irclog2html for #utah on 20040128

00:00.12HanumanOur av program integrates w/ the mail server to stop viruses like this
00:00.12sjansenBradipo: BYU has shut off it's smtp server for the interim.
00:00.21Bradiposjansen: Inbound?
00:00.38BradipoOurs is going, but it's pegged.
00:00.49RyanEcomcast appeared to have shut theirs down for a while as well.
00:00.49HanumanMy home server uses f-prot to scan incoming e-mails, so I haven't gotten any
00:01.04sjansenI don't know about connections, but disk was filled. Didn't help that the virus managed to get the magical "spam all active students" address.
00:01.05Hanumanyeah - I haven't seen any
00:02.26HanumanBradipo: if you had OSS community on your side, we could all setup a community of dns servers worldwide that you could register to distribute traffic
00:02.54Bradiposjansen: All it had to do was infect one person that had that address in their address book or otherwise in their system somewhere.
00:03.03sjansenHanuman: No point picking at scabs. No one's gonna be happy until we've got Darl's head on a stick.
00:03.06BradipoWell, DNS isn't a big issue.
00:03.12BradipoIt isn't going to hurt our DNS servers.
00:03.12Hanumansjansen: lol
00:03.30HanumanI know Bradipo can do nothing about it.  I know he likes to laugh with us, though sometimes.
00:04.07BradipoI try to steer clear of pronouncing any opinion on anything though. :-)
00:04.23HanumanBradipo: we all know what you really think though ;-)
00:04.28BradipoIf it's a joke, then sure I may laugh...
00:04.57BradipoWhat I really think is that I am not going to worry about it until it gets to court.
00:05.09BradipoSince I don't know one way or the other, I refuse to participate in speculation.
00:05.17HanumanI agree
00:05.22HanumanI like to joke about it though
00:06.08BradipoI think it's more fun to try to figure out the DNS signature than it is to worry about legal issues. :-)
00:06.34sjansenWell, I want Darl's head just for being a jerk if nothing else.
00:06.44emcnabbme me!! I want it!!!
00:06.58HanumanThrow it over here when you get it!
00:07.16sjansenemcnabb: Better be careful or they might not let us into the court to watch him be humiliated.
00:07.25HanumanBradipo: you could always get volunteers to setup mirrors
00:07.35emcnabbHanuman, haha
00:08.03HanumanAh comeon - Darl's gotta approve that - he's a geek isn't he?
00:08.35HanumanI've got a freeservers account I can put one on.
00:09.32BradipoHanuman: I have come upon a snag in this DNS analysis.
00:09.40Hanumanwhat's that?
00:09.53Hanuman(speaking of which - I just got my first e-mail w/ the worm)
00:09.57*** join/#utah philhans (
00:09.59BradipoIf the virus just uses your name resolver, then I doubt there will be much to discover.
00:10.16BradipoSince it will be the name resolver connecting to our name server to do the lookup.
00:10.28BradipoIf it were the virus that did the actual lookup then there may be something to anaylize.
00:10.57BradipoIf only I had a Windows system here I could infect and roll the date forward. :-)
00:12.38HanumanBradipo: you could detect frequency of resolutions from the same IP's and detect it that way
00:12.54sjansenThe point is, he'd have to take out legitimate resolvers.
00:12.58Hanumanie if you get so many within a minute, mark that IP as infected, send traffic elsewhere
00:13.51Hanumanhmmm...that wouldn't work most likely
00:14.24Hanumanwell, it does send originating IP along with the DNS query, doesn't it?
00:14.52Hanumanyou're most likely not going to get AOL Ddos's because it ignores those
00:15.11BradipoHanuman: Yeah, that would work until I start blocking legitimate hosts.
00:15.13Hanumanso that IP subnet isn't a worry
00:15.26*** part/#utah RyanE (
00:15.32BradipoHanuman: No, the originating IP is not in the DNS packet that I'm aware.
00:15.41HanumanBradipo: you could re-allow it every few minutes and try again
00:15.42sjansenSo SCO still gets legitimate traffic?
00:15.47HanumanBetter than not allowing anyone through
00:16.01Bradiposjansen: Unless this IRC discussion is illegitimate yes. :-)
00:16.27sjansenThat's what I thought. Nothing good coming into or out of SCO.
00:16.49sjansenComplete waste of time and everyone's money.
00:17.14BradipoAnd this virus isn't?
00:17.31BradipoThis DoS affects more than just us at the moment.
00:17.41HanumanI'm learning a bit on how to combat worms
00:17.51BradipoIT personnel worldwide are going to be working for the next few weeks cleaning this up.
00:17.54Hanumanor going nowhere
00:17.58sjansenI hear beer works well... oh, wait, that's slugs.
00:18.11BradipoAnd if it wasn't to attack it would have been whoever else was on their blacklist.
00:18.28Hanumanbrb - gotta update f-prot
00:20.41HanumanBradipo: if you figure anything out let me know - I'd love to learn what you did
00:22.16*** part/#utah tomeast (
00:23.37HanumanYou know there's something wrong when your 'opt-in' e-mail gets put in your spam folder when you test it.