IRC log for #uphpu on 20120809

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16:42.39mindjujui'm afraid we're too late -
16:45.31BikerdanSometimes, in order to see the light, you have to risk the dark
16:46.19TuxToasterI don't mind stuff like that if it's used to legitimately catch criminals
16:48.43ninnypantssounds like it tracks everyone though
16:51.21TuxToasterI dunno. I don't doubt that they've got something to track statistics, though what I read there just says it would generate alerts if a plate was detected that was wanted, etc.
16:52.29TuxToasterthe NYCLU said it the thing about ending up in a database from driving around, but there's no knowing whether or not it's actually storing data on what it sees beyond standard video surveylance
16:52.41mindjujuslippery slope TuxToaster, the cameras were originally there for traffic monitoring purposes
16:52.52mindjujuat least that was the given line in Provo
16:53.10mindjujufast forward to present day, and you've got every camera watching every corner
16:53.27TuxToastermindjuju: well, in Provo/Orem at least, it looks like you've got two different sets of cameras
16:53.39mindjujuit really boils down to privacy
16:53.56beandogmindjuju: which is why I wear a speedo everywhere, so nobody wants to know what I'm doing
16:53.58mindjujuand the freedom to move from place to place without checkpoints, etc
16:54.03TuxToasteryou've got the standard ones atop intersections for traffic monitoring, then you've got the little round ones on the corner of intersections that are run by the city
16:54.09mindjujubeandog, it's funny you say that
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16:54.34mindjujua man was acquitted the other day of public indecency charges when he stripped butt naked at a TSA checkpoint
16:54.44mindjujuthe reason, it was his form of freedom of speech
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16:55.06TuxToastermy thought is it's not like they are actively monitoring to see where I personally am going, so it's not invading my privacy as much as watching out for problems
16:55.09mindjujuso as long as you stripped down with that exact purpose, then you are protected
16:56.10mindjujuTuxToaster, how do you feel about this?
16:56.12TuxToasterI'd have much more of an issue with some kind of RFID network that could uniquely track my movements from my house to the store to work etc
16:56.34mindjujuTuxToaster, with face recognition, etc tey don't need rfid
16:56.49TuxToasteryeah, see that kind of stuff, monitoring Internet activity, etc. is an issue.
16:56.55mindjujuDARPA has been working on scent tracking, facial recognition already at ports, etc
16:57.06maheliousmindjuju:i would encourage more protesting nudity, except the people willing to get naked at an airport are never the people I want to see naked
16:57.24mindjujui hate to sound like a nutto, but man, this stuff scares me
16:57.39TuxToastermindjuju: possibly, but the cameras around here at least are not nearly capable of doing that kind of stuff
16:57.47mindjujuit's only a matter of time before these systems are all connected and ...
16:57.58mindjujuand on the other hand, why microsoft?
16:58.09mindjujulast thing i want is their security watching over national security
16:58.17mindjujuor city security in this case
16:58.17maheliousmindjuju: its just big brother watching/smelling you.  are you afraid of your big brother?
16:58.32TuxToasterand honestly? I don't mind facial recognition at airports and borders.
16:58.35mindjujuit's just none of his business
16:59.12TuxToasterif I'm leaving the country, the government already knows because they've done clearance on me prior to the flight anyways.
16:59.39maheliousanother meeting?  this does not bode well...
17:00.19TuxToastermindjuju: its just big brother watching/smelling you.  are you afraid of your big brother? <---- am I the only one who pictured Bear in the Big Blue House with this?
17:00.26TuxToasterwalking around smelling people?
17:00.51mindjujuso TuxToaster, quick question, have you ever lived in a country with checkpoints?
17:01.20mindjujuarmed military on street corners?
17:01.44mindjujufor me, 1 year in China, armed miliitary in Tibet was there
17:01.54beandoghow ironic
17:01.59Bikerdanmindjuju:  I'm with you on this.
17:02.04mindjujuyou don't want that stuff here, honest
17:02.21BikerdanIt reeks of tyranny
17:03.04mindjujuin 1999 when US accidentally dropped bomb on Chinese embassay in Yugoslavia and first thing China did ws block out all news agencies so we could only get news that China gov approved
17:03.07mindjujuit was crazy
17:03.38BikerdanThey probably weren't using microsoft.
17:03.41TuxToasterI was just saying I don't mind *some* of the surveylance tech, particularly at airports and the like. There's a bit of a threshold between that and tracking your every move around every city in the country though, which I'm *not* okay with.
17:03.58mindjujusadly Bikerdan, i hear cisco has a ton to do with Great Firewall of China
17:04.28beandogairport security is all about the weakest point... sure it's decent going FROM the USA, but from any airport worldwide that's coming INTO the USA, if the security sucks there, it doesn't matter
17:04.36BikerdanI wonder how much money they bring in on those kind of deals.
17:05.08mindjujui'm not sure Bikerdan and it's really just hearsay, so i prolly shouldn't ahve said it without more facts
17:05.15mindjujui'll research it out and keep you posted on it
17:05.51Bikerdanbeandog: So we're keeping all the bad guys from leaving and letting more bad guys in...
17:06.41fungusbeandog, I think you are wrong.  My niece just got back from Europe a few months ago.  She said the last leg getting into the USA was the worst.
17:06.51mindjujui hate to bring up a topic and then split on you guys, i really do have some big stuff rolling out today, but i was just so shocked about the article and every time i hear about the monitization of the police department scares me
17:06.53BikerdanThat's good to hear.
17:07.13BikerdanThx for the heads up mindjuju.
17:07.18mindjujufo sho
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18:12.11mindjujufor supernovia 70 minutes of car crashes but in Russian!  W00t!  practice the ole russian skills!  though i can't imagine all the words in the vids are good ones -
18:12.18mindjujuthe things you find during a fast lunch
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19:12.02carmonyhow is everyone today?
19:12.13herlocarmony: how are you?
19:12.14carmonygood :)
19:12.18carmonydoin' good
19:12.24herloawesome. How's the job treating you?
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19:13.37carmonyI'm really liking it
19:13.45carmonyI have lots of awesome co-workers
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20:01.13raifbotwhips out a hot glue gun and makes sure that kendsnyder is stuck to the floor.
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20:03.30raifbotdoes a little 'renice 20 -u josephscott'.
20:03.42josephscott$lart ninnypants
20:03.42raifbotdrops a truckload of VAXen on ninnypants.
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20:04.55TuxToaster$lart #uphpu
20:04.55raifbotputs #uphpu into a headlock and administers a mighty noogie, rubbing half of #uphpu's hair off.
20:05.35ninnypantssupernovia: WCSLC logo looks awesome
20:05.46supernoviahey, glad you like it :)
20:05.59TuxToastershe's alive!
20:06.21supernoviaI just finished the work for the semester like, this morning
20:06.27supernovia~revive TuxToaster
20:06.28ibotACTION performs the Heimlich, mouth-to-mouth, shock treatment and anything else necessary to revive TuxToaster
20:07.01tierranew site design is pretty hard to scan though
20:07.33ninnypantsyeah not much contrast
20:08.27supernoviawe gotta up the brightness and opacity on the page is all
20:08.35supernoviachris was going off a screenshot for that
20:08.42TuxToasteryup, I like the design, just a bit dark
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20:12.23supernoviaas soon as I find my brain I'll work with him to tweak it up with somewhat less contrast between links and more contrast between foreground and background
20:16.43tierramaybe make headers a little more clear too
20:17.22tierrathat's really what I mean by problems scanning... it's hard to quickly identify the next post / section
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20:34.13*** part/#uphpu skinner (~David@
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20:35.40saturdayplaceAnyone here ever set up IIS to proxy requests to an Apache server?
20:35.47saturdayplaceI can't seem to figure out what I'm missing.
20:36.11tierraheh, I usually hear about setting it up the *other* way
20:36.18tierraI have no idea
20:38.25saturdayplaceAs far as I can tell I've got it set up correctly, except that it doesn't work.
20:45.40mgearythat sounds like a recipe for pain
20:45.54mgeary~console saturdayplace
20:45.54ibotACTION gives saturdayplace the consolation moose
20:46.05mgeary~pity saturdayplace
20:46.05ibotI pity da fool saturdayplace!
20:46.25raifbotsmacks beandog up side the head with a clue-by-4.
20:48.23saturdayplaceNice moose.
20:48.52josephscott updated the style again
20:59.27macnewboldsaturdayplace: if nothing else, if your IIS box runs PHP, you could use PHP to make a request to the other server and send the output
20:59.36macnewboldbut that's not the most graceful way
20:59.39macnewboldi hope
21:01.06ninnypantshas anyone run into issues with ie8 always setting wheeldelta to 0
21:04.30tierramacnewbold: I'm ashamed that you would even suggest that!
21:04.53macnewboldninnypants: four possible solutions: firefox, chrome, safari, opera
21:05.16macnewboldtierra: IIS is probably as bad now as it was last time i tried it, so that may be the best way...
21:05.33ninnypantsmacnewbold: or even an ie version greater than 8
21:12.09tierraIIS isn't terrible as far as features, it is terrible for figuring out how to configure stuff... unusable docs on the web.config files, and the server manager is so ridiculously packed with crap and highly unorganized, it's impossible to find your way around the GUI
21:12.35tierraI'm sure it has everything he needs for this without loading up PHP with every proxied request
21:13.34fungussaturdayplace, are you sure you have to have IIS be your front-end.  Can you move Apache to the front, and proxy IIS stuff back to the IIS server?
21:14.32tierralooks like "Application Request Routing" might be a good bet
21:14.34saturdayplacefungus: I'd love to, but alas...
21:37.18influxregex q: How would I go about making a two-word match that could be in either of two possible orders?
21:37.37influxSay I want to match on either "foo bar" or "bar foo"
21:38.01influx(foo bar|bar foo) will work
21:38.12influxbut is there a shorter way?
21:41.11macnewboldinflux: depending how strict you want to be, you could check for both words, i.e. string contains "foo" and string contains "bar"
21:41.53macnewboldbut if you're always looking for exactly those two strings, I'd probably use $str == "foo bar" || $str == "bar foo",
21:42.07macnewboldor maybe in_array($str, $valid_strings)
21:42.20macnewboldwhere $valid_strings = array("foo bar", "bar foo");
21:42.52influxThanks mac. :)
21:55.34SunSparcibot: Do you not know what the current space time is?
21:55.34ibotyes, I not know what the current space time is.
21:58.48SunSparcWhen am I going to get to walk on Mars?
22:04.06influxSwitch a future kid of his with yourself at the hospital's nursery.
22:04.22influxBam. Free trips to Mars for life.
22:04.38influxTotally not srs.
22:05.10SunSparcinflux: Hmmm... the idea has merit...
22:05.48SunSparcI better start packing.
22:37.50ninnypantsSunSparc: did you see this
22:43.36SunSparcninnypants: Yessir!  Splentacular.
22:44.15SunSparcI just wish it was zoom further.
22:44.20SunSparcAnd faster.
22:44.28SunSparcAnd I was actually on the robot.
22:44.44SunSparcAnd it was actually a hover craft and I was cruising the surface.
22:45.05SunSparcSipping some Mt Dew.
22:50.04ninnypantswould you be drinking it in the name of science?
23:05.59macnewboldthe cake is not a lie
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23:11.05josephscott$lart 'the cake'
23:11.05raifbotpulls out a ClueBat (tm) and thwaps 'the cake'.
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