IRC log for #uphpu on 20130911

00:00.58*** join/#uphpu MikeHansenMe (~mike@
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13:27.18mindjujuand then there was 1
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15:11.34mindjujui've found a couple different ways online to measure DNS lookup speed, i'm wondering if there is something in bash that can do that?
15:14.25mindjujui guess that query time at the bottom of dig is what i need
15:16.05jsmithmindjuju: "time host"?
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15:18.57josephscottmindjuju: curl
15:19.33josephscottcurl can provide details on the connection
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15:21.02josephscottwhich I save as ~/bin/curlt
15:21.21josephscottso I use 'curlt'
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15:21.54josephscottgives me the raw request/response info and the connection timing details at the end
15:22.05josephscottthrows away the actual body of the response
15:22.58ponderabilitymindjuju: one-liner to ignore the host command's stdout and output the real time used in "M:SS.?" format: /usr/bin/time -f "%E" host > /dev/null
15:28.24mgearyunum: per our brief health insurance conversation yesterday:,0,2211922.column
15:28.37mgeary"There's little question that taking private insurers out of the American healthcare system would save hundreds of billions of dollars a year..."
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15:40.11mindjujuso mgeary, trying to keep an open mind on this, I decided to approach this from the vantage point: what is the government's track record for running things well and cheaply
15:40.17mindjujunot trying to be rude, but i can't think of anything
15:40.22mgearymindjuju: did you read the article?
15:40.31mgearymedicare has an operating cost of 2 percent
15:40.48mgearyand is widely praised by people who study such things as government efficiency
15:41.00mindjujui'm going to go and read the article thoroughly
15:41.22mgeary"Medicare's administrative costs are only about 2%, and its size gives it the clout to extract large discounts from doctors and hospitals…"
15:42.23mgearyprivate insurance admin costs are ~17%
15:43.15mindjujustill reading, hang on quick sec
15:43.38mindjujui shouldn't have committed without reading it, i jsut jumped on your first quote
15:44.05mgearywhy is it medicare is find and good enough when you're old, but it's unthinkable before then?
15:44.25mgearyi'm not necessarily advocating that medicare become universal. Just griping about the many flaws in the private health insurance system
15:44.37ponderabilitymindjuju: apologies, but I'm a bit of a bloodhound with these things.. One more try (works on my Ubuntu LTS [12.04?] in bash): host -v | grep Received | cut -d " " -f 7,8 (awk or xargs might be better, but I don't know awk or xargs too well)
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15:49.36unummgeary: I know people who have moved back and forth between medicaid and private insuaraunce
15:49.41unumguess which one they liked best?
15:49.56unumI need to learn to spell insurance
15:50.32mgearydo they like the private enough more to pay the difference? One reason medicare has a negative rap is because many providers don't like to accept it because it doesn't pay them as much.
15:51.01unumI wonder what's select health's administrative costs are
15:51.14unummgeary: no they liked medicaid better
15:51.27mgearywell then
15:51.52unumI'm not opposed to single payer personally
15:51.59mgearyproviders don't like it as much, but frankly, that's because they are wooed and bribed by private insurance
15:52.05unumI'm mostly opposed to employer based health care
15:53.38unummoving to catastophic+pay for what you get plans would be better for me
15:53.50mgearyunum: it appears that IHC claims their admin costs are between 10 and 11 percent, and they say the national average is 13%.
15:53.57unumthough I don't think that would be the best system for all
15:54.14unumaccording to Obama IHC is the best
15:54.34unumthough I think that's based off of medicare expeinditures
15:55.39fungusmindjuju, ponderability,
15:56.54ponderabilityfungus: that would be great for generating nagios alerts when the query starts taking longer than you want. :)
15:57.19fungusYes, and you can use the plugin in your own scripts too.  It doesn't have to be used inside Nagios.
15:57.55ponderabilityThat's true.. Probably not too hard to adapt to something less based on thresholds and more about just pulling the query time.
15:59.04*** join/#uphpu Benni_Hanna (~Benni_Han@
16:00.02ponderabilityThe problem with most of the health care discussions I've been involved in is that we so seldom agree on what should be the goal of any change to the healthcare system. If we agree on the goals, we frequently agree on the methods.
16:01.12funguscheck_dns outputs the time, you don't have to use the thresholds.  You can easily parse the output.
16:04.03fungus[root@monitor ~]# /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_dns -H
16:04.03fungusDNS OK: 0.094 seconds response time. returns|time=0.094454s;;;0.000000
16:05.36ponderabilityfungus: awesome.
16:05.57fungusNagios plugins are very useful, even outside of Nagios.
16:08.38unumI would think most people agree that the hearthcare system should allow everyone to get the most effective treatment at the lowest possible cost(to society as a whole)
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16:15.00unumthat article brings up a good point, out of the 43% of americans who disapprove of ACA 20% of them(8% of total americans) disapprove because they want single payer
16:15.13unumherlo: your fireplace looking shabby?
16:15.29herlounum: well, in my place in Murray, it probably is...
16:16.40unumthe applegate condos were nicer than the glendonway ones
16:17.15herloindeed. But they are still old.
16:17.20unumthere were changes to harp recently and it looks like me refi may go through!
16:17.53herloI wanted to refi, but FHA changed the MPI rules and so I wouldn't save much and would lose 5 years of equity.
16:17.58unumtoo bad I couldn't do it a year ago when rates were 3.5 instead of 4.5
16:18.03herloyeah, I hear ya
16:18.15unumya the new pmi costs will get you
16:18.25unumI'm at 6.25 or something like that
16:18.40unumso it's still a good deal on our murray condo not so much on our sandy condo
16:18.47unumbecause of the pmi rates
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16:20.35unumwe're thinking of putting in outside gas fireplace at our new place
16:22.33herloI'm at 6.5, my mortgage broker said I wouldn't save more than about $100/month
16:22.44herlounum: you now live in Sandy?
16:24.09unumI got married a little over three years ago and moved into my wife's condo in sandy, then about a year ago we bought a house in draper
16:24.16unumso I own two condos that we rent out
16:24.35unumspeaking of which if anyone knows anyone interested in a two bedroom condo in sandy....
16:25.19herlounum: wow, you are a busy boy
16:25.27unumI think I'm going to be closer to $150/month savings.  We decided it was worth it.
16:25.29herlodo you manage those both yourself?
16:25.53unumno I have a property manager
16:26.12unumtried managing the first one myself for a while.  That was a huge mistake.
16:26.48herloI hear ya
16:26.55herlounum: who do you use?
16:27.28unumA guy I know who lives in Glendonway.
16:28.16herloahh. Cool. I found a little property management company, they are good.
16:28.53unumI've been happy with him so far.  He's found better people than I did, and always gets rent.
16:29.08unumand got enough more out of them to make up for his fee
16:29.20unumI recommended him to a coworker and I don't think she has been as happy with him
16:35.49clintberryunum, where is your condo?
16:35.57clintberryin sandy?
16:36.01clintberrymeaning what address
16:36.13herloooh, we might have a renter!
16:36.30clintberryMy neighbors are in a town home and the owner is selling it so they are getting booted
16:36.40clintberrythey are looking
16:36.49clintberryGreat family
16:38.27unum8200 s 1300 e
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16:38.58unumthe sandy condo is only two bedrooms so it's probably too small for them
16:39.01unumI meant to mention that
16:39.05unumoh I did
16:39.18unummy property manager tells me two bedrooms are really hard to rent
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16:39.55herloYeah, a small family, maybe one or two kids at most. Otherwise, couples are good, I would guess.
16:40.21herloI have a three bedroom I rent out, we've had the same people in there for 1.5 years now.
16:40.25unumya, she bought it when she was a single mom of 1
16:40.36unumthat's where I'm at on the murray condo
16:40.45unumwe got good people in there
16:40.54unumI loved that location
16:40.57herlome too
16:41.01unumthought about buying in murray
16:41.07herloherriman is kind of far from things, actually
16:41.20herloThough I love the views out here.
16:41.42herloAnd it's less crowded. We also own a single family home.
16:41.44unumwe have a great neighborhood in draper, and lots of friends for our kids
16:41.56unumthat's the main reason I'm glad we didn't buy in murray
16:42.05unumnot as many young families
16:42.29unumkomodo updated and broke all the macros I was working on
16:42.34unumand their forums seem to be down
16:42.41unumI guess it's time to work on something else
16:42.52unumthe two people I need to work on for my other project are gone....
16:43.02unumI've got a todo list here somewhere...
16:43.05unumoh you I remember
17:09.15clintberryunum: they are in a two bedroom townhome :-)
17:09.18clintberrywhat is the rent?
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18:10.08mindjujuclintberry: rent is money you pay monthly for a living space
18:13.56*** join/#uphpu Benni_Hanna (~Benni_Han@
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18:15.15clintberryha ha
18:15.22clintberryincorrect wording
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20:43.20infobottries to shut MikeHansenMe up
20:51.07josephscottskinner1: kids eat free at IKEA on Tuesdays
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20:56.37skinner1josephscott: Do you know the age restrictions? Who is classified as a kid?
20:57.01josephscottskinner1: I think it is under 12
20:57.52skinner1Probably not since I've got the heisenberg look currently
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22:06.01unummy wife was going to go there with one of the neighbors one day.  Both me and her husband are in class on Tuesdays
22:06.35unumI keep meaning to look for gnome plugins and I keep forgetting
22:11.19unumextensions, they are called extensions
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23:12.36infobothurls dozens of incontinent, insomniac, hungry kittens with tiny little razor-sharp claws and a wide variety of contagious intestinal parasites at john-anderson
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