IRC log for #uphpu on 20150803

01:29.41*** join/#uphpu bbankes (
01:43.27*** join/#uphpu ninnypants (~ninnypant@unaffiliated/ninnypants)
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01:57.13*** join/#uphpu ninnypants (~ninnypant@unaffiliated/ninnypants)
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02:16.00*** join/#uphpu ninnypants (~ninnypant@unaffiliated/ninnypants)
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02:36.34*** join/#uphpu ninnypants (~ninnypant@unaffiliated/ninnypants)
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08:18.56*** join/#uphpu ninnypants (~ninnypant@unaffiliated/ninnypants)
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09:13.41*** join/#uphpu ninnypants (~ninnypant@unaffiliated/ninnypants)
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10:12.48*** join/#uphpu ninnypants (~ninnypant@unaffiliated/ninnypants)
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12:07.27*** join/#uphpu ninnypants (~ninnypant@unaffiliated/ninnypants)
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14:28.55*** join/#uphpu bikerdan (
14:32.28*** join/#uphpu bbankes (
14:37.57*** join/#uphpu ninnypants (~ninnypant@unaffiliated/ninnypants)
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14:43.34*** part/#uphpu bikerdan (
14:56.56*** join/#uphpu ninnypants (~ninnypant@unaffiliated/ninnypants)
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15:04.29*** join/#uphpu itimber (
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17:11.15*** join/#uphpu bikerdan (
18:40.56*** join/#uphpu josephscott (~josephsco@
18:44.16*** join/#uphpu ninnypants (~ninnypant@unaffiliated/ninnypants)
18:44.16*** mode/#UPHPU [+v ninnypants] by ChanServ
19:00.17mgearyanyone here know how to reload a fcgi application (on Bluehost)?
19:06.54herlorestart the webserver?
20:07.04*** part/#uphpu bikerdan (
20:20.23*** join/#uphpu supernovia (~Adium@2605:a601:524:c401:acf8:cf28:39cd:f2f0)
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20:28.36*** join/#uphpu supernovia (~Adium@2605:a601:524:c401:acf8:cf28:39cd:f2f0)
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20:48.54jsmithmgeary: Sorry, just saw your message -- did you get it figured out?
20:56.30mgearyjsmith: hey. Not really. i just kept touching the .fcgi file and reloading.
20:56.45mgearyi got through my issue, but i’d still like to know if there’s a way to reload a fcgi app on bluehost
20:56.59jsmithI'm not sure what you mean by "reload"...
20:57.57jsmithUnless you're using a CDN to cache things, the .fcgi file *should* be reloaded on every web hit
20:58.02*** join/#uphpu Heartsbane (tsharpe@unaffiliated/heartsbane)
20:58.02*** mode/#UPHPU [+v Heartsbane] by ChanServ
21:01.00mgearyno cdn in play
21:01.14mgearybut i can absolutely confirm that changes to code are not reflected on every page hit
21:01.17mgeary(django app)
21:15.57*** join/#uphpu DexterTheDragon (~DexterThe@oalug/member/blackchaos)
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21:24.22*** join/#uphpu supernovia (~Adium@
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21:33.47mgearyninnypants: ping
23:24.07*** join/#uphpu bbankes (

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