irclog2html for #utah on 20050219

00:07.36neybarany exim gurus awake
00:14.31tensaineybar: does half awake count?
00:14.43*** part/#utah onetwig (
00:25.16tensaineybar: ping me later and I'll be happy to help
00:25.17*** part/#utah tensai (~tensai@
00:26.52*** join/#utah d0uG (~d0uG@
00:28.18*** join/#utah drewbono (
00:30.14*** join/#utah SpecialK (~scott@
00:33.49Maquis|lart SpecialK
00:38.05goozbach~lart maquis
00:40.51Maquissup goozbach???
00:42.07goozbachjust chillin at the hotel
00:47.15Maquishow did the kernel scheduling go today?
01:01.50SpecialK~lart Maquis
01:01.56Maquis~lart SpecialK
01:10.46*** join/#utah spiderbiter (~spiderbit@
01:56.47*** join/#utah fishyfire (
01:58.56*** join/#utah beandog (
02:14.42*** join/#utah tensai (
02:15.22tensaineybar: still looking for exim help?
02:18.15*** join/#utah Uncle_Jesse (~Uncle_Jes@
02:24.34*** join/#utah Grovel-SLC (
02:25.36*** part/#utah Grovel-SLC (
02:32.39mrpull~curse openview
02:32.41ibotMay the fleas of a thousand camels infest your most sensitive regions, openview !
02:45.51*** join/#utah Newsome (
03:07.21*** join/#utah drewbono (
03:15.25*** join/#utah findlay (~justin@
03:15.28*** join/#utah asynic (
03:15.50findlay~lart Maquis
03:22.06brailsmtibot: you used 'nuke' a few too many times...
03:22.20Maquis~lart findlay
03:23.04findlayibot: are you familliar with the works of Rachmaninov?
03:23.27*** join/#utah fishyfire (
03:25.27*** join/#utah Uncle_Jesse (~Uncle_Jes@
03:29.36*** join/#utah brailsmt_ (
03:46.12*** join/#utah wps (
03:48.02*** join/#utah JoshH (
04:33.13*** join/#utah jakea (~jakea@
04:46.42*** join/#utah misterpull (
04:53.32LeviHomeHeh, Ghostbusters II.
05:08.01*** part/#utah tensai (
05:08.10*** join/#utah tensai (
05:08.43tensaiFYI, ABC news says that using a laptop on your lap can make you infertile
05:14.28findlayanybody want their slashdot post modded?
05:38.13findlayMahler's 9th is quite a masterpiece
05:41.29Newsomeand some of those Mozart CVS versions were pretty good too
05:51.29findlayBeethoven had sketches for a tenth and eleventh symphonies before he died
05:51.44findlayduh, Mozart used GNU Arch
05:57.34*** join/#utah drewbono (
06:11.11*** join/#utah k9 (~jakea@
06:12.02*** join/#utah osynic (
06:23.57findlayanybody here from Idaho Falls?
06:24.41tensaifindlay: yes
06:25.20tensaimeaning I live there ATM. or are you looking for someone in Utah
06:44.13*** join/#utah JoshH (
07:07.32*** join/#utah sjansen (
07:14.38findlaysjansen: about time you showed up
08:04.31*** join/#utah Newsome (
08:12.08*** join/#utah xbmodder_lappy (
08:12.24xbmodder_lappyhello ums!
08:17.30*** join/#utah emcnabb (
08:36.29xbmodder_lappyhello emcnabb
08:36.33xbmodder_lappyyour at home!
08:47.26xbmodder_lappyso what time is it?
08:48.04xbmodder_lappyDo you guys have a fry's electronics?
08:48.34xbmodder_lappycalifornia is better! proof!
08:49.16emcnabbbut you are living proof that there are morons in California
08:51.09xbmodder_lappyNot a complete moron though
08:51.55emcnabbwell, night
08:52.01xbmodder_lappyg'night dude!
08:52.33xbmodder_lappyMorons rule (they do.. bush rules the USA
11:14.07*** join/#utah Maquis (
15:21.30*** join/#utah Newsome (
15:26.16*** join/#utah misterpull (
16:12.48*** join/#utah wps (~wps@
16:43.10*** join/#utah byronc (~byron@
16:43.35emcnabbAwesome, here is the subject of a spam I just got for pirated software:
16:43.42emcnabb"Want to install or update the operation system?"
16:43.44brailsmt_how do I specify core file names?  ie, I want the pid of the process appended to the core file, or perhaps that process name...
16:51.41brailsmt_sysctl -w kernel.core_name=core.%e
16:51.58brailsmt_that sets core file names to be core.<process name>
16:55.05brailsmt_err...  that is wrong...
16:55.07brailsmt_it is
16:55.16brailsmt_sysctl -w kernel.core_pattern=core.%e
17:21.48*** join/#utah tensai (
18:04.07goozbachblasted delays
18:32.18Maquisgoozbach: airport delays?
18:32.59goozbachme tired
18:33.39goozbachstupid ammercian west airline.
18:33.49goozbachwell gtg bye
18:34.22*** join/#utah ccsp64 (
18:41.30Maquisquestion: if, in a job interview, you are asked how you would go about cracking a box, is it good or bad if you don't know the answer?
18:44.49Maquis(i had that question yesterday)
18:54.18mheathDepends on the job
18:54.26mheathWhat kind of position was it?
18:56.10Maquismheath: it was a testing position
18:56.20*** join/#utah fungus (
18:56.37Maquisthey had a lot of questions about network security, most of which i didn't know a whole lot about...
18:56.54Maquisbut that one just was interesting...
18:58.05*** join/#utah JoshH (
19:12.31*** join/#utah misterpull (
19:16.25xbmodderhey! you were wrong!! some girls think lock picking would be cool
19:20.46xbmodderMaquis, me too
19:30.53*** join/#utah spr (
19:32.40xbmoddernot anymore!
19:44.44xbmodderMaquis, I think they want you to know about net security
19:45.00xbmodderMaquis, I would say step ichi learn about your target
19:45.54hansbrailsmt_: how do you _undo_ that?
19:46.06hansI only want one core, thank you.
19:46.58hansfugalh@falcon:/proc/sys/kernel$ cat core_*
19:47.12hansbut I still get core.11523 and it's driving me nuts.
19:47.44hansfugalh@falcon:/proc/sys/kernel$ ls core*
19:47.44hanscore_pattern  core_uses_pid
19:55.08*** join/#utah sjansen (~sjansen@
20:05.02*** join/#utah ccsp64 (
20:08.12xbmodderwhy do you need core?
20:15.47*** join/#utah sjansen (~sjansen@
20:20.33*** join/#utah tensai_ (
20:49.17*** join/#utah fishyfire (
21:46.33goozbach~dict muse
21:58.40*** join/#utah mrpull_ (
22:17.35tenethere was a utility mentioned in here a while back that would play audio based on your network traffic...
22:17.39teneanyone remember what it is?
22:17.49teneI can't find it on google or in my logs...
22:21.08*** join/#utah mheath (
22:35.01*** join/#utah dataw0lf (
22:36.04Newsome"tcpdump -l -vv -X -s 512 > /dev/dsp" maybe?
22:36.21teneI found it.
22:36.30tenebut that page is down.
22:36.33Newsomecan't imagine it would sound all that great, though :)
22:36.34*** join/#utah Uncle_Jesse (~Uncle_Jes@
22:36.36tenebut the sf page for the project is up.
22:42.36tensaitene: hans wrote one called hearnet
22:43.03tenethat's the one I was thinking of.
22:43.24tensaibasically just clicks once for each packet
23:35.41*** join/#utah misterpull (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.