IRC log for #uphpu on 20120807

00:20.42Utah_Davefungus, you're the 1% of bandwidth in the USA, holding down the rest of us 99%'ers!!!!
00:21.03herloUtah_Dave: not ture
00:21.45Utah_Daveherlo: I was browsing through my backlogs and saw fungus posted this:
00:22.17Utah_Daveit says right there > 99%    :)
00:23.00herloheh, I bet that was at work :)
00:23.10herloXO communications
00:23.20Utah_Daveyeah, I'm sure.
00:23.32herlothough you can do that with UTOPIA :)
00:24.56Utah_DaveI guess I'm barely not in the 1% here at work
00:25.33herlohaha, nice
00:29.35Utah_DaveThis is my first day back in the office in over a month!   It took me half the day to just get through all my travel paperwork. Now I'm only partway through some emails.
00:30.04herloUtah_Dave: you should go home and spend some time with your family
00:31.16Utah_DaveYeah. I spent the first half of today at home.  I'm taking several days off this week. Just some things here that couldn't wait.
00:32.24herloahh, coolness
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15:09.31carmonyhey undertakingyou
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15:23.33captbrogersAmazon has 20 of Frank Sinatra's greatest hits for only $1 today, no coupon code necessary
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16:05.01captbrogersAnyone have any experience with renting a dumpster?
16:16.03TuxToastera bit
16:16.39TuxToasterwe rented one before we moved out of our old house to de-junk
16:19.34captbrogersAbout how much did you pay? I'm finding them at $160-ish
16:19.43captbrogersI feel like I can haul the stuff myself for much cheaper
16:20.48TuxToasteryeah, it depends on the size of the dumpster as well. If you can haul it yourself and don't have a lot, it might be worth it
16:21.41TuxToasterif I remember right, they went in stages, if you got the smallest dumpster you paid $x per ton, and you paid less per ton for the bigger dumpsters
16:21.58TuxToasterI want to say it was about $150 for the one we did though
16:22.21captbrogersI just have a lot of carpet
16:22.41captbrogersMaybe one toilet, that's it. I think it would be so much cheaper just to take it to the dump myself.
16:22.49TuxToasteryeah, that's probably easier.
16:23.10TuxToasterwe had a shed full of boxes that were ruined, some old furniture, etc.
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16:25.21jsmithcaptbrogers: Lowes sells something they call a "dumpster in a bag"
16:25.33captbrogersI've seen those before
16:25.41jsmithcaptbrogers: It's a big plastic/mesh bag, which includes the pick-up cost
16:25.47macnewboldcaptbrogers: taking stuff to the dump was our solution - $8 if you haul it there yourself and it's covered with a tarp when you arrive
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16:25.51jsmithcaptbrogers: Seems like they were only like $50 last time I looked
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16:27.35captbrogers$50 for pickup?
16:27.52jsmithSomething like that
16:29.23macnewboldit can be cheaper cause they don't have to drop off a container and let you keep it for a week
16:29.30macnewboldthey just pick up and haul away
16:29.34macnewbolddon't know how big the bag is though
16:30.35jsmithmacnewbold: They claim it's the same size as a small dumpster
16:30.49jsmithBeyond that, I'm clueless... we ended up renting a real dumpster
16:30.55jsmith(because someone else paid for it)
16:31.00captbrogersLooks like it's ~$30 to purchase one
16:31.43captbrogersBut it says they don't pick up in my area
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16:49.22raifbotwhips out his power stapler and staples bitsmart's foot to the floor.
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16:54.43captbrogersThe other night my sprinklers came on while I was watching the rover land, and it sounded like a Skrillex song.
16:55.35captbrogersThere was air in the pipes and it kept coming out like someone was trying to make it dubstep
16:56.21itimberI've got a php question
16:56.34captbrogersI have an unrelated answer. Continue.
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16:56.42ninnypantsitimber: we don't really discuss php here ;)
16:56.57jsmithitimber: Ask away!
16:57.09itimberis there a built in function that would take an array, and an array of keys, and return the elements from the first array, that have the keys of the second?
16:58.08TuxToasterI don't know about a built in function, but wouldn't be hard to write that.
16:58.11itimberit seems like a simple thing, and maybe I should just write my own function for it
16:58.16itimberyeah, exactly
16:58.21jsmithitimber: Have you looked to see if you can do it with array_intersect?
16:58.47TuxToasterarray_intersect_key might do it
16:58.52captbrogersI think that there should be a function called "array_mangle"
16:58.53itimberjsmith: yes, but that didn't seem to be it
16:58.59itimberI'll research each of these
16:59.13TuxToasterah, ninnypants beat me
16:59.24TuxToasterbut looks like that's exactly what you need
16:59.26BikerdanJust sayin...
16:59.36mindjujuhave ya'll seen this new image from the curiosity?  it's an image of the Milky Way from the surface of Mars
17:00.02captbrogersThat is some quality HD
17:00.17Bikerdanmindjuju: beautiful
17:00.33TuxToasterBikerdan: array_combine wouldn't do what he's after though, it combines the values
17:00.34itimbernot array_combine or array_intersect_key
17:01.02beandogmindjuju: lols
17:01.04TuxToasteritimber: array_intersect_key doesn't work?
17:01.23BikerdanJust flip the array keys and values before you pass it to array_combine.
17:01.25TuxToasteroh, nope, because you said you only wanted the elements from the first array, not both
17:01.28itimberno, that's matching by keys in both arrays
17:01.28mindjujusup beandog
17:01.54beandogmindjuju: trying to get netatalk to behave
17:02.04TuxToasteritimber: weird though, the docs say it uses the first array as master
17:02.19ninnypantsyeah it should only return arrays from the first array
17:02.22Bikerdanarray_flip + array_combine = itimbers answer
17:02.32Monnok<li class="blue italic"><a href="">HCG Kits</a></li>
17:02.32ninnypantsjust like array_diff
17:02.35itimberBikerdan: looking
17:02.41itimberarray_flip is a good idea
17:03.36itimberif I do an array_flip + array_intersect_key() == timbers answer
17:03.48beandog~flip ibot
17:03.48ibotACTION gives ibot the .|.. ..|.
17:04.13Bikerdanarray intersect key only gives the intersection.. is this actually what you want?
17:05.21fungusBikerdan, yes, that's what he wants
17:05.27BikerdanThanks fungus.
17:05.54itimberbeandog: hehe… I remember TheBigDog and I programming that one
17:06.19itimberBikerdan: yes, I think so… am testing now
17:06.47itimberI want to do something like this:
17:07.41itimberThen I get everything from $a, but I swap out the field_a and field_b from the $a array
17:07.57itimberthank you guys
17:10.44josephscottDexterTheDragon: what's the new job?
17:12.24carmonynot DDM :(
17:12.29carmonylol, its all good though :)
17:13.35carmonyjosephscott: you could come work for DDM! We have a position open! :P
17:13.58josephscottstill haven't filled huh?
17:14.24carmonywe filled one of the two
17:14.41josephscottcool, was the one anyone we know?
17:24.25beandogholy cow ........
17:24.32beandogyou can create user aliases on linux, with different passwords.
17:24.37beandogmind. blown.
17:25.44beandogso I login as user beandog, with user beandog's password, but it really logs me in as user steve.
17:25.58beandogcaptbrogers: que apropros
17:26.03Bikerdancaptbrogers: lol
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17:26.45captbrogersThat's what I think of whenever someone calls something "mind-blowing"
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17:39.57mahelioustablet arrives tomorrow, im getting christmas jitters.
17:40.44captbrogersOrdered a Nexus?
17:45.56captbrogersMy wife swapped me and I got her older Xoom
17:46.29captbrogersIt's running Jelly Bean
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18:02.49DexterTheDragonjosephscott: place called Franklin Estimating. Makes software for print shops. Ruby on Rails
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18:06.09maheliouscaptbrogers: i decided on the new Transformer.
18:06.46maheliouswon't have jelly bean for a few months (hopefully), but the pseudo-retina display was just too tempting
18:12.39TuxToasteroh, the Transformer Infinity?
18:16.33raifbotdumps 42 tons of dirt, manure, and fish heads on Bikerdan.
18:17.48BikerdanAhhh... Refreshing.
18:18.17BikerdanThat'll clear your sinuses
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18:22.16josephscottI appear to be on the 2Mbp plan now for comcast :-(
18:22.55maheliousTuxToaster: yep.  224 vs iPad retina's 264, but still fairly high compared to the android competition
18:24.56TuxToasterI didn't know they had another Transformer in the works
18:25.01TuxToasterlooks slick
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18:26.51raifbotpulls out his louisville slugger and uses itimber's head to break the homerun record.
18:27.37TuxToaster$lart josephscott
18:27.37raifbotpours hot grits down the front of josephscott's pants.
18:27.54josephscott$lart TuxToaster
18:27.54raifbotwhips out a sword and chops TuxToaster in half.
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19:17.01ibotdonuts are round and holy
19:17.17TuxToaster~give me donuts
19:17.17ibotACTION gives donuts to tuxtoaster
19:18.03ShunkyDavehmm, I'm smelling acrid oil smoke and hearing fans whir.  Must be a bunch of bots in here
19:20.24herlowatch out for the MAGIC SMOKE!! :/
19:21.00undertakingyouMagic smoke? I should come in here more often.
19:21.28herloundertakingyou: heh, it's the stuff that makes your computer run. When you see it, your computer is no longer running.
19:21.34herlohence, the magic smoke part :)
19:22.09ShunkyDaveso cover the holes with duct tape to keep in the magic smoke, and you'll always have a working computer, right?
19:22.33herloShunkyDave: that could work. If not you just need more duct tape
19:22.50ShunkyDavegreat plan! easier than monitoring backups
19:22.51mgearyShunkyDave: hey! i know you
19:23.05ShunkyDavemgeary, I know you as well
19:23.06mgearywatch out, everyone. He's trouble
19:23.31herlomgeary: you would know, sir :)
19:23.48mgearyindeed i would. for going on 17 years now
19:24.07herlomgeary: btw, Shaun is back in town next week. We're thinking of hitting Cowabunga bay or some water park soon. You and Jackson (maybe the rest of the fam) interested?
19:24.33ShunkyDaveThe first time I ever got paid for working on a website, the check was written by the hand of mgeary
19:24.49ShunkyDaveUtah Water Reclamation or something :)
19:24.49mgearydefinitely interested. Let me know what day works best for you guys, and i'll see what i can do
19:25.06herlowe're completely open. I don't think I have much going on next week atm
19:25.22mgearyhahaha. Central Utah Water Conservancy District, indeed
19:25.37mgearyherlo: ok. let me check with ShunkyDave's sister and get back to you
19:25.37ShunkyDaveyeah, that was a while ago
19:25.44herlomgeary: lol, okay
19:26.07ShunkyDaveyeah, bro
20:02.03maheliousi heard about the "magic smoke" line taking an A+ class at Convergys.  wonder how its been proliferating through the years.
20:11.45herlomahelious: oh, I heard about it probably 4-5 years ago now
20:13.22Utah_DaveIf you're not escaping all your queries, an unexpected '--' (two dashes) can create some fun bugs.
20:13.49herlo-- in bash disables the parsing of the command line
20:14.05herloit just reads whatever's there as literal text after that point.
20:14.28Utah_Dave-- causes mysql to see the rest of that line as a comment
20:15.11herloyeah, sounds about right
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20:58.33raifbotChuck Norris doesn't mow his lawn, he stands on the porch and dares it to grow
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21:05.43raifbottakes out a seltzer bottle and sprays macnewbold in the face. You know, one of those old-school seltzer bottles clowns have? Yeah those. Anyway, consider yourself spritzed.
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22:11.27raifbotOnly one person cried when Chuck Norris was born and that was the doctor.... no one slaps Chuck Norris
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