IRC log for #uphpu on 20160301

01:43.04*** join/#uphpu ninnypants (~ninnypant@unaffiliated/ninnypants)
01:43.04*** mode/#UPHPU [+v ninnypants] by ChanServ
01:45.25shalkieDexterTheDragon: Slack is kinda cool though. :) I really tend to view it as a fancy IRC system anyways.
02:06.18*** join/#uphpu stevecoug (~stevecoug@oalug/member/stevecoug)
02:06.18*** mode/#UPHPU [+v stevecoug] by ChanServ
02:27.09*** join/#uphpu ninnypants (~ninnypant@unaffiliated/ninnypants)
02:27.10*** mode/#UPHPU [+v ninnypants] by ChanServ
04:37.26*** join/#uphpu stevecoug (~stevecoug@oalug/member/stevecoug)
04:37.26*** mode/#UPHPU [+v stevecoug] by ChanServ
14:40.24*** join/#uphpu eggyknap (~jtolley@
14:40.24*** join/#uphpu eggyknap (~jtolley@unaffiliated/eggyknap)
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15:18.21*** join/#uphpu josephscott (~josephsco@
16:00.47*** join/#uphpu stevecoug (~stevecoug@oalug/member/stevecoug)
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16:40.18*** join/#uphpu stevecoug (~stevecoug@oalug/member/stevecoug)
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16:55.14*** join/#uphpu kendsnyder (~Adium@
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17:19.22*** join/#uphpu josephscott (~josephsco@
18:20.28TodPunkshalkie: it is literally IRC on the backend
18:49.58*** join/#uphpu infobot (
18:49.58*** topic/#UPHPU is Meeting: Thursday Jan 14th - SkiPHP Jan 14th & 15th | Utah PHP Users Group |
18:49.58*** mode/#UPHPU [+v infobot] by ChanServ
18:52.53*** join/#uphpu stevecoug (~stevecoug@oalug/member/stevecoug)
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19:31.26*** join/#uphpu tierra (
19:31.26*** mode/#UPHPU [+v tierra] by
19:46.32*** join/#uphpu kendsnyder (~Adium@
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19:51.43*** join/#uphpu josephscott (~josephsco@
19:56.23romanovicIRC on the backend, except with every channel persisted, which is cool. But has a lot of downsides, in that you're locked into their UI, and they've thrown away the network concept in favor of community isolation and a central point of failure
19:56.57fungusYou are not locked into their UI.
19:57.05fungusI use an IRC client to access Slack
19:57.47romanovicright, not locked in strictly speaking. I use my IRC client with 100% of slack communities I joined who support it, which is only 1 out of 7 currently.  I've asked them all.
20:05.24*** join/#uphpu devhen (
20:08.53*** mode/#UPHPU [-v stevecoug] by carmony
20:49.00TodPunkromanovic: I agree with the lock-in to UI and more
20:49.32TodPunkfunction lock-in is more important than "technically it's not lock-in"
20:50.25TodPunkMy real complaint with the UI isn't about lock-in though, it's that I can't join a bunch of communities slacks and easily keep track of what's going on, especially if I'm on linux at any point
20:52.10romanovicsame here. "why didn't I see that message when it came in? oh I need to open a slack browser tab again"
22:27.58*** join/#uphpu stevecoug (~stevecoug@oalug/member/stevecoug)
22:27.58*** mode/#UPHPU [+v stevecoug] by ChanServ
23:43.42*** join/#uphpu shalkie (
23:50.51*** join/#uphpu stevecoug (~stevecoug@oalug/member/stevecoug)
23:50.51*** mode/#UPHPU [+v stevecoug] by ChanServ

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