IRC log for #uphpu on 20140116

00:32.54*** join/#uphpu eggyknap (
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17:10.11*** join/#uphpu tobcri (
17:10.37josephscott$8ball happy now?
17:10.38tobcrijosephscott: Cannot predict now.
17:10.49josephscott$8ball will you be happy later?
17:10.50tobcrijosephscott: Signs point to yes.
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17:11.36*** join/#uphpu clintberry (~clintberr@2601:9:7680:65c:79e5:b74d:aaf5:f285)
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17:11.46*** join/#uphpu tobcri (
17:12.24josephscott$8ball back for more?
17:12.24tobcrijosephscott: Yes.
17:15.34*** join/#uphpu SunSparc (~jonathan@
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17:16.00ninnypantsraifbot in now tobcri?
17:16.24josephscottyep, working on getting the pieces back together
17:16.38josephscottfree blog to the first person to figure out where the name tobcri comes from
17:17.22SunSparcIRC Bot
17:17.40DexterTheDragoncurse my slow fingers
17:18.04SunSparcheh, you can have the free blog DexterTheDragon, I have plenty.  :)
17:18.14josephscottyou may redeem your free blog at :-)
17:18.39DexterTheDragonI'll stick to
17:18.42jsmithherlo: I know it's a trick!
17:18.53herlojsmith: me too, now. :)
17:19.08josephscottI promise it is not this -
17:19.38tobcriChuck Norris and Superman once fought each other on a bet. The loser had to start wearing his underwear on the outside of his pants.
17:21.18*** join/#uphpu clintberry (~clintberr@2601:9:7680:65c:79e5:b74d:aaf5:f285)
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17:21.23herlojsmith: oh, waffles. I see. :)
17:21.38infobotmake waffles && make syrup && fork(waffles)
17:22.41SunSparcinfobot: I would make the syrup first so the waffle are still hot when you pour the syrup on.
17:22.42infobotYou would make the syrup first so the waffle are still hot when you pour the syrup on.?
17:23.13ninnypantsI would guess that you could make both at the same time
17:23.15SunSparcMmm.. yes, warm buttermilk syrup.
17:23.22ninnypantsI'm quite sure the technology exists
17:23.25SunSparcninnypants: True
17:23.54SunSparcIf you use Golang, you can run both at once in different go routines. :)
17:25.10josephscottI prefer a distributed system, where one person makes waffles, another makes the syrup, and I eat them both
17:26.08SunSparcYeah, that works well.
17:27.13josephscottit scales nicely
17:28.17SunSparcIndeed, just add more workers as demand increases.
17:33.40josephscotttobcri also works with PMs now
17:33.56josephscottand logs the channel, still need to get a site up to make those logs available
17:34.05josephscottdoesn't log PMs though
17:34.40DexterTheDragonsure, make it easier for the NSA
17:36.32fungusha ha, I log all the things.
17:37.05ninnypantsnew elePHPant
17:43.37josephscottnot sure why they'd need a kickstarter campaign for that
17:44.11fungustexting in theaters is not only rude, but dangerous.
17:44.54DexterTheDragonbecause all the cool kids use kickstarter
17:45.35herlofungus: wtf? That's *when* you should text in a movie, if at all. I'd at least only murder you if you did it DURING the actual movie.
17:45.41herlookay, not murder.
17:45.51fungushehe agreed
17:45.53herlojust be annoyed really. Though I might actually say something.
17:46.07herlobecause darnit, people are watching movies here!
17:46.25herloand I just paid $15 to see this movie, don't ruin it
17:48.41josephscottthat is sad
17:48.50josephscottduring the previews, hadn't even made it to the movie yet
17:49.02herlojosephscott: exactly my point.
17:49.22fungusBut if you are in Florida, beware of angry old people who are likely to "stand their ground"
17:50.59fungusHe'll probably even get off because he was just defending himself from the popcorn throwing.
17:50.59josephscottformer captain of the police department
17:51.13josephscottman, that whole thing is sad
17:51.27DexterTheDragonhe'll get off because he was a cop
17:51.30tierraheh... someone took God Bless America too seriously
17:52.37josephscottglad the theater didn't turn into a hail of gun fire
17:53.17fungusNeed to add carrying a gun to that list.
17:53.25josephscottwith the memory of the Colorado theater shooting, I could see others with guns in the audience trying to shoot the original gunman
17:53.56josephscottprobably would have been better off if the former cop had left his gun at home
17:54.17fungusheh, as is usually the case.
17:57.56*** join/#uphpu unum (
18:05.51SunSparcI always pack at least two guns at all times. I keep them up my sleeves, you know, just in case.
18:07.12*** join/#uphpu hallamigo (
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18:31.08eggyknapmindjuju: ping
18:32.52herloeggyknap: pong
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18:38.11herlosorry eggyknap, couldn't resist.
18:39.43eggyknapYou'd better be sorry!!1 :)
18:40.17herlonot that sorry
18:44.48*** join/#uphpu clintberry (~clintberr@2601:9:7680:65c:79e5:b74d:aaf5:f285)
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20:27.41*** join/#uphpu KingMichael (
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22:02.00eggyknapGeez, it's boring in here
22:02.33eggyknapI think herlo's the only other person alive.
22:02.46jsmitheggyknap: Nope...
22:02.50herloI saw SunSparc on here earlier too
22:02.56eggyknapo rite
22:03.04herlothat jsmith is quite pervasive.
22:03.13eggyknapHe's virally licensed.
22:03.15jsmithherlo: I'm sneaky like that :-)
22:03.25jsmitheggyknap: Naw, just a friendly open-source license :-)
22:03.48eggyknapI'd love to be doing something useful, but ... I'm watching youtube's Vihart talk about twelve tone music.
22:04.04herlo <-- this is pretty neat
22:08.44herlothis is funny
22:15.22josephscottsome of these are pretty good -
22:31.00tierrareminds me of this pretty cool software written with wxWidgets that makes some of that easy to do in a video editor:
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