: I spend 99.99% of my time in X, and Ubuntu has a pretty slick X setup.
03:19.40findlayI always thought that fedora did the graphical boot thing so that kudzu would have a graphical interface, but the next time kudzu ran, it was just TUI, so I thought it was pointless after all, just newbie coddling (-:
03:19.45scottlevi, same here, but you'd admit it owuld be nice if ubuntu just came that way
03:20.14leviscott: Nice, but I wouldn't put any sort of priority on it.
03:22.37dataw0lf... Ubuntu's console sucks?
03:22.42dataw0lfum.  It's Linux.
03:23.48*** join/#utah vontrapp (
03:23.51findlayapparently it does
03:24.24leviAnd the antecedent of 'it' is...?
03:24.47findlay... Ubuntu's console sucks
03:25.18dataw0lfhe meant the reasoning.
03:26.43leviSaying Ubuntu's console sucks is equivalent to saying the default Linux console sucks.  Which is obviously an opinionated statement with no grounding in fact.
03:26.58findlayyou would have to apply probabilities to the preceeding comments and apply define the antecedent by whatever language made best sense, I guess
03:27.43dataw0lfI don't see how Ubuntu's console differs from Debian's.
03:28.35dataw0lfso the suckiness was based on the 'prettiness' then ?
03:29.30findlayoccasionally I like to turn off the lights for ambience and switch to the console mode, if I understand correctly that by 'Linux console' you mean one of those 'virtual terminals' you get to by doing <ctrl>+<alt>+F[1-6]
03:29.49dataw0lfThat's what I'd assume he was talking about.
03:30.32leviTime to head home.
03:30.41findlaylater, levi
03:31.30findlaydataw0lf: I don't know, I didn't make the initial judgement, but do enjoy an artificial argument now and then
03:31.54findlaya pretty FB console would be nice though
03:35.39dataw0lfspeaking of, if you load a different font with consolechars, will it save on reboot ?
03:36.16vontrappi think ubuntu has a bootsplash package you can install and have a pretty boot screen
03:37.05scottvontrapp: I've installed it w/ no luck..
03:37.08scottusplash is the name
03:38.12vontrappi think you may have append bootsplash to the kernel line in grub
03:38.32dataw0lfyou do.
03:39.26scottnice, just found the wiki page is great for info too.
03:40.41dataw0lfand for various basic stuff.
03:40.45synicwhere is this usplash found?
03:41.24findlayso is ubuntu 'mature' as a distribution?  (What does that mean?)
03:41.25scottapparently there's something called Splashy also
03:41.38synicscott: where'd you get the usplash package?
03:41.55scottalright, so I'm having a that problem I mentioned a few days ago. whenever someone says something irssi gets messed up and I can just see a fragment of it and what I'm typing till I do ctrl-l
03:42.00dataw0lfscott: Depends on how you'd define 'mature'
03:42.02dataw0lfit's very new.
03:42.06dataw0lfHowever, it's much more stable than sid.
03:42.13dataw0lfregular releases.
03:42.21dataw0lfbustling, helpful community.
03:43.27findlaybut how is having a heterogeny of distros not reinventing the wheel?
03:43.39findlaya lot of wheels
03:44.33vontrappjust different kinds o wheels i guess, some people like bike wheels, others like roller blade wheels and some hot-rod wheels
03:44.34dataw0lfdebian or *bsd for servers, ubuntu for desktop.
03:44.38dataw0lfthat's all yah need :)
03:45.14dataw0lfnobody knows if consolechars -f setting is saved upon reboot?
03:45.19dataw0lfGuess I'll have to test it out.
03:45.32vontrappno idea
03:45.35vontrapplet us know ;)
03:45.56dataw0lfhehe, I will.
03:46.31scottapparently usplash = splashy
03:50.13scottcool, rebooting to try splashing out
03:50.48findlayhappy splashing
03:52.55*** join/#utah dataw0lf (
03:53.23scottcool, worked. needs a better image though
03:54.43scotthas one of those fat black and white birds
03:55.37dataw0lf*sigh* I should just write a script that updates me on the status of my work network so I know when the call is acomin'
03:55.46*** join/#utah synic (
03:57.30dataw0lfI'll just get up early tomorrow and fix it.
03:57.40dataw0lfsynic: ok, I'm down with some bzflag now.
03:59.18dataw0lfI could see the fear in his eyes through the internet.
03:59.33Maquisdataw0lf: why would he be afraid of you? :)
03:59.55dataw0lfcuz of my mad skillz!!1!
04:04.40*** join/#utah mrpull- (
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04:14.25*** join/#utah synic (
04:19.30mrpull-heheh... playing with transset
04:19.46mrpull-and made all of my windows 100% transparent
04:20.16scottaren't you supposed to just have to type transset and click a window? when I did that it didn't do anything
04:20.53mrpull-yeah... i did it more than once (just for fun)
04:21.29mrpull-you can do transset .5 for 50% transpaency
04:21.34dataw0lftransset <#>
04:23.01mrpull-data:  why cant you see the xchat behind the terminal?
04:23.12mrpull-is the terminal "transset'ed"?
04:23.31dataw0lfmrpull-: that's just a error in the screenshot, you can.
04:23.53mrpull-cool.  i didn't know that.
04:27.37dataw0lfheh, as you can see I had to hack up a bash script to take the screenshot because my Print Screen key shorted out.
04:29.17dataw0lfI guess I could map it to a key now.
04:32.08mrpull-is the h2g2 movie going to be worthwhile?
04:34.00dataw0lflooks like it
04:34.35dataw0lfI mean, Douglas Adams wrote the screenplay, so..
04:34.42dataw0lfthat gives it a hell of a good shot.
04:35.24dataw0lfplus, Sam Rockwell and John Malkovich are in it.  That's another plus.
04:36.53dataw0lfanyways, off to bed.
04:47.17*** join/#utah indessed (
04:54.19*** join/#utah Hhhhh (
05:07.43indessedAnybody here who's familiar with MythTV? I'm trying to figure out ways to lower the CPU usage. (I think high CPU usage is causing skips in my recordings.)
05:16.36xbmodderindessed, may i ask how much memory you have>
05:16.46indessed512 MB
05:16.53xbmodderprocessor speed?
05:16.55indessed1.2 ghz athlon
05:17.21xbmodderwhat else you running?
05:17.42indessedyou mean at the same time as mythtv or what?
05:18.26Maquisindessed: amcnabb or spr?
05:18.37Maquisthey have mythtv
05:18.55indessedmaquis: but unfortunately every time i'm online, neither of them are :-P
05:20.11indessedThe only thing I've figured out is reducing the video size to about 280x280 (from 480x480) which slows it down enough to watch live tv,
05:20.23indessedbut unfortunately recordings still don't look like they're working?
05:21.42indessedThe first few seconds (or minute or so if it's at 280x280) works okay, but then it either just skips frames terribly or goes into super-high-freakish-chipmunk-mode for the rest of the recording.
05:22.56indessedI've searched Google several times, but the only recommendation people have for reducing CPU usage seems to be to buy a capture card with onboard mpeg encoding.
05:23.40xbmodderWhat are you recording with
05:24.01indessedthe non-mpeg one, whatever it's called,
05:24.20Maquisindessed: you know where you can find them :)
05:25.32indessedrt-jpeg I think.
05:25.38indessedIt saves as .nuv files.
05:26.05indessedI think it uses less CPU than mpeg files, but I'm not 100% sure.
05:41.59*** part/#utah indessed (
05:49.01LeviHomeGood evening.
05:50.11findlaymorning about
05:50.51LeviHomeJust about.
05:51.13LeviHomeI finally figured out how to get my wife's Dell Axim to use its 802.11 connection.
05:52.47findlayand GNU/Linux is supposed to be a real OS, none of this gaming nonsense
05:53.29LeviHomeAre there any OSes that don't have games?
05:56.21MaquisLeviHome: my bet is that the OSes that they stick in missiles and in mars rovers and such probably don't have games
05:56.26Maquisbut aside from that...
05:56.31Maquiseven emacs has games
05:56.56LeviHomeYeah, custom embedded OSes probably don't.
05:57.14findlayand emacs is the most etrocious OS there is
05:57.18LeviHomeAny OS that hackers use will have some sort of games. :)
05:57.51LeviHomeWell, emacs is a poor attempt to bring the feel of a Lisp Machine to unix.
05:58.12findlaywhere is lisp 'native'?
05:58.20LeviHomeLisp Machines.
05:59.04findlayMaquis: how are you?
05:59.09LeviHomeThey were very popular for a while, until market forces made the expensive custom hardware obsolete.
06:00.05LeviHomeI've watched a video capture of one in use.  It's pretty amazing for its time, and the sheer integration of the thing is still unmatched.
06:00.28findlaywhat do you mean?
06:00.57Maquisfindlay: last i checked, i was still alive :)
06:01.11LeviHomeWell, it runs an interface that's like a graphically-enhanced CLI.
06:01.46findlaylike in the macintosh uber optimized for performance/aesthetics/arcaneness of interfaace?
06:02.10LeviHomeAnd you can control everything via commands, but you can use the mouse to select things and do pop-up actions on the displays of stuff.
06:02.34findlaylike squeak, perhaps
06:02.39LeviHomeFor example, if you type the beginning of a command, and the next argument is an integer, you can click on any integer on the screen to use it in that place.
06:03.08LeviHomeIt's pretty different than squeak.
06:04.32LeviHomeYou can click on any function name and edit the source, decompile it, debug it, etc.
06:05.41LeviHomeThe interaction in the Listener is like a regular CLI, except the text isn't just text; it's a textual presentation of live objects.
06:05.53LeviHomeIt scrolls up just like a regular CLI session when new stuff comes in on the bottom.
06:07.45LeviHomeAnyway, since the entire system was written in Lisp and the source and documentation for everything was there as well and everything was dynamically connected and searchable, it was very coherent and well-integrated.
06:09.14findlayas compared to the toolkits in widespread use we have now in C/C++?
06:11.33LeviHomeWell, C/C++ development is far less dynamic.
06:13.29*** join/#utah markl_ (
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06:13.43LeviHomeAnd no one else, as far as I'm aware, has an interface quite like it.  Apple was working on one for Dylan, but I think it leaned more towards standard GUI stuff.
06:15.46findlaythe only experience I've had with something that seems simmilar to that was this high performance data analysis package from CERN written by physicists, and the GUIs were not pretty
06:16.38findlayit is written in C++ and includes a C++ interpreter, which was pretty nice, the only one that I know of
06:16.54*** part/#utah Newsome (
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06:20.59Maquisthat's weird
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06:23.48Maquis~lart netsplits
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06:26.34LeviHomeStupid netsplit.
06:41.17*** join/#utah Hhhhh (
06:41.42Hhhhhi've a question. What is your guys' opinion on 64-bit distros?
06:41.54LeviHomeI don't have one.
06:50.04MaquisHhhhh: i've heard that there's still not a whole lot of support
06:50.59MaquisHhhhh: you should ask again sometime when sjansen is around... he has a 64-bit machine...  i know he was running a 64-bit distro for a while...not sure if he still is
06:51.58Hhhhhall right, thx Erin
06:52.52Maquis"now do you see what it takes to be a manager?"
06:53.13Hhhhhbtw congratz
06:55.38Hhhhhon your win
06:55.48Maquisoh...  thanks.. :)
07:00.15Maquishey.. LeviHome you don't happen to be on a laptop, do you?
07:00.23LeviHomeNot at the moment.
07:00.34Maquistoo bad...
07:00.40LeviHomeWhy's that?
07:00.41Maquisit'd be lighter than this magnet
07:35.19vontrappooy, i'm glad our bot isn't annoying
07:35.44Maquisvontrapp: ??/
07:36.33vontrappi've been in #fvwm and there's this xteddy that throws out random smileys all the time and hugs random people and declares 'yay' to things
07:36.43vontrappi assume it's a bot
07:39.30LeviHomeCheck this out... a conceptual overview of Genera:
07:40.27Maquisjust noting
07:40.48LeviHomeGenera is the Symbolics Lisp Machine OS.
07:43.05LeviHomeIt's a very different OS from Unix.  You'll probably never get to use it, but learning about it gives some perspective to things.
07:47.00LeviHomeThey had their heyday in the mid-1980s, and they cost upwards of $20000.  They were descendants of machines developed at the MIT AI Lab.
07:48.00LeviHomeA lot of the fancy computer graphics of the late 80s were done on Lisp Machines.
07:50.24LeviHomeIf you read that link, you'll note that the entire system is in one memory space, and there's no kernel boundary.  The source code for the entire system is also provided, and you can recompile and patch bits of it while it's running.
07:52.02LeviHomeCrazy stuff, eh?
07:52.44LeviHomeI'm off to bed.
10:54.40*** join/#utah jlp (
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14:45.18sjansenHa! Looks like emcnabb did his job too well.
14:46.00sjansenAfter harassing Dell for a couple of hours to convince them to replace some bad RAM, they finally caved.
14:46.29sjansenInstead of sending just one stick, however, they overnighted four sticks.
14:50.27sjansenUhmmm.... What the heck is refurbished RAM?
14:50.29*** join/#utah bigdog_ut (~bigdog@
14:51.01Jayce^sjansen, the stuff ebc sells
14:58.27dataw0lf|wI thought that was 'broken' RAM.
15:01.39hansdataw0lf|w: that's when it was brought in. when it is sold out, it is refurbished
15:03.54dataw0lf|woh, so EBC takes the 'broken' RAM, then puts a 'refurbished' sticker on em.
15:03.56dataw0lf|wgot it.
15:04.09dataw0lf|wI made the mistake of buying some stuff from them last summer when I moved here.
15:04.37*** part/#utah hatchmt (
15:07.25Jayce^yeah, that is a mistake
15:07.35neybarI got 'lucky' a few times with EBC, but when I realized what they were doing I stopped going.  I haven't been there in quite a long time.
15:07.58neybaresspecially since there are much better local shops
15:08.06dataw0lf|weh, i didn't know where to go.
15:08.19dataw0lf|wBought three hds, two of them were toasted.
15:08.31dataw0lf|wthen it took me two hours to return them.
15:08.47dataw0lf|wbecause when I went back the woman at the counter magically didn't speak english.
15:09.45dataw0lf|wNeedless to say, I was about to tear the whole place down around their heads.  If my brother hadn't been there I probably would've lost it.
15:10.03*** join/#utah usynic (
15:10.06*** part/#utah Newsome (
15:17.52jceso what are the "better local shops?"
15:22.21dataw0lf|wI just go through newegg for personal stuff now.
15:24.39sjansen~hug newegg
15:24.42ibotACTION hugs newegg
15:26.54neybarin utah county I really like PC Discounters (
15:32.03dataw0lf|wI really haven't been able to find a good one in SLC, but newegg keeps me from looking too hard.
15:35.19*** join/#utah wps (~wps@
15:35.58bigdog_utnewegg rocks
15:40.32leviGood morning.
15:40.55sjansenlevi: GOOD MORNING!
15:41.55sjansenAnd a bright and beautiful, cheerful, chocolate chip morning it is indeed.
15:43.59levisjansen: You're looney.
15:45.32leviMmm, holographic discs.
15:45.34dataw0lf|wis it sunny out now ?
15:46.02leviIt's pretty cloudy here, but they're low fluffy clouds rather than really menacing ones.  I'm sure that will change.
15:47.47hanscold front aloft pushing across from nevada today
15:48.08hansshould be windy, maybe some isolated serious thunderstorms
15:49.14dataw0lf|wI was just wondering if it still looked like it was going to rain.
15:50.06leviI'd bet on some rain, at least.
15:51.21dataw0lf|wthe weekend is supposed to be nice.
15:52.06leviI hope so.
15:52.19leviLast Saturday was beautiful.
15:53.03leviI spent most of the morning riding my bike. :)
15:54.01dataw0lf|weh, I spent most of the morning recovering.
15:56.30hansi spent most of the morning playing with my ibook
15:56.49*** join/#utah asynic (
15:56.51leviDays like last saturday should really be spent outside.
15:56.53*** join/#utah Lone_Wanderer (
15:58.01Lone_WandererCan anyone here help me configure my router to allow port 80 traffic from the outside world to my laptop?
15:58.21*** join/#utah jayce_ (
16:01.54sprhey, does anyone know of a good howto on making a print server with cups (ie: other machines printing through it)
16:02.36bigdog_utLone_Wanderer, what type of router do you have?
16:03.06bigdog_utsorry, not familiar with d-link
16:03.06Lone_WandererDL-524 to be specific
16:03.21bigdog_utthere should be some documenation for it though
16:03.35hansspr: I've done that
16:03.44hanscups docs aren't so bad
16:03.45Lone_WandererI'm sure there is, I'm just not sure if what I'm looking at counts as documentation or not.  It's pretty sparse.
16:03.50hansand it's not so hard anyhow.
16:06.01sprhans, I've done a bit of reading in the cups docs, and wasn't have much luck. I might have been reading the wrong doc though
16:07.51*** join/#utah Newsome (
16:08.08*** join/#utah markl__ (
16:08.29sjansenNewsome: Isn't their a SCO hearing this week?
16:08.47hans~grammar sjansen
16:08.53Newsomesjansen: yes, on Thursday at 3, I believe
16:08.59hansspr: maybe, not sure
16:09.14hansbasically, you just edit cupsd.conf to allow connections from other people, and you're all set.
16:09.23sjansenThat's kinda funny. I just can't seem to keep my they're/their/there's straight.
16:09.54hansspr: then, if you want the clients to see it automatically, turn on browsing
16:10.06hansthe comments in that file are excellent
16:10.07sjansenI don't know why there so hard. It's not like I don't know the difference.
16:10.33sjansenMaybe its Russian mind control. Their trying to take over the world by destroying my grammar.
16:10.36hans~tickle sjansen
16:10.52hansibot, are you ok?
16:11.06*** join/#utah Jayce^ (
16:11.06*** mode/#utah [+o Jayce^] by ChanServ
16:11.14hans~lart himself
16:13.41sjansen~destroy hans
16:14.05*** join/#utah Lone_Wanderer_ (
16:14.18sjansenNot very cooperative today are we, ibot?
16:15.45*** join/#utah Lone_Wanderer__ (
16:17.22*** join/#utah Lone_Wanderer___ (
16:19.57hansw00t 4° out there
16:20.06leviBTW, anyone who is interested in seeing what using Genera was like, see this page:
16:20.47leviIt's got screenshots and session video captures.
16:21.51*** join/#utah ECS (
16:30.23Maquisibot: destroy sjansen
16:30.29Maquisibot: yes
16:30.30ibotYou don't say!
16:30.42sjansen~nuke Maquis
16:30.50sjansen~fry Maquis
16:30.52ibotACTION grabs Maquis and fries him on his BFCooker9000
16:30.54Maquis~timeout ibot for not obeying
16:30.56ibotACTION grabs ibot by the ear, drags him to the timeout chair, and forces him to sit there for 20 minutes for not obeying.
16:31.07Maquis~cook sjansen
16:31.09ibotACTION throws sjansen in a big pan with veggies inside and cooks sjansen on 350 for an hour
16:34.58*** join/#utah usynic (
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16:55.12*** join/#utah drewbono (
16:56.11spryay! cups printing with pre and post scripts for print accounting!
16:57.17sjansen~congratulate spr
16:57.20ibotACTION congratulates spr on being a new owner of a $500 brick.
16:57.34hansibot: it's a CUPS-enabled brick, you insensitive clod!
16:57.50Jayce^for those not watching --> Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger Named Pope Benedict XVI
16:58.29mrpullrats... i was hopping they'd be deadlocked for months or years
16:58.33mrpullthat'd make it more interesting
16:58.44hansIs he old?
16:58.54hansmaybe he'll die next year and mrpull will get his wish
16:58.57mrpullonce they decided to take the roof off the building they were in
16:59.05mrpullto speed up the process
17:01.51MaquisJayce^: conservative or liberal?
17:02.47Jayce^quite conservative :)
17:03.09*** join/#utah wps (~wps@
17:03.11Jayce^"We are moving toward a dictatorship of relativism which does not recognize anything as for certain and which has as its highest goal one's own ego and one's own desires," said Ratzinger, 78, who has been the Vatican's chief overseer of doctrine since 1981.
17:03.11Jayce^"Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the church, is often labeled today as a fundamentalism," he said, making clear that he disagrees with that view.
17:04.10dataw0lf|woh, yeah, great.
17:04.44BradipoSo, anyone know why they change their name once they become Pope?
17:05.06Jayce^Bradipo, for a couple reasons
17:05.12Jayce^one, leaving the old life
17:05.20Jayce^also, it usually 'defines their mission'
17:05.38Jayce^often named after a saint whose fits the definition of what they will be focusing on
17:06.36*** part/#utah bigdog_ut (~bigdog@
17:06.45BradipoSo I assume his mission will be like St Benedict or something?
17:09.56mrpulli didn't realize they got to pick their name until yesterday
17:11.00Maquisthat explains why there are so many popes with the exact same name (with different numbers)
17:11.48Maquiswow... picked on the 3rd round of votes...
17:11.49Maquisnot bad
17:11.52*** join/#utah fungus (~fungus@2001:470:1f00:645:20a:95ff:fec5:636a)
17:12.01hansis that like the 3rd draft of the NBA?
17:13.47mrpulli wouldn't say so
17:14.19hansanyone ever done any cocoa?
17:14.47mrpullhans:  i don't care for hot drinks ;-)
17:14.50Maquishans: hot... with marshmallows
17:15.03hansas in os x gui programming. :)
17:15.12hanslevi: you? what about objective C?
17:15.24hansowning a mac wouldn't be complete until I program for it.
17:15.26leviA little bit.
17:15.53hansbut I'm trying to decide whether to do objective C (which I've never toyed with) or just use the ruby cocoa stuff
17:16.30leviTry out Objective C.  It probably will feel pretty natural once you get past the syntax.
17:16.44hanswhat's it like? what's cool about it?
17:16.54hanswhat's it most like?
17:17.14leviIt's like C + Smalltalk.
17:18.10leviWhich lets you write speed-critical and library-interface functions in C, but have a high-level dynamic object system.
17:18.52*** join/#utah JoshH (
17:19.35leviTry out Apple's 'Currency Converter' tutorial, at least.  It'll give you a feel for how their dev stuff works.
17:20.29hansok. is it included in the Xcode installation or is it online somewhere?
17:22.03leviIt should be in the Xcode docs, I think.
17:22.46leviIt's also online, if you can't find it quickly on your drive.
17:27.07Uncle_Jesseman - it sucks to be the only one using version control at a company
17:27.26leviUncle_Jesse: Yeah, but it probably sucks less than not using it at all.
17:29.33Uncle_Jesselevi: certainly - at least my rear end is covered
17:30.18Uncle_JesseWe outsource to India for a few of our projects and another guy's project was supposed to be written for MySQL but was "accidentally" written for MSSQL server
17:30.31leviHeh, 'accidentally'
17:30.46Uncle_JesseIf he had forced them to use revision control with e-mail monitoring of changes that would have been stopped pretty early in the process
17:33.14neybaryeah I had to deal with an app like that... I convinced my boss that the developers be the ones that maintained the code.
17:33.54Uncle_Jesseneybar: that's they way it should be done.
17:41.01sjansenthey're cheap, provided you have proper project management
17:41.25Maquisyeah... but interns are cheap too...
17:41.48sjansenthey're cheap and experienced (provided you do your homework and have proper project management)
17:42.03hansMaquis: but interns don't speak indian languages
17:42.53Maquisi can understand if you're not concerned about your code getting out (in-house or open-source code), but India doesn't have most of the copyright rules and such that the US does
17:43.32Maquistechnically, they can take the code and information that they write for a company, and release it themselves as well, because of the laws... i've heard that it's happened...
17:43.39Maquishans: very true...
17:43.45Maquisif i learn punjabi, would i have a higher chance of getting hired?
17:43.50Uncle_JesseMaquis: yes, but can you get 100's of interns at a time to work on a high-demand, short-term project?
17:44.12MaquisUncle_Jesse: amazon has > 130 interns this summer
17:44.16Uncle_JesseMaquis: if you move to India you might
17:44.33Maquisbut if i move to india, i'll get paid in peanuts
17:44.43Uncle_JesseThat's why we don't hire interns
17:45.04Maquisthe fact that you can't get hundreds of interns?
17:45.09Uncle_JesseIt's usually still cheaper to hire overseas
17:45.13Maquisneybar: ???
17:45.17MaquisNewsome: ???
17:45.28Maquisstupid overseas people
17:46.14Uncle_JesseMaquis: the real reason is there's too much beuracracy in large companies and the ones that actually know the best method of hiring programmers aren't the ones making the decisions
17:46.28neybarno kidding
17:46.36Maquishi neybar
17:46.52Uncle_JesseI can't tell you how many things I "have" to do that don't make sense
17:47.02Uncle_Jesseand would cost a lot less doing another way
17:47.15sjansenMaquis: Newsome was pointing out that bringing hundreds of interns up to speed in a short time is nigh unto impossible.
17:47.32sjansenPretty hard with experienced people too, though.
17:47.38MaquisUncle_Jesse: yeah...  i guess the internships i've had, as far as i can see, developers (or former developers) were doing the interviews, and sometimes also the ones making the decision
17:47.59Maquissjansen: yeah... seems like bringing people who speak punjabi up to speed would be about the same difficulty...
17:48.04sjansen"stupid overseas people"? If they can do my job as well and cheaper, they deserve the job.
17:48.26NewsomeMaquis: with software engineering (glorified programming), throwing more people at a job does not necessarily get it done faster
17:48.30*** join/#utah jsmith (
17:48.53MaquisNewsome: yeah...  so... what's the point of throwing tons of people from india at it?
17:48.57NewsomeMaquis: Also, warm bodies does not equate to lines of code (good or bad)
17:49.26Maquisi thought throwing more people only increased the number of meetings needed
17:49.50NewsomeMaquis: The point is that lots of people from India may or may not be helpful to the project, but they will certainly increase the complexity of the task.
17:50.15NewsomeThe "right" thing to do is to get good people to manage the project, then have them hire good people to do the work.
17:50.22sjansenThe more people you have the harder it is to spread information. Information is the life blood of successful projects, especially in IT.
17:50.51NewsomeIf the "right people" are from India, it could be beneficial to offshore the work.
17:50.58NewsomeNote that I said "IF"
17:51.02Uncle_JesseGood management/project management is key
17:51.13Maquisi guess i'm just bitter at the whole outsourcing thing because i'm still a little intern who is trying to get all the cheap jobs...
17:51.39Uncle_JesseI haven't read that - need to read it
17:51.41sjansenOutsourcing really isn't your primary source of competition.
17:51.46Uncle_JesseI have taken Software Engineering courses though
17:51.51Maquissjansen: true...
17:51.56Uncle_Jessemeaning true software engineering, not just programming
17:52.15sjansenOther interns and the flood of less skilled people that jumped in during the bubble is your competition.
17:52.37sjansenPlus unskilled people jumping in now if you want to do something easy like PHP.
17:52.43leviYou mean the bubble folks haven't all moved on to bartending yet?
17:53.06Uncle_JesseWe still hire locals - we just outsource for the projects that come "all of the sudden" that need a quick surge of developers that will fade away quickly does transparency and xfree86 does not, correct?
17:53.29MaquisUncle_Jesse: that's good
17:54.05sjansenMaquis: But not because of protectionism. Good because it make communication easier, preserves institutional knowledge long term.
17:54.06levivontrapp: has the extensions that allow you to use a compositing manager, yes.
17:54.13Uncle_JesseBesides, our company's IT department isn't the type of company a programmer would want to work for as an intern
17:54.26Maquissjansen: yeah.. yeah... :)
17:54.28Uncle_Jesseit most likely won't prove anything to the big software firms out there
17:54.30MaquisUncle_Jesse: in what way?
17:54.40levivontrapp: Whether they will work acceptably for you is another matter.
17:54.45Uncle_JesseIt will give you experience, but we're no Amazon, Google, or Microsoft
17:54.56Uncle_Jesseyou want to work for a software company, where programmers are bottom line
17:55.05Maquisthe place i worked for 3 summers wasn't a big place --- tiny little place, actually... but it was a good bit of starting experience
17:55.24Uncle_JesseWe are just a Media Company - our reporters/anchors, and press people are our bottom line
17:55.25vontrappanywhere i can go to learn all the basics of how it all works?
17:56.05MaquisUncle_Jesse: wheree i worked, we were a bunch of medical clinics...  the docs were in charge...
17:56.24levivontrapp: Sorry, you'll have to google for it.  I don't have any bookmarks that'd be helpful.
17:56.48Maquisthe nicest thing is that if for some reason i can't get a non-VB job after graduation, they've promised that they'll take me to work there...
17:56.52Uncle_JesseI'm not saying it won't help, but it would be better to try a company where the programmers are bottom-line
17:56.57levivontrapp: But my last experience with it was that it's not ready for the mainstream yet, possibly unless you have the same video card the developers do.
17:57.05MaquisUncle_Jesse: that's what i'm doing this summer
17:57.09Maquisand i'm way excited about that
17:57.34Uncle_JesseMaquis: where at?
17:57.51*** join/#utah usynic (
17:58.03Uncle_JesseI'm jealous - you'll have to hook me up some day
17:58.20Maquis:) it's going to be a pretty sweet summer
17:58.24Uncle_JesseI write in Perl/Mason - I'd fit right in
17:58.37Maquisthey took me even though i've never done anything with perl
17:58.41Maquiswe'll see how that goes
17:58.58leviAlas, now you'll have to learn it. ;)
17:59.18Maquisi've been meaning to learn it... and just haven't been able to find the time
17:59.22Maquisso, it'll be good
17:59.27Maquisassuming that's what i end up working with
17:59.38Maquisi could end up with C, which'd be nice too
17:59.39leviFor some definition of 'good', perhaps. ;)
17:59.52Uncle_JesseMaquis: it's you interns I have to compete with ;-)
17:59.59leviHmm.  I'm not sure which would be worse to work with.
18:00.05MaquisUncle_Jesse: haha... :)
18:00.09leviProbably C.
18:00.43Maquislevi: despite cs345, i really like C
18:00.51leviIt really sucks to work with other people's C code.
18:01.07Maquisi believe i noticed that with cs345
18:01.23Uncle_JesseI prefer Java to C, but for powerful projects C is nice
18:01.24leviIt really sucks to work with other people's perl code, too.
18:01.31Uncle_JesseI prefer Perl to all though
18:01.35leviUncle_Jesse: What do you mean by 'powerful'?
18:01.40neybarMaquis: you need to start coming to NUPM (and PLUG for that matter)
18:01.58Uncle_Jesselevi: I mean you can get into the internals of a system more
18:01.59leviC is only nice if you want to interface directly with hardware on a C-based platform like Unix.
18:02.05Maquisneybar: yes... i'll be coming in the fall...  at least to plug...  possibly nupm as well
18:02.13leviOtherwise, C is crap.
18:02.43Maquisi'll need to figure out by that time how to get there....
18:02.47Maquisbut i will be going..;
18:02.51Uncle_JesseI like C++ better than C though
18:03.01Maquisuntil then, topher will be going (hopefully) to represent uug...
18:03.20leviWell, C++ has some advantages over C, and some disadvantages.  I pretty strongly dislike it, though.
18:05.23dataw0lf|wI like C.  But I like doing low level hackery.
18:06.28leviStatic, weak type systems suck.
18:08.37leviI program in C at work, and it's tolerable for embedded systems projects.
18:08.53leviI really don't think it's well-suited to that application, though.
18:10.37leviMaquis: Because it's a pretty weak language.  Doesn't do very much to help you out.  Provides lots of ways to make your life miserable.
18:13.23leviIts advantages are that it's relatively simple; can produce fast, compact code; and integrates well with Unix.
18:14.41leviThat's about it, though.  And the last point is tied to Unix, which is not really all that hot either.  It just sucks less than other available alternatives.
18:14.56leviAnd now I'm going to get some lunch.  Mmmm.
18:17.39Uncle_Jesse~whaleslap sjansen
18:17.42ibotACTION slaps sjansen upside and over the head with one freakishly huge killer whale named hugh
18:20.13ibotACTION revokes what he just said and stands in front of uncle_jesse like a big wall
18:24.11*** join/#utah findlay (~justin@
18:24.28findlay~lart manti telephone as many times as you like
18:48.15*** join/#utah bonez41 (
18:50.27*** join/#utah synic|w (
18:53.55sjansen~educate levi
18:53.57ibotACTION teaches levi the basics, including how to RTM.
18:54.34bonez41debian, gnome? my task switcher has I can't see any of my icons on the task do I restart all that?
18:55.39sjansenActually, on second thought I can't disagree much with levi. Everything he says is true.
18:55.44sjansenBut I still love C.
18:59.10levisjansen: Why?
18:59.29leviI like that C provides me with employment.
19:06.37*** join/#utah tewk (tewk@
19:07.31sjansenI love the simplicity of C.
19:07.59sjansenI like the rigor, too, under certain conditions.
19:08.24sjansenIt's a mental game, kinda.
19:11.17*** join/#utah adminsmurf (
19:12.42adminsmurfI got someone trying to breakinto my system using ssh right now.  I'm watching syslog.
19:12.54Maquisadminsmurf: fun! any cool names?
19:13.38*** join/#utah spiderbiter (~spiderbit@
19:13.38Jayce^just dictionary attack? or what?
19:13.39sjansenIs that the box we're supposed to break into?
19:13.45Jayce^have they actually gotten into it?
19:13.53Maquissjansen: yup
19:13.55Maquislet's go :)
19:14.22adminsmurfJust your usual, root, www, web, sales, etc
19:14.27Maquishow do you know if they've gotten in?
19:14.50Maquissjansen: party pooper!
19:15.34adminsmurfsshd reports connections
19:16.42adminsmurfYup, dictionary attack
19:18.04adminsmurfHer is one - resin
19:18.11adminsmurfHere is one - resin
19:18.32*** join/#utah usynic (
19:18.57*** join/#utah lukfugl (
19:19.24dataw0lf|wadminsmurf: get used to it.
19:19.42adminsmurfscan stopped
19:19.49adminsmurfDidn't last very long
19:19.55sjansenPretty sure he his. adminsmurf's been doing the admin thing for more than a coupla' weeks now.
19:20.28*** join/#utah bonez41 (
19:20.42dataw0lf|wthen why the announcement?
19:21.46adminsmurfFirst scan I acutally got to watch, most I see after that fact
19:21.49*** join/#utah spr (
19:23.10dataw0lf|wah, indeed.
19:23.29sjansenQuick vote: should I write my XSLT using push or pull for the general design?
19:23.48ibotit has been said that xslt is the Extended Stylesheet Language Transformations language, or at, or useful for converting XML into HTML, or
19:24.16Maquissjansen: what do you mean about using push or pull for it?  
19:25.17sjansenShould I have my xsl:template's pulling tagsets or pushing tagsets to other templates?
19:27.03sjansenI'm leaning toward pull myself.
19:27.31sjansenMaquis: Your strategy isn't very effective in a tug-o'-war.
19:27.51dataw0lf|wthat's what happens when you push! HA!
19:28.05Maquissjansen: i like tug-of-war... but you have to know how to play correctly
19:28.32Maquisthe correct thing is to pull really hard for a few seconds, then throw the rope at your opponent and watch them go tumbling
19:28.51Maquisdataw0lf|w: that wasn't very nice!
19:30.18dataw0lf|wI've never been accused of being nice.
19:30.58lukfuglI like taking away peoples excuses
19:31.17dataw0lf|wI said it prior to you saying it, so the excuse still stands.
19:31.20sjansendataw0lf|w was nice to me once too
19:31.30lukfuglyes, but you can't use it *again* :)
19:31.43dataw0lf|woh, I got it.
19:31.44lukfugldataw0lf|w: what you did to Maquis wasn't very nive
19:31.50lukfuglor nice, either
19:32.06dataw0lf|wI've never been accused of being nice.
19:32.09dataw0lf|wBy anyone that matters.
19:32.22dataw0lf|wah, I win.
19:32.37dataw0lf|wI'm just joking, I'm sure you matter.. somewhere.
19:33.06sjansenPull it is.
19:33.11*** join/#utah vontrapp (
19:33.21vontrappthat was wierd
19:33.27vontrappsjansen: what is your xslt for?
19:34.14sjansentranforming XML, of course
19:34.41vontrappright, but you're taking a poll on push or pull, what's the specific usage?
19:35.04sjansenRendering docbook like markup to PDF.
19:35.33jsmithMmmmn... docbook...
19:35.34sjansenI was worried about unexpected interactions resulting in strange styling, but realized that's what a DTD/Schema is for.
19:36.22vontrappi would say pull
19:36.53vontrappunless you're wanting to push into some static files...
19:37.21vontrappe.g. like a once a day update or something
19:45.11emcnabbanyone know of any good graphing tools for sar? I've searched around a bit but haven't found anything very good yet
19:47.42Maquismornin emcnabb
19:49.23Maquishow goes it?
19:49.32Maquisyou wanna take a cs345 test for me?
19:51.08bonez41hi Maquis
19:51.15Maquishi bonez41
19:52.33vontrapphmm, no timezone niftyness in mysql
19:54.21Jayce^was playing wow the other night
19:54.36Jayce^other wow players will find it humourus
19:55.10emcnabbno more WOW
19:55.19lukfuglis that your character speaking?
19:55.22Jayce^good thing you don't work here
19:55.24Jayce^my main
19:55.32Jayce^46 pally
19:55.32sjansenOh, we get enough of it here.
19:55.40sjansen~kick Jayce^
19:55.42ibotbugger off sod!
19:55.42emcnabbover 1/2 of my co-workers play it all the time
19:55.46Jayce^lukfugl, don't have much time
19:55.49Jayce^emcnabb, same ehre
19:56.02Maquis(judging from the gurulabs blogs)
19:56.04sjansen~muzzle Jayce^
19:56.10emcnabbsjansen: thanks
19:56.31Maquis~lart Jayce^
19:56.44emcnabbthat won't convince me to play :-)
19:57.05lukfuglsubscription cost is what would kill me
19:57.19Jayce^$15 a month was a big negative for me...
19:57.22Jayce^but it's #@$@ addicting
19:57.58emcnabb$15 / month though isn't much compared to the other things I pay for
19:59.00sjansenYeah, but you get more utility out of your Linode, for example.
19:59.05bonez41what is the game?
19:59.12emcnabbsjansen: very true
19:59.15Jayce^World of Warcraft
19:59.22bonez41World of Warcraft....
19:59.29Jayce^sjansen, who needs a linode when you work for a hosting company :)
20:02.58vontrapp~lart mysql for lack of timezone functionality
20:06.44jsmithvontrapp: Amen!
20:08.31sjansen"[...] even the most grizzled XSLT veteran eat analgesics by the bucketfu."
20:11.27leviHeh.  I can believe that.
20:11.43sjansen~lart xsltproc and its quirks
20:11.56ibotsjansen: thanks
20:12.09vontrappph34r my buk37-fu
20:13.44levisjansen: Have you looked at DSSSL?
20:15.25sjansenXSLT is accepted by my bosses, widely used, and understood by the developers we will probably contract to do part of this work.
20:18.42leviDSSSL seems like a better fit to docbook.
20:19.04sjansenIt's not docbook. But the idea's the same.
20:20.02leviAhh, okay.
20:20.13emcnabbvim keybindings in firefox are nice
20:22.26vontrappemcnabb: i used to have an extension that did that, then a new version of firefox broke it
20:22.43vontrappi miss it :( what do you use now?
20:24.02emcnabbit uses keyconfig
20:24.14emcnabbI'm using Firefox 1.0.3 and it works fine
20:25.37*** join/#utah bucky (
20:27.01vontrappit rains...
20:28.06*** join/#utah jakea (
20:33.16mrpulli like the idea of using j and k to move down and up
20:33.23mrpullwill it break gmail
20:33.42vontrappit doesn't do anything when you're in a text field
20:35.49mrpullgmail has keyboard short cuts in the inbox
20:36.11mrpulli'll give it a try and find out
21:01.04*** join/#utah mheath (
21:10.54*** join/#utah fungus (~fungus@2001:470:1f00:645:20a:95ff:fec5:636a)
21:11.15leviIt's really coming down here.
21:13.14buckymore snow!
21:17.18leviWe don't need more snow.  From what I understand, we're approaching flood danger levels now.
21:18.00buckyi want 5 more years of this so the glen canyon dam will wash out like it almost did in '83
21:18.06Jayce^snow, lucky stiffs
21:18.39buckyand flush twice when it gets to vegas and hoover dam
21:21.13*** join/#utah fungus (~fungus@2001:470:1f00:645:20a:95ff:fec5:636a)
21:33.49mheathI've got so much junk and a bunch of it doens't work, and even more is worthless.
21:33.50emcnabbjust rain here right now, but it's really coming down
21:34.16sjansenmheath: throw it out in the rain!\
21:34.42leviThen it will all not work and be worthless, and you can then just trash it.
21:34.48leviProblem solved!
21:34.58vontrapphmm, those linux hdtv cards are now illegal (to buy, anyway)
21:35.29*** join/#utah SpecialK (~scott@
21:35.49mheathAnyone want some Pentium I computers? :)
21:35.55sjansenvontrapp: Says who?
21:36.10sjansenIsn't supposed to kick in for a coupla' months.
21:36.12vontrappwasn't it april 16th this year that the law went into effect?
21:36.23sjansenIf it isn't overthrown by the courts soon.
21:37.14mheathI have no working CD-ROM drives......
21:37.28Jayce^mheath, save them for the surplus swap meet
21:37.45mheathFinally got a monitor, though!
21:37.48dataw0lf|wdon't they give away cd-rom drives at the local homeless shelter nowadays?
21:38.00mheathdataw0lf, I can probably get one for free tomorrow at work
21:38.10mheathJust the one I tried to get for free yesterday doesn't work :)
21:38.12dataw0lf|wyou work at the homeless shelter?
21:38.31dataw0lf|wmy logic is irrefutable.
21:38.36leviJayce^: Saving my stuff for the surplus swap meet was not very successful last year. ;)
21:38.52sjansenvontrapp: That's why bbeattie is making the rounds.
21:38.56mheath"Surplus swap meet"?
21:38.59dataw0lf|wsuperior computers? heh.
21:39.41levimheath: A bunch of guys bring their oldcomputer junk to a meetup.  It sits there on the table while people examine it, and then you either take it home or dump it at DI. ;)
21:39.54mheathdataw0lf, I'd laugh at the name, too, but I actually like their stuff
21:40.07leviHmm, some dialog box stole a space.
21:40.12dataw0lf|wthat's because you work there and get handmedowns.
21:40.15mheathPrices are very good, and the warranties unbeatable. Our warranties are the reason we get so much business
21:40.37mheathdataw0lf, actaully, no. I have an unpaid internship during school hours
21:40.47mheathI didn't get free stuff. I offered to stay a few hours extra to get some stuff.
21:41.20dataw0lf|winternship? that's pretty cool.
21:41.55dataw0lf|wat my school the only internships we had were for the crack dealers at the park across the street.
21:42.09dataw0lf|wI kid.  But, the tech department in our school was crap.
21:42.16mheathHaha. My school district (Weber) has been setting up a lot of internships lately.
21:42.31mrpullmheath:  I knew a guy that worked at a computer store... he always had the most up to date computer
21:42.36mheathThe Ogden Standard Examiner ran an article about it a few days ago.
21:42.52mheathmrpull, haha, not like ours
21:43.06mheathNeither the owner or the store manager (although the owners usually at the store managing) have very nice computers
21:43.09mrpullit turned out he was "borrowed" the latest gear from the shelves and ran it at home until the next gen stuff came out
21:43.26mrpullthen he put it back on the shelf like it never had been used.
21:43.39dataw0lf|wI can get next gen stuff from a high school buddy who now works at OE for dirt cheap.
21:43.39mrpull(i seem to recall he got fired )
21:44.41dataw0lf|wObsidian Entertainment
21:44.52dataw0lf|wHe stayed the course and actually became a game developer.
21:45.07mrpullahhh... ok... Outlook Express didn't make sense
21:45.29mrpullhe works for dirt cheap?  or you get stuff dirt cheap?
21:45.35bonez39any of you run vnc to remotely control another system?
21:45.45dataw0lf|wI get stuff dirt chip.
21:45.53mrpullsweet.  do you share the love?
21:46.00dataw0lf|wI might be able to.
21:46.18dataw0lf|wI think Nvidia just gave them an upgrade, so he'll be contacting me soon with his uber workstations.
21:46.32mrpullvery cool.
21:46.55mrpullbonez:   I have, but now I use RDP for windows
21:47.03dataw0lf|wyeah, he's a good friend.  We were all up in the quake and half life mods together.
21:48.43mheathAnyone know a bootable-floppy-disk based Linux system that will do stress tests?
21:49.06mheathI got a variety of used hardware that may or may not work, so I want to do some stress tests
21:49.29mrpullmemtest86 will test the ram (and to some extent cpu and mobo)
21:49.47mheathWell, my biggest concern is hard drives
21:49.59mheathI'd like to have rapid HDD read/writes
21:52.10mrpulljust team them all up in some wacky raid config and if one dies... oh well ;-)
21:52.42mheathTo do that, I'd need a raid controller :)
21:53.34sjansenmheath: messy software based raid is faster than all but high-end raid controllers, and quite reliable
21:53.45sjansen(on linux, anyway)
21:55.22mrpulleven better... use drbd to do "network raid"
21:55.52mheathI'm thinking that maybe a "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/whatever" will do the trick for the HDD stress tests.
21:56.19mheathDoesn't GNU dd make sure that things copy sucessfully?
21:56.21dataw0lf|whow about hdparm -t ?
21:57.50mheathThat's pretty quick, isn't it?
21:58.24mheathI've had harddrives work fine for a day or two after I install stuff on them, then die
21:58.42dataw0lf|wstop buying crap hardware then.  I mean, c'mon, you get what you pay for.
21:58.55mheathHahaha :) With that logic, I'd get nothing.
21:59.24dataw0lf|wpatience is a virtue.  Save up.
22:01.04mheathI am, actually. Everything I currently have, I got for free.
22:03.25dataw0lf|wgood stuff.
22:06.00sjansenno it isn't, the little leech is a drag on society
22:06.11sjansenhis free loading is pushing up the price of hardware for the rest of us
22:06.26sjansenI say we go up to his house, take his stuff, and torch it!
22:06.32vontrappsnow!! snow in provo!! what's with this wacky weather!
22:07.23sjansen(the house that is, the stuff we keep and distribute among ourselves)
22:07.24mheathSome guy brought a "Gateway 2000" in to my work last night
22:07.47mheathPenitum1 133mhz, ran windows 98. Said "It's running slow, can you make it run faster?"
22:07.51leviHas anyone seen "Concepts, Techniques, and Models of Computer Programming"?
22:10.38sjansenmrpull: careful, or I'll lead a raiding party to your house next
22:10.56mrpullmike is a good kid
22:11.14mrpullbut.... i'll stop there :)
22:13.05mrpullthen again... start the raid now.  I've got a bunch of crap to get rid of.
22:13.22sjansenWhat, in the rain? Are you crazy?
22:13.24mrpullwhen is the plug swap meet anyway?
22:13.30*** join/#utah fungus (~fungus@2001:470:1f00:645:20a:95ff:fec5:636a)
22:13.30*** join/#utah levi_ (
22:14.18emcnabbso, sjansen... you make pretty good money... is there any reason why you need to raid the house of a 14 year old to steal a PII? Where are you spending all your money? :-)
22:14.40sjansenYou can never have enough free hardware.
22:14.46emcnabbyes, you can
22:14.55emcnabbI am a living witness of that :-)
22:14.55mrpulli've got too much crap
22:14.59sjansenI guess you're right.
22:15.22emcnabbI'll bring you a PII tomorrow
22:15.29emcnabbfor lunch
22:15.35mrpulli've got a p3 or better policy right now
22:15.59mrpullif it is older than that straight to DI
22:16.34emcnabbmy policy is about the same, but "classic" computers are an exception (like my NeXTStation, etc)
22:16.35mrpulltho I did pawn off some crap at the swapmeet last summer
22:16.45leviOoh, a NeXTStation.
22:16.56mrpullthat is what emulators are for :)
22:17.10emcnabbhaha, it's not the same :-)
22:17.34mrpulli've seen the next station... i don't have enough desk space for nostalgia
22:18.02emcnabbyou don't have to have all of them on your desk
22:18.16mrpulljust wait till you are married :)
22:18.18leviIf I had room, I would collect some classic computers.
22:18.26mrpullit's coming
22:18.28emcnabbshe knows what she's getting into
22:18.29mrpullyou'll see
22:18.34leviSomeday, when I have a house with several spare rooms and perhaps an unfinished basement. ;)
22:18.38emcnabbthe deal is I have my office
22:18.38mrpullshe knows what she is going to change :)
22:18.46emcnabbI get to do whatever I want with it
22:18.53emcnabbthe rest of the house is hers
22:19.00mrpullriiiight :)
22:19.15emcnabbshe knows I'm serious about that :-)
22:19.42mrpulli'm just giving you grief
22:19.49emcnabbI know
22:19.52mrpulli've got a mess of PC's downstairs out of site
22:20.01mrpullbut the office upstairs is neat and tidy
22:24.40emcnabbJayce^: which DEC is it?
22:25.22leviHeh, this is an interesting essay:
22:27.14buckythat's funny :D
22:34.06*** join/#utah drewbono (
22:34.35leviHrm, my Linux box rebooted.
22:34.39leviMust have been a brownout or something.
22:34.47leviNow drupal is dead. :/
22:39.00leviGreat, I have a corrupted mysql table.
22:39.20*** join/#utah fungus (~fungus@2001:470:1f00:645:20a:95ff:fec5:636a)
22:41.17leviOkay, that was easy enough to fix.
22:41.25sjansenLet me say why PL/I Is "real". There are only three real programming languages:
22:41.48levisjansen: Note that this was written a long time ago. :)
22:41.55sjansenof course
22:42.19leviThankfully, Simula and Algol really did influence more later languages than FORTRAN, COBOL, and PL/I
22:42.50leviWhich gives me hope that today's academic languages will actually rub off on the industry in the future.
22:59.29*** join/#utah Newsome (
23:00.59Maquis~lart stupid multiple choice tests that were poorly written and have either multiple correct answers or no correct answers
23:02.28sjansensounds like a well written test to me
23:03.15dataw0lf|wjust go with C and you'll be fine.
23:06.26*** join/#utah slag (
23:06.39Maquis~lart sjansen
23:06.40jsmithMaquis: Any time I had a question like that, I"d write a paragraph explaining to the prof. why I thought it was a poor question. Nine times out of ten, they'd give me credit for it, even if I answered wrong.
23:07.09Maquisjsmith: that's great when it's not a multiple-choice bubble-test question when you're not allowed to write on the test or outside the bubble on the bubble-sheet
23:07.18Maquisi'm going to try to talk to the prof tomorrow
23:07.38Maquisanyway, off to the bus
23:08.51jsmithMaquis: In that case, I"d drop the prof. an email ASAP after taking the test.
23:15.21*** join/#utah resplin (~richard@
23:16.35resplinibot news
23:18.39emcnabbwow, resplin is on IRC
23:21.59*** join/#utah mheath (
23:26.36resplinHow are you doing emcnabb?
23:26.51resplinSometimes I lurk, especially when I'm working on something I don't understand.
23:27.40resplinI'm installing Tomcat with Apache on ES 4
23:29.50emcnabbI'm doing well
23:30.12emcnabbTomcat is a beast (at least I've had problems with it in the past)
23:30.30resplinRHEL Enterprise Server 4
23:31.01emcnabbwhat's the problem (not that I'll be much help)
23:33.02resplinWe've just been trying to find the documentation which versions of everything that we should use (I just figured out that jk2 is depricated). No real questions yet.
23:33.08resplinOh, there is one:
23:33.22resplinWhy aren't there rpms so that it will keep itself up2date?
23:33.39resplinThey had rpms for tomcat 3 and 4, but I can't find any for 5.
23:33.56sjansenresplin: Have you looked at jpackage?
23:33.59resplinIt's not in yum, apt, or up2date. Does everyone install from source now?
23:34.17emcnabball the java stuff is done in jpackage now
23:34.28emcnabbthere is info in the RHEL4 release notes
23:34.40resplinOh, that's an important clue.
23:34.42resplinI'll check it out.
23:38.34resplinDoes anyone have a URL to the RHEL4 release notes handy?
23:39.00resplinThis is hosted in a datacenter, so I don't have any documentation.
23:39.05resplinNever mind, found it.
23:40.44emcnabbhum, maybe I read about it somewhere else
23:41.08emcnabbyou can see in the release notes that jpackage was added
23:41.31emcnabb(and that the Tomcat RPM was removed)
23:42.13resplinI have been really impressed with RHEL 4. Way better than 3.x, and way newer than Debian stable (even than testing in a lot of ways)
23:42.35emcnabbyeah, it is nicer
23:43.06jsmithresplin: I've kind of liked it to... but I'm not 100% sold
23:43.09usynicresplin: can you upgrade to rhel 4 from 3.x easily?
23:43.48Maquisjsmith: i just emailed the prof (now that i'm home)
23:43.57jsmithMaquis: Cool... good luck
23:44.05Maquiswhen i complained i was in the cs labs --- i had tried his office, but he wasn't there
23:44.59Maquisit's just really frustrating when you know the concept behind the answer, but can't figure out what the question is looking for
23:45.42Maquisbtw, there's one question i was completely uncertain on, and i'm not sure if it's an interpretation issue or a misunderstanding the concepts issue or what...
23:45.59Maquis(T/F) a process is a collection of one or more threads
23:46.27leviThat's an odd way to define a process.
23:46.34MaquisNewsome: thanks
23:46.47Maquislevi: i agree, but is it correct?
23:46.56leviI would guess so.
23:47.18sjansenI would say yes.
23:47.34sjansenEven on old Linux kernels.
23:48.25NewsomeLinux implements threads as processes, so it's a bad definition
23:48.31buckywhy is everyone working late tonight?
23:49.06emcnabbbecause I wasn't productive during the day
23:49.20leviConceptually, a process defines a memory space and you can subdivide the execution within it via threads.
23:49.47sjansenNo, Linux implements threads as something similar to processes but able to share memory with other threads in the same process.
23:50.18leviThe way Linux implements things isn't really relevant to the question, though.
23:50.26sjansens/able/sharing by defaut/
23:50.28Maquisquestion: what in the world does it mean for an xbox to dule-boot?
23:50.36Maquis(someone was talking about this on uug-list)
23:50.37sjansenlevi: Just pointing out that Linux isn't a counter example.
23:50.51buckydual  ?
23:50.59sjansenduel ?
23:51.36sjansenOn guard you knave!
23:51.38buckychoose your weapons
23:51.39leviA guy named John Dule developed a chip that lets you get around some hardware protection scheme.  Booting via his chip is now called dule-booting.
23:51.53levi^^^-- completely fabricated.
23:52.17Maquisok... here's the whole post from uug-list
23:52.21MaquisTo make your xbox "dule" boot you need a game on a xbox memory modula or you
23:52.21Maquisneed to make a usb to xbox adapter and use a usb drive...
23:52.21Maquisthe firts is 'easyer', but only if you have tha game on the memory module...
23:52.22Maquisdoes any one have this / but linux on an xbox
23:52.45buckytrout slinger :P
23:52.56resplinusynic: there are upgrade notes in the RHEL manual and on the Centos web site for 3.x to 4.0, but it is not recommended for production systems. I have not tried it.
23:53.00Maquiscan anybody translate that post to english for me?
23:53.16leviMaquis: It's your duty to ban this unfortunate individual from public communication until such time as there is evidence of ability to communicate.
23:53.21NewsomeMaquis: It sounds like the guy was drunk
23:53.30MaquisNewsome: his posts are always like that
23:53.39Maquislevi: i've considered it... it's actually jake's job
23:54.12buckymaybe engrish is his second language
23:54.46*** join/#utah xilch|h (
23:55.01leviESL people generally have a very different pattern of errors.
23:55.14Maquisbucky: i'm pretty sure that's not the problem
23:55.18resplinCan anyone point me to documentation for jpackage on RHEL 4.
23:55.21leviThis person looks like a lazy bum who can't be bothered to communicate clearly.
23:55.39resplinNo man page, no web page, I'm looking for "why use this" document.
23:55.58Maquisit's the same person that was trying to install susie on a petium a while ago
23:56.00jakeaand AOL users
23:56.26buckymaybe he's dyslexic
23:56.30shadoiSusie is hot.
23:56.41jakeatry running it backwards through an AOL user translater and see if it looks any better
23:56.42buckyor other learning disability
23:57.39jakeaoh look, Jon D is back on UUG
23:58.03resplinsjansen: Thanks. You would expect that to appear from a google search.
23:58.28resplinsjansen: but I kept searching with other words in the string (silly me)
23:58.42*** join/#utah xilch|h (

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