irclog2html for utah on 2002.08.26

12:41:56cpenguin_awayis back (gone 61:19:12)
13:05:39que tal, han_solo
13:05:39han_soloibot, hello
13:05:45han_solomuy bien, y tu?
14:46:13adv_neonHi y'all
14:48:31han_solobrailsmt: they added another 428 section
15:05:10levi_good morning, all
15:06:45adv_neongood morning
15:15:24levi_What's news?
15:17:28Bradipo5 big announcements.
15:17:32BradipoThat's news for you. :-)
15:18:20levi_Heh, my connection from home is still trying to stay connected.
15:20:26levi_SCO Linux.  That's funny.
15:24:41CosmicPenguinhmm... they have managed to kill off any resemblance to a rising linux star of the early '90s eh?
15:25:06BradipoLooks like it.
15:26:00BradipoWho uses linux anyway?
15:27:38BradipoBut then again, SCO Linux will really just be a release of UnitedLinux
15:27:47BradipoWith SCO addons.
15:27:50levi_I remember the old SCO pumping out lots of anti-Linux propaganda in order for people to pay attention to them.  I guess the 'brand name' is sort of like Amiga, except without the rabid fan base.
15:38:26han_solopokes brailsmt
15:59:17brailsmtpokes back
16:01:40han_solohey brailsmt - I used your bnf
16:01:53han_solosyntax file that is, but I had to change a couple of lines
16:02:19han_solofrom hard-coded colors (that stuck out in desert) to hi link ... Special
16:05:20brailsmthan_solo: yeah, I didn't make it very portable, I need to change that...  did it work for you other than that?
16:05:37han_soloyeah. I didn't put it through too many paces but it seemed to be doing fine
16:05:50han_soloi only changed those two lines, and I was happy
16:06:01brailsmtgood, I haven't had any feedback from it...
16:06:04brailsmtwhich ones?
16:06:43brailsmtit is a pretty simple/small syntax file...
16:06:55han_solo"hi bnfOr ctermfg=1 gui=bold guifg=red
16:06:56han_solohi link bnfOr Special
16:07:04han_solo"hi bnfTerminalRangeDelim guifg=yellow gui=bold
16:07:04han_solohi link bnfTerminalRangeDelim Special
16:32:55han_solohmm, there's a gnucash-sql package in unstable. "adds SQL support (using postgresql) to the gnucash package"
16:32:56han_solothat'll be fun to try
16:37:39brailsmthan_solo: you use gnucash?  how is it?
16:37:46han_soloit's great
16:37:57han_soloI've used it for a couple of years now for my finances
16:38:27brailsmtreally?  I've just been using gnumeric...  :)
16:38:33han_soloinstalling on redhat was no easy task. that's why my jaw fell off when I did apt-get install gnucash
16:38:42han_solothat's when I knew debian was cool :)
16:38:43brailsmtmaybe I'll install it
16:39:29brailsmthi link bnfOr PreProc
16:39:29brailsmthi bnfOr gui=bold
16:39:29brailsmthi link bnfTerminalRangeDelim statement
16:39:29brailsmthi bnfTerminal guifg=cyan ctermfg=cyan
16:39:44brailsmtput those in bnf.vim and lemme know what you think...
16:39:56han_soloi think it's ridiculous as far as the code goes - so many crazy dependencies etc.. but as far as using it it's great
16:40:16han_soloi can tell you now I won't like it :)
16:40:29han_solomaybe lines 1 and 3
16:40:52brailsmtoops, I forgot to change bnfTerminal...
16:41:58han_solodon't like the bol
16:46:04han_soloi found an ebnf iso standard
16:46:12han_solomight be fun to write a syntax file for
18:27:14dingleberryhello all
18:27:24dingleberryI had a question about the netstat -rn command
18:27:28dingleberrycan anyone help?
18:27:55dingleberrybasically I run that command
18:27:58dingleberryget this output
18:27:59dingleberry9.17.220/23     UG       26   172631  en1     -   -
18:28:08dingleberrywell actually much more output
18:28:12dingleberrybut that is one example
18:28:19BZFlagok, and?
18:28:24dingleberrythe first column is distination
18:28:35dingleberryI don't understand what the /23 means
18:28:47dingleberryand I don't under stand what the thrid column UG means
18:28:49BZFlagthat's a cidr mask. that means:
18:29:09BZFlag9.17.220.23 netmask
18:29:33BZFlagie: 23 bits of network, and 9 for nodes.
18:29:54dingleberryso basically
18:30:00dingleberrywe are talking a subnet
18:30:36BZFlagyes, in this case a class C network plus one bit. could also be referred to as a supernet, but...
18:31:53BZFlagyes, in this case a class C network plus one bit. could also be referred to as a supernet, but since it's in the class A address space, calling it a subnet is correct.
18:31:58dingleberrydidn't mean to log all the way off
18:32:13dingleberryone other question
18:32:15dingleberryif that is ok
18:32:19BZFlaghit me.
18:32:29dingleberryTHat thrid column says UG
18:32:35dingleberrywhich when I looked it up on the web
18:32:38dingleberrywas a flag
18:32:42dingleberrywhat does that mean exactly?
18:33:15BZFlagsee "man route" on a real OS. ;-) U = up, G = uses a gateway etc.
18:33:43dingleberryI tried doing a man netstat
18:33:49dingleberrybut it doesn't explain that at all
18:34:46BZFlagnope netstat(8) on my os refers to route(8) ;-)
18:35:12dingleberryI guess should start paying more attention to the other suggestions at bottom of man page
18:35:18dingleberryBZFlag:  Thanks!!!!
18:35:19BZFlagheh ;-)
19:11:32brailsmtjust finished mapping esc to caps-lock...  :)
19:13:23Jayce^he's here, but he's AWAY
19:14:25levi_He hath gone AWAY
19:15:46Jayce^or is he only half away :D
19:24:22levi_Or, if he hath AWAY, he is in posession of AWAY, which must be an acronym for something cool.
19:24:27Jayce^goodbye caldera..
19:25:05levi_Yeah, I was remarking on the caldera name change earlier.  Like, what were they thinking?
19:26:23Jayce^so caldera starts united linux, and immediately changes it's name.. hrmm..
19:26:28Jayce^oh yeah, and changed bosses
19:28:16levi_. o O ( Oh no, we're sinking, what shall we do?  Oh, I know... let's take this piddly has-been UNIX company we bought and give ourselves its name, because hey, they used to sell stuff that people paid money for! )
19:29:45levi_. o O ( And we can pretend that Lindon is really Santa Cruz! )
19:30:08Jayce^umm.. yeah, real similar there.
19:41:13Jayce^oops.. get rid of that caldera url :D
19:44:28CosmicPenguinThats freaky...
19:49:38han_solowhat is?
19:50:02BradipoThis is the #utah channel, not the Caldera channel. :-)
19:50:18BradipoInteresting comments on the /. article though.
19:51:03bbeattieThe more I read slashdot, the more I realize that most people posting do it only to be seen, and often have biast and incorrect posts.
19:51:56BradipoThe only reason why I read /. anymore is to find good links to *real* news sources.
20:31:56han_solois there something I can have the c pre-processor check for that will tell me whether I'm running in linux or windows?
20:39:05brailsmthan_solo: #ifdef __linux
20:40:02brailsmti am not sure of the windows one...
20:41:53brailsmtsorry...  it is __linux__
20:42:22CosmicPenguinI guess you could also look for the CYGWIN flag (if you are compiling with gcc on Windoze)
20:43:50brailsmtyeah, that is with gcc/g++
20:45:42brailsmti think with msvc++ it is "#ifdef MS_RULES" and "#ifdef NOT_MS"...
20:46:46brailsmthan_solo: you could look at the source code for any app that compiles on both OSes and find out
20:47:12brailsmtvim comes to mind  :)
20:48:50han_soloI think in windows it is #ifdef WORLD_DOMINATION
21:05:09CosmicPenguinactually, its #ifndef WORLD_DOMINATION #define EMBRACE_EXTEND
21:18:17brailsmtMS's definition of 'embrace' is more like 'strangle' to the rest of us...
21:24:08bbeattie*ponderes microsoft translation dictionary* embrace=strange help=betray improve=make proprietary fix=cover up developed=steal
21:26:24brailsmtproduct activation=spying
21:26:44CosmicPenguinBah....  making fun of microsoft is like shooting fish in a barrel
21:27:09brailsmtits fun isn't it?
21:28:05brailsmtreleased a patch to fix a security hole=we've known about it for years, we just now got around to fixing it....
21:28:29brailsmtcompetition=<flips the bird>
21:52:57CosmicPenguinis away: Uh, oh.. the weasel got out again...

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