irclog2html for #utah on 20030418

01:20.06*** join/#utah brailsmt_ (
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05:31.59*** join/#utah Bradipo (
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12:43.00hans'night. ;)
13:05.30*** join/#utah hans (~fugalh@
14:27.04*** join/#utah CosmicPenguin (
14:27.25hanshi CosmicPenguin
14:34.18CosmicPenguinIs Jayce^ awake?
14:53.44hanssince they took out lame and use mad now it keeps crashing
15:09.05leviWhat does lame have to do with playing mp3s?
15:10.30hanshmm, maybe I'm confused. but whatever it is (maybe native xmms code) was gutted because of patent stuff
15:10.35*** join/#utah Bradipo (
15:10.43levilame is a mp3 encoder
15:10.52hansyeah, it's coming back to me now. :)
15:11.01leviThough it seems mad, which I'd never heard of before, is a decoder.
15:11.15leviI think xmms used to embed mpg123
15:11.22leviFor playback
15:11.31CosmicPenguinlevi: mad is a pretty decent decoder
15:11.42hansCosmicPenguin: but it keeps crashing my xmms
15:11.48hanson files that mpg123 has no trouble with
15:11.54CosmicPenguinhans: I thought XMMS didn't support MP3 at all?
15:12.04hansi have a mad plugin
15:12.08CosmicPenguinhans: ahhh
15:12.20CosmicPenguinhans: try mpg321 - thats the mpg123 knockoff that uses the mad library
15:12.31leviWhen did xmms drop mp3 support?
15:13.08CosmicPenguinAfter Thompson Media got all litigious about enforcing their patent
15:14.17leviI must not have updated recently, because mine still plays mp3s just fine.
15:14.50leviOh, are you using RedHat8?
15:16.10CosmicPenguinYeah - Now that I think about it, it was Redhat that dropped it, not XMMS huh?
15:16.50hansi think I probably got mpg123 from non-free. maybe there's not an equivalent xmms package with mp3
15:16.55hansother than the mad plugin
15:17.11leviIt's always (or at least for a long time) been a mpg123 output plugin that actually did the mp3 playing.
15:30.10hanshuh. whatdyanknow it's back. (just checked my xmms plugins again) I'm quite confident it was gone, but oh well
15:37.35hansanyone used qnx?
15:43.20hansjust curious. looks like I'll be working with it this summer
15:44.37CosmicPenguinits a good OS from what I hear - multi threaded RTOs
15:46.08hansyeah, looks pretty slick. microkernel
15:46.23CosmicPenguinIts the RTOS of choice
15:46.26*** join/#utah Bradipo (
15:46.57hansdevice drivers can fail and be reloaded. i've heard that you can lose a hdd and (assuming you're dumb enough to do it or it's safe in your hardware) plug in a new one without the system failing
16:00.31*** join/#utah tensai (
17:11.06*** join/#utah Derek_ (~dmdavis@
17:11.21Derek_what's up
17:11.56leviI want sleep
17:12.14Derek_me too.  I got a new toy last night, so I stayed up way too late
17:14.29BradipoNew toy?
17:14.49Derek_For graduation I was given a Sharp Zaurus
17:15.07Derek_life is good when you can run vi in your pda
17:15.24leviI like my Zaurus
17:15.38BradipoVery nice.
17:15.45Derek_are you running the stock rom, or did you install open zaurus?
17:16.58leviI've got OZ installed.
17:17.06leviThough I haven't upgraded to the latest release yet.
17:17.17Derek_you like it?  I'm debating making the switch
17:17.24leviYeah, it's MUCH better.
17:17.40leviThe pda stuff has a lot of improvements.
17:17.55Derek_cool, then I'll have to borrow a compact flash card from someone to install it
17:20.20leviIt's probably worth buying one.  You'll probably want to have some extra space to install stuff.
17:20.57Derek_Well, as long as we're buying, I want the ibm 1 Gb micro drive.  mmmmm... mp3s
17:21.16Derek_but yeah, I'll have to buy a more reasonable one for now
17:21.17leviSure, but it'll suck your batteries dry in no time. :)
17:21.42BradipoI have the IBM Microdrive for my digital camera.
17:21.46BradipoIt's well worth it.
17:21.47leviMy iPod has mp3 duty, the Zaurus just does PDA stuff.
17:22.01Derek_[covets Bradipo's drive]
17:22.29BradipoI got mine over 6 months ago for $240, so I bet they have gone down in price.
17:22.33Derek_This is the only portable electronic device that I have, so it serves all functions
17:22.38leviI don't take nearly enough pictures (or at high enough filesize) to need one.
17:22.49Derek_hehe.  They are still about $190
17:22.59BradipoBetter than when I got mine. :-)
17:23.07Jayce^wish I had one..
17:23.14Jayce^my handspring is having problems.
17:23.16Derek_yeah, but you'd think it'd go down more in 6 months
17:23.26Derek_what kind of problems?
17:24.09BradipoI only ever use the maximum quality.
17:24.13Jayce^a week or so ago, wouldn't turn on..
17:24.23Derek_might as well, when you have 1 gb
17:24.25Jayce^set it in the charger base, then it 'popped' and reset itself..
17:24.31Jayce^lost everything.
17:24.41Derek_ooo, that bytes
17:24.49leviBradipo: How many megapixels?  And is max quality still compressed, or is it a RAW/TIFF sort of format?
17:25.49leviMy old Palm V seems to be dead now.  It started only charging intermittently when in its base station, so it ran out of battery power and reset.  And when I charged it again, it just kept resetting itself in a loop.
17:26.21Derek_how old is it?
17:26.38leviHmm, several years now.
17:27.04Bradipolevi: It's raw.
17:27.08leviAt least 3 years.
17:27.21BradipoSo the images are pretty big.
17:27.30leviBradipo: How many megapixels?
17:27.31BradipoAbout 6--7MB a piece.
17:27.54Derek_what resolution?
17:28.21leviMy camera won't do its highest compression rate in automatic mode, and it takes too much time to select the right settings when it's in manual mode.
17:28.34leviEr, highest quality that is, not highest compresion.
17:28.37BradipoI hardly ever use automatic mode.
17:29.03Bradipo3084x2056 or something like that.
17:29.10leviI wouldn't use it if I had a clue about photography and manual controls that were actually convenient to use.
17:29.30BradipoHeh, well automatic defintely is useful when you don't have time to fumble with settings.
17:29.39BradipoBut you run a risk of it focusing on the wrong thing.
17:29.40leviI've got a PowerShot S100, though, which is tiny and more about portability than shooting high-quality photos.
17:30.11BradipoI have been bitten by autofucus before.
17:30.27BradipoSpoiled an otherwise good photo.
17:30.34leviWhat camera model do you have?
17:30.40BradipoEOS D60
17:31.03leviNot too many digital cameras have manual focus.  That's one of those SLR ones, isn't it?
17:31.05BradipoI've had it for a while though and the new EOS 10D is much better.
17:31.27leviIf I was more into photography, I'd probably get one.
17:31.29BradipoMy brother just got the 10D.
17:31.39leviAs it is, it'd just sit on a shelf.
17:32.07BradipoI was never really into photography until I realized how much better a good camera does than a point and shoot.
17:32.35leviEven my little Elph only comes out when I go on a hike or bike up in the mountains, or need a photo of something to put online.
17:33.04BradipoLike when you're out geocaching and need a quick picture of the area. :-)
17:33.44BradipoBTW, anyone going to the activity on the 26th?
17:33.51BradipoThe geocaching day...
17:34.15Derek_what is 'geocaching day'?
17:34.19leviNever done any geocaching.
17:34.30BradipoOh, I thought maybe you had.
17:34.50Bradipogeocaching is a like a big treasure hunt, but done with GPSes.
17:35.41BradipoI've been itching to go since last summer.
17:36.22leviI've got a simple GPS, but I haven't used it much.
17:37.23Jayce^I've got one of those yellow etrex ones.. it's actually pretty good...
17:37.30BradipoYeah, they're not bad.
17:37.32Jayce^but things have been 'off' recently from the war
17:37.40BradipoHave they?
17:37.56Jayce^I couldn't afford a nicer one that could hook up to my computer.. that would have been nice..
17:38.11Jayce^yeah, they turned down the accuracy for non military ones during the war..
17:38.16BradipoThat sucks!
17:38.22BradipoNo wonder my GPS has been acting weird.
17:38.39leviYeah, mine's an eTrex too, I think.
17:38.52BradipoI wonder if there's a way to use the military signal...
17:38.56Jayce^too many iraqis etc. were using civilian models..
17:39.04Jayce^not without their hardware..
17:39.06tensaiI think it's encrypted
17:39.06leviNot without military equipment. :)
17:39.16BradipoYou know, a lot of businesses rely on GPSes...
17:39.26Bradipoi.e. construction, landscaping, etc...
17:39.49leviThere are other ways to boost the accuracy without using military signals.
17:40.04BradipoSuch as?
17:40.37leviI don't remember the specifics.  Something about an auxiliary directional radio thing you hook up to it.
17:41.29BradipoI should look into that.
17:41.57BradipoThat would explain why some of my waypoints were off the other day.
17:42.19Jayce^yeah, I think accuracy was reduced to 100 ft or something like that..
17:43.23BradipoNot sure why... they would probably just use a suicide bomber anyway.
17:43.36BradipoAnd he would manually guide in the thing.
17:44.06Jayce^well, their missles were one thing..
17:44.24BradipoDo they have any ICBM?
17:44.48Jayce^no, but they had missles that could hit the bases..
17:44.53BradipoOh, over there...
17:45.27BradipoWell, I guess this could make geocaching more interesting. :-)
17:45.39BradipoIndeed more difficult.
17:45.55Jayce^hopefully they turn it back.. would be nice.
17:52.53BradipoYeah, I hope so too.
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