IRC log for #uphpu on 20180225

01:20.15*** join/#uphpu infobot (
01:20.15*** topic/#UPHPU is Meeting: Thursday Jan 14th - SkiPHP Jan 14th & 15th | Utah PHP Users Group |
01:20.15*** mode/#UPHPU [+v infobot] by ChanServ
04:36.48*** join/#uphpu cro (~cro@
09:40.42*** join/#uphpu v0rtex (
14:40.28*** join/#uphpu jsmith_ (~jsmith@
14:47.26*** join/#uphpu jsmith (~jsmith@
14:47.47*** join/#uphpu jsmith (~jsmith@fedora/jsmith)
14:47.47*** mode/#UPHPU [+v jsmith] by ChanServ

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.