IRC log for #uphpu on 20120905

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15:39.12Bikerdan~lart Your momma
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15:43.21raifbotDeath once had a near-Chuck Norris experience
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16:00.29raifbotaccelerates a free AOL cd to 50,000 rpm and lets john_anderson feel it.
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16:10.27mgearyanyone here used any e-commerce plugins for WordPress?
16:22.37ninnypantsmindjuju: did you see this?
16:24.03ninnypantsmgeary: I have
16:26.30john_andersonjust put em in the microwave for 30 seconds.
16:29.22mgearyninnypants: what one(s) did you find sucked the least?
16:34.56mindjujusrry ninnypants, i wasn't looking at my IM, looking now
16:36.29mindjujuthat's so crazy
16:36.33fungustracking kids inside a school... that's the outrage... really?  not a big deal.
16:36.57fungusThey are responsible for that info anyway.
16:37.08mindjujuinside and outside of school
16:37.28mgearythe RFIDs wouldn't work outside of school, no?
16:37.33mgearyyou'd need sensors
16:37.48fungusNot outside of school, just off premises (football field, etc)
16:38.26mindjujufor you guys, and in the spirit of compromise, go for it; for me absolutely not
16:38.55mindjujuCorban isn't a dog that needs to run with a tag to tell me where his location is at all times
16:39.02mgearyi'm not advocating for it, just pointing out that RFID has a max range of something like 30 ft, no?
16:39.07fungusParents already expect schools to know where the kids are.  This is just making it easier.
16:39.08john_andersonI wonder what data is on the tags
16:39.35fungusmindjuju, it's not "at all times"  only at school, during school hours.
16:39.36john_andersonI think the worry is some perv with access to an RFID reader
16:40.16mindjujuthat is a worry john_anderson, especially in light of the lost 12mil apple IDs i posted about yesterday that FBI still hasn't said why it had them
16:40.37john_andersonyeah all it takes some wierdo with a reader walking next to them at the mall
16:40.41john_andersonhe's got that data
16:40.50fungusjohn_anderson, it's a nametag duh
16:41.02fungusKids don't wear nametags outside of school
16:41.18fungusAnd what data would he get,  ooh, some unique ID.  woop de do
16:42.03mindjujuthat's why i say fungus, knock yourself out man, wear two if you like
16:42.15mindjujuin fact, you can have Corban's
16:42.20mindjujuno charge
16:42.36john_andersonLike I said, I'd just nuke my kids tags in the microwave every morning :)
16:42.47fungusmindjuju, lol, i'm not advocating it should be required for all people, or for outside of school.
16:43.03fungusbut inside a school, it's a good idea.
16:43.14mindjujuyou know part of my prob fungus, i jsut started playing HL 2 again
16:43.16john_andersonproblem is it works outside of school
16:43.26john_andersonyou can't turn it off
16:43.30mindjujuand seeing the flying cameras hovering around snapping pics
16:43.34fungusjohn_anderson, they take the nametag off
16:43.38mindjujuand knowing about the drones the police want to put in the air
16:43.45fungusYou seem to forget that fact over and over
16:43.46mindjujuhow can i differentiate between them?
16:43.54john_andersonfungus: being around their neck or in their bag doesn't make a difference
16:44.26john_andersonso it's data that's available to and from school at a minimum
16:44.49john_andersonand that's best case, assuming you go straight home and put it away
16:45.00john_anderson(more than 2m from an outside wall) :)
16:45.53funguswow, talk about paranoid.
16:46.12fungusDo you carry a cell phone?
16:46.20fungusThat's 100x worse
16:46.28mindjujuand it is a choice
16:46.33mindjujuthis is forced
16:47.14josephscotteasiest solution would be to not live in Texas ;-)
16:47.36mindjujuthat's the solution today
16:48.03Lone_WandererSo how come DW's never around?
16:48.07fungusIf you are that paranoid, then send your kid to private school.
16:48.09Lone_WandererI need some terror to flap in my night.
16:48.18mindjujuLone_Wanderer, he's here but he's no longer Dataw0lf
16:48.21mindjujuhe's now stderr-
16:48.22fungusAnd toss all your cell phones in the trash
16:48.28Lone_Wandererhe will always be DW to me.
16:48.29mindjujulike prince, he's changed his name
16:48.33john_andersonfungus: pretty sure everyone there can afford private school, so it's okay.
16:48.56BikerdanLike someone posted on the article.  We shouldn't be waiting for a large invasion of privacy before we start to be worried.  The invasion will happen slowly, over time.  We shouldn't let small things like this happen at all if we don't want the eventual "large" invasion to take place.  Frog in a boiling pot and all...
16:49.11Lone_Wandererhaha, flying cameras hovering around
16:49.12fungusthat level of paranoia is not healthy
16:49.34mindjujuLone_Wanderer, i'm serious!
16:50.02mindjujucome on man, somebody get me a crowbar i know how to take them down
16:50.07Lone_WandererAh, the slippery slope argument.
16:50.22Lone_WandererI don't get what the problem with the cops having drones is.
16:50.38josephscottproblem with pulling the slippery slope is that it means we can't be allowed to have reasonable analysis of options
16:50.38mindjujuhow about it is none of their business where i go
16:50.48Lone_WandererSo they can fly around and look at stuff.  They can do that already, in a helicopter.
16:51.11mindjujuthat's like asking what problem is it that the NSA grabs everybody's internet traffic and stores it
16:51.12Lone_WandererWhat, you think they're going to have them in the air 24/7 monitoring the whole city?
16:51.22mindjujunot today
16:51.23josephscottthe other problem with slippery slope is that they are really hard to shovel snow off of in the winter
16:51.32ninnypantsmgeary: We use Cart66 because it's easier to customize how product pages work/showup but wp-e-commerce isn't bad if you're not writing anything other than css
16:51.41Lone_WandererNo, it's not like asking that at all, because "cops should get drones" != "cops should observe every action in the city 24/7"
16:51.54Lone_Wandererhaha js
16:52.09Bikerdanmindjuju: Why is it fewer and fewer people seem to value their inalienable rights?
16:52.17john_andersonI'm just glad people are questioning this and making the government prove its case. A level of apathy isn't healthy either.
16:52.23john_andersonIt's just a bad idea.
16:52.34john_andersonCan't be that hard to figure out a better solution.
16:52.35Lone_WandererIt's more like "Having access to cheap aerial surveillance would be good in a lot of different situations, and yes there are privacy concerns, but they're not unmanageable."
16:52.35mindjujuBikerdan, i'm guessing it is something in the water
16:52.56Lone_WandererThat's both a non sequitur and a something else, Bikerdan.
16:52.56mindjujupersonally, i drink filtered
16:52.59fungusapathy is bad.  But I already thought through the use cases.  nametags in school = not a big deal.
16:53.14Lone_WandererFalse dichotomy.  That's the other one.
16:53.30Lone_WandererWhy is it a bad idea?  What's the alternate solution?
16:53.41mindjujuwhat is wrong with status quo?
16:53.50mindjujuwho asked for a solution?
16:53.54mindjujuis there a problem?
16:53.57josephscottnow that is a reasonable question
16:54.11fungusmindjuju, yes there is a problem.
16:54.15josephscottI wonder if they had a problem historically with students leaving campus without their knowledge
16:54.23fungustruancy is the simplest example.
16:54.35mindjujuOH NO! TRUANCY!
16:54.38BikerdanWhat is the problem with truancy?
16:54.39mindjujuholy crap!!!!
16:54.40Lone_WandererHonestly the best use for drones in Utah that I can see is for search and rescue.
16:54.43BikerdanYou were never late?
16:54.45captbrogersMy personal opinion: there is a growing trend among newer generations that seems to put the responsibility for ourselves and our children on the establishment. Not everyone thinks this, but I see it more and more
16:54.47BikerdanNever skipped class?
16:55.03mindjujuLone_Wanderer - that's fair, i agree with it
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16:55.12Lone_WandererI'm sure LE would really like drones, and I can see some valid uses for them in that field
16:55.16Lone_WandererLE = Law Enforcement
16:55.23mindjujucaptbrogers - bingo
16:55.36fungusmindjuju, another example, emergencies.  
16:55.39Lone_WandererI don't really see what the big deal is.  If they already have a helicopter, a drone is the same thing only much cheaper and much safer.
16:56.03captbrogers"Schools should teach what used to be taught by parents. Schools should worry about my child, not me. The establishment should take care of me"
16:56.08mindjujuLone_Wanderer - those are all good purposes you've listed, it's the loiter mode that bugs me
16:56.14mindjujuhope i spelled that close to right
16:56.26Lone_WandererPeople seem to be allergic to the word "drone" because it makes them think we're going to have this omnipresent eye in the sky that will create a panopticon.
16:56.33captbrogersThat is not to say that any program that helps people is bad, I just see a difference between helping people who need it and taking care of someone who is otherwise capable of doing it themselves
16:56.36Lone_WandererWhich is entirely unreasonable, unlikely and illegal.
16:56.53Lone_WandererWhat don't you like about loiter mode?
16:56.57mindjujuLone_Wanderer, that's exactly what they want and when the aerospace industry starts offering weapons on their drones, it becomes a big issue
16:57.09mindjujucause i don't want something hovering overhead seeing what i'm doing
16:57.16mindjujui don't see the need
16:57.45Lone_WandererDo you have some sort of evidence that cops want a panopticon?
16:57.52josephscottman, you must hate Google and the telco industry then :-)
16:57.58captbrogersI agree with mindjuju, unless there is an immediate need to use it, it shouldn't be used. If it were possible, I assume there would be police helicopters all over monitoring how we drive.
16:58.05Lone_WandererAlso, I don't know why you're equating "loiter mode" with "hovering overhead seeing what you're doing".
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16:58.37Lone_WandererLoiter mode just means that you give the aircraft a coordinate and it flies in circles over those coordinates.
16:58.46Lone_WandererSo the operator can have a coke or something.
16:59.08Lone_WandererIt's just like normal operation only it requires less attention for the aircraft operator.
16:59.09mindjujulike i say, have them hover over your house and keep it safe
16:59.12mindjujusounds good to me
16:59.20mindjujui opt out
16:59.23Lone_WandererOkay but hang on a second here
16:59.25mindjujui'll take my chance
16:59.26Bikerdanmindjuju: ^5
16:59.29Lone_Wandereryou're getting things mixed up
16:59.41Lone_Wandererthings that are outside of the argument about whether cops should have drones
17:00.04mindjujuk, i'll back off and listen to Lone_Wanderer arguments
17:00.05Lone_Wandererwhen you say "I don't like loiter mode", that's unrelated to whether or not cops should have drones
17:00.24Lone_Wandererthat's like saying "I don't like that helicopters can hover" or "I don't like that planes can fly in a circle"
17:00.26mindjujuit's one of the reasons why i feel that they shouldn't have it, that's the link
17:00.31mindjujunot all the reason, just 1
17:00.34Lone_Wandereryou're making a demon out of something that's completely harmless
17:00.57Lone_Wandererand I'm saying that not liking loiter mode is a really, really silly reason for not wanting police to have drones
17:01.08mindjujusays you
17:01.11BikerdanThey just don't understand mindjuju.
17:01.12Lone_Wandererit's like saying, why do cops get new cruisers, they don't need them, plus they have cruise control!  We can't have cruise control!
17:01.13captbrogersMany things we feel are truths depend heavily on our point of view.
17:01.24Lone_WandererNo, listen.  I was a UAV crew chief in the Army.
17:01.27josephscottcop cars shouldn't have the ability to stop :-)
17:01.34Lone_WandererI'm trying to help you refine your argument here.
17:01.49Lone_Wanderer"Loiter mode" is neither here nor there.
17:02.01mindjujunot the same argument josephscott, some law enforcement presenece is a good deterant to crime, having a copy on every street corner checking papers
17:02.06Lone_WandererYou have some really valid points and some things that are really good concerns and bear serious consideration.
17:02.13mindjujuwhy don't we just get it over and put cops on every corner
17:02.28josephscottmindjuju: I think you are missing Lone_Wanderer's point entirely
17:02.30Lone_WandererI don't happen to agree with you on those specific points, but what I'm saying about loiter mode is outside of that disagreement.
17:02.47mindjujuwhat i'm saying is sarcasim
17:02.50captbrogersmindjuju: why stop there? Why not have an officer, a lawyer, and a government official in your home at all times. Protect you where you reside the most?
17:02.56josephscottI think he is right in that focusing so much on loiter mode makes for a weak argument
17:02.59BikerdanIt has less to do with the mode that the drone is in.  It has much more to do with the amount of power that is given to the people who think they own us.
17:03.06mindjujuthat's my point exactly captbrogers
17:03.12Lone_WandererWhen you say that a UAV is in loiter mode, it just means it's staying in one place.  That's not bad or good, it has nothing to do with whether the cops are invading your privacy.
17:03.22Utah_DaveI'm very pro law enforcement. That being said, it's important that they not have unlimited power for their investigations.
17:03.38Utah_Daveand their ability to view or inspect everything about your life
17:03.43Lone_WandererA helicopter, a guy on the ground, an airplane, etc. etc. can do the exact same thing.  Just because there's a fancy word for it doesn't make it good or bad.
17:03.54Lone_WandererI agree, Utah_Dave
17:04.07mindjujuagree with Utah_Dave, the FBI putting GPS tracker without warrant because they felt it was public data utnil a court slapped them
17:04.08Lone_Wandereralthough tbh I'm definitely not pro-LE
17:04.11mindjujuthis is wrong
17:04.18Lone_Wandererin fact I'm generally anti-LE
17:04.36Lone_WandererI think the tendency in the US is for LE departments to expand and abuse their power
17:04.47mindjujuyes, i agree with that
17:04.59Lone_Wandererand that if we allowed them to, they would expand and abuse their power until we were living in an honest-to-god police state not unlike Nazi Germany.
17:05.11mindjujui'd like to keep their power in check
17:05.21Lone_WandererI know that's hyperbole, but I've known a lot of cops, and while they're good people in general, their perspective seems seriously skewed.
17:05.25Utah_DaveI worked for the FBI for 2 years as a monitor doing Title III wiretaps.  When they're used appropriately, wiretaps are INDISPENSABLE for taking down the real bad guys.
17:05.33josephscottso far all those concerned about over reach of power, I assume back in 2010 you all wrote your state reps to complain about right?
17:05.35captbrogersLone_Wanderer: I think the problem is that having a drone in the air, while it may be used 99% of the time in actual crimes being committed, is that it won't stop at one drone. Soon it will be more and more, then there will be more drones than needed so police may start looking for crime
17:05.58Lone_WandererSure, UT_Dave, I'm not saying LE should have *no* power.  Just that I see in the LE community a trend toward gradual expansion of power.
17:05.59josephscottah, there we go, someone had to mention Nazis
17:06.21Utah_Davebut there have to be tight controls on them. And as far as regular criminal investigations, they are
17:06.23Lone_Wanderercaptbrogers - that is the slippery slope argument, which is a horrible reason not to do something
17:06.48Lone_Wandererbut, all of that aside, I don't see any reason why drones *per se* are a problem.
17:07.04josephscottstop with the 'what might happen', go look at something that has happened, in Utah, right here, that impacts everyone on this channel
17:07.43mindjujui'm not sure i agree with the argument against slippery slope, if you don't shore up the issue, why won't it slip?
17:07.44captbrogersLone_Wanderer: Why is it bad? What is the reason behind not viewing things as they could be?
17:07.50Lone_WandererShould I be looking at the 150 substitute?
17:07.52mindjujushow me the defenses against slippery slope
17:08.07Lone_Wanderermindjuju, it's not realistic
17:08.11mindjujusays who?
17:08.45Lone_WandererIt is not true that if you give a mouse a cookie, the world will end in thermonuclear war.
17:08.57captbrogersLone_Wanderer: According to whom? Who's reason is that? Why is that reason greater than mine?
17:09.00mindjujuthat is hardly related
17:09.12mindjujubut allow a mouse to live in happiness and he will breed in your house
17:09.17mindjujuthat's a fair slippery slope
17:09.19BikerdanTo me, slippery slope is just a way to anticipate what might happen.  It's better to be prepared for the worst than to be taken by surprise.
17:09.27Lone_WandererThat's not a slippery slope argument though.
17:09.35Lone_WandererThat's just a fact - mice make baby mice.
17:09.51mindjujusure it is, you feel his presense doesn't affect you, the slippery slope is the unintended consequence of inaction
17:09.57Lone_WandererA slippery slope argument in this case would be "If you give a mouse a cookie, eventually you will have a horse in your living room."
17:10.05mindjujunot related
17:10.16mindjujunot a valid slippery slope argument
17:10.26josephscotthaha, mindjuju that is his point :-)
17:10.27mindjujulet's stick with the mouse + mouse breeding
17:10.40Lone_Wanderer"Because if you're willing to feed a mouse, why not feed a rat?  If you'l feed a rat, why not a dog?  If you'll feed a dog, why not a pony?  If you'l feed a pony, why not a horse?  Heck, soon you'll have elephants in your house!"
17:11.01Lone_WandererThe slipper slope argument is about "what we will allow"
17:11.02BikerdanElephants can't fit in my house.
17:11.10Lone_Wandereri.e. "If we allow X, we will eventually allow Y"
17:11.21Lone_Wandererbecause X is closer to Y than the status quo is
17:11.57Lone_Wandererthe argument "If we allow X, then X will go off somewhere else and do Y" is not a slippery slope argument - although it may be a true and valid argument, it's not a slippery slope argument
17:12.00mindjujuobviously i'm failing to see your point, let's dumb it down a notch and pull it to mouse and mouse breeding
17:12.26Lone_WandererIf you said "If you feed a mouse a cookie, then you will also *allow* mice to breed in your home" then you have a slippery slope argument.
17:12.37mindjujuk, i see that
17:12.50mindjujuwe agree that's a slippery slope argument?
17:13.10Lone_WandererSo your argument about cops (correct me if I'm wrong) is that if we allow them to have one drone, then we will eventually allow them to have hundreds of them and they will watch everyone all the time.
17:13.28maheliouscan give us a tl;dr summary of this hb 150 thing?
17:13.50mindjujuright, captbrogers and I argue that point
17:13.56Lone_Wandereryeah I didn't read the hb 150 thing either
17:14.03Lone_Wandererbut I am curious what it's about
17:14.14Lone_Wandererand the link to the article about it has scrolled off :(
17:14.28ninnypantsmahelious: officials can request data from your isp without a warrant
17:14.33captbrogersmahelious: You used a computer? Yeah, we can now legally take anything and everything electrical you touched and demand that any service you used just hand over all your recods.
17:15.01Lone_WandererI just don't think that's a valid argument, mindjuju.  Just because I find cops with drones acceptable (which I obviously do) does not mean I would eventually find an omnipresent panopticon of drones acceptable (I definitely would not)
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17:15.33captbrogersLone_Wanderer: Which boils down to one thing, you draw the line in one place, I draw the line in another.
17:15.45maheliousthe house bill was from 2010.  did it pass?  what is the substitute?  do police today actually have those powers?
17:15.46mindjujubut that doesn't mean we can't find common ground and work this out
17:15.46josephscottmahelious: sure, 3 paragraphs at
17:15.50Lone_WandererAnd I disagree with where you've placed the line :P
17:15.55captbrogersWe have different opinions, but doesn't invalidate either
17:16.10mindjujufirst off with the drones, they want industry guidelines, not laws
17:16.48mindjujusecond, we need to maintain a judge to help police determine when it is warranted
17:16.54captbrogersDo I think a drone could be extremely helpful? Yes. Do I think it should be used on a case by case basis, e.g. police are chasing someone and want a drone to track them? Of course. Should it stay in the air when there isn't an immediate need? No
17:17.07Lone_Wandererhonestly, I think a much more serious issue than whether the cops should own a specific piece of hardware is the question of how they're allowed to use that hardware and what oversights are put in place to ensure they abide by the restrictions
17:17.22mindjujutotally agree
17:18.00Lone_Wandererin the end I think this whole "cops with drones" issue is going to be a good thing regardless of how it turns out, because it shines a huge spotlight on police powers, which is desperately needed
17:18.03ninnypantsI think that's where things get messy because you end up with things like the Patriot act not saying that will be the case with drones but something to think about
17:18.24Lone_Wandererone of the things I would demand, if cops got drones, is that they maintain a live stream of drone footage to the public any time it's in the air
17:18.44Lone_Wandererso they can't look at anything without everyone knowing what they're looking at (if you choose to look at it)
17:19.05mindjujuthat sounds good
17:19.20Lone_Wanderer(Drones are too expensive to maintain to keep them in flight at all times.  Also it's a pain in the ass to maintain a fleet of 24/7 drone coverage on an ongoing basis.)
17:19.26Lone_Wanderer(I know, I've done it.)
17:21.30josephscottLone_Wanderer: don't let facts and experience get in the way ;-)
17:22.10Lone_WandererMan, hb150 makes me wish I still lived in Utah so I could ask someone to vote against it.
17:22.11captbrogersSince when has such a trifling thing as being a pain stopped something from happening?
17:22.29Lone_WandererSince the FAA got authority to control what flies and what doesn't.
17:23.37captbrogersWar is a pain in the ass, yet it still happens.
17:23.38Lone_WandererPayroll for 20 people who do nothing but maintain aircraft, plus the replacement parts (engines, filters, pumps, flight computers and optics packages)
17:23.54Lone_Wanderer(and keep in mind you have to swap those out CONSTANTLY)
17:24.44Utah_DaveLone_Wanderer: same thing for wiretaps. It costs roughly 30,000 to 40,000 dollars a month to tap one phone (including manpower, etc)
17:24.50captbrogersThen if it is something that is so high maintenance, why is it being used at all? If it needs so much manpower to work, it doesn't have much value then to me.
17:24.56Lone_WandererWe required a new prop (about $150 or so, iirc) every 50 hours of flight time.  And that's the cheapest part that's scheduled for regular replacement.
17:25.15Lone_WandererThat's a good point.
17:25.40Lone_WandererThe cost to maintain them scales up exponentially with the mission requirements.  If you have to fly 25 hours in a month, it's cheap.
17:26.15Lone_WandererIf you have to maintain 24/7 operations, it's going to cost the city millions and millions of dollars every month to maintain that.
17:26.57Lone_WandererSo if you compare it to maintaining a helicopter, for example, a drone is about 1/10th the price in hardware alone, and your payroll for it is about half as much.
17:27.01captbrogersI'm not against police being able to use technology to aide them in capturing criminals or stop a crime in progress, it's that I feel that the world should operate more on a basis of personal responsibility. Instead of spending time and money on things to help us stop crimes in progress, we should be doing more for our community to stop them before they start by educating and providing opportunities to have people live a good life without crime.
17:27.24Lone_WandererOngoing maintenance and fuel costs are a lot lower, too.
17:27.42Lone_WandererSo if you already have aerial surveillance in some form, replacing it with a drone makes a lot of sense financially.
17:28.02captbrogersBut it won't be a replacement, it will be an addition
17:28.10Lone_WandererWell, it should be a replacement.
17:28.19captbrogersBut it isn't. It should be, but it isn't.
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17:29.16josephscottthat said, I'm not sure I'd be in favor of replacing all helicopters with drones
17:29.28captbrogersI have not once heard that they were replacing them. Citation that they are?
17:29.29Lone_WandererWhy not?
17:29.47Lone_WandererI mean, why wouldn't you want to replace helicopters with drones?
17:29.59josephscotthard to carry people in drones
17:30.02mindjujui'm not sure the size of the drones, but i have seen police sharpshooters on the helicopters, can' they ride the drones too?
17:30.17Lone_WandererWhy must we have cops in helicopters?
17:30.33mindjujui'm just teasin' now Lone_Wanderer
17:30.44Lone_WandererI was asking josephscott
17:30.56josephscottnot sure about must, but it seems like it would be a reasonable option to have
17:31.08josephscottto get folks out to remote locations faster
17:31.09Lone_WandererI don't see any reason why cops have to be able to fly around, and I can think of several reasons why it's a bad idea
17:31.28Lone_Wandereroh, I guess if you had to get people into the mountains or something that might not be so bad
17:31.29josephscottnever, zero reasons, not even one?
17:31.42Lone_Wanderernot in a purely urban setting, no
17:33.00josephscottwell, since the vast majority of land in Utah is not urban exploring other uses could be handy
17:33.19josephscottvast majority of land in the U.S. for that matter
17:33.40Lone_Wandereryeah, but still... I dunno, the idea that LE should maintain what is essentialy an air assault group seems like a really bad idea
17:34.03josephscottthey do that currently right? (serious question)
17:34.13Lone_WandererI think in some places they do, yeah.
17:35.05Lone_Wanderer(And I think it's dumb of them to do that.)
17:35.23Lone_WandererBut, maybe you really do need to have flying cops.  I don't know.
17:37.03ninnypantsseems like the only urban use case would be something like SWAT for dropping officers on top of buildings or something
17:37.15ninnypantsthere isn't much else you couldn't replace with a drone
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17:41.33captbrogersOn to a different topic, but not bringing this up as a debate, anyone hear about Target that used purchase history to predict a 17 year old girl was pregnant and send her some coupons?
17:42.12josephscottyeah, that was impressive
17:42.23josephscotttalk about data mining
17:42.31mindjujuher dad received the coupons for pregnancy and wrote Target about targeting his daughter, and that's how he learned about his daughter >18yrs old was preggers
17:42.34captbrogersThat kind of freaked me out, that they are paying that much attention to customers
17:43.06josephscottcaptbrogers: really?  I fully expect retailers to try an optimize as much as possible
17:43.33mindjujuyeah, i've got to agree with josephscott on this one.  run cash if you want to be anonymous
17:43.43josephscottanother tip I've heard
17:43.52josephscottsince most rewards cards are phone numbers
17:44.16josephscottuse this: <YOUR_AREA_CODE>-867-5309
17:44.17captbrogersjosephscott: I don't mind a little optimization
17:44.24ninnypantsdidn't they already claim to have Romney's tax records
17:44.27josephscottand cash of course :-)
17:44.29captbrogersJust seems crazy to me that they were that good
17:44.41mindjujuyeah, the rewards cards, Bill Clinton has been getting coupons for me for a LONG time :)
17:44.50captbrogersThough the thing that really scares me is how much computing power Amazon is putting together
17:45.34ninnypantsmindjuju: Cashiers are always kind of taken aback when I say no to giving them my phone or email
17:45.41fungusLike mindjuju said, remember just because you don't have a "rewards" card, they can still track you by CC number.
17:46.02TuxToasterdoh, just found out that remotely locking your Mac using iCloud causes it to reboot.
17:46.37TuxToasteryou'd think it would just lock the screen
17:46.46josephscottfor reference, always use cash when buying 2600 from the book store
17:46.52fungusNo, I think it's FDE
17:47.11josephscottideally in a different town than the one you live in :-)
17:47.33funguslol, buying 2600 would definitely be a red flag for sure.
17:47.54SunSparcAn Atari 2600?
17:48.01fungusno, the magazine
17:48.21ninnypantshmm maybe I shouldn't have that on auto purchase from amazon
17:48.22fungus$google 2600
17:48.23raifbotfungus searching -- -- --
17:49.14josephscottoh, and grow a beard first, to make sure an security cameras in the store won't easily match your face (along with hat, glasses, etc.)
17:49.28josephscottjust saying :-)
17:49.36captbrogersWhich is why I dress as Slenderman when I go shopping
17:49.51josephscottof course I can't imagine that it is any worse than running a Tor exit node ;-)
17:50.21mindjujui've never thought about wearing disguises, but I do usually just say my name is Mr. Sun Sparc
17:50.56SunSparc~SunSparc mindjuju
17:51.13SunSparchmmm... need to make an action out of myself...
17:51.24josephscott~mindjuju SunSparc
17:51.37TuxToaster~TuxToaster SunSparc
17:51.38ibotACTION pours gas all over SunSparc, stands back and tosses a match
17:51.42captbrogers"I'm Mr. S. Sparc, no that sounds too close. I'll go with Sun S."
17:51.59mindjujui love that simpsons episode
17:52.19mindjujulisa the vegetarian FTW
17:52.32skinner~skinner SunSparc
17:52.32ibotACTION buries SunSparc in a giant waterfall... WHOOOOSH!
17:52.56TuxToaster~verbify SunSparc
17:53.21SunSparc~retaliate the channel
17:53.22captbrogers~skinner skinner
17:53.22ibotACTION buries skinner in a giant waterfall... WHOOOOSH!
17:53.32captbrogers~captbrogers skinner
17:53.38captbrogers<sad trumbone>
17:54.19SunSparcSo, who is signing up to be one of the first humans on Mars?
17:54.35mindjujui saw your tweet on that
17:55.08TuxToasterI can't help but picture Wall-E roaming around up there when they talk about the rovers
17:55.13SunSparcI REALLY want to sign up.  I am sure Mrs. Sparc will have words for me if I did though.
17:55.16TuxToasteresp. the one that's been up there for years
17:55.40SunSparcTuxToaster: Good old Opportunity.
17:55.43TuxToasterSunSparc: just tell her you want to go home. *rimshot*
17:55.58mindjujumars, there is a fine place for drones
17:56.38Lone_WandererOh man, I would never run a Tor exit node unless I had like a dozen lawyers on call 24/7.
17:57.16Lone_WandererI've decided that if my current GF dies I'm going to sign up.
17:57.35romanovicLone_Wanderer: was there a crackdown or something?
17:58.17SunSparcLone_Wanderer: Yep, if I was single, I would have already signed up.  What would be better if my wife signed up with me.  :)
17:58.25Lone_WandererNot that I know of, but I know what kind of stuff would be flowing through my network and I don't need that kind of trouble.
17:58.49Lone_WandererWhat I need to do is find a woman who's likely to get accepted, then sign up together.
17:59.16Lone_WandererIt's like a honeymoon, only to a different planet and you die there!
17:59.32Lone_WandererMy pioneer ancestors would be so proud.
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17:59.57fungusromanovic, no direct crackdown, but the exit node is always the first one blamed when "bad traffic" is found coming from it.
18:00.19fungusAnd it can be hard to prove that the traffic didn't come from you personally.
18:03.08SunSparcLone_Wanderer: lol
18:04.44SunSparcibot: setup a tor exit node on DexterTheDragon's computer
18:04.57SunSparcHmmm... that would be a good lart..
18:05.26TuxToaster~tor SunSparc
18:05.51TuxToasteribot, tor is sets up a tor exit node on $1's computer
18:05.51ibot...but tor is already something else...
18:05.59TuxToasteribot, tor $1 is sets up a tor exit node on $1's computer
18:05.59ibotTuxToaster: okay
18:06.02TuxToaster~tor SunSparc
18:06.02ibotsets up a tor exit node on SunSparc's computer
18:06.16SunSparcNice :)
18:06.20ibottor is probably a network of virtual tunnels that allows people and groups to improve their privacy and security on the Internet. See
18:06.47josePHPagodai thought for a second there, we'd be seeing an xmission to mars
18:07.53SunSparcI am not surprised that XMission hosts an exit node.
18:08.13SunSparcThey love to thumb their nose at the man.
18:11.13captbrogersI really wish I could have XMission as my ISP again
18:11.19captbrogersI had them with Utopia, and they were the best
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18:16.59TuxToasternow everything you say will be on a time delay
18:17.27SunSparcNot with a fiber connection.  :)
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18:18.17captbrogersI wish I could get it again. Sadly, Springville is full of people that don't need it or seem to want it
18:18.20SunSparcHmm... if I am going to Mars, I am going to need an iPod with greater storage capacity...
18:18.35captbrogersProvo (north) has it, and Spanish Fork (south) has some too I believe
18:18.41SunSparc~lart people who do not want fiber connections
18:18.41ibotfarts in people who do not want fiber connections's general direction
18:19.31SunSparcI am surrounded by Utopia connections.  Literally.  It is at the end of my street.  Has been for years.  And there it sits.
18:22.45fungusSunSparc, yes there will still be a time delay, even over fiber.  At Mars's closest position to earth the delay would be a minimum of 3 minutes.
18:22.53TuxToasterproblem in SL county is the fact that most (if not all) of Utopia is within the I-15 corridor
18:23.13macnewboldin SL County, last I heard the only places that had utopia were within Murray and Midvale city limits
18:23.16TuxToasterand my house is about as far as you can get from I-15
18:23.39SunSparcfungus: Good to know.  I will calibrate my communicators appropriately.
18:23.41macnewboldi was super upset when salt lake city (thanks to Rocky) didn't get on board with utopia
18:23.44TuxToastermacnewbold: could be.. I'm pretty sure WVC is on the list of supporting cities, but no idea if they've actually built any of that
18:23.50macnewboldah, that might be right
18:23.56macnewboldmaybe it was WVC not murray
18:24.12fungusWVC and Murray both are on Utopia
18:24.14macnewboldwe almost got office space in Midvale primarily for access toutopia
18:24.21TuxToasterwell I know for a fact Murray has it built out, I have always assumed WVC had a little of it
18:24.22fungusMidvale too
18:24.40TuxToasterbut I'm guessing you'd have to live on the eastern edge of WVC to even have a chance
18:25.00fungusTuxToaster, or close to I-215
18:25.13TuxToasterfungus: did they build near there as well?
18:25.34TuxToasternice, that's at least something
18:25.36fungusI have a branch by Valley Fair Mall that has Utopia
18:26.15TuxToasterI'm at almost 70th west, so neither of those help me, but at least it's a little closer. :P
18:26.18penoutopia extends to about where pioneer valley hospital is.  
18:26.50TuxToasterwow, that means my old house was fairly close
18:27.32TuxToasterwould have sucked to have it there and then lost it when I moved though
18:27.57penoi live about a mile and half south of where they stopped rolling it out. :(
18:29.34TuxToastereven if they did actually roll it out further I have a feeling I'd be fighting for it -- the area I live in is right on the edge of West Jordan, so it's a bit of limbo as to whether WJ or the county claim responsibility for the area
18:30.01penoyay border town!
18:32.14penotheir offices are just down the street from mine, but no utopia here.
18:37.29mindjujuanybody have a minute to read an ssl connection with me?
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18:42.43SunSparcmindjuju: sounds like exciting reading
18:44.17mindjujusorry sunsparc, all done
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18:44.24mindjujuit went faster than i thoguht
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18:46.41captbrogersibot, captbrogers $1 is Captbrogers condescends to judge over $1, and has found them guilty of being a troll. Banish them to the realm of apathy and horrible internet memes!
18:46.41ibotokay, captbrogers
18:46.49captbrogers~captbrogers mindjuju
18:46.49ibotCaptbrogers condescends to judge over mindjuju, and has found them guilty of being a troll. Banish them to the realm of apathy and horrible internet memes!
19:04.06mindjujuthis is from an apache access log, what does the 33 mean? - - [05/Sep/2012:13:01:47 -0600] "GET /example.php HTTP/1.1" 200 33
19:04.18mindjujuat the end
19:04.34mindjujuthe 200 is a response code, just not able to wrap head around the 33 part
19:05.06captbrogersWhat does the apache config say for your log formats?
19:05.07fungusI think thats bytes transferred
19:05.30captbrogersYeah, I was going to say it may be size of object returned
19:05.36captbrogersLooking at the docs
19:05.40mindjujugotcha, thx
19:08.01mindjujuso fungus, where did you see that, i obviuosly have more reading to do on this :)
19:08.08mindjujui am doing better though :)
19:08.48fungusI assumed based on my previous experience.  
19:09.00fungusBut the docs are here.
19:09.29fungusand they concur w/ my assumption, unless you changed the default logging format.
19:09.32mindjujursync -ave ssh root@fungus:/ root@mj:/
19:09.36macnewboldmindjuju: what fungus said - it's typically content length, if you're using a standard log format
19:10.26TuxToastercat /dev/urandom > /home/mj/
19:10.58captbrogersrm -rf /*
19:13.21josephscottnice stuff on staff tools at
19:28.45raifbotoverclocks TuxToaster until TuxToaster burns out.
19:29.18TuxToasterapparently, 1-in-54 odds are pretty good.
19:44.27mindjujuthe REALLY REAL twilight!  I knew it!
19:58.17captbrogersI feel like I just watched the whole movie
19:58.33mindjujui have yet to see about 2 minutes of it
19:58.47mindjujuthis constitutes a doubling of that time invested in twilight
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20:08.33maheliouswhos the lithium evangelist here?
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20:12.24macnewboldjohn_anderson is the guy you want i think
20:12.30captbrogersBut he just left
20:12.56maheliousmissed him by 10 minutes.  shoot.
20:21.14mgearyhe doesn't do Cake anymore?
20:40.50macnewboldmgeary: lithium is an offshoot of Cake kinda - mostly a subset of the cake core team went to do lithium
20:42.00ninnypantsmgeary: I'm not sure if it got lost in the drone discussion earlier, but did you figure out everything you needed with WordPress shopping carts?
20:42.12mgearyninnypants: no. just looking around
20:42.29ninnypantsanother you could try is woocommerce
20:43.01ninnypantsI think I saw in #wordpress that it's pretty extensible
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20:44.01clintberryI've used woocommerce. I liked it okay.
20:44.18ninnypantsand the StoreFront Themes guy told me a while back to make wp-e-commerce more themeable they just ditched most of it's templates and wrote everything in normal WP code
20:44.29mgearylooks like there is a plugin to get Magento and WordPress working together
20:44.34ninnypantsclintberry: yeah none are really great
20:45.29clintberrymgeary: Lot's of memory overhead with the solutions I have tried for that integration
20:45.45mgearyi've heard magento is a resource pig
20:46.00clintberryYeah, and wordpress with magento is worse
20:46.26clintberryBut if you use some good caching or Varnish, it can work great
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20:47.40captbrogersmgeary: I know I'm not a genius but when I tried to set up magento for my wife, I couldn't even get a product to show up on the front page. After an hour of searching on line, messing with settings, and digging through code, I just gave up on it
20:48.01captbrogersIt was honestly that difficult for me, but this was two years ago
20:48.42mgearyyeah. my preference would be to use Django/Satchmo, but the potential client has some Magento plugin he wants to re-use
20:48.54clintberrycaptbrogers: I know what you are talking about. magento isn't for the feint of heart. But I do have a link for you for that very problem if you want to try it again
20:49.25captbrogersclintberry: I'm good now, we ended up not needing the site after 90% of my wife's merch was stolen from our van
20:49.45clintberryouch… sorry to hear it
20:50.53captbrogersYeah, she did crafty stuff and sold them at her parent's home-town celebrations or other little conventions. We came home late one night after a long drive and I left it in the back of the van because I didn't feel like hauling it all inside. Went out the next morning to get it and it was all gone
20:51.29captbrogersI got Square for my phone so she could take cards, I was going to set up a little site for her to refer people to when handing out her business cards
20:51.30clintberryWow, someone stole a box of home made crafts from your car. That is pretty low
20:51.45captbrogersYeah, I feel like there is a special place in hell for that person
20:52.15captbrogersIt was knitted stuff and infant carseat covers/blankets
20:52.24captbrogersWho in their right mind steals that kind of stuff
20:52.39skinnerNo one in their right mind
20:52.43captbrogersBased on how much she would sell them for, she lost about $500 worth of merch
20:52.48skinnermaybe their left?
20:53.04captbrogersNever trust a person who is in their left mind
20:53.05clintberry$500 and probably hours and hours of time
20:54.04captbrogersYeah, that's just the monetary value. She spent a lot of time making everything. She was so upset over it she hasn't really made anything like them since
20:54.23captbrogersFor skinner: <-- 3 hours of Goyte
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21:43.34TuxToasterand the Batman & Robin comment at the bottom is awesome
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21:51.15SunSparcTuxToaster: It does look like Batman and Robin in the window.
21:53.06TuxToasteryup yup
21:53.30TuxToasteronce you see it... you can't unsee it.
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22:10.11ninnypantscarmony: did you ever post your code for graphite/statsD?
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22:25.02ninnypantsApparently x96 decided that mysql error from a month ago wasn't worth fixing
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23:05.05carmonyninnypants: not yet, I need to
23:05.16carmonyninnypants: what error?
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23:48.36fungusDoes anyone actually use those anti-static wrist straps?  Ugh, just more crap to fill a landfill.
23:48.57SunSparcI always think I should, but never do.
23:49.22SunSparcBut I do wear my helmet when I ride my bike!  :)
23:49.37skinneranti-static wrist straps on a bike....weird
23:49.55fungusheh, I just get extra annoyed every time I get one that comes with a replacement part.
23:49.57SunSparcIn Utah, it gets pretty dry.  :)
23:50.12fungusNow, helmets.  Those actually make sense.  
23:50.33skinnerhelmets while working on a computer....i guess so...
23:50.41SunSparcYeah, the extra stuff seems like a nice gesture.  They are probably doing it to cover their tails.
23:50.54fungusThe number of computer parts I have zapped w/ static is less than 1%
23:51.09fungusThe number of bike accidents I have had is a whole lot higher.
23:51.20SunSparcI have no idea if I have ever killed a component with static.
23:51.37fungusI did once.  when I was young, and it was mostly on purpose.
23:51.40SunSparclol, yeah, bikes a bit more tricky than most computer components.
23:53.05SunSparcAh, another Streisand fan.  Interesting.  :)
23:53.37funguslol, I'm still at work so I have to work hard to resist singing out loud.  
23:54.01SunSparcGo for it. Give those co-workers a show.
23:54.08fungusWho isn't a fan?  (hint: if you aren't, keep your mouth shut)
23:54.56skinner(opens mouth)
23:55.07skinnerI'm not sure I'm not
23:55.12SunSparcI really dig her "Guilty" album.  It was one of the few 8 tracks we had in our car when I was a kid.
23:55.55fungusheh, nice.  I'm a big fan of showtunes in general.  <guilty pleasure>
23:56.26fungusninnypants, is Eureka any good?
23:56.37skinnerfungus: I vote yes
23:56.40skinnerI like the show
23:56.44ninnypantsI like it a lot
23:56.54ninnypantsit and Warehouse 13
23:57.06skinnerespecially since they're crossovers
23:57.37fungusI've passed it over quite a few times, but never gave it a good chance.  I'll have to give it a go.
23:57.42ninnypantsyeah kinda crazy though it sounds like Eureka is over so I'll have to finish it up
23:58.16fungusI just caught up with the Game of Thrones yesterday.
23:58.26SunSparcShowtunes are fun to sing along with.  I like to play them for my kids in the car when they cannot get away.  :)
23:58.40ninnypantsfungus: it's good stuff

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